Dns setup centosproiecte
ENG: Hello! I need your help to set up an automated system for email collection and newsletter sending. I want to: Provide a link to a form (containing fields for phone and email through various marketing campaigns), Prospects will fill out this form, Email addresses will be automatically collected and sent to the Brevo platform, Brevo will then automatically send an email. Technically, the project includes the following requirements: Email Collection Form: Create an online form (Google Forms, Typeform, or a similar platform) for collecting email addresses from visitors. I also need instructions on how to create future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, the pla...
...campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and implicitly 3 types of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical and creative setup): Creating and configuring a Google AdWords account, Configuring Google Tag Manager (including setting goals, conversions, etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaigns and budget function, even Display / Performance campaigns (the first set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads camp...
We have a new client that has a custom made website and we need someone to help us with GTM Tracking and checking the analytics goals setup + pixel checkup Our budget is 300E I need someone who speaks Romanian
Salutare. Avem o problema cu platforma shopify si facebook. Aveti mai jos cateva print screenuri unde puteti vedea exact problemele. Toate conturile sunt aprobate de facebook dar in acelasi timp nu ne arata pixelul pe website. Shopify da vina pe facebook iar facebook da vina pe shopify. Noi consideram ca problema este undeva la mijloc si mai exact cu setarile DNS ale cloudlfare-ului.
Transferul a 3 domenii WEB (un domeniu foarte vechi realizat cu pagini web HTML4 si 2 domenii realizate cu WORDPRESS) de pe un server Linux cu ISPConfig 3 fara HTTPS catre un nou server Linux Ubuntu 18.04 si ISPConfig 3.1 cu HTTPS. Se cere transferul domenului WEB, baze de date , adreselor de e-mail (fara e-mailuri) si DNS.
Salut, Am un Centos 5 pe care as vrea sa-l schimb. Ma poti ajuta?
403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! Am effectuate toate satarile de aici ( ) dar degeaba.
Am incercat sa upgradez MariaDB de la 5.5 la 10.4, dar se pare ca ceva nu am facut bine si am nevoie de reparat. Webmin se conecteaza la baza de date, dar Virtualmin nu. Am facut backup la bazele de date, inainte de upgrade.
Exista de ceva vreme acest setup dar anul asta au fost enorm de multe spam-uri. Doresc sa adaug un reCAPTCHA sau ceva similar in tentativa de a reduce loadul inutil. De asemenea, baza de date trebuie curatata de toate acele inregistrari SPAM (drop la tabela etc). Nu e un proiect de durata, astept pe cineva care a facut deja si nu pierde vremea!
Doresc sa instalez Ubuntu server sau CentOS pe un server virtual, si o aplicatie software ce are documentatie destul de clara si pe inteles. Instalarea aplicatiei dureaza 1 ora, cu setarile aferente si cu studierea documentatiei
Salut am nevoie de un ajutor cu dns . Spunemi daca esti liber
Salut am nevoie de un ajutor cu dns . Spunemi daca esti liber
Salut Marian, Te-ar interesan un contract de colaborare intre echipa ta si o companie de web development din UK? Practic compania mea se intalneste cu clientul si aduna toate specificatiile, dupa care echipa ta se ocupa de setup si development. Crezi ca putem sa discutam? Sunt pe skype cu id mex9marius
Salut. Am o problemma de rezolvat , legat de dns, dkim.. Daca esti interesat spunemi cind esti liber
Salut, am nevoie de niate scripturi pentru centos 7 care sa instaleze, configureze mai multe servicii (pptp, l2tp-ipsec, openvpn, squid, dante, tor) deasemenea si user management si trafic contol (qos sau limitare banda). Am vazut profilul tau si se pare ca esti foarte potrivit pentru a putea face proiectul asta. Esti interesat ?
Buna Marilena, ma numesc George și sunt din Brasov. Doresc sa-mi spui te rog cat m-ar costa sa-mi instalezi pe server ( VPS cu Centos 7 cu Plesk) de preferat in PHP 7 , Ioncube Loaders si FFMPEG . Am inteles ca in varianta de PHP 7.1 nu este compatibil Ioncube. Multumesc si astept raspunsul tau !
