Er diagram airline reservation systemproiecte
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin-deci furnizorul va fi dinamic, se va tot schimba in functie de bestprice feed. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va...
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va trebui conceput incat sa putem adauga/opri anumiti furnizori in orice moment...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress! the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performe...
Este vorba de o aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicati...aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicatie este formata din 3 Pagini Interface Ux Ui. Proiectul este in 85% detaliat (Ex: culori folosite, modul de plata, diagram userului sa.). Sunt deschis pentru imbunatatiri sau alte modalitai sau n...
Am atasat un pdf cu informatii despre cum ar trebuii sa arate, locatia este aceasi doar imi trebuie alte cladiri ca si design, textura etc. Totul este stabilit si include in esenta pentru aceasta faza doar 5 cladiri (diagrama atasata). Insasi cladirea 5 din diagram o am ca si referinta atasata (nu, nu am modelul dar daca se poate recrea exact asta nu avem de ce sa pierdem vremea pe explicatii si research). Cladirea 1 se doreste ca si texturi precum cladirea 5 dar evident este mai mare si in loc de garaj o sa fie cladire de apartamente. Daca esti disponibil(a) si poti sa imi trimiti un portofoliu care sa arate ca poti sa faci asa ceva destul de usor, atunci discutam. Multumesc
Avem nevoie de un inginer de teren care sa aiba experienta in hardware. Pentru acest request trebuie inlocuita o placa de baza ( motherboard ) pentru IBM System x3400 M3. Locatia este in Constanta.
Buna ziua, eu sant Daniel, eu sant manager si consultant in Canada, am vazut profilul tau si doream sa discutam pentru un proiect de web search in Romania despre site-uri web si modalitatile generale de vanzari si cumparari de businessuri. Am si alte proiecte dar acesta er fi primul. Daca este ceva care te-ar interesa si crezi ca ma poti ajuta te rog comunica cu mine sa discutam mai detaliat.
Ideea mea a pornit de la faptul ca avand in administratie o pensiune nu am gasit niciun program care sa ma ajute cu rezervarile. Mi-as dori o aplicatie (pe care sa o poata folosi si alte persoane) in care sa existe un calendar unde se pot adauga rezervarile ( cu toate detaliile) , in care sa se vada cate camere sunt ocupate si cate sunt libere si cel mai important la aceasta agenda sa poata avea acces mai multe persoane (receptionerii pentru a vedea rezervarile din ziua respectiva sau pentru a putea face chiar ei rezervari si eu care m-am saturat sa dau n telefoane la persoana care are agenda pentru a-i spune o rezervare sau pentru a intreba cate camere mai sunt libere
Documentatia pentru proiect este in PDF.
Aplicația este structurată pe bază de meniu cu o listă de opțiuni iar toate funcțiile sunt disponibile din interfața utilizator; interfața administrator presupune implementarea tuturor setărilor disponibile iar cea utilizator implementarea tuturor funcționalităților; Aplicația trebuie să utilizeze structuri de date cu atribute declarat dinamic, tipuri enumerative, union, structuri și operații pe biți; Implementarea și utilizarea masivelor alocate dinamic, uni și bidimensionale cu scopul de a gestiona setările la nivelul multifuncționalului; Punerea în evidență a structurilor dinamice liniare: implementarea unei stive/cozi, implementarea unei structuri circulare; Utilizarea tabelelor de dispersie pentru optimizarea spațiului de stocare și a accesului la elemente prin minim 2 ...
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm,synopsys expert
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
As dori un script pentru Wordpress, un sistem de puncte. Useri trebuie sa completeze niste oferte si in functie de anumiti termeni sa primeasca un numar de puncte, iar acele puncte sa ramana stocate in cont-ul userilor si cu ele sa poata cumpara anumite chestii. Cine se pricepe astept sa ma contacteze!
