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    2,000 editorial design freelancing proiecte găsite

    ...creation of an editorial plan to achieve commercial and visibility objectives. It is extremely important that there is constant activity on the Facebook page in order to keep the company's brand visible, but also to increase the visibility of actions / promotions / services already carried out on other promotion channels (google, website, etc.) A. Creation / Customization / Audit of the Facebook page (optional), includes: I already have a Facebook account and a business page possibly personalization of the Facebook page (cover design, profile photo, etc.) technical setup and account synchronization (Webshop / Google Tag Manager / Google Analytics / Facebook) B. Administration of the Facebook page, includes: elaboration / implementation of communication strategy and ...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Project for Mihaescu A.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, poti vorbi putin cu un neinitiat? as vrea si eu sa incep sa fac freelancing, am vazut multe clipuri dar as vrea sa vorbesc si cu un om care chiar face asta. Mersi!

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ... etc), readability, technical seo. Ne-am gandit sa lucram in felul urmator: 1. Va vom facilita planul editorial pentru luna curenta (vi se vor da topicuri unele generice altele specifice) 2. Se vor solicita 5-6 articole lunare, care sa fie bine documentate, tehnice, bine structurate, cu minim 1500 de cuvinte pana la 2000 de cuvinte sau unde este cazul sa fei peste competitors 3. Daca exista capacitate evident puteti solicita mai multe articole la scris. 4. Se vor accepta atat de multe revizii cat este nevoie pentru un content reusit. 5. Plata se va realiza per articol scris finalizat Candidatii vor trebui sa ne faciliteze urmatoarele lucruri: 1. Portofoliu de articole/content editorial pe care l-au dezvoltat sau colaborat 2. Pretul per articol Proiectul nu este pentru ...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta medie
    30 oferte
    Redactor carte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...continutului, manuscrisele cartilor ce urmeaza a fi publicate. Aceasta activitate prespune: corectura de text, verificarea si eliminarea greselilor de exprimare si de punctuatie; verificarea notelor de subsol, a referintelor si a trimiterilor la sursele bibliografice indicate de autori sau traducatori; verifica corectitudinea notiunilor si termenilor utilizati; Criterii : Experienta in domeniul editorial (redactare de carte) de minim 2 ani; experienta in domeniul publicatiilor/ titlurilor de istorie si/ sau educational constituie un avantaj; Cunoasterea la nivel avansat a cel putin doua limbi de circulatie internationala (limba engleza + alta limba); Cunoasterea foarte buna si nuantata a limbii romane si a normelor de gramatica si ortografie in vigoare; Cunostinte bune de opera...

    $37 / hr Average bid
    $37 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    content blog
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut content writer care să redacteze articole de blog pe teme de lifestyle, pornind de la un plan editorial deja dezvoltat. Plata e per articol/700 cuv.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta medie
    20 oferte
    Project for Baba R.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Gabriel, Sunt Ionut de la ClujHub si te abordez pentru că te numeri printre freelancerii recomandati din Cluj. Am pregatit o oferta speciala pentru spatiul de coworking, si incerc sa validez daca este relevanta pentru industrie, care sunt cele mai des intalnite nevoi sau beneficii de avut in vedere? Acesta este landing page-ul: M-a...că te numeri printre freelancerii recomandati din Cluj. Am pregatit o oferta speciala pentru spatiul de coworking, si incerc sa validez daca este relevanta pentru industrie, care sunt cele mai des intalnite nevoi sau beneficii de avut in vedere? Acesta este landing page-ul: M-ar ajuta mult feedback-ul tau, in lipsa unor articole sau studii despre piata si nevoile de freelancing din RO. Multumesc, Ionut.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Tiberiu B.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Tibo, am nevoie pentru design la un mini proiectel de al meu pentru facultate. Cred ca are maxim 7 pagini. Design-ul nu trebuie sa fie neaparat complex, e prima oara cand folosesc un site de freelancing. Astept mesaj pentru mai multe detalii.