Salut, ma numesc George și sunt din Brasov. Doresc sa-mi spui te rog cat m-ar costa sa-mi instalezi pe server ( VPS cu Centos 7 cu Plesk) de preferat in PHP 7 , Ioncube Loaders si FFMPEG . Am inteles ca in varianta de PHP 7.1 nu este compatibil Ioncube. Multumesc si astept raspunsul tau !
Buna, ma numesc George și sunt din Brasov. Doresc sa-mi spui te rog cat m-ar costa sa-mi instalezi pe server ( VPS cu Centos 7 cu Plesk) de preferat in PHP 7 , Ioncube Loaders si FFMPEG . Am inteles ca in varianta de PHP 7.1 nu este compatibil Ioncube. Multumesc si astept raspunsul tau !
Salut, ma numesc George și sunt din Brasov. Doresc sa-mi spui te rog cat m-ar costa sa-mi instalezi pe server ( VPS cu Centos 7 cu Plesk) de preferat in PHP 7 , Ioncube Loaders si FFMPEG . Am inteles ca in varianta de PHP 7.1 nu este compatibil Ioncube. Multumesc si astept raspunsul tau !
Dezvoltam evenimente tematice pentru copii de toate varstele. Proiectele noastre presupun in general un setup (incl. props), decoruri, activitati tematice pentru copii, costume. Cautam un freelance designer care sa ne ajute sa punem in plan ideile pentru aceste proiecte. Buget negociabil.
Salutare! Doresc implementarea modului fan curier pentru woocommerce si a pluginului smart bill pentru facturare. Versiunea de wordpress este : 4.5.4 iar versiunea de woocommerce este : 2.5.5 Setup-ul este instalat pe un VPS cu acces SSH.
detin un server e ca unde,am dat un rebot fara sa vreau la server si acum nu imi merge domeniul. apare pagina stiu daca e de la server,DNS sau alceva.
as dori configurarea cpanel intr-un server dedicat,DNS,...................................................................................................................................................
configurare cpanel in server dedicat creare DNS si nameserver..................................................................
...fi din cauza ca site-ul este facut pe o versiune mai veche si nu este adaptat. [ Deci trebuie facut update la platforma magento, (am inteles ca exista posibilitatea sa se rezolve automat si unele probleme ramase)] Detalii server: Denumire serviciu: Servere dedicate personalizate Configuratie: CPU: 1x Xeon E5420 4x 2.5 GHz Memorie RAM: 8GB Storage: RAID1: 2x 120 GB SSD Sistem operare: CentOS 6.x Control manager: Virtualmin Acces KVM over IP: La cerere cu programare - Gratuit 5 IP-uri Securitate: Firewall Hardware anti DoS/DDoS - Gratuit Acces internet national: 300 Mbps Acces internet minim garantat international: 50 Mbps Asteptam cu interes cotatiile de pret si timpul de finalizare....
...fi din cauza ca site-ul este facut pe o versiune mai veche si nu este adaptat. [ Deci trebuie facut update la platforma magento, (am inteles ca exista posibilitatea sa se rezolve automat si unele probleme ramase)] Detalii server: Denumire serviciu: Servere dedicate personalizate Configuratie: CPU: 1x Xeon E5420 4x 2.5 GHz Memorie RAM: 8GB Storage: RAID1: 2x 120 GB SSD Sistem operare: CentOS 6.x Control manager: Virtualmin Acces KVM over IP: La cerere cu programare - Gratuit 5 IP-uri Securitate: Firewall Hardware anti DoS/DDoS - Gratuit Acces internet national: 300 Mbps Acces internet minim garantat international: 50 Mbps Asteptam cu interes cotatiile de pret si timpul de finalizare. ...
