Drupal clone website ruproiecte
Dezvoltarea unei aplicații Vue JS + Drupal Headless Descriere Misiunea este de a consolida echipele noastre în dezvoltarea unei aplicații Vue JS. Aplicația va comunica cu o soluție Drupal Headless și va trebui să consume punctele finale, furnizate de API. Pentru a îndeplini această misiune, partenerul nostru trebuie să aibă un nivel expert în Drupal 8/9 și să stăpânească limbajul de programare JavaScript. Aceste abilități sunt imperative, în măsura în care partenerul nostru trebuie să fie perfect autonom, în îndeplinirea sarcinilor care îi vor fi atribuite, după ce a avut în vedere documentul de specificații funcționale și briefing-ul CTO. Pentru a fi confortabil în acest proiect, va fi necesar să av...
Doresc realizarea unui site de prezentare( pe platforma Drupal) si comanda a albumelor foto .
...cunostine tehnice / limbaje de programare / tehnologii: - PHP - React Native - MySQL - Bootstrap - Codeigniter - Laravel - JS - GIT - Slack - SSH - PHP inclusiv OOP - nivel avansat; - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX; - MySql - nivel avansat; - Experienta in integrarea prin servicii web REST/SOAP; - Cel putin unul din framework-urile PHP OOP cunoscute (Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony, Yii etc.); - Drupal 7 si GIT; - Analiza proiect si estimare dezvoltare software; - Modificare cod sursa in PHP / MySQL; - Integrare cu alte aplicatii (API intern si extern); - Depanare cod sursa. * Constituie avantaj experienta in dezvoltarea in mediul Linux/Vagrant; experienta cu linia de comanda Linux; experienta in configurare servere: Apache, MySql, Git. * Cunostinte bune de PHP, MySQL, Jav...
Realizarea unui portal in Drupal pentru o Agentie online de turism specializata in incoming. Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa consultati documentul atasat. Avem nevoie de o oferta de pret si un termen de executie. Multumesc!
...eficient in site. Acesta va fi vedeta, avand in vedere complexitatea, diversitatea si imbinarile dintre marci numeroase, categorii numeroase ce pot avem aspecte foarte comune. (fie ca aveti deja unul "facut in casa" sau cunoasteti un gadget foarte evoluat cu costuri ce nu sunt supralicitate). - experienta in lucrul cu siteuri ce contin categorii complexe cu legaturi intre categorii , subcategorii , tag-ru si sugestii de afisare etc. (organizare sistematica si eficienta a continutului) - imaginatie si inspiratie bazate pe experienta (sugestiile Dvs. conteaza). Siteul nu se doreste un magazin online, in care sa se regaseasca efectiv preturi, ci mai degraba unul de prezentare, preturile se obtinandu-se pe baza de cerere de oferta. Asta nu inseamna ca pe anumite ...
...eficient in site. Acesta va fi vedeta, avand in vedere complexitatea, diversitatea si imbinarile dintre marci numeroase, categorii numeroase ce pot avem aspecte foarte comune. (fie ca aveti deja unul "facut in casa" sau cunoasteti un gadget foarte evoluat cu costuri ce nu sunt supralicitate). - experienta in lucrul cu siteuri ce contin categorii complexe cu legaturi intre categorii , subcategorii , tag-ru si sugestii de afisare etc. (organizare sistematica si eficienta a continutului) - imaginatie si inspiratie bazate pe experienta (sugestiile Dvs. conteaza). Siteul nu se doreste un magazin online, in care sa se regaseasca efectiv preturi, ci mai degraba unul de prezentare, preturile se obtinandu-se pe baza de cerere de oferta. Asta nu inseamna ca pe anumite domeni...
Site prezentare, înscrieri unități turism, harta interactiva. Expunere in tabel gen as dori în Drupal.