    $10 - $10
    $10 - $10
    0 oferte

    Am nevoie de cineva care sa imi construiasca un website cu o platforma online activa pe ea. Pretul se negociaza dupa intelegerea proiectului. Prefer freelancing. (Removed by admin)

    $1250610 Average bid
    $1250610 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 6 luni de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Multumesc

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Salut, Avem nevoie de un content writer care sa traduca articole de marketing digital de pe siteuri partenere si sa le posteze pe blogul kemo (wordpress). - Impreuna facem planul editorial - 16 Articole pe luna - Schedule 6 luni in avans in wordpress Articolele doresc sa fie de maxim o pagina si sa contina esenta din articolul original in engleza. Multumesc, Sorin.

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 6 luni de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Multumesc

    $1114 Average bid
    $1114 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    Un proiect de design editorial al unei publicaţii periodice pentru copii (32 de pagini inclusiv copertă). Proiectul implică reprezentare grafică combinând text, elemente vizuale, imagini, ilustraţii, organizarea lor, conceperea şi realizarea machetelor. Sunt necesare pe lângă abilităţi artistice, originalitate şi creativitate, şi noţiuni tehnice de DTP (pregătirea machetelor pentru tipar). Conţinutul revistei este format din fişe de lucru, planşe de colorat, jocuri (de tip Piticot) - concepute de redactor specializat, poveste ilustrată (cu ilustraţie concepută de un desenator).

    $471 Average bid
    $471 Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    Un proiect de design editorial al unei publicaţii periodice pentru copii (32 de pagini inclusiv copertă). Proiectul implică reprezentare grafică combinând text, elemente vizuale, imagini, ilustraţii, organizarea lor, conceperea şi realizarea machetelor. Sunt necesare pe lângă abilităţi artistice, originalitate şi creativitate, şi noţiuni tehnice de DTP (pregătirea machetelor pentru tipar). Conţinutul revistei este format din fişe de lucru, planşe de colorat, jocuri (de tip Piticot) - concepute de redactor specializat, poveste ilustrată (cu ilustraţie concepută de un desenator).

    $409 Average bid
    $409 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 1 an de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony 2 si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Si, ce tip de colaborare preferati(full time sau tarif orar). Mai multe detalii le putem discuta pe chat sau pe skype. Multumesc

    $1105 Average bid
    $1105 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $191 Average bid
    $191 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Project for StanleyV2
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    PHP developer din Romania
    S-a încheiat left

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Preferam programatori din Iasi, Romania dar se pot face exceptii. Cerinte: - minim 1 an de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony 2 si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj Va rog sa includeti un link catre portofoliu dvs. Mai multe detalii le putem discuta pe chat sau pe skype. Multumesc.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Write some Articles
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un scriitor de articole. Candidatul respectiv trebuie să scrie foarte corect, cu stofă de jurnalist. Rog seriozitate, și doresc cooperare pe termen lung. Este vorba de 2-4 articole în fiecare zi, scrie pe platforma Wordpress, iar tema site-ul sunt știri despre mașini și motorsport. F...un scriitor de articole. Candidatul respectiv trebuie să scrie foarte corect, cu stofă de jurnalist. Rog seriozitate, și doresc cooperare pe termen lung. Este vorba de 2-4 articole în fiecare zi, scrie pe platforma Wordpress, iar tema site-ul sunt știri despre mașini și motorsport. Fiecare articol va conține măcar 5 paragrafe și poze. Un articol se plătește 3 lei, iar dacă este vorba de un editorial original, atunci se plătește în funcție de lungimea și calitatea...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Salut! **doar pentru freelancerin din Bucuresti Cautam un designer cu care sa colaboram. Suntem o echipa mica de programatori freelanceri si colegi de facultate din Bucuresti. sa colaboram. Suntem o echipa mica de programatori freelanceri si colegi de facultate din Bucuresti. Acum lasam freelancingul la o parte si ne apucam de teme de wordpress. Facem acest lucru intrucat piata e intr-o extindere continua si din punct de vedere creativ nu esti limitat (vis-a-vis de proiectele freelancing unde clientul controleaza arhitectura/designul siteului). Avem 2 posibilitati de colaborare pentru tine: - plata pe design - plata (mai mica) pe design + procent din vanzari Daca este careva interesat va rog sa lasati un reply sa putem vorbi :). ...

