Django decimalfield default valueproiecte
...momentul respectiv plus cantitatea/valoarea introdusa de user in casuta text . once this operation is finished, the text box is emptied and the tank/border stops scrolling. 6.6 for the loading operation it will be a little more complex, the user enters the quantity/value in the text box called textparkare, clicks on a desired tank/border, once tapped, the border must start scrolling, this means that we have the value entered in text box, we have the cistern selected and it alerts us by the fact that it is scrolling, now the user has a value of the cistern/border that is scrolling, this means that it has the source cistern, when the TRANSFER button is pressed, the application will blur the cistern/border that is scrolling, this means that it does not can still be se...
1. Project Overview Our mobile application, PCISV, is an...incorporating features and optimizations that will allow it to easily adapt to future Android versions. This includes: Modular Codebase: Ensuring the app's codebase is modular and flexible, making it easier to implement updates and new features in the future. User Feedback Integration: Continuously gathering user feedback to identify areas for improvement and new features that can enhance the app's value. Regular Maintenance: Establishing a schedule for regular app maintenance to ensure ongoing compatibility with future Android updates and Google Play requirements. Cross-Platform Expansion: Exploring the possibility of expanding the app to other platforms, such as iOS, while maintaining a seamless user experience...
Hi there, We're looking for a native Romanian content writer to write business articles in Romanian. Ca. 1000 words/each for $30/each. You need to have excellent writing skills, offer value in every sentence you write, and self-edit your work to make it publish-ready. AI and other tools are not allowed. Please bid $30 for the first article.
...US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese currency's downfall are numerous: from a declining industrial sector to an ageing population to, not least, an ultra-dovish monetary policy that is now at odds with pretty much the entire d...
...etc.) v3. Advanced campaigns in the search/display network (Display/Performance-Max): (set of banners) C. Cost per Click, for running campaigns: this cost varies from one niche to another and from one type of campaign to another this cost will be paid by me directly to google google recommends for increased efficiency, a minimum cost of 1 euro per day, but.. we can lower this budget to a lower value, say 1 euro or even less.. depending on the feedback... but anyway I don't recommend we carry out actions under 1 euro per day, because it would produce (at least at the beginning), approx. 3-40 targeted clicks per day, which are irrelevant in order to obtain conversions and good results! At the same time, we recommend that you also start promotion actions in social media (Faceb...
Am nevoie de o modalitate extrem de simpla de raportare. Datele sunt cole...determinat lunar. Acest fisier se transmite la financiar in format pdf. Financiarul intocmeste factura pentru fiecare client, si o transmite acestuia atasand Raportul de activitate din luna. Fiecare angajat cu rol de executie va avea un fisier in care va raporta. Raportul va avea semnatura "intocmit de, nume si prenume, functie, data". Nu necesita semnatura electronica. Coloana "EXECUTANT" va scrie default numele si prenumele persoanei careia ii este atribuit clientul. Exista insa si situatii cand anumite activitati sunt realizate de altcineva. In acest caz celula respectiva trebuie sa poata fi editata sau sa poata fi ales numele si prenumele persoanei prin "pick from a list" ...
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de gestiune zootehnica, realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws. Este necesara cunoasterea limbii romane, deoarece mare parte din structura aplicatiei este netraductibila.
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws.
Buna ziua. Caut un backend developer cu Python si Django. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa puneti o oferta. Va multumesc.
Salutare. Cautam pe cineva care are cunostintele necesare in PHP pentru a adauga o noua moneda ( Euro, Lira, etc ) pe langa cea actuala. Platforma functioneaza doar cu o singura moneda (Curency) by default. Avem nevoie ca userul sa isi selecteze moneda general pe site, iar pretul anunturilor sa dea convert automat daca userul a ales Euro sau lira in loc de ron. Colaborare pe durata lunga. Mai avem si alte proiecte.