Am nevoie de un sistem de indexare CBIR pt niste celule papanicolau(baza de date cu aceste celule o am deja si consta in niste foldere cu imagini). Vreau de la tine sa construiesti sistemul CBIR utilizand: -descriptori de culoare (imaginile sunt color,aici doresc sa folosesti histograme HSV si ce mai consideri tu ca e necesar) -descriptori de textura -descriptori de forma -descriptori locali LBP De asemenea vei construi interfata GUI. Vezi un exemplu de interfata GUI aici min 0:43 Evident acesta este doar un exemplu,iar tu vei adapta interfata in functie de descriptorii pe care ii vei folosi. Voi avea nevoie si de explicatii la cod asa ca asigura-te ca incluzi comentarii in matlab %%% care sa imi explice mie ce ai facut acolo. Daca sunt formule pe care le-ai folosit poti face ...
1. capture picture 2. capture login 3. capture profile
Salut, Sunt din Alba. Am un site in constructie, dar echipa cu care lucrez, desi se afla proape in faza finala, din punct de vedere al webdesign-ului si al intuivitatii (usurintei e utilizare a site-ului), nu afacut ceea ce imi doream. De aceea, doresc un webdesigner care sa ii coordoneze din acest punct de vedere,adica sa conceapa impreuna cu mine fiecare pagina in parte din punct de vedere grafic si apoi sa le-o trimitem lor pentru a o transpune in limbaj de programare (lucreaza in codeigniter). Doar ca as vrea ca ceea ce le trimitem sa reflecte 100% realitatea, inclsiv functionalitatile (de exemlu fotografii care se intorc, texte derulante cand pui cursorul pe ele, etc). Am inceput un asemenea proiect cu cineva, dar nu este serios. Iti pun mai js o prima propunere a lui pt a avea o dee,...
Salut, Sunt din Alba. Am un site in constructie, dar echipa cu care lucrez, desi se afla proape in faza finala, din punct de vedere al webdesign-ului si al intuivitatii (usurintei e utilizare a site-ului), nu afacut ceea ce imi doream. De aceea, doresc un webdesigner care sa ii coordoneze din acest punct de vedere,adica sa conceapa impreuna cu mine fiecare pagina in parte din punct de vedere grafic si apoi sa le-o trimitem lor pentru a o transpune in limbaj de programare (lucreaza in codeigniter). Doar ca as vrea ca ceea ce le trimitem sa reflecte 100% realitatea, inclsiv functionalitatile (de exemlu fotografii care se intorc, texte derulante cand pui cursorul pe ele, etc). Am inceput un asemenea proiect cu cineva, dar nu este serios. Iti pun mai js o prima propunere a lui pt a avea o dee,...
Salut softmania. Sunt interesat de un sistem de referari,bazat pe 4 nivele..adica nivelul 1 sa castige de la nivelul 2(recomandat de el) ,3 ,4. As dori sa aflu mai multe detalii despre pret,in cat timp e gata si toate detaliile care nu ar trebui sa fie omise. Astept raspuns. Daca aveti neclaritati in privinta sistemului,va pot explica mai bine. Va multumesc
In proiectul meu este prezentat un site de este deja terminat si gata de am folosit doar trailerele gratuite pentru exemplele de prima pagina sunt prezentate categoriile ,cat si filmele de de top poti fi schimbate oricand intr-un mod facil si ele te pot directiona instant la player-ul sunt derulate pe un slide-er facut in am atasat o baza de date pentru comentarii ,motiv pentru care am creat un forum gratuit separat de acest site pentru a lasa fiecare comentariu pentru filmul film contine in pagina player-ului un link catre sectiunea de multe detalii se afla in mapa de prezentare.
