Extjs grid checkbox selectedproiecte
...must start scrolling, this means that we have the value entered in text box, we have the cistern selected and it alerts us by the fact that it is scrolling, now the user has a value of the cistern/border that is scrolling, this means that it has the source cistern, when the TRANSFER button is pressed, the application will blur the cistern/border that is scrolling, this means that it does not can still be selected. and the user only has 3 available tanks left, at TAP, on any of these 3 tanks, the transfer operation consisting of the following must take place, the quantity entered in the text box will be subtracted from the initially selected tank/border and added to the quantity in the selected tank the second time. for the safety of this operation, Basuc want...
...specifice si interactiunile dintre ele (fara pagini de login, signup, create account). Se va ține cont în evaluare de: - Completarea corecta a documentului Fisa interfata grafica. - Utilizarea corectă logo (dacă este cazul), fonturilor, culorilor și imaginilor digitale, dar și de o conexiune vizuală și de mesaj între componentele grafice. - Reguli de amplasare a obiectelor, de la caz la caz (treimi, grid, simetrii etc.). - Principii / reguli de compoziție - proximitate, aliniere/poziționare, repetiție, contrast, utilizare corectă spațiu liber, aplicare proprietăți obiecte (font, culori, imagini), perspective, dimensiuni, scalări etc. - Echilibru și unitate vizuală, ierarhie vizuală, și puncte de focalizare în design date de elementele de mai sus, dar și ...
1. Definirea a minim șase activități, populate cu controale vizuale corespunzătoare; 2. Utilizarea de controale variate (Button, TextView, EditView, CheckBox, Spinner, ProgressBar, SeekBar, Switch, RatingBar, ImageView, DatePicker sau TimePicker); 3. Utilizarea a minim un formular de introducere a datelor; 4. Transferul de parametri (obiecte proprii și primitive) între minim două activități; 5. Implementarea unui adaptor personalizat (cel puțin trei controale vizuale diferite); 6. Implementarea și utilizarea unor operații asincrone; 7. Utilizarea claselor pentru accesul la resurse externe (din rețea); 8. Prelucrarea de fișiere JSON. Fișierele trebuie să conțină cel puțin 3 noduri dispuse pe niveluri diferite. Fiecare nod trebuie sa aibă cel puțin 3 atribute; 9. Utiliza...
Salut. Am un shop facut cu woocommerce, composite products si plugin de smartbill si o pagina de checkout care are custom code. In pagina de checkout am un checkbox pt firmele din EU cu numar valid de ttva, astfel ca sa le pot factura fara tva. Comenzile sunt salvate corect in woocommerce, dar integrarea cu smartbill pe prtea de tva da o eroare pe care nu o pot rezolva. Mi-ar trebui ajutor doar in rezolvarea acestei chestiuni, restul e functionaal
Caut un programator ROMAN sau o echipa care sa dezvolte un configurator 3D asemanator cu acesta (). Configuratorul va fi integrat intr-un website. Persoana sau echipa selectata va colabora cu un designer ...designer de produs, arhitect, web designer, web developer si UX specialist. Va rog sa nu aplicati fara sa cititi. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm looking for a ROMAN programmer or a team to develop a 3D configurator like this (). The configurator will be integrated into a website. The selected person or team will work with a product designer, architect, web designer, web developer and specialist UX. Please do not apply without reading.