Salut Bogdan, Sunt in cautarea de ajutor pentru un proiect de lansare a EVP (employee value proposition) pentru compania SIG (). Ne intereseaza ajutor pentru parte de UI; proiectul va fi realizat pe sharepoint. Mentionez faptul ca proiectul va fi lansat in septembrie. Daca ai timp, let me know. Nu stiu acum detalii legate de buget, dar dupa ce ai avea o discutie cu product ownerul, ne vei putea tu ajuta cu o estimare de timp necesar si ne aliniem cu bugetul. Merci, Ioana
Am nevoie de cineva care poate efectua setarile unui NAS Synology DS918+, astfel incat drepturile user-ilor asupra fisierelor sa fie 644. Am bifat optiunea " Apply default UNIX Permissions" dar tot nu functioneaza. Ofer acces la storage prin VPN, locatia este in bucuresti, sector 2, zona obor.
Pornind de la o platforma open source - existenta, aceasta trebuie modificata/configurata/ adataptata, si anumite module integrate (gen payment gateway, si altele). Plaforma are modul de CMS, dar implica si modificari CSS/Python.
I need to import an attribute from an XML file into my wordpress website and would like to convert the attribute, which is TEXT into a value of 1 or 0 depending on the attribute.
I'm a looking for a opencart developer for a few changes at default theme( edit menu bar and home), and creating a simple checkout.
...afisat pe o/doua luni 3) Tip camera e ok formularul cu camera asa cum apare pe site dar vreau sa apara si un camp unde se completeaza numele si varsta copilului (daca e cazul) Camp observatii 3) Nume prenume in dreptul fiecarei camere rezervate. Adresa email, numar telefon cu salvarea acestora in baza de date clienti(CRM) 4) servicii masa drop down: cu mic dejun, fara mic dejun, demi-pensiune (default sa fie selectat mic dejun) 5) servicii suplimentare: Parcare late arrival 6) sugesti si observatii Logare cu User si parola o varianta cat mai simpla. 3 campuri societate, user si parola. Camp drop down la cu societatile unde se vor factura serviciile: SC1 SC2.. SCn Trebuie setat un AUTO REPLY cu rezumatul cererii si textul: Va multumim pentru cerere. Vom revenii cu confi...
Realizarea unei liste de update-uri pentru un website in django existent. Acesta este o interfata de cautare intr-o baza de date.
salut, Am nevoie de ajutor in crearea unui magazin online. Am un partener care imi pune la dispozitie feed-uri, API sau un plugin prestashop pentru a importa produsele in website. site-ul este in romana, se numeste stoida si are instalat un template default. Nu stiu cat poate dura, posibil sa fie necesara comunicarea pentru a importa produsele. Astept ofertele voastre de pret
Sunt Ionut, un pasionat de porumbei și de ceva vreme si de programare. Am ales python si django fiindcă am avut impresia ca le pot asimila mai ușor noțiunile. Planul meu este să dezvolt o aplicatie pentru pastrarea evidentei porumbeilor. Sunt deja solutii pe piata insa vreau ceva mai bun, mai amplu. Am inceput de unul singur sa implementez fiind ajutat de solutia gratuită de gazduire oferită de heroku. Acum, lucrurile s-au "complicat" si as avea nevoie de sustinere. Imi doresc un colaborator cu care sa pot vorbi deschis si împreună sa dezvoltăm aceasta aplicație. Dacă esti de acord si crezi ca putem face o echipă, aștept raspunsul tău aici sau pe email la [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communicatio...
Ciao dianaotel, Numele meu este Ionut Alupului si as avea nevoie de ajutorul dvs. pe partea de SEO. Detin un website in domeniul rezervarilor online care inca nu este activ (gen ) si care vreau sa il fac sa creasca organic pe anumite cucinte cheie. Ar fi ok daca ne-am putea auzi la telefon pentru mai multe detalii. (@) Suma este introdusa asa de default.
