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    2,000 earn 100 dollars per day proiecte găsite

    Problema turnurilor din Hanoi Problema se va rezolva fara interfata grafica (gui). Vor fi 3 tije si maxim 7 discuri. Se vor implementa urmatoarele: - Problema si instanta, - Reprezentarea starilor, starea initiala si starea finala, - Tranzitii, - Regulile problemei, navigare in spatiul problemei, euristici. - Stategii: ...optimizata - hillclimbing - backtracking - A* Instanta va fi primita ca parametru la linia de comanda sau dintr-un fisier si iesirea e scoasa intr-un alt fisier (o tranzitie pe fiecare rand, numar de solutii limitat). Pentru o instanta faceti media numarului de stari din solutie, media numarului de stari incercate, media duratei de executie, pentru 100 de rulari si pentru fiecare strategie imp...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Realizare FOTO Morphing
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul urmator are ca obiect principal realizarea de foto "morphing". Adica un set de fotografii facute intotdeauna de la aceiasi distanta, cu acelasi decor si cu aceiasi persoana, obiect, etc. Rezultatul trebuie sa fie fluid, rafinat, cu o editare a imaginii suficient de bine facuta astfel incat imaginea sa nu sufere "sacadar...principal realizarea de foto "morphing". Adica un set de fotografii facute intotdeauna de la aceiasi distanta, cu acelasi decor si cu aceiasi persoana, obiect, etc. Rezultatul trebuie sa fie fluid, rafinat, cu o editare a imaginii suficient de bine facuta astfel incat imaginea sa nu sufere "sacadari". As dori sa primesc un morphing demonstrativ cu cateva fotografii (6-8 -10), si un pret pentru 100, 20...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Build a Website
    S-a încheiat left

    Descrierea proiectului Implementarea site ului actual in wordpress sau html web 2.0 cu panou administarare cu urmatoarele cerinte in plus 1 HOME PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 5-6 imagini :,26.114845&spn=0.036751,0.051498&z=13&source=embed&dg=feature SEO ON PAGE 7 trimitere catre pagina de inscrieri mai accentuata 8 timp scurt de incarcare 9 OPTIMIZARE H1 H2 , META PENTRU FIECARE PAGINA DIN SITE 9 subpagini pentru selectie show uri dansatori 10 sub pagini pentru cursuri dansul mirilor 11 respectarea temei actuale a site ului 100% 12 respectarea grafiicii actuale a site ului 100% In detaliu este in atach , cu poze cu tot la amanunt

    $562 Average bid
    $562 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    Ajuta magazinul online sa ajunga pe primul loc in pentru urmatoarele cuvinte cheie: 1. polen crud 2. miere de salcam 3. miere de tei 4. miere cu pr...polen crud 2. miere de salcam 3. miere de tei 4. miere cu propolis Platim doar pentru rezultate, numai dupa ce site-ul sta cel putin o saptamana pe primul loc in cautari Va rugam sa plasati oferta Dvs per fiecare cuvant cheie (expresie). Dupa ce acordam proiectul, facem 4 etape diferite de plata (cate una pentru fiecare keyword) si eliberam plata dupa o saptamana de prima pozitie in pentru acel keyword. In cazul in care nu reusiti sa urcati o expresie cheie pe primul loc, platim 50% pentru locul 2 sau 25 % pentru locul 3, fara a cumula (nu platim 25+50+100% pentru ca a fost pe locurile 3,2,1).

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Spot Grafic 3D
    S-a încheiat left

    Obiectul spotului consta in promovarea unei platforme webbased. Specificatii : - Forma grafica dorita: ; - Durata 100 - 150 sec;

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Scriitor articole in limba romana (100% unice + scrise corespunzator in limba romana)!

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Ca...discutia de pe acel forum. La fiecare comment lasat trebuie luat link-ul si pus intr-un excel pentru a putea fi verificat. Experienta si calitate nu prea exista la acest proiect asa ca vom alege cel mai mic pret. Plata va fi pe comment. Din experienta noastra adaugarea unui comment dureaza max 5 min cu tot cu crearea unui cont nou. Astfel la 8 ore sunt 96 de commenturi. In prezent platim 50 lei pt 100 de commenturi sau pe zi (8h). Din pacate noul buget care ne-a fost alocat este mai mic si trebuie reduse costurile cu acesti colaboratori. Nu se impune un anumit numar de comment-uri pe zi dar trebuie stabilit inainte macar estimativ cam cate ore esti disponibil sa lucrezi pe zi si trebuie lucrate cel putin 4 zile pe sapt. In general un proiect nu tine mai mult de 2 sapt. ...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    [Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita rapor...