Salut, Am vazut CV si vad ca ai lucrat cu Flash si cu ExtJS. Am un proiect care are nevoie de integrare server BlazeDS cu ExtJS Daca esti disponibi da-mi un mesaj. Mumutesc, Radu
Salut, Am vazut CV si vad ca ai lucrat cu Flash si cu ExtJS. Am un proiect care are nevoie de integrare server BlazeDS cu ExtJS Daca esti disponibi da-mi un mesaj. Mumutesc, Radu
...: - o parte cu controale pentru filtrarea datelor - o parte care să arate datele găsite Exemplu de pagină similară _ca funcționalitate_ : (nu doresc neapărat un design similar) Cerințe: - structura bazei de date în care se caută o găsiți în fișierul atașat - înregistrările găsite vor fi afișate sub formă de tabel (nu grid/poze) - tabelul ar trebui să permită sortarea după orice coloană, și vizualizarea confortabilă a datelor - filtrele ar trebui să permită analiza după orice coloană - pagina web este în principal pentru PC; ar trebui să poată fi folosită indiferent de lățimea ecranului - accentul se pune pe usabilitate (filtrele ar trebui să fie ușor de folosit, intuitive; eventual ar putea exista o secțiune
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework si C#. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Salutare, iti scriu pentru ca am vazut ca ai experienta in ExtJs framework. As avea o oportunitate pentru tine daca esti interesat. da-mi un pm... eventual inainte sa accepti hireing-ul hai sa povestim sa nu ne traga credit
Caut programator freelancer care sa dezvolte o aplicatie simpla care implica in principal urmatoarele functii: - contruirea unei platforme tip grid layout interactivă (butoane simple) - creeare de categorii (adica un set de butoane simple) - redare fisiere audio preinregistrate sau nou inregistrate prin functia record - folosirea de imagini preinregistrate, tip pictograme, imagini din galeria personala sau noi (functia foto) - incadrarea perfecta in fiecare buton a unei pictograme/imagine si a unui cuvant/fraza care sa descrie imaginea iar la apasare sa redea fisierul audio anexat (ex. imagine caine, scris caine si fisier audio redat caine) - cateva optiuni de personalizare a butoanelor cum ar fi: creeaza buton nou, sterge buton, modifica buton, ascunde/arata buton, drag and drop ...
...dat pe modul afisare Listare 6. Cand dai "Printeaza Anunt" apare Server Error 500. Acum cateva saptamani mergea perfect, nu am facut nicio modificare la el. *** pe pagina anuntului, sub poza dai Print anunt 7. Anunturile in pagina sa fie afisate, ca default, sub forma de Lista - exceptand pagina de profil al utilizatorului unde trebuie sa ramana cum este acum adica afisat, ca default, modul grid. *** in Categorii si Subcategorii, in listarea pe judete etc. 8. Pe pagina de listare a anunturilor sa fie mutat thumbnails sub titlul anuntului, iar descrierea sau continutul anuntului sa nu mai apara. *** in Categorii si Subcategorii, in listarea pe judete etc. 9. Preturile imobilelor sa contina un spatiu intre mii, de exemplu in loc de 27000 euro sa apara 27 00...
Aplicatie web realizata cu ajutorul framework-ului EXTJS. Aplicatie de streaming audio si radio online.
...Metronic Admin Template). This page should have 3 select (Site, Date and Employee), and a table with freeze panes like in excel. This table will help me to allot employees on job on properties in a specific Date. After the table is generated with data from database, If I select an employee and I click on a cell from table, I should be able to insert that employee in that cell. I will insert the selected employee on each cells that I click. Employee will be inserted first in database and if was inserted with success than will remain inserted in cell, otherwise an error message occur. You will understand more from picture below. If at the end I will like the page/work, than I have more work to give to the awarded freelancer so we can collaborate for others project. A...
...doresc in stanga sa apara un filtru de produse (adaug din admin acest filtru). prefer ca in selector sa fie logice si anume: daca adaug ca filtru marca si aleg audi, la model sa apara numai acelea ce fac parte din audi si asa mai departe... doresc sa adaug din admin,, nelimitate aceste campuri - filtru: casuta cautare, categorii-subcategorii si diverse adaugate din admin (trebuie sa pot adauga checkbox, selector) + atribut culoare din produs+ pret intre x si y (sa apara minim 0 si maxim ultimul pret din site adaugat, daca aleg categoria x si aici am pretul de 150 lei ca fiind cel mai mare, atunci sa apara asta, daca aleg categoria z si are pretul de 100 lei , sa apara 0 si 100) - sub filtru sa apara un produs numit de mine produsul zilei, sa apara un produs sau mai multe in sis...