...profilului afacerii si utilizatorilor sitului, 2. cercetat competitie, urmand procedura noastra, 3. pe baza briefului de creatie, interviului si cercetarii, de elaborat urmatoarele texte pentru strategia de brand: - Brand Elevator Speech - Brand Key Differentiators - Brand Messaging Strategy - Brand Mission - Brand Personality - Brand Positioning Statement - Brand Promise - Brand Slogan - Brand Value Proposition - Brand Values - Brand Vision - Brand Voice - Call To Action - Ideal Customer Profile - Unique Selling Proposition 4. elaborat arhitectura site-ului pentru planificarea continutului (stabilirea volumului, ierarhiei si pozitiei textelor in structura sitului si in pagini), 5. scris maxim 7500 caractere pentru site (prezentarea firmei, produselor, echipei, istoriei etc.), in...
RO only ! Vreau sa fac o pagina de crowdfunding care sa aiba doua modalitati de plata. • Prima: donatii in care se plateste in cont (bifata by default) • A doua: imprumut (ca sa evit unele chestii) sub care sa apara in plus, dupa selectare, cateva casute in care sa bage datele pentru restituirea imprumutului. (iban, telefon, etc.) Fiecare donatie/imprumut trebuie salvat cumva (excel, txt, etc) probabil vor fii cateva mii de donatii. Vor fi cateva butoane cu valori fixe gen 50 lei, 100 lei, 250 lei, cat vrei tu .. (cu limita 250 – 1.000.000) In afara de contul de card nu stiu daca de ar mai trebui ceva.. eventual posibilitate de a lucra offline si notificare pe mail la fiecare donatie. Nu este graba cu proiectul. Nu am un buget fix si sunt deschis la propune...
Se doreste realizarea unui agende telefonice pe wordpress care sa permita importul dintr-un fisier xls a unui numar de 300 de angajati. Cerinte speciale: - camp de nume, prenume, mail, telefon fix, telefon mobil - afisare pe departamente default (dupa organigrama companiei) - cautare dupa prenume, nume - plugin cu AJAX
Salut ! Voiam sa te contactez si vad ca asta este singura forma. Am un magazin dezvoltat in Opencart si modalitatea de plata cu Am nevoie ca checkout-ul (detalii card / plata) sa fie in engleza by default si nu in romana ca acum. Ma poti ajuta cu asta ?
... Avem o aplicatie web si vrem sa folosim pentru a urmari activitatile clientilor nostri. Site-ul ruleaza pe wordpress si deja a fost integrat cu intercom. In acest moment cautam pe cineva care sa ne ajute sa cream un "custom attribute" pentru a urmari in intercom atunci cand unul dintre clientii nostri adauga o persoana in lista sa de clienti. Pana acum avem doar optiunile default precum, de cate ori s-a logat in platforma, cate sesiuni a avut si asa mai departe. Pentru a intelege mult mai bine aceasta optiune, intercom pune la dispozitie aceste doua ghiduri:
Salut, Ai fi interesat sa participi la dezvoltarea unui modul ce face parte dintr-o platforma S.A.A.S. dezvoltata in django ? Ma poti contacta pe chat-ul intern.
Am nevoie de colaborator care stie foarte bine Python folosind Django pentru backend si Angular JS pentru frontend pentru a realiza diverse aplicatii web based si/sau site-uri.
Salut, Am nevoie de un logo pentru un lounge ce se va deschide in curand. Cerintele sunt urmatoarele: BAHA Lounge&Club nevoie de 2 logo-uri, unul mai complex si altul mai simplu exprime in primul rand frumusetea, bunul gust si calitatea exprima: "A unique Persian name which means splendour and value."
Am nevoie de cineva priceput pe Virtuemart pentru a modifica urmatoarele: - adaugarea de cod unic pentru custom fields nevizibil in front-end - modificarea Invoice cu adaugarea automata de serie si numar plus cateva modificari mici - modificarea din invoice in factura atunci cand comanda are status shipped - adaugarea automata la pretul final a custom fields selectionate by default + mici modificari.