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salutare, suntem o firma de marketing din Cluj-Napoca, de curand am demarat un proiect extern pentru jocuri flash. In acest moment suntem in catarea unei persoane foarte pricepute pe illustrator. Te rog sa imi dai un numar de telefon, 100% o sa colaboram.

    $241 Average bid
    $241 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Vreau sa scriu o nuvela fantastica despre Dracula si Transilvania, sa fie captivanta si sa nu o poti lasa din mana pana nu termini de aiba undeva pe la 100 de pagini.

    $375 Average bid
    $375 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    ...= bug-uri) 7. Introducere produse in baza de date. 8. Administrare si monitorizare 9. Mentenanta stoc, preluare comenzi si expeditie. Veti lucra in echipa de 2, proiectul este monitorizat de o pers cu experienta. Proiectul este de low budget, se pleaca de la zero, pretabil pt un job de tip part time 100% recomandat pentru studenti. Valabil doar pentru rezidenti in orasul Constanta. Se poate lucra si la domiciliu in functie de etapa proiectului. Oferta 100 USD / luna + comision vanzari. Se face preselectie pentru interviu. Aplicati cu CV. Va rugam sa aveti rabdare daca nu primiti imediat un raspuns de la noi, suntem f.ocupati. Conditii esentiale pe care trebuie sa le indepliniti (va rugam sa nu aplicati daca nu indepliniti exact toate c...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    We need to translate CherryPlayer to more languages We will consider only offers $10 per language. You will be able to get good rating with good comments in your portfolio. Please give us to know at what languages you will be able to translate CherryPlayer. File that need to translate attached. Need to translate only right part at all sentences. Romana

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Acest proiect este pentru vorbitorii nativi de Limba Romana si consta in scrierea a 10 articole despre diferite limbi straine sau culturi/obiceiuri. Fiecare articol trebuie: - sa fie 100% original si bine documentat. Nu se accepta simple traduceri de pe wikipedia sau alte site-uri/bloguri. Te poti documenta si folosi orice fel de informatie dar la final articolul trebuie sa fie original - sa fie de circa 2 pagini (circa 60 randuri) - tema exacta o vom stabili impreuna dupa alegerea castigatorului Ex: un articol despre Limba Norvegiana in care sunt prezentate cateva aspecte unice/interesante. Un articol odata scris poate necesita anumite corectari, revizii (forma finala trebuie acceptata de mine). Eu vom detine drepturile de copywrite asupra articolelor. Proiectul tre...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Buna seara. Ma numesc Radu. Citind project name stiti deja ce as vrea. Va rog sa-mi dati o cotatie. Aceeasi propunere am trimis-o la mai multi scriitori de articole romani dar doresc , daca se poate, si raspunsul dumneavoastra. Imi cer scuze pentru mesajul direct dar fiind roman mi se pare normal mai intai sa gasesc pe cineva care lucreaza bine si la un pret pe care sa mi-l pot permite , tot printre romani. Multumesc

    $25 - $25
    $25 - $25
    0 oferte

    NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Optimizare SEO - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Urmarim o colaborare pe teremen lung. Cerinte: - 200 Link-uri statice de tip href, one-way, 100 % tehnici White Hat, pe pagini PR4+ - cel putin 1 link trebuie să fie PR9 (poate fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 5 link-uri trebuie să fie PR8 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 15 de link-uri trebuie să fie PR7 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - maxim 10 link-uri pe forum-uri de travel - link-urile trebuie să fie permanente, do follow, pe pagini de travel in limba romana (cu exceptiile de mai sus), indexate de Google, neblocate de - link-urile sterse in termen de 12 luni vor fi inlocuite - maximum 1 link per domeniu, pe pagini cu maximum 40 de link-uri; domeniile trebuie să aiba IP-uri diferi...

