Fake subdomain creation cpanelproiecte
Hi there, We're looking for a native Romanian content writer to write business articles in Romanian. Ca. 1000 words/each for $30/each. You need to have excellent writing skills, offer value in every sentence you write, and self-edit your work to make it publish-ready. AI and other tools are not allowed. Please bid $30 for the first article.
...(Facebook/Instagram and other networks if you wish), for which I present some details: 3. SMM (Social Media Marketing) SERVICE: Social Media services are based on the creation and personalization of Facebook pages (and optionally Instagram), the development of a content strategy and the creation of an editorial plan to achieve commercial and visibility objectives. It is extremely important that there is constant activity on the Facebook page in order to keep the company's brand visible, but also to increase the visibility of actions / promotions / services already carried out on other promotion channels (google, website, etc.) A. Creation / Customization / Audit of the Facebook page (optional), includes: I already have a Facebook account and a business page po...
Bună Madalina, Ma bucur ca te-am gasit pe pagina de freelancer. Am nevoie de ajutor in realizarea unei lucrari in limba romana, de aproximativ 10-12 pagini, tema Fenomenul Fake News, pana pe 22 aprilie. Am deja structura lucrarii si bibliografia de baza. Sper ca esti disponibila in acest interval de timp. Mulțumesc si astept raspunsul tau!
Avem nevoie de un website care sa prezinte serviciile pe care noi le oferim, portofoliul de lucrari, cine suntem si cum putem fi contactati. Serviciile necesare dezvoltarii acestui site sunt: -copyright, pentru descrierea serviciilor intr-un mod profesionist -webdesign (full stack) -optimizare seo -optimizat pentru desktop/mobil/tableta (full responsive) -legaturi cu alte platforme pentru marketing: youtube, linkedin, twitter Website-ul se adreseaza in principal pietei din romania, insa avem nevoie si de prezentare in limba engleza Logo-ul il avem deja, insa mai poate fi imbunatatit Suntem o echipa in dezvoltare, cu 3 angajati care vor sa realizeze proiecte de exceptie in colaborare cu partenerii: investitorii si societatile de constructii. Targetul nostru il reprezinta societatile de cont...
Am nevoie de un banner si o imagine de profil gen "Animata" pentru acest canal de YT: Conditii: - Bannerul vreau sa se muleze bine cu ceea ce fac pe YT, sa fie atractiv si sa iasa in evidenta. - As dori sa fie si cu numele GBogdan,...with the name GBogdan and be related to the Banner, as I have it now. -Keywords: Minecraft BedWars, Minecraft Survival Games, Minecraft Vanilla, Home Sweet Home, Horror WeeKend (These would like to be combined in a banner without writing the name of the game.) Not necessarily with Minecraft you can put more games that I play, ONLY that I currently play. DO NOT copy them exactly! Let it be your creation. If you want advertising I will leave the link from fb / instagram or other networks to each video separately. Thank you!
Am un site destul de complex, creat in wordpress, care nu poate fi accesat pe iphone. Am acces la cpanel si adminul serverului e disponibil daca e necesar.
Salut Andrei! Numele meu este Cezar, tocmai ce am realizat un cont pe freelancer si as vrea sa inteleg niste mici lucruri de pe aceasta platforma. Am observat ca esti unul din romanii cu cel mai mare rating aici. Voiam sa te intreb, eu tot primesc mesaje de la angajatoii proiectelor la care am aplicat, ajung sa vorbesc cu ei pe skype si absolut toti tot incearca sa le ofer un cont creat de mine...de pe aceasta platforma. Am observat ca esti unul din romanii cu cel mai mare rating aici. Voiam sa te intreb, eu tot primesc mesaje de la angajatoii proiectelor la care am aplicat, ajung sa vorbesc cu ei pe skype si absolut toti tot incearca sa le ofer un cont creat de mine cu datele mele pe si ei ma vor plati lunar pentru ca le am dat contul...este ceva real in treaba asta sau este fake?