Platforma care sa fie instalata si configurata pe un server, astfel incat sa avem control total asupra platformei de SMS. S...platformei de SMS. Singurele costruri care trebuiesc suportate, sa fie cele de telefonice. Platforma trebuie sa suporte transmiterea unui numar mare de sms-uri catre orice operator de telefonie mobila din Romania. Programul SMS Gateway trebuie sa fie optimizat atat din punct de vedere al marimii cat si al puterii de procesare. Ca si sistem de operare, serverul sa fie construit pe arhitectura Linux CentOS cu module de comunicare. Aplicatia propriu-zisa de trimitere a SMS-urilor sa poata fi accesata atat direct printr-o interfata web (un fel de site), cat si prin intermendiul unui API de la distanta (daca serverul este conectat la Internet sau o retea...
Optimizara unui server pentru site-ul ( si altele)
Salut, Vreau sa deschid pana pe 1 decembrie un magazin online (la inceput maxim 500 produse) pe platforma opencart si am nevoie de cineva care sa configureze si sa optimizeze un server dedicat pentru magazin online. De asemenea ma intereseaza sa stiu (daca traficul va cere) sa imi spuneti daca poti face: – setarea mai multor CDN-uri pentru continutul static – round robin dns load balancing pentru baza de date si script *chiar daca va ma trebui inchiriat un server pt asta Ca si firma de hosting vreau sa inchiriez un server dedicat (am atasat o poza cu configuratia aleasa) de la intrucat lucrez cu ei de mai bine de 3 ani pe shared hosting si de fiecare data cand am avut o problema indiferent de ora primeam raspuns si rezolvare in maxim 15 min prin mail si au s...
Salut, am nevoie de un freelancer care a instalat si/sau a lucrat in OpenProject. VPS-ul are instalat CentOs 6.4
Salut, am nevoie de un freelancer care a instalat si/sau a lucrat in OpenProject. VPS-ul are instalat CentOs 6.4
Salut. Am nevoie de rescrierea unei functii in codul meu, mentionez ca programul il voi folosi strict pe propriile mele servere. - codul a fost scris in mai multi pasi ca sa ruleze mai multe functii, de multe ori de alti coderi - programul se compileaza static si ruleaza pe urmatoarele platforme Linux: CentOS, Debin, Ubuntu, RedHat. - in urma testelor am descoperit ca programul la inceput ruleaza foarte rapid si exact asa cum trebuie iar apoi circa dupa 1 ora de functionare totul incepe sa devina slow si ajunge sa mearga din ce in ce mai greu. - am constatat ca problema principala este de la Threadurile pe care le face ( probabil au fost scrise gresit ) - in rest toate functiile lui functioneaza asa cum ar trebui sa functioneze Mai jos am atasat o arhiva cu o scurta s...
I'm looking for a LinkedIn expert to help me set up and optimize my LinkedIn account primarily for networking purposes. I aim to promote my online business and highlight our products and services. Key Responsibilities: - Create and optimize LinkedIn profile - Design strategies for effective networking - Showcase my online business's products and services Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in LinkedIn account management - Excellent understanding of online business promotion - Strong communication and networking skills
...and tools for modules such as click data monitoring, anti-fraud detection, and machine learning models. - Build an automated testing framework integrated with the CI/CD process to ensure continuous testing and prompt feedback. - Create Python-based tools for automated testing, ensuring secure handling of data and incorporating encryption/decryption functionalities as needed. **Test Environment Setup & Attack Simulation** - Create simulation environments that mimic realistic user behavior and abnormal click scenarios (including high-frequency clicks, IP switching, cookie clearing, etc.) to validate the effectiveness of the system's protective measures. - Utilize automated scripts and security testing tools to conduct exercises, assessing the system’s ability to d...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to help me configure various components of MS 365 Business Premium. This includes SharePoint and OneDrive, Security and compliance setup, and particularly, setting up workflows that cater to our business requirements. Copilot integration is also part of this project. Key Responsibilities: - Configure SharePoint and OneDrive: Assist with file organization and structure, permissions and access control, and integration with other tools. - Security and Compliance Setup: Ensure our MS 365 environment is secure and compliant with relevant standards. - Workflow Setup: Develop and implement workflows according to our specific business needs. - Copilot Integration: Support with the integration of Copilot into our MS 365 environm...