Detin un site de anunturi din romania si vreau ca acesta sa aibe un sistem de mesaje in care vizitatorii sa poata trimite catre vanzatori mesaje cu functia de reply indiferent daca cel care trimite sau primeste mesaj este utilizator inregistrat pe site sau ofertele anticipat
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
Online Booking System pentru evenimente cu urmatoarele capabilitati: - Sa trimita email-uri tip newsletter cu invitatii cu text custom la o lista de invitati (care sa poata fi populata cu import feature. date stocate: Nume, Prenume, Email). Acestea trebuie sa se autopopuleze cu „nume/prenume” si link custom pentru ca acesta sa poata ajunge in pagina unde sa se inscrie la o anumita data/ora a evenimentului. - Pagina unde invitatul poate sa se inscrie la una din datele evenimentului. - Pagina de inregistrare esuata in cazul in care la acea data grupa deja este formata. - Pagina de confirmare a inregistrarii daca totul este ok. - Notificare pe e-mail in momentul in care invitatul s-a inregistrat cu succes la eveniment. - Sa stranga inregistrarile si sa le trimita intr...
...Cloud Architecture Diagram for an Agentic AI RAG implementation. Although this is a 'cloud architecture' project, it's important to note that we aren't using any specific cloud provider like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Instead, we are working on a theoretical framework. - Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Cloud Architecture - Experience with AI and RAG implementations - Proficiency in creating detailed, easy-to-understand architecture diagrams - Experience Needed: - Previous work with designing architecture diagrams for AI projects is preferred. - Ability to articulate complex systems visually and intuitively. Your understanding of the Agentic AI RAG architecture will be crucial for this project. The final deliverable should be a com...
Global Visa System Scope. Scope of Work and Deliverables for the Development of a Global Visa Application System Project Overview The Global Visa Application System aims to streamline the visa application process through advanced AI-driven automation and a user-friendly interface. The platform will cater to users worldwide, providing seamless access to visa application services via a website, admin panel, and mobile applications (iOS and Android). The system will include advanced features like AI-powered document verification, chatbot assistance, and application status tracking. 1. Scope of Work 1.1 Website Development The website will serve as the primary interface for users to create accounts, submit visa applications, track their progress, and receive n...
Online Exam Management System Development Design Project Project Description: We are looking to develop an online exam management system with the same functionality as the following site: Demo Site: The system will feature a unique design and user interface tailored to our requirements. Project Requirements: Core Features: User management (students, teachers, administrators). Exam creation, editing, and publishing modules. Online exam participation and result analysis. Support for multiple question types, including multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Reporting and analytics dashboards. Design and User Experience: Modern and unique design. User-friendly interface. Fully responsive design for mobile compatibility. Payment Integration: Integration with
I'm in need of professional, realistic illustrations for 6 specific types of racking systems. The illustrations should be in both color and black & white, and delivered in JPEG/PNG, Vector (e.g., SVG), and PDF formats. Types of racking to illustrate: - Selective - Push back - Drive in - Pallet flow - Very Narrow Aisle - Cantilever Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in creating realistic illustrations - Ability to produce high-quality color and black & white images - Expertise in delivering illustrations in multiple formats - Prior experience with industrial or mechanical illustrations would be a plus.
I need python expert with mac and windows system to fix my code and make it working in 2 systems I need immediate start if you can pls start your bid with NOW
I need python expert with mac and windows system to fix my code and make it working in 2 systems I need immediate start if you can pls start your bid with NOW
...create a robust content moderation system for my custom social media platform. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a system to check all image and video uploads for faces and bodies. - Ensure only faces authorized to post from their account may appear in these uploads. - Implement a high-accuracy face recognition system capable of identifying authorized users and filtering out unauthorized faces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in computer vision technology. - Proven track record in developing content moderation systems. - High proficiency in face matching technology. - Previous experience working on social media platform development is a plus. - Ability to deliver a system with high accuracy face recognition capabilities. Please note, th...