Buna Andrei, vad ca ai un profil nou pe Freelancer, ceea ce inseamna ca in principiu ai fi gata sa-ti organizezi munca si sa lucrezi fara un sef pe langa tine. Eu caut acum un virtual assistant (din judetele AB, BV, CV, HR, MS sau SB) pentru a lucra in regim de telemunca (work from home). Munca implica user support pt. o aplicatie Android+web, online marketing, web-based sales, content creation, testare aplicatii Android/web si altele asemenea. Daca ai domiciliul in una din aceste judete, ai fi interesat de un astfel de job cu contract de munca si beneficiile legale? Poate fi si pt. un program sub 40 ore/saptamana, a.i. ai putea continua sa lucrezi si pe Freelancer. Multumesc, Robert
Buna Andreea, vad ca ai un profil excelent pe Freelancer, ceea ce inseamna ca stii sa-ti organizezi munca si sa lucrezi fara un sef pe langa tine. Eu caut acum un virtual assistant (din judetele AB, BV, CV, HR, MS sau SB) pentru a lucra in regim de telemunca (work from home). Munca implica user support pt. o aplicatie Android+web, online marketing, web-based sales, content creation, testare aplicatii Android/web si altele asemenea. Daca ai domiciliul in una din aceste judete, ai fi interesat de un astfel de job cu contract de munca si beneficiile legale? Poate fi si pt. un program sub 40 ore/saptamana, a.i. ai putea continua sa lucrezi si pe Freelancer. Multumesc, Robert
Buna, vad ca ai un profil excelent pe Freelancer, ceea ce inseamna ca stii sa-ti organizezi munca si sa lucrezi fara un sef pe langa tine. Eu caut acum un virtual assistant (din judetele AB, BV, CV, HR, MS sau SB) pentru a lucra in regim de telemunca (work from home). Munca implica user support pt. o aplicatie Android+web, online marketing, web-based sales, content creation, testare aplicatii Android/web si altele asemenea. Daca ai domiciliul in una din aceste judete, ai fi interesata de un astfel de job cu contract de munca si beneficiile legale? Poate fi si pt. un program sub 40 ore/saptamana, a.i. ai putea continua sa lucrezi si pe Freelancer. U.I. magyarul is irhatunk, csak a fenti szoveget konnyebb volt atmasolni egy mas targyalasbol :) Koszi, Robi
La moment căutăm design-eri freelance pentru content creation: – Facebook Ads (imagini și gifu-uri) – Google Ads (imagini adapatate după mărimi, gif-uri, HMTL5 bannere) – Branding, logo Vă rugăm să ne lăsați oferta voastră, este posibil de lucrat dar pe o anumită nișă. Trimiteți vă rugăm și portofoliul.
Hi Marian, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Am o problema cu CDN-ul. Am vrut sa activez cloudflare din cpanel si mi-am pus site-ul pe butuci o zi. De curand activam din cpanel versiunea free si e ok. Acum am vazut ca trebuie sa instalezi pluginul lor, si apoi maisunt configurari de facut. Ma poti ajuta cu activarea acestui serviciu pentru un site ? daca da, care ar fi pretul ? Mihai
Avem nevoie de SSL - redirectarea site-ului si a scripturilor si instalarea certificatelor Let's Encrypt din platforma cPanel a fiecarui cont
Am blogul Incepand cu data de 01 iulie blogul se va sterge de serverul actual. Am cont de cpanel si gazduire in alta parte. Doresc sa mut blogul de pe actualul server pe celalalt server. Am salvat baza de date de la blog si blogul in sine. Doresc noul blog sa raman la fel pentru a nu pierde linkurile blogului. Astept un raspuns cine doreste sa ma ajute.
...currently quite low in Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. authorizations necessary for the activity. 3. automated p...
Sunt interesat de magazin online pentru produse alimentare (categorii,subcategori,produs,descriere,cos,plata online,livrare,urilizatori,cpanel,stoc produse,adaugare usoara a produselor etc)
Este vorba despre un site de dating. Site-ul va fi construit pe o platforma open source pentru site-uri de dating, Skadate, insa este destul de limitata. De aceea, 80% din modificari trebuiesc facute custom. In, spate, exista o baza de date in PHP, de aceea am nevoie de o persoana care sa se descurce cu design-ul si ...PHP. Site-ul va fi in limba germana, voi pune la dispozitie toate materialele (texte, poze). Am nevoie de o persoana care sa faca modificarile recomandate si sa stie sa le lege in PHP. Site-ul va avea in jur de 50 de pagini. Am atasat cateva capturi cu design-ul si functionalitatile cerute pe cateva pagini. Restul de informatii le pot oferi doar daca sunteti interesati de proiect. (acces la tema, CPanel etc). Cei interesati ma pot contacta la (Removed by Freelancer.c...
Angajam 3 persoane pentru mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac,seriosi si inventivi . Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Interviu practic pentru evaluarea cunostinte...practic pentru evaluarea cunostintelor . Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata! Renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Salariu fix+ Comisioane . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru est...
