Easy paper crafts for kidsproiecte
Brief de Creație – Broșură Prezentare Activități "Micul Constructor" – Campus Bravo Edutainment Scopul broșurii: Broșura va fi folosită pentru a prezenta activitățile din cadrul programului "Micul Constructor", adresată în principal profesorilor și, ulterior, copiilor și părinților. Aceasta trebuie să evidențieze valoarea educativă și beneficiile învățării prin joacă, într-un format vesel, dar informativ. Vor fi prezentate excursii tematice, activități interactive și ateliere tehnice, totul centrat pe zona de construcții. Public-țintă: 1. Profesori și educatori 2. Copii cu vârste între 5 și 12 ani 3. Părinți Ton și stil: Formal, dar vesel și colorat. Atmosfera generală trebuie să fie una plină de energie și distracți...
Buna ziua ! Caut o persoana pt un set up cu anydesk integreze toate marketplacesurile + site custom cu baselinker sau easy sales. 2. Sa imi afiseze toate produsele din site ul custom in google google merchant
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: albaweb.ro. The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Coffee paper cup'
I am looking for an experienced WEB DESIGNER. Its portfolio should include design proposals for: ad sites, social platforms, dashboard variants, user profile presentation variants, interactions, messaging, etc. I am looking to invest in a dating site and ads on the same topic. For now I only need the design of the pages in .psd format. I want to get in touch with people who have experience in design, because I want a modern design in which UI / UX blends perfectly so as to allow the user an easy navigation, to understand from the first moments the functionalities of the site, in the end to enjoy a pleasant experience.
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
Am nevoie de un Frontend developer pentru o aplicatie web cu Angular 9 with Material Design plus unele componente din Covalent , HTTP, JWT Auth si NgRx si .Net Core pe backend. Structura aplicatiei este: Login, Dashboard, 5 Module care contin in general formulare pentru introdus date si informatii din baza de date afisate sub forma tabelara, Rapo....Net Core pe backend. Structura aplicatiei este: Login, Dashboard, 5 Module care contin in general formulare pentru introdus date si informatii din baza de date afisate sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte care se genereaza in xls, upload de documente, Setari si contul utilizatorului. Activitatile care trebuie facute sunt legate de UX, functionalitate, UI, ma intereseaza un design simplu gen Apple app, easy to use, eye catching, light, colorful, ...
It is a short and easy Read and Record task. Takes 20-30 minutes. I will provide further details.
Salut, RO only (no offence but is easy for me to explain technical terms) Am un site in prestashop Trebuie testat/implementat cateva functionalitati precum: inserat lista feed, comanda produse. Integrare API. De preferat firma. Ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru ca am mai multe de facut in perioada care urmeaza, cum ar fi: inserare plata cu cardul, optimizare seo (activat/dezactivat si modificat module) si altele .. Mihai
Cautam pe cineva smart & active, care sa ne ajute cu crearea de continut pentru paginile noastre de Instagram si Facebook, dar si cu crearea si administrarea de campanii publicitare pe retelele de socializare. Persoana care isi va asuma ...precum si termenul de executie. Este proiect unic, nu se imparte in loturi, plata se face numai la finalul fiecarei campanii saptamanale sau lunare. Valoare estimata a proiectului: 1000 euro/lunar. Procedura de lucru: Freelancerii implicati vor elabora un plan de marketing saptamanal/lunar/trimestrial supus aprobarii noastre inainte de implementare. Skilluri necesare? - illustrator sau photoshop easy worker - facebook/instagram ads specialist - copywriter ballanced IMPORTANT: Pretul afisat NU este cel real. Despre pret discutam in mesaje s...
Cautam un coleg nou in echipa cu cunostinte minime de Unity dar cu o pasiune mare pentru a creea si dezvolta jocuri de mobile. Preferam sa lucreze cu noi la birou, pentru a putea colabora mai usor. Jobul este in Cluj Napoca
Magazin Online piese auto cu baza de date TecDoc integrata Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi ...licitati decat daca stiti exact ce presupune baza de date TecDoc ,pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site [url removed, login to view] site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data ba...
Avem nevoie sa conturam o serie de videoclipuri pentru copii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 2 - 10 ani care vor fi executate dupa anumite scenarii. Exemple : copii imbracti in diferite haine de anumite culori, masini, natura etc. Mai multe detalii vor fi primite in urma unor evaluari din partea noastra.
Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul ,ww...********************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !
Am nevoie de un economics paper. Toate detaliile sunt in documentul atasat. E un introductory core class la care am 91% dar de care nu am timp sa ma ocup. Am double major si am alte proiecte finale de care trebuie sa ma ocup. Pretul l-am pus ca trebuie. Astept oferta ta.