We need a fully offline Python application to annotate VCF files from whole-exome sequencing. The tool sho...VCF files for internal testing. - The final solution should be validated on these files to ensure correct, complete annotations. Internal Use Only - No distribution beyond our organization. - Code ownership and confidentiality are important. Deliverables & Documentation - Well-documented Python code (compatible with Python 3.8+). - Clear instructions for installation and usage (e.g., README, setup scripts). - Explanation of how to refresh or replace the local gnomAD/ClinVar data. Performance & Scalability - Should efficiently process typical exome-scale VCF files with minimal run times. - Memory footprint and runtime should be appropriate for a desktop or basic s...
...to create or optimize a Shopify store designed for high conversions. This role requires a deep understanding of eCommerce, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and Shopify's platform capabilities. The ideal candidate will have experience designing and developing Shopify stores that deliver an excellent user experience while maximizing sales and revenue. Responsibilities: Shopify Store Design and Setup: Create a visually appealing and user-friendly Shopify store that aligns with the brand's identity and target audience. Customize Shopify themes or build unique themes to enhance store functionality and aesthetics. Ensure the site is mobile-optimized and responsive across all devices. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze customer behaviors and identify bottlenecks...
I'm looking for an expert who can connect two office locations using a Site-to-site VPN. Key Responsibilities: - Establish a secure communication channel between the two off...office locations using a Site-to-site VPN. Key Responsibilities: - Establish a secure communication channel between the two offices. - Implement a Site-to-site VPN for this purpose. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in setting up VPNs, particularly Site-to-site connections. - Strong understanding of network security protocols. - Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. This VPN setup is primarily for secure communication. Therefore, a keen attention to detail and a commitment to maintaining high security standards are essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you've co...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to integrate the Razorpay API with my Odoo-based ecommerce website. This integration should cover the Payment Gateway as well as Refund Process...integrate the Razorpay API with my Odoo-based ecommerce website. This integration should cover the Payment Gateway as well as Refund Processing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Odoo ecommerce platform - Extensive experience with Razorpay API integration - Understanding of Payment Gateway and Refund Processing systems - Ability to deliver clear and comprehensive work Please note, my Odoo setup is standard with no custom modules or modifications. So, the integration needs to be seamless with the out-of-the-box Odoo functionalities. I appreciate your attention to detail and commitment t...
I'm looking for an IT professional to help secure my employee's Windows laptops through Azure. The scope of the project includes: - Implementing encryption to protect sensitive data. - Setting up endpoint protection to guard against potential threats. - Restricting access to control panel items for added security. The project involves securing 1-10 laptops. Experience with Azure and Windows security protocols is crucial. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in IT security, particularly with configuring Azure for endpoint protection and data encryption.
I'm in need of a comprehensive real estate website. This project involves not just website building, but also SEO setup and Google Ads management. Key Requirements: - Development of a real estate website with: - Contact forms for potential buyers - Lead generation functionalities - Set up of SEO to ensure visibility. - Management on Google Ads for targeted outreach. Branding: - I do not have existing branding, so I will need a freelancer with a strong design background who can create an appealing and professional brand identity from scratch. Ideal skills: - Web development - SEO expertise - Google Ads management - Graphic design & branding. I look forward to working with a dedicated professional who can help bring my vision to life.
I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to help me customize my Raspberry Pi 5 and Hailo setup for various AI and machine learning applications. The main uses will be computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis and prediction. Key Requirements: - Setup and configuration of Raspberry Pi 5 & Hailo - Customization for AI and machine learning tasks - Proficient in working with computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool database interface for tool checkin/out management - copy tmux,...