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Doresc lista cu proprietari inscrisi la Administratiile financiare ca platitori de taxe din chirii/locatiune. Ofer 100 $/2000 de proprietari care platesc impozite din chirii/locatiune. Lista trebuie sa includa nume, adresa, nr. de telefon. Lista poate fi trimisa in orice format(nu se conditioneaza formatul). Pe masura ce se primesc listele din anumite localitati se va anunta ce localitati au ramas disponibile. In Romania sunt inscrisi la Administratiile financiare ca platitori de impozit din chirii 250.000 de persoane, dintre care 80.000 in Bucuresti. Proiectul este in lucru pana la 20 noiembrie 2013. Vom angaja orice freelancer doreste deorece pretul se plateste la predarea si verificarea prin sondaj a listei.

    $30 - $250
    Urgent Sigilat
    $30 - $250
    2 oferte
    Article Writer
    S-a încheiat left

    I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-S...articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 pe...

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Proiectul consta in construirea de la zero a unui site care va ingloba lucrarile pe care le au diverse persoane de facut -fie constructii, amenajari, meditatii pentru copii,practic orice devine necesar pentru cineva si doreste sa gaseasca o persoana/grup de persoane care sa realizeze "job-ul respectiv" contracost. Astfl,trebuie create toate modulele necesare si puse cap la cap pentru a av...consta in construirea de la zero a unui site care va ingloba lucrarile pe care le au diverse persoane de facut -fie constructii, amenajari, meditatii pentru copii,practic orice devine necesar pentru cineva si doreste sa gaseasca o persoana/grup de persoane care sa realizeze "job-ul respectiv" contracost. Astfl,trebuie create toate modulele necesare si puse cap la cap pentru a avea ...

    $559 Average bid
    $559 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    scriu articole de sport,mondene....pot colabora cu diferite ziare si jurnale...pot scrie articole sportive,si multe alte la cerere.(istorie,geografie si multe alte)

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 oferte

    ...the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, a...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    Doresc crearea unui modul pentru acordarea unui discount pe baza comenzii totale a fiecarui produs (pretul de baza al produsului * cantitate comandata) De exemplu, am un produs ce costa 100 de lei. Pentru o cantitate comandata de 10 buc. valoarea pentru respectivul produs va fi de 1000 lei. Iar pentru comenzi de peste 1000 lei sa ofer discount de 10%, astfel pretul produsului va fi de 90 Lei. Pentru o cantitate comandata de 20 buc. valoarea pentru respectivul produs va fi de 2000 lei. Iar pentru comenzi de peste 2000 lei sa ofer discount de 20%, astfel pretul produsului va fi de 80 Lei. ... si tot asa Formula de calcul: pret de baza*cantitate = x discount pentru pretul de baza = x>1000, 10% reducere discount pentru pretul de baza = x>2000, 20% reducere discou...

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    SEO E-commerce/worpress
    S-a încheiat left

    E-commerce/worpress nou care are nevoie de on-page si off-page optimizare seo. Target: Cresterea vanzarilor,imbunatatirea site-ului in motoarele de cautare si inregistrarea unui numar cat mai mare de vizitatori din RO. Plata noastra este de 100$/luna timp de 6 luni.

    $600 Average bid
    $600 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I need a talented video editor to create a 15-second vintage-style Instagram Reel for me. The video should have a romantic theme, capturing the essence of love in a nostalgic, vintage setting. We need a creative and engaging Instagram Reels video in a vintage style to promote custom newspapers featuring love stories, perfect for Valentine’s Day. The video should be interactive, featuring a cute cat asking viewers to place their fingers on the screen. Once they do, an animation appears, revealing a vintage-style newspaper with a romantic message like “I agree to be your love forever.” Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in creating Instagram Reels - Creative in using visual effects to evoke feelings

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a mobile-optimized, performance-driven, play-to-earn game for Telegram, integrated with the TON blockchain. Key Requirements: - Develop a mobile-friendly game on Telegram. - Integrate with TON blockchain for play-to-earn functionality. - Prioritize game performance above all else. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile game development. - Proficiency in working with the TON blockchain. - Strong understanding of performance optimization techniques in gaming. Please note, the specific genre of the game (puzzle, strategy, arcade) has not been determined yet, so creativity and flexibility in proposing game concepts will be highly valued.