Plugin sau widget pentru wordpress de tip configurator in sensul ca exista un formular tabel in care sunt insirate produsele si una sau doua caracteristici in dreptul fiecarui produs pe alta coloana. Fiecare produs are si un checkbox care permite alegerea acestuia. Va fi calculat totalul celor alese si va putea fi printat pe un template standard. Trebuie sa existe paginare intrucat e vorba de cateva sute sau o mie de produse si fiecare produs va trebuie sa suporte o descriere ce apare ca un nor eticheta. Trebuie sa existe si o caseta cautare predictiva daca lista nu suporta widget predictive search pentru wordpress.
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group...criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea cols="50&q...
Un set de pictograme pentru uneltele de bucatarie realizat pe baza unui grid.
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
...Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native si hibride) cu tehnologii de genul Titanium sau PhoneGap. Testarea face parte din proces iar ca tool-uri mentionam: Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, Mocha si GruntJS. Per departament (care e situat pe Calea Turzii 36, langa restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ ...
I'm looking for an amateur photographer to take simple yet effective photographs of a small apartment building in Mt. Holly. The job involves capturing both exterior and interior shots, specifically of living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, common areas and hallways. - Exterior: Full building shots only. - Interior: Various rooms and common spaces. In addition to photography, the selected freelancer will also need to answer a questionnaire regarding the physical characteristics of the building. Ideal skills and experience: - Basic photography skills with an eye for detail. - Ability to capture a range of interior and exterior shots. - Clear communication skills for answering the questionnaire. - Must have the capacity to complete the task by February 7. These photo...
...monitoring programs, increasing public awareness about the dangers of opioid misuse, providing naloxone to reverse overdoses, and supporting research on pain management alternatives. o Keywords: Opioid crisis, addiction treatment, prescription drug monitoring, naloxone, overdose prevention, public health, pain management, substance abuse, opioid misuse, addiction recovery Reminder: You will use your selected problem or issue again in upcoming assessments. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure you know how to research topics and find credible references to use in your assessments. Part of the assessment is an annotated bibliography. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to document a list of research references, along with key information about each; the detail about ...
...Title Date Range (usually 1-4 days for each event but 2 speaker days) Venue Location Target Audience Total Budget Budget Remaining (formula-calculated) Event Website URL Section 2: Speaker Management Grid Columns: Speaker Name Justification/Value Proposition Proposed Fee Home Airport Status (Data Validation Dropdown) Client Reviewing Client Approved Client Declined Offer Extended Speaker Accepted Speaker Declined Final Agreed Fee Travel Requirements Flight Class Accommodation Needs Ground Transport Section 3: Availability Grid Create a sub-grid showing dates of the event Use conditional formatting for: Green: Available Red: Unavailable Yellow: Tentative Section 4: Session Details Session Time Format (Dropdown) ...
I'm currently facing an issue with a Windows image restoration where I need to prevent unwanted changes to certain drives. I started restoring from the Windows built-in tool and only selected C drive, but I noticed D drive is also getting restored against my intention. Here's the critical information: - I have already removed F drive from the restoration process, as it contains critical data. - C drive has system data, and D drive's data is of medium importance. I need urgent assistance to ensure only C drive is restored and to avoid any undesired alterations to D drive and F drive. If needed, I'm open to a call for step-by-step guidance. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficiency in Windows operating system and its built-in tools. - Experience with W...
...Source (the publisher/distributor name from which the price is taken; sources include: Jarir, Book Panworld Publishing and Distribution Company, مؤسسة كان ياما كاز للتجارة, منشورات زرافة, دار ربيع للنشر, مركز عباقر للنشر والتوزيع, مؤسسة الطفل القارئ للنشر والتوزيع, تشكيل) Price (this must be taken directly from the official source/publisher) B. Content Restrictions: Ensure that none of the selected titles are political or controversial. All books should be culturally appropriate for the Saudi market. Only include titles available in hardcopy. C. Data Collection and Verification: The price column should come directly from the source (e.g., from the publisher's website or catalog). Other data (book description, genre, sales figures, reviews) can be aggregated fro...
I'm in need of a proficient mobile app developer who can create a cross-platform mobile application (iOS & Android) for field collectors. This app will serve as an extension of our existing web application, pulling data from an API we will provide. Key Features: - Data Entry: Users will input text fields and numeric values into a grid format. - User Authentication: The app will require a simple username and password for user authentication. - Signature Feature: Users can sign off on submissions. - Offline Mode: Vital for field use, the app should allow data entry and creation of new lines, even without internet connectivity. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android development. - Experience with cross-platform app development. - Skills in API inte...