I need python expert with mac and windows system to fix my code and make it working in 2 systems I need immediate start if you can pls start your bid with NOW
I'm seeking a professional who can design and implement an automatic control system for monitoring and diagnostics of my industrial machinery. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in control systems engineering and experience working with industrial machinery. Key Responsibilities: - Design an automatic control system for industrial machinery. - The system should be capable of monitoring and diagnosing issues. - The system should monitor temperature and pressure. Ideal Skills: - Control Systems Engineering. - Experience with industrial machinery. - Proficiency in designing monitoring systems. - Understanding of temperature and pressure monitoring. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
...plans. I have the information for this. - Design Values: Create a horizontal timeline graphic that includes icons for each milestone (e.g., platform launch, feature introductions). Use a consistent color scheme and brief descriptions under each icon, ensuring clarity and readability. 4. Community Engagement Diagram: - Objective: Highlight the various ways the platform engages with its community to foster a sense of involvement. - Design Values: Design a circular or radial diagram that visually connects different engagement methods (e.g., webinars, forums). Use icons and lines to show relationships, and apply a color palette that reflects the brand. 5. Team Profiles: - Objective: Introduce key team members to add a personal touch and build credibility. - De...
...plans. I have the information for this. - Design Values: Create a horizontal timeline graphic that includes icons for each milestone (e.g., platform launch, feature introductions). Use a consistent color scheme and brief descriptions under each icon, ensuring clarity and readability. 4. Community Engagement Diagram: - Objective: Highlight the various ways the platform engages with its community to foster a sense of involvement. - Design Values: Design a circular or radial diagram that visually connects different engagement methods (e.g., webinars, forums). Use icons and lines to show relationships, and apply a color palette that reflects the brand. 5. Team Profiles: - Objective: Introduce key team members to add a personal touch and build credibility. - De...
...on luxury and exclusivity. • Set up a secure ticket sales system with different pricing tiers if needed. • Implement urgency timers to display how much time remains for ticket purchases or availability, creating a sense of urgency. 3. RSVP System: • Implement RSVP functionality to capture attendee information. • Automate confirmation emails for RSVP submissions and ticket purchases. 4. Automated Notifications: • Set up automated text reminders and updates for confirmed attendees. • Create a pre-event countdown timer for reminders leading up to the event. 5. Google Ads Integration: • Connect the website to Google Ads for tracking, retargeting, and driving event awareness. 6. Limited Parking Management: • Create a system...
I need a freelancer to create a complete system image backup of my SunOS 5.5.1 system. The backup should be stored on my NFS (Network File System). Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with SunOS systems - Proficient in creating full system image backups - Familiarity with NFS (Network File System) - Strong knowledge in system administration and network storage Please ensure you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding.
## Project Title Multi-Phase Fathom Documentation System with AI Integration ## Phase One: Automation Setup **Notion Infrastructure** - Create documentation homepage - Design database structure - Build meeting notes template - Set up standardized naming system **Google Drive Structure** - Create hierarchical folder system - Design metadata-rich spreadsheet database - Implement protected ranges - Configure access permissions ** Automation Development** - Configure Fathom webhook triggers - Create dual-destination workflows for: - Meeting summary extraction - Transcript processing - Video downloads - Content distribution to both platforms ## Phase Two: Content Migration **Data Export Process** - Extract historical Fathom meetings - ...
we are looking for shopify app expert who can build and get approval of shopify partner app on partner panel. the app will be to get permission and authorization as per our requirements however mainly for the purpose to set all integration seamless with oauth authentication and direct permission management. we need the app in nodejs / nextjs or vue.js platform as we are using the same stuff. you have to help our developer in api management etc in initial stage and then if any maintenance required.
Job Description for Freelancer Platform: We are looking for a professional UI/UX designer and front-end and back end developer to redesign the layout of our ERP system (LARAVEL + BLADE STACK). The project involves a comprehensive overhaul of key modules, ensuring a modern, user-friendly, and visually appealing interface. The layout redesign requires creativity and attention to detail, as the ERP will handle large amounts of data. The acquired theme includes hundreds of pre-built components (buttons, graphs, tables, fonts, effects, etc.), which should be effectively utilized to enhance the project. Key Responsibilities: Redesign navigation (menus, dashboards, forms, tables, calendars, notifications, buttons, tooltips, etc.). Upgrade the visual appeal and usability of chart...