    $2523 Average bid
    $2523 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional to design a catalog for 100 square-shaped colored paintings. The 24x24 cm catalog should include: - A formal index page - Each painting on a separate page - Titles, measurements, and techniques formatted below each painting The design should primarily respect frame spaces, with a few paintings being displayed end-to-end. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in creating art catalogs and be able to maintain a formal style throughout the index and the catalog. The final project should be ready to print in a professional enterprise. All files delivered should be destroyed after completion.

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta medie
    95 oferte

    Our e-commerce company is looking for an individual who can call customers daily to verify their orders. This task will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour each day. The candidate must be proficient in both English and Hindi. Responsibilities: Call customers to confirm their orders. Required Skills: Strong communication skills in both English and Hindi. Prior customer service experience is preferred but not mandatory. If you are interested in this opportunity, please get in touch with us!

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    I'm a boy looking to earn a side income through freelance writing, specifically in copywriting for product descriptions. I need someone who can help me with this. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in copywriting, specifically for product descriptions - Good understanding of persuasive writing - Able to meet deadlines - Experience in freelance writing preferred

    $261 Average bid
    $261 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a Prestashop module that integrates with the Trendyol Marketplace API. The module should support product listing, inventory management , message management and order synchronization. Key Features: - Product Listing: Seamless integration for listing products on Trendyol - Inventory Management: Real-time inventory syncing reflecting on the marketplace and prestashop - Order Synchronization: Automatically syncing orders from Trendyol to Prestashop Additionally, the module must support: - Multiple Languages: To cater to the diverse Trendyol customer base - Different Currencies: As Trendyol operates in various currency zones Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Prestashop module development - Experience with Trendyol ...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    Job Description: Sales Representative (100% Commission-Based) Location: Malaysia (Remote) Language Requirements: Fluent in English and Bahasa Malaysia About Us We are an established global supplier of specialty chemicals, including carbon black, with a focus on serving industries like plastics, inks, and coatings. We are expanding our presence in Malaysia and seeking a motivated sales professional to join our team on a 100% commission-based role. --- Job Responsibilities Customer Acquisition: Identify and develop new customers in the plastics, inks, and coatings industries. Account Management: Build and maintain relationships with key accounts to drive repeat business. Sales Growth: Promote and sell carbon black products, achieving sales targets. Market Analysis: Mon...

    $425 Average bid
    $425 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    I'm looking for a developer to build a web-based program that can monitor 20 different training modules, retrain periods and appointment requests, for over 100 people. The program will need a user-friendly interface, separate admin access privileges, and a robust notification system. Key Features: - Web-based user interface: The program should be accessible via a web platform, ensuring usability across various devices and operating systems. - Notification system: This will alert users of important updates or changes within the training modules. - Admin features: Admins should be able to manage user roles and permissions, as well as have access to audit logs and reports. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in web development and UI design ...

    $2599 Average bid
    $2599 Oferta medie
    109 oferte

    ...present our business opportunity, and negotiate terms to finalize a partnership agreement. 3- Secure the Partnership: Ensure the signing of a mutually beneficial contract. What’s in It for You? - Base Payment: $1,500 USD upon signing the partnership contract. - Performance Bonus: 5% commission on the first 12 months of revenue generated from the partnership. This is an excellent opportunity to earn both a competitive fixed payment and ongoing rewards for securing a long-term, revenue-generating partnership. Who You Are - Experienced in business development and sales. - Skilled in research, negotiation, and communication. - Familiar with the US market, particularly in B2B partnerships. - Comfortable working independently and driving results. Details About the Opportunity...

    $2434 Average bid
    $2434 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Real Estate Funnel
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat measures to protect user data. User Experience -Intuitive interface: Develop a user interface that is easy to use, even for users with no experience of technology. -Onboarding: Offer a smooth onboarding process with tutorials and user support. Business Model Subscription Model: Offer monthly or annual subscription plans with different levels of functionality (in Brazilian Real and US Dollars). (Saas with two languages ( Brazilian Portuguese and American English ) Requirements for the Freelancer -Experience in Web Development: Proficiency in developing scalable web applications. -Knowledge of Relevant Technologies: Experience with the technologies mentioned above (e.g., React, Node.js, MySQL). Focus on Usability: Ability to create intuitive and user-friendly user i...