Buna, am de facut un site pentru o pensiune din judetul Arges, client pe care il intereseaza foarte mult optimizarea SEO si evolutia in motoarele de cautare. Pentru dezvoltare o sa folosesc un CMS PHP (Drupal sau Wordpress) inca este batut in cuie. Te intereseaza un astfel de proiect? Site-ul nu va fi mare, cateva pagini tipice pentru pensiunile de la noi, cu modul de rezervari online si cateva pagini de prezentare. Imi poti propune un buget si eventual un workplan? Trebuie sa ii trimit maine clientului o estimare de pret in care sa includ si pretul tau. Multumesc
Salut, Gamit, am de facut un site pentru o pensiune din judetul Arges, client pe care il intereseaza foarte mult optimizarea SEO si evolutia in motoarele de cautare. Pentru dezvoltare o sa folosesc un CMS PHP (Drupal sau Wordpress) inca este batut in cuie. Te intereseaza un astfel de proiect? Site-ul nu va fi mare, cateva pagini tipice pentru pensiunile de la noi, cu modul de rezervari online si cateva pagini de prezentare. Imi poti propune un buget si eventual un workplan? Trebuie sa ii trimit maine clientului o estimare de pret in care sa includ si pretul tau. Multumesc
Trebuie finalizata o aplicatie de urmarirea a marfurilor intr-un depozit. Este finalizata in proportie de 75%.
Migrare siteuri Web din Joomla către Drupal. - ROMANIAN SPEAKERS only Foarte bune cunoștințe de Drupal 7, JS, CSS, responsive. Limba franceză obligatoriu. Cunoașterea CMS-ului Joomla reprezintă un plus. Contact numai în limba franceză cu tariful/zi și referințe de proiecte Drupal realizate. Proiect de lungă durata.
Migrare siteuri Web din Joomla către Drupal. Foarte bune cunoștințe de Drupal 7, JS, CSS, responsive. Limba franceză obligatoriu. Cunoașterea CMS-ului Joomla reprezintă un plus. Contact numai în limba franceză cu tariful/zi și referințe de proiecte Drupal realizate. Proiect de lungă durata.
Drupal,upgrade la versiunea 8, schimbare tema,migrare informatiilor de pe vechiul website,adaugare ramuri noi in meniu,modul filtrare ip pentru acces in interfata de admin
...categorie. Sus sigla sitului. Jos va fi un baner de publicitate. Filtrele sa se retraga gen Trivago. Situl va avea si Compare unitati. La site as mai dori o aplicatie care sa permita inregistrarea comentariilor la unitatile turistice si evaluarea acestora. Totodata va avea Admin si Super Admin. Panou de adminstrare comenzi si tot ceeace implica un astfel de site. Situl doresc sa fie realizat in Drupal, deoarece e o platforma opensurce care rezista la situri extrem de mari. Va rog sa precizati cat va fi intretinerea sitului si cazarea daca aveti posibilitatea. Nu e obligatoriu. Situl va fi realizat in etape iar plata se va face la fel. Doresc sa colaborez cu oameni priceputi, cu imaginatie si mult bun simt. Prefer din Bucuresti-Romania. Multumesc pentru atentia acorda...
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza sa fac un site de recrutare forta de munca, o bursa de joburi mai exact. Pt inceput cred ca merita sa recurg la o platforma existenta in WordPress, Drupal sau Joomla, nu am buget mare pt un site customizat (ex: ). Daca aveti timp si experienta in acest domeniu cu drag dezvoltam discutia, astept o veste. Ganduri bune, Silviu.
Buna seara, Doresc sa creez un site de prezentare unitati turistice. Caut programator cu experienta, web designer, graphic designer in vederea realizarii acestui site. De preferat programatori din Bucuresti. Mentionez ca acest site trebuie sa arate si sa functioneze perfect. Va rog sa precizati platforma in care lucrati, Customs, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc. Situl trebuie sa fie gandit astfel incat sa poata fi extins cand va fi cazul. Va rog sa comunicati pretul solicitat si termenul de realizare. SITE PAGINA PRINCIPALA SIGLA MENIU ACASA/PUBLICITATE/RECOMANDARI/INSCRIERI/SESIZARI/CARIERA • FILTRU HARTA FILTRU ALEGE JUDETUL ALEGE LOCALITATEA ________________________________________ • FILTRU FILTRU TRADUCERE • CAUTA UNITATE CATEGOR...
salut, am tema drupal instalata, nume domeniu functional, se poate verifica: o parte din setari sunt facute dar versiunea in romana nu este tradusa si mai am 2-3 bug-uri. doresc sa colaborez pt acest proiect cu o persoana care are experienta in Drupal ca sa nu pierdem prea mult timp si sa fie creativa. dupa lansarea proiectului sunt deschis la o colaborare si pt mentenanta lui.
salut, am tema drupal ( am site ul vizual ca exemplu) trebuie instalata tema si setata conform cerintelor din link ul deze dropbox ( tab uri , poze , texte ) cel mai important este formularul de inscriere la care trebuie puse conditionalele aferente de creat sectiune pentru evenimente viitoare ca aici : am completat brieful cu toate paginile din site (este in link)
Avem nevoie de un programator de nivel mediu sau superior pe PHP, MySql, Javascript, preferabil cunostinte de Drupal. Proiectele urmaresc folosirea acestuia in constructia siteurile clientilor companiei in regim project based, colaborare.