    $466 Average bid
    $466 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    CANDIDATUL IDEAL: Un nivel bun de cunoastere a limbii engleze. Cunostiinte bune de operare calculator, aspect fizic placut, conexiune buna la internet, skype, sex feminin RESPONSABILITATI / BENEFICII: Cerinte: Programul de lucru va fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zil...linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti beneficia de un contract de munca prin intermediul site-ului de freelancing sau a putea fi sigure de metoda de plata. Plata se va face saptamanal si va fi de 750$/saptamana.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    CANDIDATUL IDEAL: Un nivel bun de cunoastere a limbii engleze. Cunostiinte bune de operare calculator, aspect fizic placut, conexiune buna la internet, skype, sex feminin RESPONSABILITATI / BENEFICII: Cerinte: Programul de lucru va fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zil...linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti beneficia de un contract de munca prin intermediul site-ului de freelancing sau a putea fi sigure de metoda de plata. Plata se va face saptamanal si va fi de 750$/saptamana.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Nu am un proiect
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut ! Sunt nou si nu prea stiu nimic despre freelancing! As vrea sa invat despre asta. Multumesc!!!

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Əlbəttə! Mən sizin üçün bir proje təklifi hazırlaya ...optimallaşdırılması Hedef kütlə: Sosial media istifadəçiləri və marketinq mütəxəssisləri Məqalənin keyfiyyətli və faydalı olması təmin ediləcək. Qiymət və Zaman: Qiymət: 30 dollar (1000 sözlü məqalə) Zaman: 3 gün ərzində tamamlanacaq. Nümunə İşlər: Portfelimi və əvvəlki işlərimi sizinlə paylaşa bilərəm, beləliklə daha yaxşı bir təcrübə əldə edə bilərsiniz. --- Bu layihə təklifi bir freelancing platformasında təqdim etmək üçün istifadə edilə bilər. Yuxarıdakı təklifin qiymətini və müddətini müştərilərin tələblərinə uyğun dəyişə bilərsiniz. Bu şəkildə başlamağa hazır olduğunuzda müştərilərlə əlaqə qurmağa başlaya bilərsiniz.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer for some freelancing work. Your experience and expertise in programming and web development can help me earn money through quality projects. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web development technologies - Experience with responsive design, server-side technologies, and web security - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail Experience: - Previous freelancing experience in web development - Proven track record of delivering high-quality web projects on time Your expertise can help me tap into the potential of freelancing and earn decent income. Let's collaborate and make it happen.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    85 oferte

    I worked incredibly hard for ov...nowhere else to be found. (399 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Numerous attachments with client conversation pipelines, strategies, tools and much more! (199 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Dive into biweekly live streams with the masters, ask anything you want, and pick up secrets they don't just share with anyone. (100 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) ➡️ An overview with my thoughts of all newsletters I'm subscribed to in freelancing/AI/Digital, giving you the edge you need. (99 a month, INCLUDED!) ➡️ ️Personal guidance & mentoring from best freelancers (From 80-120 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) Worth THOUSANDS of dollars, it’s yours for only 129 USD a year.. Be quick, as the price can go up at any moment.. I’m looking forward to seeing you on the inside...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    We are seeking a freelancer to gather insights from other freelancers and peers regarding their experiences of working in the freelancing industry. The ideal candidate needs to send surveys to other freelancers and collect data in a fast mode. You don't need to analyze the data just have to collect it. A freelancer with a large socializing group is needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in collecting survey data is a plus - Ability to pursue others to fill out the survey The survey will specifically Freelancers. The survey is expected to take between 10 minutes to complete. Participants will complete the survey using an online form. Participants should be from India. Participants will receive a monetary incentive for completing the survey. The primary purpos...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Makeup Artist Reel Editing Required
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm a makeup artist seeking a professional video editor to help me create and polish my promotional reel. The content will primarily consist of footage showcasing my work on various clients, from bridal to editorial. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a cohesive, engaging reel - Enhance video quality, audio, and transitions - Incorporate music and other elements to boost the reel's appeal Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly for makeup and beauty content - Strong understanding of pacing, visual aesthetics, and sound - Able to work collaboratively and take direction Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly any that relates to makeup or beauty, for consideration.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    ...Needed for Magazine Design (Bi-Monthly Issue) Description: We are looking for a skilled freelance designer with expertise in Adobe InDesign to create the next issue of our bi-monthly magazine, Imprint Automation India. This is an exciting opportunity to work on a leading publication in the automation industry. Scope of Work: Design the magazine layout for a 48-page issue. Ensure a professional, clean, and visually appealing design consistent with the magazine's existing style. Incorporate provided content, including articles, images, and advertisements. Collaborate with the editorial team to implement revisions and feedback. Prepare the final files for print and digital formats. Requirements: Proven experience with Adobe InDesign (portfolio required)...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    I'm looking to have a video created that serves as a professional introduction to my freelancing portfolio on this site. The video should be in a formal, professional style and include the following primary elements: - A showcase of my past work: The video should highlight key projects and accomplishments in a way that is engaging and demonstrates my skills and experience. - Incorporation of my company logo: The video should seamlessly integrate my company logo at appropriate intervals. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Video Production and Editing: The freelancer should have a strong background in video editing and production, and be able to create a high-quality, professional video. - Creative Thinking: The freelancer should be able to think creatively about how to best show...