...schimbat pe pagina judetului si paginile de cautare - apare doar daca este dat pe modul afisare Listare 6. Cand dai "Printeaza Anunt" apare Server Error 500. Acum cateva saptamani mergea perfect, nu am facut nicio modificare la el. *** pe pagina anuntului, sub poza dai Print anunt 7. Anunturile in pagina sa fie afisate, ca default, sub forma de Lista - exceptand pagina de profil al utilizatorului unde trebuie sa ramana cum este acum adica afisat, ca default, modul grid. *** in Categorii si Subcategorii, in listarea pe judete etc. 8. Pe pagina de listare a anunturilor sa fie mutat thumbnails sub titlul anuntului, iar descrierea sau continutul anuntului sa nu mai apara. *** in Categorii si Subcategorii, in listarea pe judete etc. 9. Preturile imobile...
Am nevoie de o aplicatie identica cu cea din link-ul de mai jos (ca si functionalitati), care sa poata fi legata la diferite produse incarcate prin WooCommerce.
Buna ziua. Sunt in cautarea unui programator PHP care sa ma ajute la modificarea unui script de tip marketplace cumparat. In principiu am nevoie de setarea lui in limba romana ca default. Daca sunteti dispus sa discutam mai departe proiectul, va rog sa ma anuntati aici sau pe Skype: robertrotth Multumesc anticipat si astept raspunsul dvs. Cu stima.
Am nevoie de traducerea unui plugin care a venit default cu tema pe care am luat-o. Este simplu, dar nu pot gasi fisierul cu pricina (cel php). Ofer 5 dolari.
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="te...FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea...
...Aplicatia trebuie realizata pentru una din functiile: Recrutare si selectie, administrarea personalului, dezvoltarea profesionala a angajatului, evaluarea performantelor, pe baza unor informatii minime furnizate de mine. Aplicatia va contine urmatoarele componente: 1. Baza de date. Numarul minim de tabele este 7. Se vor utiliza urmatoarele facilitati de lucru: specificarea valorilor implicite (default), a regulilor de validare si a mesajelor de eroare asociate, definirea cheii primare, stabilirea legaturilor dintre tabele, definirea restrictiilor referentiale. 2. Interogarea bazei de date. Se vor crea minim 14 interogari din care cel putin 4 vor include facilitati de agregare a datelor. Se incurajeaza crearea de interogari parametrizate. 3. Rapoarte. Se vor crea minim 4 rapoa...
...B2B este bazat pe pretul B2B, iar tot ce se intampla in aria utilizatorilor B2C este bazat pe (B2B + 20%). De exemplu, daca am oferi un discount de 15% la produsul X in aria B2C, atunci acest lucru s-ar calcula in felul urmator: (B2B + 20%) - 15%.rn- oferirea posibilitatii celor din user grup-ul B2B sa aleaga afisarea in catalog a preturilor cu sau fara TVA in functie de dorinta lor. Setarea default va fi ca pretul sa fie afisat fara TVA.rn- promotiile vor fi promovate prin bannere. Tinand cont ca B2C nu trebuie sa vada ce se intampla in aria B2B, bannere-le vor trebui asignate si afisate specific catre un anumit tip de user grup.rnrn2. Variante produse:rn- sunt 2 -3 produse care fiecare au in jur de 110 variante. E vorba de vopsea de par. Un singur tip de produs are in...
...trebuie create ca plugiunri/module ( sa poate fi instalate dar sa nu fie necesare ) : - plugin integrare plata anunturi SMS/Card ( cu mobilpay ) - plugin integrare plata Paypal - plugin advertising ( bannere in difereite zone ale sitului ) - plugin facebook connect - plugin social (share/like on FB, Twitter) pentru fiecare anunt in parte ------ Nota : scriptul va fi construit cu o tema default ( cea la care am designul ) insa trebuie sa se ia in considerearea si implementarea a inca 3 teme ( designul este in curs de dezvoltare ) : - o tema care va transforma siteul din anunturi generale in site de anunturi auto - o tema care va transforma siteul in site anunturi imobiliare - o tema care va transforma siteul in agentie de turism Programatorul trebuie sa prezinte s...