Salut sunt mihai ! Vriau sa schimb pentru utilizatori carma user points, plugin jomsocial 3.2 1. Carma user points sa fiba disponibil pentru a vedia doar detinatorului profilului. in cifre de pilda 0.0012345 btc. ci nu cum este standart 2. Utilizatorii sa poata sa cumpere points cu bitcoin 3. Utilizatorii sa poata sa retraga banii expediind cerere administratorului in mod implicit continutul soldului daca a atins limita mai mult de 0.1 btc. Cu radio buton de introducere a datelor, Visa Mastercard, Webmoney
Salut sunt mihai ! Vriau sa schimb pentru utilizatori carma user points, plugin jomsocial 3.2 1. Carma user points sa fiba disponibil pentru a vedia doar detinatorului profilului. in cifre de pilda 0.0012345 btc. ci nu cum este standart 2. Utilizatorii sa poata sa cumpere points cu bitcoin 3. Utilizatorii sa poata sa retraga banii expediind cerere administratorului in mod implicit continutul soldului daca a atins limita mai mult de 0.1 btc. Cu radio buton de introducere a datelor, Visa Mastercard, Webmoney
Am un site gata realizat "" realizat pe platforma Drupal. Doresc sa efectuez modificari pe el, dar firma care mi-a construit site-ul s-a desfiintat. Caut dezvoltatori de Drupal care pot realiza modificarile pe care le doresc in continuare la site. Asigur sursele site-ului.
Salut, Am nevoie sa clonezi un site. Nu cu httrack ci o replica a siteluiu. E destul de simplu site nu complex. (daca stii ce faci) Anyway asta ii siteu: fb-hacker dot net si aici poti sa te uiti cam ce fisiere are si poate iti faci o idee cum functioneaza fb-hacker dot net /inc
...va efectua o validare a informatiei si un import in noua baza de date . Am dorii un script php sau o aplicatie care sa poate copia un site atat cu toate categoriile sau subcategoriile unui produs , inclusiv cu poze, preturi si toate descrierile aferente acelui produs si sa le exporte intr-o baza de date prestabilita printr-o bifa pentru urmatoarele Prestashop / wp / Magento / OpenCart/joomla/drupal care sa fie importata in baza de date deja existenta din una din software-urile enumerate. 3. Funcionalitati: Aplicatia va permite selectarea tipului de input (domeniu web sau document). Sursa poate sa fie multipla astfel in cat sa se poata faca o agregare a informatiilor din mai multe surse intr-o singura sursa configurabila. 3.1 Accepta ca input: - 1 sau ...
I'm looking for an experienced Senior Drupal Developer to assist with both basic and complex website updates. The role will eventually involve transitioning to a new CMS system for our Marketing team. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing necessary updates on our current Drupal-based websites - Preparing for a future transition to a new CMS - Collaborating closely with the Marketing team Ideal Candidate: - Must have advanced familiarity with Drupal - Experience in CMS transition is a plus - Proficient in implementing design, functionality and content updates Please share your resume at your earliest convenience if you're interested.
We need help with a number of updates to our existing, functional, website. 1. Update Drupal and core modules. We have a production environment and no others. 2. Website Calendar – Currently, the website does not automatically delete reservations. After the number of total reservations becomes high, the calendar will fail to load for frequent users of the calendar (such as the Reservation Admin role). The solution to date has been to manually delete a large number of the oldest (past) reservations. We would like the website to automatically delete reservations that are older than 24 months (based on the Updated date, not the date of the reservation). 3. Document Lists – Currently, there are two lists of documents (visible in the drop down ...