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Oferta medie
    61 oferte

    Dear Sir, Thank you for your response. Yes, I am confident that I can deliver the required flow chart for your multi-step form within the scope of my bid. My experience with mapping logical processes and creating clear, user-friendly visualizations ensures that I can meet you...visualizations ensures that I can meet your expectations. I will provide a detailed, accurate flow chart, including all branching paths, question types, and presented in a clear and comprehensible format. I am committed to delivering the project within the agreed timeline and budget. I want an opportunity to prove m y expertise and my responsibilities. Please give me an opportunity to start my freelancing career. Let me know if you would like to discuss any further details before proceeding. Best regards, ...

    $7 - $7
    $7 - $7
    0 oferte

    I'm on a mission to help people make money through freelancing, with a specific emphasis on writing and content creation, particularly copywriting. The project involves: - Sharing effective freelancing tips that can assist individuals in establishing a successful freelance career. - Providing guidance and insights into the field of writing and content creation, focusing on copywriting. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - A strong background in freelancing, especially in the field of writing and copywriting. - Excellent communication skills to convey tips and guidance effectively. - Experience in content creation to provide practical, real-world advice.

    $464 Average bid
    $464 Oferta medie
    47 oferte

    I'm managing an innovative social media and freelancing platform (CawGO) that seeks to revolutionize global collaboration and transactions. We need seasoned SEO and digital marketing professionals to boost engagement on the platform and drive user interaction. You can Visit the Site: Technologies used in website: TechStack (CawGO) : Its MERN React, Express Js, Mongo DB , Node.js, Typescript, AWS server , Also ( Tailwind CSS , And Capacitor ) for Application Platform Overview: 1. Social Media Functionality: Users can connect, post requirements, and engage with others in a social-style interface. 2. Freelancing Ecosystem: A requirement posting and bidding system. 3. Multi-Platform Access: Available on both web and mobile applications. 4. Target Markets: Initial launch ...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta medie
    68 oferte