I'm in need of a comprehensive data list of companies that sell plants locally, specifically in the DACH region, Denmark, and Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland). The list should include: - Company Type: Retail plant stores, Wholesale plant suppliers, and Online plant shops. - Specifics: Company location, website & social media links, phone number & email address, estimated value (with a focus on companies valued at less than $1 million), and a contact person. Ideal skills for this project include data mining, market research, and proficiency in using online resources. Experience in compiling business contact lists will be a significant advantage. Please ensure all information is accurate and up to date.
...enhance the functionality of our current platform but also introduce new, scalable business ideas that complement our existing services. Whether it’s innovative features, new service lines, or untapped opportunities, we are open to brainstorming and collaboration. What We Offer • Collaborative Environment: Work alongside a team committed to growth and innovation. • Competitive Compensation: We value expertise and are open to flexible negotiations. • Long-Term Partnership: Join us in building a future-proof platform with global impact. Why Work With Us? • Collaborate on a platform with strong foundations and a clear market presence. • Be part of an exciting growth journey with opportunities to shape the future of our business. • Work on...
I'm seeking a professional with experience in residential architecture to create a comprehensive layout plan for the second floor. The design should be in line with a modern architectural style. Key Areas to Include: - Livi...included in the layout. - Detailed Features: The plan should account for window positions and all other elements of the home. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in modern architecture and home design, with a portfolio demonstrating their expertise in creating practical and aesthetically pleasing layout plans. Experience with two-story and modern designs is particularly advantageous. I value clear communication and timely updates, as I wish to be involved in the design process. I've attached the Ground floor and first floor plan of the...
...maintainable, and efficient. Required Skills: -- Strong experience in Python (3-5 years). -- Proficient with Selenium WebDriver for web scraping and automation. -- Experience with BeautifulSoup, Requests, Scrapy, and other web scraping frameworks. -- Solid understanding of Databases (SQL/NoSQL) and integrating them with web applications. -- Experience in web development (preferably with frameworks like Django or Flask). -- Strong knowledge of Flutter for mobile development. -- Ability to work independently and deliver quality code within deadlines. Additional Requirements: -- Proven experience of 3-5 years in Python and web development. -- Strong problem-solving skills. -- Ability to manage time efficiently and work with minimal supervision. -- Good communication skills. Benef...
...return gifts to customers based on Invoice size- hence the designs is detailed accordingly You need to first ensure that Gift cards with 16 digit or 12 digit secure login with pin code (as an example shown in myntra), • Coupons creation in admin panel with expiry date and with a condition which will be discussed later • Gift page which works on multiple conditions but basically works based on cart value • DLT API - which should be used for OTP verification (for profile creation), Abandoned cart notification to the customer, Order confirmation notification, Gift card purchase notification & any other where applicable • User profile which needs to be copied from some other ecommerce portal • Admin panel management on - customer communication, uploading...
...without upfront compensation. However, we guarantee that once we secure clients and generate revenue, all payments will go directly to you for your contributions. We are looking for individuals for the following roles: - Fashion Designers (Female) - Graphic Designers - Digital Marketers - Video Editors If you are skilled in more than one area, please indicate so in your application, as we value versatility. To ensure we build a genuine and dedicated team, {only applicants who propose the minimum price for their services will be considered}. This is to help us identify individuals who are truly committed to contributing to the agency’s growth at this stage. How to Apply: - Mention the role(s) you are applying for in your proposal. - Share a brief overview of ...