...restrictions), email address (no restrictions), and postal address (unverified.) • Anyone may sign up for a customer account. • Allow any customer to become a member. • Show a listing of available books • Books are to be displayed in ascending alphabetical order by title. • Each book will list the following from left to right • Title • Author • Price • Allow customers and managers to log in and out of the system. • Users (both customers and the manager) will be logged out if inactive for 30 minutes. • Shopping cart • Anyone is able to add one or more books to the shopping cart. • The shopping cart does not need to allow multiple copies of any book. • Checkout • Checkout is only available to logged-in custo...
I'm looking for a professional who can create a robust booking system tailored for spa and salon home services as well as walk-ins. This system should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - User Types: The system should cater to two primary user types - the manager and the customer. - Manager Functionalities: Managers should be able to manage bookings, generate reports, and monitor staff activities within the system. - Customer Functionalities: Customers should have the ability to book appointments, track driver locations, and receive promotions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development for iOS and Android - Prior experience in developing booking systems - Knowledge of integrating tracking systems w...
I'm looking for an expert to help me automate system monitoring tasks. This involves setting up a system that can oversee performance metrics, security breaches, and application logs, without human intervention. skills: TypeScript AI expert Expert in pc automation, browser automation Selenium Able to manage complexe architecture Python
I'm looking for a talented professional to create a comprehensive, component-based design system in Figma from our designs. The project requires a clear split between mobile and desktop interfaces. Key requirements and specifics of the job include: - Constructing a medium fidelity system with basic interactions - Incorporating typography styles, color schemes, buttons and border radius on blocks - Maintaining a focus on a component-based structure Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Figma and - Strong understanding of component-based design systems - Ability to create medium fidelity designs with basic interactions - Good eye for typography, color schemes and attention to detail
Trenger bistand av en React Native utvikler til å ferdigstille følgende funksjoner, som allerede er påbegynt: - Revenue Cat integrasjon - Gifted Charts (eller lignende) visualisering av brukerdata - UI: Visualisering av brukerdata ved hjelp av NativeWindUI - Bonus: Animasjoner i UI
I need a SOLANA expert for integrating a payment system on Telegram. The system should support receiving payments via the Solana blockchain. Key Requirements: - Expertise in SOLANA, especially in blockchain integration for a payment system. - Proven experience with developing smart contracts on SOLANA. - Ability to create a seamless payment system on Telegram. Skills: - Proficient in SOLANA development. - Experienced in Telegram bot development. - Strong understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts. - Excellent problem-solving skills for performance optimization. - Knowledge of security measures to prevent fraud. Please note, this is a simple payment system integration, with no need for multi-currency support or recurring billing functio...
1. preferably React.js 2. excellent understanding and implementation of security techniques for variables and API interaction with variables. 3. have a good understanding of variable state management and React structures. 4. know how to manage cache and optimize SEO. Must be able to implement: 1. User Auth related such as login, signup, unsubscribe, logout, etc. 2. search bar and json-based data rendering Grid, List, Scroll, infinite Scroll, Pagenation, which are the core of e-commerce 3. It should be easy to manage the overall status of payment related, and Navigation processing should not cause bugs/abuse due to lack of data and status management. ** We do not recommend new developers who do not understand these fundamentals, or who do not have experience and want to gain experience. ...
SMERP is a leading provider of Warehouse Management System (WMS) solutions. We’re looking for a Lead Generation Specialist to help us identify and qualify prospects. You will be paid based on the quality of leads and potential for conversion. Your primary responsibility is to generate and qualify leads who are aligned with our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). SMERP offers a Warehouse Management System (WMS) solution for industries like retail, wholesale, logistics, 3PL, and manufacturing to streamline warehouse operations, improve inventory management, and optimize order fulfillment.