    I need someone skilled at social media marketing to help promote my premium community. This community is a hub for freelancers and agencies to share and bid on projects.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I worked incredibly hard for ov...nowhere else to be found. (399 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Numerous attachments with client conversation pipelines, strategies, tools and much more! (199 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Dive into biweekly live streams with the masters, ask anything you want, and pick up secrets they don't just share with anyone. (100 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) ➡️ An overview with my thoughts of all newsletters I'm subscribed to in freelancing/AI/Digital, giving you the edge you need. (99 a month, INCLUDED!) ➡️ ️Personal guidance & mentoring from best freelancers (From 80-120 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) Worth THOUSANDS of dollars, it’s yours for only 129 USD a year.. Be quick, as the price can go up at any moment.. I’m looking forward to seeing you on the inside...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm seeking a proactive freelancer to acquire clients for my staffing and recruiting firm. The focus will primarily be on the Information Technology (IT) sector, targeting established companies. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and approach potential IT & Non-IT clients....Responsibilities: - Identify and approach potential IT & Non-IT clients. - Deliver at least two quality leads per week. - Explore opportunities for staffing solutions, executive search, and project-based hiring. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in client acquisition, preferably in the IT sector. - Strong networking skills, with the ability to reach out to established companies. - Familiarity with freelancing platforms for lead generation. - Excellent understanding of staffing solutions and exec...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    I need a magazine editor to help me put my 28-page health magazine together each month. The job isn't hard as I have a full template. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and assemble the magazine - Incorporate my written articles and provided images Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience in magazine editing is a plus - Proficiency with layout software - Attention to detail - Understanding ...magazine editor to help me put my 28-page health magazine together each month. The job isn't hard as I have a full template. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and assemble the magazine - Incorporate my written articles and provided images Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience in magazine editing is a plus - Proficiency with layout software - Attention to detail - Understanding of the health-focused e...

    $125 Average bid
    92 intrări

    ...rates to gain experience and trust. 3. Build a Reputation: Focus on excellent service to earn referrals. Ask for reviews/testimonials to build credibility. 4. Expand Service Offerings: Introduce related services (e.g., if you start gardening, offer landscaping or plant sales). --- Phase 2: Online Income (Long-Term Growth) 1. Freelancing Platforms: Sign up on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Offer skills such as graphic design, writing, or virtual assistance. 2. Content Creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or TikTok about a passion or niche. Monetize through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. 3. E-commerce: Create and sell handmade or curated products on Etsy or Shopify. Drop-ship products using platforms like AliExpress. ...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    85 oferte

    We’re inviting passionate writers to join our project and create short, engaging content for social media on trending niches. If you love crafting impactful micro-reads and want to be rewarded in crypto for your creativity, this is your chance! Niches and Micro-Niches: Niche: Business & Entrepreneurship – Startups, Freelancing tips, Productivity hacks, Leadership strategies, Personal branding, Side hustles, Business growth strategies, Market trends, Networking tips, Sales and negotiation hacks. Niche: Personal Development – Motivation & inspiration, Goal setting, Time management, Mindset transformation, Confidence building, Habit creation and breaking, Emotional intelligence, Overcoming procrastination, Life coaching tips, Journaling ideas. Niche...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    45 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert in Web Development to help me create a robust and user-friendly E-commerce site. This is a freelancing job aimed at generating revenue, with the potential for long-term collaboration based on performance. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating E-commerce sites. - A portfolio showcasing previous E-commerce projects. - Strong skills in coding languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Knowledge of SEO and website optimization. - Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. With you, I hope to turn my dream of working and earning money online into a reality. Let's create an amazing E-commerce site together!

    $626 Average bid
    $626 Oferta medie
    129 oferte

    Freelancing Social media marketing Earning website in my guildnce

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Project Description: I have two cardiology manuscripts prepared for submission to a prestigious cardiology journal. I am seeking expert assistance to refine these manuscripts to enhance their quality and impact. The aim is to receive constructive feedback and specific suggestions for improvement in scientific rigor, clarity, structure, and overall presentation. This project focuses solely on editorial and review support; co-authorship is not included. Key Tasks and Deliverables: Manuscript Review and Feedback: Detailed critique of the abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. Suggestions for improving argumentation, flow, and logical coherence. Identification of potential weaknesses that reviewers might flag and strategies to address them. Language and...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    Here are the key points for freelancers in English: Pre-Launch 1. Define career goals and vision. 2. Identify skills and strengths. 3. Create a professional profile (CV, portfolio, photo). 4. Choose suitable freelancing platforms. 5. Set competitive rates. Project Management 1. Effective client communication. 2. Clear timelines and budgets. 3. Establish contracts or agreements. 4. Prioritize projects and deadlines. 5. Utilize project management tools (Trello, Asana). Quality and Professionalism 1. Deliver high-quality work. 2. Meet deadlines. 3. Continuously develop skills. 4. Provide excellent customer service. 5. Seek feedback and reviews. Finance and Taxation 1. Manage finances efficiently. 2. Set competitive rates. 3. Understand tax obligations. 4. Separate business and pers...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Oferta medie
    58 oferte