ONLY ROMANIAN PEOPLE . Small Price Design angajam frontend/backend developer, mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac. Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Interviu pra...pentru evaluarea cunostintelor . Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata! Renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Salariu fix+ Comisioane . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru este d...
Small Price Design angajam frontend/backend developer, mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac. Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Anuntul contine un mini-intervi...Anuntul contine un mini-interviu necesar. Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata,renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Comisioane +salariu fix . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru este ...
as dori configurarea cpanel intr-un server dedicat,DNS,...................................................................................................................................................
configurare cpanel in server dedicat creare DNS si nameserver..................................................................
...pret, detalii) Clientul sa aibă cont de client in care sa poata si gestiona istoricul propriilor comenzi. Administratorul sa : -poata adauga/modifica/sterge produse. -Gestioneze comenzile: prin schimbarea statusului de comanda din asteptare in livrat. -Se gestioneze stocurile -Sa genereze rapoarte, cam vreo 20 Baza de date sa aibă multe tabele preferabil spre 10-20 sau cate se pot face Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a ...
Salut, Intampin anumite probleme in procesul de functionare al serverului apache. De ex., un subdomeniu creat pe un cont de cpanel vrea sa incarce continutul altui cont de cpanel. Problema trebuie rezolvata via team viewer, nu se ofera acces la server.
Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation
Buna, caut pe inceva care s ama ajute sa contruiesc un website pt shoppying online..ati putea sa ma ajutati..eu am ideea si cum as vrea s aarate dar nu stiu sa contrueisc websituri..si am nevoei de ajutor si de cineva foarte bun in acest domeniu. Va multumesc, Corina
I'm seeking a freelancer to develop a business informational website for me. Key components of the website include: - A Contact Form: This will allow visitors to get in touch with us easily. - An About Us Page: This page should share our company's story, mission, and values. - A Services Page: This will detail what we offer to our clients. I am open to new freelancers and looking for a competitive price without compromising on service quality. I have some ideas for branding and color schemes, but will need assistance to refine and implement these. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Web Development - Understanding of Business Website Design - Basic Graphic Design - Experience with Implementing Contact Forms and About Us Pages - Ability to Assist with Brand...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create two modern, vibrant and colorful logos for my brands "greatlifestyle" and "jagrukniveshak". The logos should be primarily text-based, with the design cleverly incorporating the brand names into the text. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Excellent typographic skills. - Experience with creating text-focused logos. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your previous work, particularly any text-based logos you have designed. We would need all the associate file open CDR, AI, PDF files for the design. If done correctly we have other work also.
I'm seeking a sleek and modern logo design for my men's gym clothing company, Stewart Hall Fitness Co. The design should prominently feature the company name in a bold and clear manner, suitable for the front of a men's tank top. Key requirements: - The logo should be monochrome (black ...white), maintaining a professional appearance that aligns with a minimalist aesthetic. - No additional elements or symbols should be incorporated into the logo. The focus is on the name itself. - The design should be professional, drawing attention to the name without diverting focus to the logo. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation. - Experience with apparel branding. - Understanding of modern design trends a...
...protect incoming PDF and attatch xero accounting app and send 3-upon payment by stripe have a zap trigger to send pdf with no passcode protection to client -Formidable pro form -if-so plugin dynamic addresses -UPS api -UBER API K@sampletesting .org WhatsApp Need this immediately and ballpark price Key Responsibilities: - Integrate various project management tools via Zapier - Automate the creation and assignment of tasks - Synchronize status updates and tracking - Set up automated report generation Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Zapier and its capabilities - Previous experience with Formidable and if-so - Proficiency in using and integrating project management tools - Excellent understanding of task automation - Knowledge of UPS and UBER APIs would be a plus Ple...