Hello, We are Gotransparent, a global translation company. Due to the recent increase in workload, we are looking to recruit additional translators in the following fields. Please review the details below, and if you have relevant experience, kindly send us your English resume. (Training is available if you have no prior ...in workload, we are looking to recruit additional translators in the following fields. Please review the details below, and if you have relevant experience, kindly send us your English resume. (Training is available if you have no prior experience with the tools.) Thank you. KO > EN (native English): Technical, Marketing DE > KO: Marketing, IT, Automotive, Medical JA > KO: Technical, Marketing RU > KO: Games, Marketing, Technical FR > KO: Medica...
Hi I need to develop my website and become more visible online. our website about Arabic language learning and resources, I have all the content as well as examples of all pages (exactly similar services) as references. I am available to discuss this in a call. Key Features: - Secure user accounts with both Email and Social Media Login options, primarily Google, Facebook and Instagram - A dedicated section for individuals, schools and enterprises to have access to LMS, complete with a separate login for authors - Seamless integration with our Facebook and Instagram page, allowing followers to see every new post directly on the website Portfolio Section: Development of a visually organized portfolio section to present completed projects effectively. Inclusion of i...
I'm looking for an expert Website Developer with extensive Hub CMS experience to design and develop a dynamic corporate website. The site should deliver exceptional user experiences and have E-commerce features pertinent to an ERP system in the educational field. Required Skills & Qualifications: Proven experience with Hub CMS (HubSpot CMS), including development and customization. Strong proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery. Experience with responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Familiarity with HubL (HubSpot Markup Language) for advanced Hub CMS customization. Knowledge of SEO best practices, including metadata management, site structure, and schema markup. Proficiency in website performance optimization techniques (ima...
Project overview Develop a ChatGPT-like AI capable of web browsing, image creation, handling snapshots, and managing document uploads on a private hosting server. Requirements - AI development to mimic ChatGPT functionalities. - Enable web browsing capabilities. - Feature for creating and manipulating images. - Ability to copy/paste and capture snapshots and pictures for search inquiries
I'm looking for a front-end developer to create a website that sells products, modeled after Bluelots. The design should be modern and minimalistic, and the product pages need to include product filtering and sorting features. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in front-end development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Experience in creating e-commerce websites - Ability to design in a modern and minimalistic style - Understanding of product filtering and sorting systems
#We want to host the site to root folder, not to /web folder # and want to login on the site as admin
Preciso de uma plataforma de opções binárias, o mais parecido possivel com as atuais, de preferencia que já esteja pronto
Presupuesto 50 dólares Necesito actualizar módulos de drupal y prestashop. También necesito mover cuentas de correo de un servidor a otro y bajar copias de seguridad al disco duro
Project Description: I am seeking a skilled WordPress developer to build a website similar to , functioning primarily as an app store. The website should be developed using free tools and plugins and be easily modifiable by me post-completion. Key functionalities include customizable product listings, categories, and a comparison feature akin to those on or gsmarena.com. Key Requirements: Platform: WordPress Design & Layout: Similar in style and functionality to Pages Needed: Home Shop Compare (I will handle the creation of Contact and About pages) Features: Customizable product listings and categories App comparison tool to compare different apps Customization: The site must be easily modifiable by me, allowing updates to products and categories
This website aims to provide comprehensive and user-friendly online services for individuals interested in studying, working, or migrating to Australia. Key functionalities include an online application portal, a visa eligibility checker, an information hub, and user support features. Target Audience: International students Skilled migrants Temporary visa holders Individuals seeking education and migration advice Website Structure: Homepage: Overview of Services: Concisely highlight key services (e.g., visa applications, education counseling, eligibility checks). Quick Links: Prominent links to key features (e.g., "Apply Now," "Check Eligibility," "Find Courses"). Latest News & Updates: Display recent news and updates on Australian immigra...
Presupuesto 40 dólares Necesito actualizar módulos de drupal y prestashop. También necesito mover cuentas de correo de un servidor a otro y bajar copias de seguridad al disco duro
Our Drupal site has incorrect file paths, we can't login as admin. #we've access to files and phpmyadmin - Relocate the entire site to the correct root folder. - Update necessary file paths. - Recover admin login access
I'm looking for an expert who can create the my existing WordPress landing page into a HubSpot landing page while keeping the design intact. The following elements from the WordPress page should be included: - Text and images - Forms and CTAs - Videos and animations The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with both WordPress and HubSpot - Strong skills in web design and development - Ability to replicate designs accurately and efficiently Please note, I want the design to remain exactly the same as the original WordPress page.