Alfabetul in 3 limbi in + mic joc de validare a cunostintelor. Scena 360 obligatoriu. The alphabet in 2 languages(french and english) , little validation of the knowledges. scene 360.
Alfabetul in 3 limbi in Mic joc de validare a cunostintelor. Scena 360.
...cu furnizorul pentru generarea unui nou cod (ceva protectie hwid?). Cel putin e blocat pentru hardu' initial. Un coder sa stie sa-l decompileze si sa-mi scoata nenorocitele de protectii ca sa mai pot lucra pe el pana trec la o versiune mai moderna. ***** Hello there, need small help with an veryyyy oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel bill...
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata g...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
...management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
...management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
...management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
...management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
...management care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul ,ww...********************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !
I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
...results for BookMyGift.co.in. Below is the scope of work : ?. ??????? ????? ???????? 1)Source high-quality, professional images for each product. 2)Ensure consistency in style, background, and lighting for a uniform store look. 3)Optimize images for fast loading without compromising quality. ?. ??????? ??????????? ??????? 1)Create engaging, SEO-friendly descriptions to improve search rankings. 2)Highlight key product features, benefits, and unique selling points. 3)Format descriptions with bullet points for easy readability and better user experience. ?. ?????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ????? 1)Upload products with sourced images and descriptions. 2)Ensure each product is placed in the correct category for easy...
Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. ...a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their c...
I'm looking for a developer to create a basic web platform for managing a team-based gaming tournament. Key Features: - Team registration: The site should allow for easy registration of teams. - Automatic approval: Once a team registers, they should be automatically approved to participate. Ideal Skills: - Web development: Strong skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend languages are crucial. - Experience with gaming websites: Prior experience in creating gaming platforms will be a huge plus. - Understanding of team-based gaming: Familiarity with team-based games and their tournament structure will help in designing an efficient platform. I'm looking for an individual who is able to deliver a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable tourn...
I'm in need of a skilled developer to create a simple, engaging, and easy-to-navigate fitness app. This app should cater to all fitness levels with 5, 15, and 20-minute workouts. Designed for both iOS and Android, it must have: ✅ Workout Categories: - Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced options - Standing workouts - Functional standing workouts focusing on Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) during 20-minute sessions ✅ Monetization & Accessibility: - Offering free workouts - Introducing monthly and annual membership options for premium content ✅ Design & User Experience: - A playful and colorful design, ensuring the app is visually appealing and enjoyable to use ? The ideal developer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in both iOS...
Malay Recording Project Recruitment ( Malay ) Recording Project Malay Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 819 short sentences in total. No skills re...as you are a Malay speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Malay speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 10$ for 819 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their c...
...Freelancer.com should clearly reflect your expertise, skills, and the value you bring to clients. Here are some tips for crafting an effective headline: Be Specific: Highlight your main skills or niche. Use Action Words: Focus on what you can do for clients, not just what you can offer. Keep It Clear and Concise: Make it easy to read and understand. Include Relevant Keywords: Optimize your profile for searchability. Here are a few examples of professional headlines for various freelancing fields: Web Developer: "Experienced Web Developer Specializing in Full-Stack Development and E-Commerce Solutions" Graphic Designer: "Creative Graphic Designer Delivering Stunning Visuals for Brands and Digital Media" Content Writer: "...
Russian Recording Project Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 770 short sentences in total. No skil...you are a Russian speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Russian speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 12$ for 770 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their c...
? Project Title: Design & Develop an SEO-Optimized, High-Converting Website for PurpleIPD ?️ Project Overview We are PurpleDocs, a 14-year-old health-tech company that has digitized 20M+ patient records across 16 cities. We specialize in building end-to-end digital solutions for hospitals, covering Historical Records, OPD, and IPD documentation. Now, we are launching PurpleIPD—a cutting-edge digital IPD solution designed for NABH-compliant hospitals to: ✅ Go Paperless & Eco-Friendly – Eliminate paper-based documentation ✅ Reduce Costs – Save on stationery & admin expenses with digital workflows ✅ Increase Revenue – Earn govt incentives for ABDM patient data submission ✅ Accelerate Discharge Process – Reduce dis...
I'm looking for a talented animator to create an educational 2D cartoon featuring an Islamic storyteller aimed at children aged 3-5 years old. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 2D animation - Experience in creating content for preschoolers - Understanding of Islamic culture and stories - Ability to create engaging, educational content The main goal of this project is to blend entertainment with education, instilling cultural appreciation and moral lessons through captivating storytelling. If you have a knack for creating colourful, lively animation and can weave in elements of Islamic tradition in a fun, age-appropriate way, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking to create a simple yet effective dashboard from a source file of a balanced scorecard. The primary focus of this dashboard will be tracking customer satisfaction through line graphs. Key Features: - Interactive filters to help dissect the data - Export to PDF functionality for easy sharing - Real-time updates to ensure the data is always current Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data visualization tools, particularly with creating line graphs - Experience with dashboard creation - Skills in implementing interactive filters and real-time updates - Ability to incorporate PDF export functionality I look forward to seeing your bids!