I'm seeking a professional social media manager for two brands within the EMS and prehospital care sector. This role encompasses managing our Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok accounts for both companies. Key Responsibilities: - Weekly posts across all platforms for each company. - Monthly o...should maintain a consistently professional tone. Goals: - Aiming to increase brand awareness, engage with our community, and assist in recruiting more EMTs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management, particularly within the healthcare or emergency services field. - Strong understanding of brand building and community engagement. - Experience in content creation and photography. - Ability to maintain a professional tone ac...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a straightforward, yet professional, informational site for my business. The website should be user-friendly and include the following key sections: - About Us: This section should provide a brief overview of our business, our mission, and our team. - Services: Here, we need to detail the services we offer, showcasing what sets us apart from our competitors. I want a website for the purpose of videography and photography simple and eyecatchy website
I'm looking for a professional video editor or producer who can create a 15-30 second live-action video showcasing a kitchen cleaning process. The video won't feature people but rather a detailed cleaning process in the kitchen. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in producing live-action cleaning videos is highly preferred. - Ability to creatively capture and edit footage to highlight the cleaning process. - Proficiency in video editing software. I will provide the logo to be included in the video, as well as the specific topics I want covered. The goal is to produce a high-quality, engaging video that can be used for promotional purposes. Please let me know your cost for this project.
I'm in need of an experienced professional who can design a corporate logo for my OTT app and create an engaging intro video featuring the logo animation and visual effects. Key Requirements: - The logo should convey a sense of trust and professionalism. - The intro video should include top-notch logo animation and visual effects. Ideal Skills: - Logo Design - Video Production - Animation - Audio Engineering Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.
I need a highly talented designer to create image cards for pairs of related words. My aesthetic requirements are flexible - a varied mix of minimalistic, cartoonish, and realistic styles is welcomed, as long as they effectively illustrate the theme of each word pair. - Style Guidelines: While some word pairs can be depicted as cartoons, others might require more realistic images. The goal is to produce visually appealing and meaningful image cards. - Creative Directives: I have a few suggestions for certain word pairs, but this project involves a vital element of designer discretion. The ability to take creative initiative and provide innovative ideas is appreciated. - Timeline: As the project is somewhat urgent, I must commit to a quick turnaround. An ideal candidate would be versat...
We are looking for talented developers to create an innovative AI-based learning platform specifically designed for high school students. The platform’s core functionality is to: - Personalized lesson creation: Using AI to create personalized lessons, assignments, and tests that aim to meet the unique learning needs of each student. The AI must be adept at replicating the teaching methods of the best teachers. - Subject coverage: The platform should cover a wide range of subjects including mathematics, science, and literature, in addition to all core subjects in the Egyptian curriculum such as physics and chemistry. - Language support: The platform should support personalized lessons exclusively in Arabic. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experienc...
I'm developing a multiplayer mobile game in Unity, and I need a freelancer to create fully functional pages for the game. The pages will include: - A casual-themed company page - A 'warzone-like' background for the login page with Google, Facebook, and Twitter login options - A character creation page where players can customize their appearance, select abilities, and change outfits, with a system in place to prevent name duplication - A home screen with options to play, visit the reward store, invite friends, and engage in global or private chats,and buy store The ideal freelancer should have experience with Unity and Blender, with a strong understanding of game UI design. The background of login page or home page should be unique and whatever character created o...
I'm developing a multiplayer mobile game in Unity, and I need a freelancer to create fully functional pages for the game. The pages will include: - A casual-themed company page - A 'warzone-like' background for the login page with Google, Facebook, and Twitter login options - A character creation page where players can customize their appearance, select abilities, and change outfits, with a system in place to prevent name duplication - A home screen with options to play, visit the reward store, invite friends, and engage in global or private chats,and buy store The ideal freelancer should have experience with Unity and Blender, with a strong understanding of game UI design. The background of login page or home page should be unique and whatever character created o...
...sources to drive targeted traffic and improve search rankings. Off-Page SEO Activities Include: ✔ High Quality Backlinks 40+ Domain Authority ✔ Submission of Social Bookmarks ✔ Article Submission ✔ Classifieds Ads Post ✔ PDF Sharing ✔ Image Sharing ✔ Business Listing ✔ Directory Submission ✔ Web 2.0 ✔ Blog Promotion ✔ Profile Link Creation ✔ Forum Posting Submission ✔ Local Citation Backlinks ✔ Syndication Submission Why Choose Me? * Manual Backlink Creation: Quality over quantity for lasting results. * Transparent Reporting: Weekly updates to track your progress. * Google-Compliant Techniques: Risk-free and long-term success. Let’s work together to grow your website’s authority and organic reach. I’m ready to help you achieve your goals! Message m...
I'm looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a precise model of the electronic device Stripe S700. The model should encompass all viewpoints (360 degrees) and should be scaled accurately in millimeters. Key requirements: - The 3D model should be delivered in FBX format. - The model should include the basic shape and dimensions of the device. - The model will be used in AutoCAD, so it needs to be compatible with this software. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software, particularly those that can export to FBX. - Previous experience creating models for AutoCAD. - Attention to detail and ability to create accurate, to-scale models.