I'm in search of a proficient freelancer to finalize an informational website project using Django CMS. The site will comprise 10-12 pages with all necessary HTML, content, images, fonts, and text being provided. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Django CMS - Strong web development skills - Ability to work independently (companies and teams will not be considered) If the project meets our expectations, a long-term collaboration will be on offer.
I'm seeking a design for a small, minimalist cafe intended for sit-down dining. The cafe should embody a neutral tone color scheme, promoting a soothing and understated elegance. Key aspects: - Open to innovative ideas for the cafe's atmosphere, I value a design professional who can introduce a modern and sleek ambience, or a cozy and intimate feel, depending on the best fit for the space. - The cafe's design should be minimalist, yet functional and comfortable for customers. - Experience in hospitality design is a plus, as understanding the flow and feel of a sit-down dining space is crucial. Ideal skills: - Interior design - Space planning - Understanding of minimalist aesthetics - Ability to work with neutral tones - Creativity in proposing atmospheric elements
I need a professional app developer to create an engaging customer-focused app for my business. Key Requirements: - The app should be accessible on both iOS and Android platforms. - While I'm not sure about the specific features yet, I envision the potential inclusion of user login and profile, in-app messaging, and push notifications among others. - I value creativity and technical insight to suggest the most beneficial features for customer engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in app development, particularly for customer engagement. - Expertise in developing for both iOS and Android platforms. - Strong ability to suggest and implement engaging app features. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and executing project requirements.
I'm starting a small home-based business selling anime-the...sales OR - A 2-week ad performance evaluation (whichever comes first). The freelancer will be responsible for: - Crafting compelling ad copies designed to maximize returns. - Running and managing ads to ensure optimal performance. Why Collaborate With Me? This is not a one-time project. Once this campaign succeeds and inventory is sold, I aim to scale and continue working with the same expert. I value consistency and am looking for someone to grow with my business—possibly as a long-term partner. If you’re passionate about creating high-converting ads and share a vision for growth, let’s start this exciting journey together! Note: Only bid if you’ve carefully read the requirements and are c...
...topics. 6. Featured Food and Autoship Integration • Purpose: Promote a recommended food and make purchasing seamless. • Features: • Highlight your recommended dog food with detailed reasons for the endorsement. • Autoship setup with reminders for reorder intervals. • Integration with e-commerce platforms for seamless checkout. 7. Subscription Box Options • Purpose: Provide recurring value and fun for dog owners. • Features: • Monthly box options: • Basic: Treats, chews, toys. • Deluxe: Includes wellness items like shampoos, paw balm, and more. • Customization: Users can select preferences (e.g., avoid certain treat ingredients, size-specific items). • Sneak peeks: Monthly previews of the box contents. ...
...altitude, ensuring stability and endurance for prolonged operations. The UAV must be stealthy with lower RCS, IR and aural signature. Finally, the UAV must be equipped to execute a controlled and safe landing, concluding the mission reliably. Meeting these performance criteria is essential for optimizing the UAV's mission effectiveness and operational reliability. Mission Requirements Parameter Value Payload Mass ≥ 1000 kg Range ≥ 1000 km Endurance ≥ 2 hours Take-off & Landing Distance ≤ 2000 m Change in Static Margin from Subsonic to Supersonic flight ≤ +10% To numerically evaluate and optimize the performance of a UAV, we use the flight score formula: Vehicle performance Score ? × ? × ???????? ? = ?????? × ? Where: • M = Mach Numbe...
...types (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollar coins). 3. **Precise Sorting**: If a match is found, the system will trigger a hardware mechanism to push the identified coin into a separate holding bin. 4. **Automated Reporting**: Generate an immediate printout for identified coins, including: - Coin type - Detected key date or mint error - Approximate value (referenced from the preloaded library) 5. **Performance**: Ensure the system can process **thousands of coins per hour** while maintaining high precision, identifying even the smallest errors. --- ### **System Requirements** #### **Hardware Integration** 1. **Camera Integration**: - Use high-tech cameras (purchased separately) to analyze both the **front a...