I need my current Drupal 7 site upgraded to Drupal 10, with the Bootstrap theme rebuilt. The project does not require the addition of new features, just the upgrade of existing ones. However, it's crucial that all third-party integrations present in the Drupal 7 site are retained in the upgraded version. It's a small site for a family owned Bed and Breakfast with 3 rooms to book. The booking process is done via Webform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Drupal, specifically upgrading from Drupal 7 to 10. - Proficiency in Bootstrap theme development and customization. - Familiarity with integrating and maintaining third-party integrations within Drupal. - Strong problem-solving skills to ensure a seamless tran...
We need a freelancer specialise in voice changing AI. Clip audio needed from 10 to 15 sec
I need a page exactly like this one: (only the complete homepage). It must use the exact same texts, design, photos, and videos—an exact copy. REQUIREMENTS: - It must be built using Elementor. - It should not be delivered in pure HTML. It needs to be editable in Elementor. - Responsive for PC/Tablet/Smartphone. - The final work must be exported as a JSON file and also via the All in One Migration plugin. Although I will select a winner, I’m very interested in finding more freelancers for other projects.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website aimed at promoting a service. The site should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Key Features: - Product Catalog: The website should have a well-organized catalog showcasing the service. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer reviews is essential to build trust and credibility. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating product/service catalog websites. - Knowledge of SEO best practices. - Skills in UI/UX design. - Understanding of how to implement a review system. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can imitate the website in the GoHighLevel platform. The website should be an exact replica of the original site, focusing on the design and layout. If you want me to consider you. Send me a message and respond fast. My budget is <$50 Key Requirements: - Exact replication of the original site's design and layout - Precise matching of the color scheme, typography, imagery, and icons Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in GoHighLevel - Strong web development background - Attention to detail, ensuring an exact replica of the original site
...YOU INTEND TO COMPLETE THE WORK FOR *** *** PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US OUTSIDE OF THE FREELANCER CHAT FUNCTIONALITY *** I need a skilled professional to upgrade my Drupal site from version 7 to 10 and update the existing theme to its latest version. Current Website: Key Responsibilities: - Upgrade Drupal from 7 to 10. You may need to follow a more intermediate upgrade path of 7 --> 9 --> 10. - Update the current theme with its latest version. - Ensure that the site retains its critical Content Management functionalities post-upgrade. -We know that one or more plugins may not be compatible with Drupal 10. In which case, please notify us of those modules and we will search for replacements after the site is up and running Please note: - There are no...
I'm l...skilled Drupal developer to create a business website using Drupal 10. Key Features: - Contact Form: A simple and functional contact form that allows potential customers to get in touch. - Blog Section: A dedicated area for company updates, industry insights, and more. The blog should support user comments to foster community interaction. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Drupal 10 with a track record of creating business websites. - Experience with developing and managing blog sections within a website. - Good understanding of creating user-friendly contact forms. - Skills in implementing comment sections on blogs. Please provide examples of previous Drupal projects you have worked on, particularly business websites. Also required p...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to enhance my existing Drupal website. The project involves implementing custom flows. You will also be responsible for integrating statistical charts into the site. Key responsibilities: - custom schedules emails - Add statistical charts to the website Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Drupal Experience in data visualization and working with statistical charts is a plus.
As a preparation, create an App, which resembles the official ChatGPT app () with chat, history, settings, voice input, picture input etc. but without the "Explore GPTs" part. With the only difference, that there is no backend or API. So it should work in pure echo mode. Whatever the input, will be returned in response (text, pictures, voice/audio etc). It should work in Android, iOS and as web app. It must be created with Flutter and the project should be setup in VSCode with instructions how to setup the development environment on windows including a Virtual Android Device. This basic will then be filled with the application logic, as we will discuss in more detail.
I'm looking to create a professional e-commerce website. The site will ultimately support transactions and sales, so a visually appealing design with a user-friendly interface is crucial. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: The site would need a functional shopping cart system to allow users to add products, view their selections, and proceed to checkout seamlessly. - Payment Gateway Integration: In particular, paytm integration is required for effortless payment processing. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in e-commerce web design and development - Experience with integrating custom payment gateways, in this case, paytm - A good eye for design, ensuring the site is appealing and user-friendly I'm open to suggestions and would appreciate someone who can...