    $1298 Average bid
    $1298 Oferta medie
    106 oferte

    I'm seeking a comprehensive exercise and eating plan geared towards muscle building. The regimen should primarily focus on strength training at Planet Fitness and incorporate cardio exercises as well. Requirements: - Plan should focus on machines available at Planet Fitness - A well-structured streng...workouts and meals Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in fitness training, particularly strength and cardio - Proficiency in nutrition planning, specifically high-protein diets - Experience in creating tailored fitness and eating plans I am 5’6, weight 197 pounds. I have 28.6% body fat. I want an exercise/eating plan that I can follow to lose body fat and gain muscle. I can dedicate 2 hours a day to going to the gym. I would like to stick to machines and stay away...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Ho bisogno di un'assistente che richieda preventivi da diverse imprese di pulizie e mi fornisca una shortlist di 3-5 imprese per la pulizia di un ufficio a Roma, tenendo conto di prezzi e recensioni dei clienti (o reputazione dell'impresa). Fornirò i dettagli via chat. Solo per freelance in lingua Italiana. Don't apply if you don't speak fluent Italian.

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Please see our chat notes on the specifics 1st flyer $30 off any 3 day Mobile-dumpster rental and $50 off for one week rentals. Need some help loading your Mobile Dumpster. We can load your 10 yard Mobile dumpster for you for just $19 Bucks * Refer a friend and they rent a Mobile Dumpster receive a $25 Amazon card 2nd Flyer. Contractors flyer! Special Discounted Rates for Contractors for Mobile Dumpsters *Roofers, remodelers Builders, Realtors and property Managers get the MVP Treatment

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled photo editor for my real estate images. The job involves color corrections and layering multiple photos at different exposures. A quick turnaround time of one day is essential as I plan to have multiple projects. Key Requirements: - Editing of 21-30 photos per project - Color Corrections: Brightness and contrast adjustment - Final output in JPEG format - Experience in layering images to manage different exposures Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Ability to meet tight deadlines - Previous experience in real estate photo editing preferred - Excellent understanding of color correction techniques

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Oferta medie
    132 oferte

    ...someone who values the opportunity to work on streamlined tasks with minimal hassle while still being compensated for their efforts. This project is ideal for someone with patent expertise who wants to earn while leveraging their knowledge efficiently. Why This Project? Most Work is Done: The Title, Abstract, Background of Invention, Summary, Objectives, Detailed Description, and Claims are already drafted. You will only need to refine the drafts, ensure alignment with diagrams, and assist with filing. Simplified Scope of Work: Focus on diagram creation and refinement (5–10 diagrams per patent). Align descriptions and claims with appropriate numbering and diagram references. Time-Efficient: This is not a project that requires building from scratch. With much of t...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Oferta medie
    3 oferte within 24 hours of the project start. Required Skills: Proficiency in 3D design software such as Blender, Unreal Engine, or other suitable tools. Ability to create realistic details and an interactive experience. Strong commitment to tight deadlines (2 days). Please Provide: Examples of similar previous work. A quote for the project, including a commitment to the 2-day timeline....

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Oferta medie
    13 oferte key for this project, as is a serious commitment to meeting deadlines and staying within the strict limitations and specific design. Previous experience with 3D modeling for games, particularly IMVU (but it’s fine if you have no knowledge of this game), would be a significant advantage. Please note that the model should be good detail but optimized to stay under 2MB. My price range is $70-$100 for this one model. I want to pay upon completion to make sure the model meets the requirements of IMVU along with the design being what I’m hoping for. Please communicate with me throughout the whole process and update me. Accept possible revisions and feedback with a good attitude. If I start to get worried that I can’t trust you or you’re not doing the jo...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I will pay you 20,000 as advance, our total project cost is 80,000. I will release the first instalment of 20,000. Once the 50% work is done and the very day the 50% work is done. I will create another ₹20,000 ka milestone and I will clear that amount once 90% of the work is done and rest remain remaining amount will be will be given after the application is fully functional.