...and date, and contact information of the user. People should be able to choose a repair, be it simple or advanced, by choosing a repair from the a list once they selected their brand and device. - An integrated SMS and email system to notify users about their appointments, also with cron options to inform customers after a succesfull repair appointment but also 1 or 2 hours before the repair is planned as a reminder. - The amount of brands and models should be updateable by new plugin updates to keep adding new devices. - Prices of each and every repair that is listed should be changable in the backend for users to be able to selected their own prices and margins per repair. - Plugin needs to be able to take feed and/or api data from multiple wholesale suppliers to suggest...
...Features: - Wi-Fi Monitoring: The ability to track power usage and system performance via Wi-Fi is crucial. - Off-grid Capability: This inverter must be able to support off-grid living, ensuring power availability even when the grid goes down. - Battery Storage Compatibility: The inverter should be compatible with battery storage systems, allowing for energy to be stored for later use. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with hybrid inverters, particularly for residential solar power systems. - Familiarity with Wi-Fi monitoring systems and their integration with hybrid inverters. - Proven experience in creating or working with off-grid capable systems. - Background in battery storage compatibility with hybrid...
...Excellent communication skills are vital. • Adaptable & Collaborative: The ability to work collaboratively and adapt to feedback is crucial. Contest Deliverables: • For Submission: High-fidelity designs (Home, Products, Scanner, Profile - mini-Instagram style, Marketplace) in any common format (PDF, PNG, JPG, Figma link). Include a rationale explaining your design choices for each screen. • If Selected: All final designs in Figma, plus designs for remaining 20-25 screens, optional Figma prototypes, and all development assets. To Apply: • Portfolio link. • Overall design vision and rationale for the 5 key screens, detailing your mini-Instagram concept for the Profile section. Prize: Full app redesign contract ([your rate/range]). Budget: [Your budge...
I'm seeking a payroll expert to assist with cr...provided in a digital format such as an Excel or Spreadsheet. The W-2C forms should be completed within 2 weeks. The completed W-2C forms should be provided in PDF format. You may use any software you are comfortable with for preparing the W-2C forms. The freelancer should also review the corrected wage information to ensure its accuracy. The freelancer only needs to prepare the W-2C forms. The selected freelancer will be responsible for reviewing the corrected wage information to ensure its accuracy. verifying the info with social security to make sure what's being put down as current value is indeed what they have, then we will add the corrected value. The freelancer can use any software they are comfortable with for prepa...
This is a fixed price task, no room for extension. I am looking for an experienced developer to create a web application using Spring Boot and Angular. Other Details: (below things are must) Java 17 Spring Version 5.3.34 Angular 18 Template to be is Prime-ng () Material Components Use AG-grid table library Working grid features to be same as shown in the example link. Code should be organized in a cleaner way. Ensure code quality, security, comments are enforced. Task: Setup Spring Boot application supporting JWT token for authentication Use MySQL DB Two Output Pages: 1. Display Employees information in the front-end – flat table https://www.ag-grid
...Places API Interface 2: Item Selection and Route Summary 1. Features: - Dynamic table of predefined items for users to select and specify quantities. - Summary section displaying: - The route between source and destination (visualized using a map service such as Google Maps or Mapbox). - A list of selected items from the table. (available upon request) Interface 3: Price Quotation 1. Fields: - Email address input for receiving the quotation. - Dynamic price table based on delivery distance, selected items, and additional surcharges (available upon request). 2. Email Integration: - Sendgrid or custom email notifications to deliver the quotation in real-time. Interface 4: Booking and Payment 1. Booking Form: - Final confirmation of pick-up and delivery addresses. - Cus...
I'm looking for a professional with a technical background to create a detailed summary of 78 pages in Agile Project Management. This summary will be used to create a PowerPoint presentation for educational and training purposes. ...experience for the job include: - Strong understanding of Agile Project Management - Excellent summarization and technical writing skills - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Ability to create visually engaging presentations Please note that the target audience's familiarity with Agile Project Management has not been defined, and specific aspects of Agile Project Management to be emphasized have not been selected. Therefore, the freelancer must be able to create a presentation suitable for a general audience, covering a broad range of Agile Project ...
