Different types of logo designproiecte
1. Project Overview Our mobile application, PCISV, is an integral part of our digital ecosystem, serving a specific purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawle...
Caut un web designer calificat cu sediul in ROMANIA pentru a-mi r...designer calificat cu sediul in ROMANIA pentru a-mi reproiecta site-ul WordPress. Scopul principal al reproiectării este de a îmbunătăți estetica și de a îmbunătăți experiența generală a utilizatorului. Site-ul este: Preferințe specifice de design: - Am preferințe specifice pentru design și aș dori ca designerul să le urmărească îndeaproape. Interval de timp: - Perioada de timp dorită pentru finalizarea proiectului este de 2-4 săptămâni. Abilități și experiență ideale: - Cunoștințe în WordPress cu Elementor și web design - O bună înțelegere a experienței utilizatorului și a esteticii - Capacitate de a lucra într-un interval de timp dat și de a respecta term...
...website on Google with certain specific word families and is very important in the medium and long term because it will become the main traffic provider and implicitly generator of conversions. 2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) SERVICE: This service consists in creating paid campaigns (sponsored ads) through Google tools, we will be able to do different campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and implicitly 3 types of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (T...
...be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented ...
Buna ziua! Am nevoie de cineva care sa schimbe niste detalii pe un text in pdf, de preferinta cineva care cunoste si limba engleza pentru ca sunt de tradus cateva cuvinte. Multumesc anticipat!
Buna seara, Robert, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii e...
E-commerce website building for a Romanian raw-vegan bakery. What we have - logo - domain - hosting - product photos and descriptions Integrations: - Woo Commerce - shipping - billing software - online/card payments - calendar for deliveries We have around 15 types of products, each with variations (flavour/weight).
Mi-ar placea o conversie Swing-Javafx a aplicatiei si o varianta mai actuala(folosind SceneBuilder de preferat), cu o interfata ceva mai placuta asupra careia pot aduce modificari ulterior. Aplicatia va fi folosita in cadrul lucrarii de licenta "Automate celulare". Mentionez ca imi este necesara in aproximativ o saptamana maxim.
Nevoie urgentă de dezvoltator web pentru un site de nișă cu totul nou în ceea ce privește educația. Vă rugăm să accesați și să vă solicitați să parcurgeți întregul site web pentru a înțelege interfața utilizatorului și aspectul. Vei proiecta un site web similar. Ar trebui să fiți pricepuți cu HTML, CSS și JAVACRIPT. MongoDB este un plus. CANDIDATE DOAR DIN UE.
Pentru refacere sitemap si reparate erori site interne
1. Buton de vazut booki...pe bilet ( sa arate si numele ghidului ) 2. Afisare toate orele pe ecranu de live booking 3. Creem clasa nou de utilizatori numiti ghid 4. Inlocuim Tour Guide cu utilizatorii veniti din clasa "ghid". 5. In orders sa apara numele ghidului care a fost atribuit biletului 6. In managament butonul de export listeaza pe aceasi pagina si facem inca unul de download sa poti salva exportul. 7. La person types adaugam pret de custom price 8. In pagina de export din management facem statistica cu pretul original al biletului. 9. In ecranul de orders filtru dupa agent 10. In ecranul de management scoatem filtrarea pe ora punem doar pe zi 11. Adaugam filtru de range pentru management 12. Mai adaugam un tip de pret care sa apara doar la case 13. Panou separat...
...sau cerere de rezervare (un fel de booking), pagină pentru promovarea zonelor turistice (un fel de tinder doar că în loc de poze cu persoane sunt poze cu peisaje sau locuri), o harta interactivă cu diferitele locuri pe care le promovăm, posibilitatea de a lasă comenturi şi note. O păgîne principala cu un meniu. Necesită şi aptitudini la va fi făcut în colaborare cu noi (mai ales design şi architectura aplicaţiei). Aplicaţia va fi făcută că fiecare utilizator să poată să o folosească cu opţiuni separate în funcţie de utilizator (furnizori, utilizatori şi administrator). Aplicaţia va fi vândută sub formă de abonament anual la preţuri diferite (acces la mai multe sau mai puţine opţiuni). Este pe termen lung pentru că aplicaţia şi situl vor necesită mu...
- curata site-ul de erori, plugin-uri nefolositoare pastrand imaginea si functionalitatea; - cresterea evidenta de incarcare a site-ului
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Traducere proiect din engleza in romana in legatura cu poluarea navelor in zonele acoperite cu gheata
Set de animatii cu elemente de castig care sa cuprinda in background un oras. setul de animatii trebuie sa contina 5 animatii
...mai mult de- atat ! Va multumesc personal English translation Hi everyone, I own a small business start-ups with a turnover of 220,000 lei in 2015 intermediation in insurance sales. I intend online market penetration which is currently quite low in Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text ...
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Create a logo with the name of "Tellarz"'
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Optimise Opencart For Better Loading Of Pages'
Am nevoie de ajutor pentru partea statistica a lucrarii mele de licenta (medicina). E nevoie de T-test, corelatii Spearman si cateva tabele de facut, si nu am foarte mult timp la dispozitie (1-2 saptamani maxim). Am toate datele in excel (12 pacienti - 3 chestionare aplicate inainte si dupa cercetare). Daca este cineva care are experienta in domeniu, putin timp liber si doreste sa ma ajute, va rog sa trimiteti un proposal impreuna cu suma dorita. Multumesc anticipat!