I'm looking for a professional designer to craft a sleek, modern, text-based company logo. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating modern and sleek designs - Proficiency in wordmark (text-based) logo creation - Ability to work with a specified color scheme : Red - A company engaged in the field of heavy equipment and spare parts sales Logo name :
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a straightforward, yet professional, informational site for my business. The website should be user-friendly and include the following key sections: - About Us: This section should provide a brief overview of our business, our mission, and our team. - Services: Here, we need to detail the services we offer, showcasing what sets us apart from our competitors. - Contact Us: This section should include our business contact information and a simple contact form for inquiries. -And a testimonial page Ideal skills for this project include web development, UX/UI design, and a basic understanding of SEO principles. Experience in creating business websites will be highly regarded. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create a hybrid app for my Shopify store. This app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - The primary purpose of the app will be to facilitate shopping and checkout. - Essential elements for the shopping and checkout process include: - Product search and filtering - Secure payment options - User reviews and ratings - The app must support user login and account management via both social media and email logins. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in hybrid app development, particularly for e-commerce platforms. Experience with integrating secure payment systems and implementing product search functions will be highly regarded. Skills in creating user-friendly interfaces an...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a new page on my website with specific features. The page should have: - Social Media Sharing Buttons - Navigation Buttons - Call-to-Action Buttons A key feature of this page is an 'Order Form'. This form should be easy to use and seamlessly integrated into the page. Additionally, I need a WhatsApp integration on the page, positioned in the footer. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Strong web development skills - Experience with creating interactive website pages - Knowledge of integrating WhatsApp into web pages - Ability to create user-friendly order forms Please include examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal. Thank you!
I'm looking for a sharp-looking female model with good communication skills to promote real estate. The model would be required to pose with properties and model in floor plans. She should also be capable of creating virtual tours or property videos. A background in real estate promotion and modelling in floor plans is desirable, as well as experience in video creation.
As the founder of Tiaamo, a budding clothing brand, I need a seasoned freelancer to oversee our social media and execute performance marketing initiatives. The aim is to bolster brand awareness, foster...traffic into sales. Key Responsibilities: - Manage our Instagram and Facebook accounts - Create and post engaging content, focusing on showcasing our products - Execute targeted paid campaigns on Facebook and Instagram - Monitor, track and analyze performance metrics Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in e-commerce and fashion brand marketing - Proficient in social media management and content creation - Strong analytical skills for performance evaluation This will be an ongoing monthly contract. Please apply with your portfolio, relevant experience, and case studies of similar...
I'm in search of a versatile EA/Project Manager to assist with various tasks, primarily overseeing and managing projects on freelancer.com, creating running facebook events, managing communication Key Responsibilities: - Project Management: Oversee projects like logo design, website creation, and content writing on freelancer.com. - Communication: Serve as the primary point of contact with freelancers to ensure smooth project flow and timely updates. Ideal Skills: - Excellent written communication skills - Strong project management abilities - Proficient in using freelancer.com - Experience in overseeing design and web development projects Your role will be pivotal in ensuring the quality and timeliness of our projects. I look forward to your bids.
As an established business, I am in need of a professionally crafted pitch deck. The primary goal of this deck is to secure partnership opportunities. Therefore, it should be designed with stakeholders in mind. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in creating compelling pitch decks. - Understanding of corporate partnership dynamics. - Ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders. - Strong design skills to ensure visual appeal. - Excellent storytelling skills to convey our business narrative. Budget:- $150
Position Summary: We are looking for a rigorous and competent data entry professional to ensure the entry, processing and management of data in our systems. The ideal candidate will be proficient in office tools such as Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and will also have skills in data security and the use of Adobe InDesign. Responsibilit... - Collaborate with other departments to ensure smooth data communication. Technical skills: - Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Google Sheets. - Good knowledge of advanced Excel functionalities (pivot tables, complex formulas, etc.). - Strong data security skills (access management, encryption, best practices). - Experience in using Adobe InDesign for document creation and editing. - Convert manual documents to di...
I'm looking for a social media expert who can help me with Facebook and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging text posts, images/graphics and videos. - Edit existing content and handle all social media interactions. I'm currently in need of assistance to establish a brand style and guidelines. So, any experience or skills in brand development would be a plus. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proven experience in social media management. - Excellent graphic design skills. - Proficiency in video editing. - Ability to understand and develop brand identity.