...experiment. - Incorporate both flow and geometric diagrams within the synopsis. - Utilize Calculus, analysis in the calculations, with clarity and precision. - Incorporate simulation data to support physical results. - Provide a thorough interpretation of the experimental results and their implications. I will provide examples of the required math and several sketches with dimensions and angles. The selected candidate will need to illustrate how artificial light reflects back at a surface 45 degrees to the dierection of natural light, and how light intensity decreases with distance. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Calculus , Physics and analysis . - Capable of creating clear, accurate presentation diagrams using stste of the art technology. - Experienced in cond...
I'm in need of an experienced EDI Technical Analyst who is proficient in both X...schema, and business rule validation. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and validate EDI files using various techniques - Master and utilize different mapping tools for EDI Essential Skills: - Comprehensive understanding of EDI standards (X12, EDIFACT) - Proficiency in file validation techniques - Mastery of mapping specifications and tools Necessary Experience: - Familiarity with OpenText Trading Grid and BetaGrid - Proficient in using graphical, script-based, and spreadsheet-based mapping tools - Preferably experienced with integration tools like Sterling and BTP - Preferably with knowledge in ERP integration, specifically SAP S4/Hana If you possess these skills and experience, I would love to...
...onto a pre-existing PDF template. - Preview Functionality for customer: After entering details, customer should be able to preview the order and receive a PDF to review. - Submission to Print house: A button to submit the order to Print-House after review. Additionally, I need quote for additional future work: - A Payment Gateway: To process transactions for new calling card orders as part of selected/developed Payment. - Order Status Tracking: Enabling me to keep tabs on my orders. Skills required for this project include: - Proficiency in Wordpress development. - Experience with e-commerce and order tracking systems. - Familiarity with PDF generation and template systems. - Prior work with integrating payment gateways into websites. Please note, the specifics of my order hi...
I'm seeking an expert with a robust understanding of the music industry. I'm looking for someone who can help me promote my song. The campaign will focus on social media, music streaming services, and music blogs, specifically targeting teens and young adults. The song is in India. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive promotional strategy across selected platforms. - Create engaging content such as behind-the-scenes footage and lyric videos. - Leverage industry connections to maximize song exposure. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in music promotion. - Deep understanding of target demographic. - Excellent content creation and marketing skills.
I need an Android software that can delete all messages from selected WhatsApp chats or groups, and permanently erase all content from the recycle bin. The app should have an automatically generated licensing system for monthly or yearly use on any device. Key Features: - Automatic License Generation: The app should automatically generate licenses for users on a monthly or yearly basis. - Admin Only Access: The app should have a single level of access control, where only the admin can control the app. - Two-Factor Authentication: For added security, the app should incorporate two-factor authentication. Ideal skills for this project would include experience in Android software development, knowledge of WhatsApp's functionality and security protocols, and expertise in creating...
...registration. - A dedicated section for AI astrologers. - Recommendations for products, puja items, and remedies through links during live streaming, chat, and video calls. - Synchronization of astrologers across multiple domains (I have four additional .com domains). This will involve shuffling the astrologer list from the primary domain to the others. - allow or dont allow live session permission to selected astrologer from admin panel. User Authentication: I prefer a phone number verification system for user authentication. AI Chatbot Features: The AI chatbot should cater to general astrology queries, compatibility analysis, and personalized daily horoscopes. There should also be a section for paid AI astrology consultations in the AI astrologer section, as well as a 4-minut...
I need an experienced developer to create a Telegram bot that scop users from specific, selected public groups to my group. The bot must intelligently adapt its daily adding rate to comply with Telegram’s limits, preventing blocks or bans. Core Requirements: - Copy users from selected groups (no admin permission) and add/invite them to my group. - Adaptive Daily Limits: Automatically adjust the number of users added per day based on Telegram’s API thresholds to avoid detection. Custom Controls: - Modify source groups easily. - Adjust adding speed (e.g., slow, medium, fast). - Pause/resume functionality for seamless management.