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional Unity developer to create a script for a game. You can see the exact requirements in the attached video. The task is to write a script for waves of monsters attack...behaving well, but some are not, so all the monsters should always behave the same. The project deadline is 7 days, that includes any adjustments, debugging or else - in 7 days, the project should be fully completed. The project is only considered completed if all requirements are fulfilled 100% in the set deadline, in other words, if every requirement is not completed, and half done, or 75% done, the project is not completed and the freelancer will not be paid. Please bid on the project ONLY if you are 100% sure that you can complete the project and agree with the set requ...

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Oferta medie
    31 oferte
    Technical Content Writer for IT Bids
    6 zile left
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    *** NOTE that there is a requirement of around 100hrs per month (around 5 hrs per day Mon-Fri). PRICE is the main factor so quote your hourly price wisely. The maximum, we are paying for this is around 10k-15k per month [Rs 100 - 150 per hour] on above basis. flexible working per day is allowed. Long Term possibility of up to couple of years *** I'm looking for a skilled technical content writer to help me bid for software development projects. The ideal candidate should have: - Basic understanding of technical landscape with respect to cloud technologies, programming languages such as Java, Python etc. - Excellent writing skills - Experience in drafting bid applications Your role will be to leverage your basic knowledge of p...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    We are looking for experienced freelance link builders to help us secure can use to offer links in return (, , etc.). A tracking system for reporting progress. Requirements: - Proven experience with link building and outreach strategies. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. - Ability to use email tools and outreach platforms effectively. - Familiarity with Google Sheets or Excel for reporting progress. Payment Structure: - $100 for every 50 live and verified links. - Bonuses available for exceptional performance and securing links from high-authority sites (DA 50+). Websites You Can Offer in Exchange:

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    30 oferte
    Required Chinese Voice Over Artist
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Hello, Greetings of the day! I am in need of Chinese Voice-over Artists as well as Dubbing Studios for my project. Details for freelancers/Artists : Source Language: Any Target Language: Chinese Target file - MP3/Wav NOTE- Kindly share your samples. I will be waiting for your response and I hope that we can discuss this project further. If interested, kindly share your samples. Looking forward to your bids.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...garantizar la conversión de leads en clientes. Requisitos: -Proactividad y ganas de generar resultados. -Habilidad para trabajar de forma independiente y buscar tus propios prospectos. -Buenas habilidades de comunicación y negociación. -No se requiere experiencia previa, pero si cuentas con experiencia en ventas o cierres de negocios, será un plus. Ofrecemos: -Trabajo remoto y flexible. -Pago 100% a comisión (Un 10% del valor de la venta, según el servicio vendido). -Comisiones escalables y posibilidad de trabajar a largo plazo según resultados. Si eres una persona proactiva, con actitud y motivación para aprender y crecer en ventas, ¡queremos trabajar contigo! Envía tu propuesta detallando por qué ere...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...private banking. All this in just 1.5 hours a week—because brilliance doesn’t always take all day. What You Bring to the Table: Coachable Attitude: You take feedback and make it gold. Private Banking Know-How: You understand this isn’t retail banking; it’s about building relationships, not selling products. Proven Results: You have examples of content you’ve created that generated leads and tangible business outcomes. Confidentiality Expertise: You respect and understand the importance of privacy in every piece of content. Technical Chops: You know your way around Canva, ChatGPT, and YouTube SEO tools like a pro. The Deal: This is a remote, part-time role with highly flexible hours (just 1.5 per week). But don’t let the light workload ...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I'm seeking an SEO specialist with web design skills to enhance our online visibility and improve our search engine rankings on Australian Google. You will work for 5 hours, one day a week. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct both on-page and off-page SEO - Analyze our competitors and strategize accordingly - Create and design webpages in line with our business needs - Edit or design images for the webpages - Generate content as required - Manage and update our Google My Business profile for SEO benefits - Create, edit and publish blog posts to support our SEO efforts In your application, please include: - Examples of past SEO projects and their outcomes - Your proposed strategy for improving our SEO in Australia - A breakdown of how you plan to spend the 5 hours each week Your ...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    61 oferte