We are looking for a skilled freelancer to help us set up and optimize our GoHighLevel account for our local detailing company. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with GoHighLevel and be able to harness its full potential, including creating sales funnels, implementing chatbots, and automating our marketing processes. *Responsibilities - Set up and configure our GoHighLevel account to meet our business needs. - Create effective sales funnels tailored to our detailing services. - Implement and optimize chatbots for improved customer engagement and support. - Develop automated workflows for lead generation, appointment reminders, and follow-ups. - Set up scheduling functionality for clients to book appointments on their own. - Include appointment reminders to reduce no-show...
...to troubleshoot and fix the existing SFTP automation system integrated with Stripe payment events. The current system, which populates SFTP text files from the database and communicates with our service partner, is not functioning as expected. This is an urgent project to address the automation issue and ensure seamless operation. Key Responsibilities: Debug and fix the existing SFTP automation setup, ensuring successful integration with Stripe payment events and the database. Enhance the system to populate and send accurate SFTP text files to our service partner's endpoint. Identify and resolve existing errors, ensuring stability and reliability. Provide error handling for failed SFTP commands/requests by implementing a system to check error directories (e.g., Rithmic&rsquo...
...project for an EXPERT MULTI-SITE WOOCOMMERCE developer and should not take more than 1 day. DELIVERABLE: 1. Create a multi site for domain and subdomain using WP Network Setup Feature. 2. Create TWO FTP accounts where ftp for main domain cannot access subdomain folders and subdomain ftp cannot access main folders. 3. Import data from current multi-site that have 2 databases. If importing data from current multi site that is not possible, then you will have to wait for me to reinstall the themes and ALL plugins to be sure your multisite setup works. Here are the PAID plugins that MUST work once you complete your setup: a. Single Signon - User Sync that allows user to sign in only once to access customer profile, purchases, etc. b. Currency Switcher c. GTrans...
...Campaign: Europe Reach: 45,281 users. Impressions: 78,349. CPM: 3.92 PLN. Insight: Showcased decent performance and potential for improvement with better targeting and ad creatives. Received 30+ messages from interested users looking to book consultations. Scope of Work: Meta Ads Campaign Setup: Target markets: USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Objective: Lead generation to book consultations for my $2500 fitness program. Pixel integration and event tracking. Retargeting, lookalike audiences, and custom audience setup. Campaign Optimization: Weekly performance monitoring and adjustments for maximum ROI. A/B testing of audiences, creatives, and copy. Ad Creative Design: High-quality single-image ads optimized for Meta platforms. Eye-catching designs with clear CTAs. Q...
I'm in need of a tech-savvy professional with hands-on experience with Ninja Trader 8 to help me set specific parameters as outlined in an instructional video. The primary goal is to configure the software for analyzing market trends, with a particular focus on Technical Analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Ninja Trader 8 - Familiar with Technical Analysis - Good understanding of market trends - Able to follow detailed instructions from video - Tech-savvy and detail-oriented
I need assistance with understanding AWS, specifically EC2, S3, Lambda, and serverless. The goal is to learn AWS features through creating a general project setup. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS, particularly EC2, S3, Lambda, and serverless - Previous experience in tutoring or teaching - Ability to create a simple project setup for learning purposes - Excellent communication skills This project is aimed at helping me learn AWS features, not for deploying an application or improving a current setup.
Add 3D model, add sample world information, give overall block diagram and tap points (such as sockets, interface, etc)
...Reseller Features Child panels for resellers with customizable pricing. API for external panels to connect and use your services. Advanced control over reseller accounts, pricing, and services. SEO optimization (meta tags, descriptions, keywords). Technical Requirements PHP version compatibility (7.4 to 8.3). Support for PHP mail and SMTP configuration. Cron job setup for automated processes and scheduled tasks. Easy installation and setup with documentation. Optional Add-ons (Highly Recommended) AI-powered recommendation system to suggest services based on user activity. Mobile applications for Android and iOS with complete functionality. Advanced SEO optimization (meta tags, keywords, descriptions). Embed code feature for custom JavaScript. Key Notes for Developer Th...