Objective: Create a bold and visually striking T-shirt design to promote the Red Royale Rebuild project and associated YouTube channel. The design should b...visible way. • Potential slogan: “Restoring History, One Lap at a Time” or “Follow the Build on YouTube!” 4. Color Scheme & Style • Red as the dominant color to reflect the car’s name and identity. • Contrasting black, white, or grey tones for clarity and boldness. • Potential for a vintage race poster aesthetic or modern vector graphic look. 5. Placement & Composition • Front chest design: Compact but bold for easy visibility. • Full back design: A larger, detailed graphic of the Royale with branding elements. • Sleeve or sma...
I'm a beginner in WordPress, currently attempting to build an E-commerce site. I need a WordPress expert with excellent English communication skill...Areas of Focus: - Theme Customization: I need help tweaking my site to match my brand and appeal to my target customers. - Plugin Installation and Configuration: I need guidance on what plugins to use for my e-commerce site and how to set them up. - Content Management: I need assistance with managing product listings and other content on my site. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with WordPress, particularly in setting up and customizing E-commerce sites. - Excellent English communication skills. - Patient and able to explain complex concepts in a simple, easy-to-understand way. - Available for half-hour Zoom ...
...I have not coded for 20 years. I have been busy with sales and marketing projects eg. Call centres. Yesterday, I experimented with Cursor, Javascript, MySQL, PHP, Html and created a working software on Wordpress in a couple of hours, It was really easy and fun. Problem: it uses plugins, contact forms and I feel it's the wrong way to do it. It will become slow and will be forever asking for updates. I want an expert in AI who can guide me and get me started. You need to speak good English and screen share. So, I can learn quickly. Show me something that you have done, tell me how long it took (man hours) and costs. I have a lot of ideas and I am looking for long term partners. My budget for this will be £300 for 3 provi...
I'm looking for an experienced researcher who can take a given subject, break it down into all its relevant topics, interlink them logically, and provide a detailed yet easy-to-follow research document. Key Responsibilities: Research and list out all subtopics related to a given subject. Organize findings into a structured document with logical interlinking between topics. Provide a comprehensive yet clear overview of the subject while ensuring depth in details. Cite reliable sources and ensure accuracy in information. Ideal Candidate: Strong analytical and research skills. Ability to map out interconnections between subtopics for better understanding. Experience in creating in-depth research papers, reports, or whitepapers. Excellent structuring skills – ...
I'm looking for someone to create a simple bar graph for me. The graph should represent recycled content data, with the x-axis displaying types of materials. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in data visualization - Experience with creating bar graphs - Understanding of recycled content data The final product should be a clear, easy-to-understand bar graph that accurately represents the data. Please include your past examples of similar work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a sleek, professional portfolio website for me. The primary aim of this site is to showcase my work and skills to potential employers and clients. Key requirements include: - A well-structured image gallery to display my projects. The gallery should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. - A dedicated 'About Me' section to provide insights into my professional background and personal interests. - A user-friendly 'Contact' form to facilitate communication with site visitors. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in website development, with a strong portfolio of past projects. - Proficiency in creating image galleries and interactive web element...
I'm seeking an expert in FreePBX and FOP2 who can set up a dialer for me primarily for managing call queues. Key Requirements: - Implementing call queue management features. - Configuring the system to log calls and maintain call histories. - Ensuring the user interface of the dialer is simple and minimalistic. I need someone with a deep understanding of FreePBX and FOP2, with previous experience in configuring call management systems. The ideal candidate would be able to create a straightforward, easy-to-use interface while still incorporating the necessary monitoring features. Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I'm in need of a p...should assist in planning efficient routes for deliveries. - Vehicle Tracking: Real-time tracking of all vehicles in the fleet is crucial. - Driver Management: The software should also include features for managing drivers. Key Features: - Delivery Scheduling: This software should facilitate easy scheduling of deliveries. - Proof of Delivery: The software should have a reliable system for providing proof of delivery. Additional Feature: - Inventory Management: An integrated inventory management system is an absolute necessity. The ideal candidate for this project should have a deep understanding of transport management systems and proven experience in developing such software. They should also have the capability to create sof...
Russian Recording Project Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 770 short sentences in total. No skil...you are a Russian speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Russian speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 12$ for 770 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their c...