    We’re inviting passionate writers to join our project and create short, engaging content for social media on trending niches. If you love crafting impactful micro-reads and want to be rewarded in crypto for your creativity, this is your chance! Niches and Micro-Niches: Niche: Business & Entrepreneurship – Startups, Freelancing tips, Productivity hacks, Leadership strategies, Personal branding, Side hustles, Business growth strategies, Market trends, Networking tips, Sales and negotiation hacks. Niche: Personal Development – Motivation & inspiration, Goal setting, Time management, Mindset transformation, Confidence building, Habit creation and breaking, Emotional intelligence, Overcoming procrastination, Life coaching tips, Journaling ideas. Niche...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    Are you new to freelancing or looking for a simple way to start earning money online? Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, this task is designed for anyone who wants to generate income without requiring special skills. Here’s your chance to kickstart your freelancing journey and gain valuable experience while earning bonuses for achieving milestones! •What You’ll Do: Promote Our Product:Share the product with your network via social media, chats, emails, or word of mouth. Generate Leads:Encourage them to sign up or make a purchase our Products through your unique referral link. •Requirements & Extra Benefits: You should Be Resident Of India. No Special Skills Required: We provide all the resources and training to get you started. A smar...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    I need a dedicated Freelancing Manager to oversee my posted projects focused on business automation. The primary task will be collecting payments from leads. The manager will also be responsible for replying to vendors and clearing dues to them. Please note that all communication will be through email, so strong written communication skills are essential. Prior experience in managing software development projects or content creation is a plus. Your role will be crucial in ensuring a smooth operational flow and timely payment collections.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Community Manager
    S-a încheiat left

    ...inbound marketing, content creation, and digital campaigns, ensuring that InterSources Inc. is effectively communicating its value across all channels. The successful candidate will be a key driver in expanding our digital presence, generating inbound leads, and acting as a marketing advocate for our customers. Daily Job Responsibilities Oversee day-to-day management of social publishing and editorial calendars to ensure successful program development and execution across various social channels (LinkedIn, Bluesky, & Web). Stay current on social platform updates impacting copywriting, community management and social media strategy. Help all copywriting across social media channels. Manage Social Media calendar. Manage Marketing Process Flow from ideation to Post release. Ma...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Project Description for Freelancing Website We are building LabColabs, a professional and collaborative platform for researchers, students, and professionals. The goal is to create a feature-rich, responsive website that enables users to connect, share knowledge, and manage projects. The MVP will include core functionalities such as user registration/login (with social login options), customizable user profiles, blogging (similar to Medium), forums for discussions, job listings, private messaging, and document sharing. The platform should have a clean and professional UI/UX design, intuitive dashboards for different user roles, and be optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop compatibility. We are looking for an experienced WordPress developer to bring this vision to life u...

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    I'm looking for a versatile...with a professional yet unobtrusive approach. - Showcase the beauty and intricacy of Rome's architecture through stunning architectural shots. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive experience in portrait, event, and architectural photography. - Proven track record of capturing high-quality images in various outdoor and historical settings. - Portfolio of previous personal, commercial, and editorial work that demonstrates versatility and creativity. - Exceptional attention to detail and ability to capture spontaneous moments. The primary purpose of these photographs is for personal use. Therefore, the photographer should respect our privacy while being able to capture candid moments in a natural and unobtrusive manner. I look forward ...

    $8 - $31
    $8 - $31
    0 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional photographer who specializes in editorial-style clothing photography. This will be a studio-based shoot focusing on casual wear. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in clothing photography, particularly casual wear. - Strong portfolio of editorial-style photography. - Experience working in a studio setting. - Ability to style and shoot clothing in an appealing way. - Good communication skills for planning and executing the shoot.

    $372 Average bid
    $372 Oferta medie
    49 oferte