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
...Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atm...
JOB OPENING - WordPress / PHP Developer Salariul incepe de la 3000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj BENEFICII: Pentru o persoana cu genul acesta de experienta, ceruta mai sus, probabil ca opo...
Salut, cum se poate sa discutam detalile proiectului. Sunt now la Freelancer, si sunt interesat sa aud mai mult despre experienta ta. Merci, Johnny (Ionut)
...detailed, realistic, top-down view image of a golf hole. The project will involve designing a par 5 with 4 tee boxes, a water hazard, a cart path, various bunkers located in the fairway and on the green, and a mix of long and short grass, as well as different types of bushes. This image will be used on a mobile website, so the complete hole needs to be approximately the length of 3 iPhones. The design should allow for scrolling, revealing the green first, then the fairway, and so on. Key aspects of the project include: - Adhering to a realistic design style - Implementing a top-down view of the golf hole - Incorporating all elements typically found on a golf hole, including a variety of lies Ideal candidate...
...professional mix that captures the essence of a track and delivers a polished, high-quality sound, I'd love to hear from you. What I Need * Expertise in Studio One: You should have deep knowledge of Studio One, its plugins, and workflows. * Gain Staging Mastery: Understanding proper gain staging and its impact is essential. * Compression Know-How: Explain the types of compression you use and when you choose them. * Instrument Mixing Chains: Describe your go-to mixing chain for various instruments and why they work for you. Requirements * Experience mixing and mastering in Studio One. * Strong understanding of EQ, dynamics processing, and spatial effects. * Ability to communicate clearly about mix strategies and adjustments. * Portfolio or exampl...
I'm seeking an experienced mobile developer to assist with the integration of Google AdMob into my quiz game app. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate various types of ads: Banner ads, Interstitial ads, and Rewarded video ads. - Provide assistance with setting up some of the ad units in Google AdMob. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile development, particularly in game apps. - Extensive experience with Google AdMob and ad integration. - Ability to troubleshoot and solve ad setup issues.
I'm in need of a designer who can transform my ideas into a stunning 3D representation of a traditional coat of arms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software - Experience in traditional design - Strong understanding of heraldic principles Please note that I have not yet decided on specific elements or a color scheme. A degree of creativity and understanding of traditional aesthetics would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking for someone to assist me in entering my clients' data into Simple Practice EHR from an Excel spreadsheet. Key Details: - Number of clients: 51-100 - Data types: Primarily contact details and insurance information - Formatting: No specific formats are needed, standard format is fine Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in data entry - Familiarity with Simple Practice EHR is a plus - Attention to detail - Ability to handle sensitive information confidentially
The Foundation is currently looking for a passionate and dedicated Copywriter/Editor to join our team at Switzerland for UNHCR. This position plays a pivotal role in raising awareness about refugees in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and supporting fundraising efforts within the Communications and Individual Giving Units of Switzerland for UNHCR. ROLE Within a growing team, this position reports and is under the responsibility of the Communications Lead. We are seeking a dynamic, versatile and proactive team player, with a strong interest in a strong non-profit brand and refugee/humanitarian issues. In this role, you will: • Write compelling and persuasive content in German and/or in English and manage translations and editing in the other languages for various platform...
I'm seeking a talented game developer who can either create a new small game or modify an existing one for me. The game should be suitable for both iOS and Android platforms, and should incorporate various types of in-game advertisements for monetization. Key Requirements: - Creating or modifying a game to be fun, engaging and suitable for all ages. - Publishing the game on both iOS and Android platforms. - Implementing in-game advertisements including Banner ads, Interstitial ads, and Rewarded video ads. Please include in your bid: - A link to any small game with ads you've previously created. - Your interest in modifying an existing game. - Your ability and plan to publish the game. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in game development for mobile platf...
Wir haben ein 3 Stöckiges Gebäude. wir wollen das EG und 2. OG und das Treppenhaus aus der Punktwolke Zeichen, sowie alle Befindlichen WC Anlagen im Treppenhaus. Folgende Detailierung: Wände, Fenster, Türen. LGS Datei zum öffnen mit Leica True Viewer: E57 Datei 4 GB : Weitere Detailierung werden dann im Folgeauftrag beauftragt.
Case Study 1 Case Study You encounter a patient, Mary, a 42yo F, who is experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain. You perform an assessment and find the following: Mary was at work when she had a sudden onset of chest pain. The pain felt like it was crushing her chest, so she asked for help from a colleague who then called an ambulance. On arrival Mary is saying that her chest feels like “there is an elephant sitting on me” She tells you it feels like 9 out of 10 pain. Mary tells you the pain is right in the middle of her chest, and her left arm and the left side of her jaw also feels painful. Mary states that she also feels like she can’t catch her breath. You assess Mary&rsquo...
I need a certified translator to translate my marriage certificate from English to Spanish. The translation must be accurate and suitable for official use. Ideal Skills: - Native Spanish speaker with fluency in English - Certified translator with experience in legal document translation - Knowledge of official translation standards - Attention to detail and accuracy - Able to meet deadlines
Im looking for an experienced mobile app developer to design and develop a Parcel Delivery App for iOS and Android with a robust backend system. The app should be user-friendly, efficient, and feature-rich, offering seamless parcel tracking and communication between users and couriers. Key Features Required: • Real-Time Tracking: Users and delivery personnel should be able to track parcels live on an interactive map. • User & Courier Profiles: Registration, login, and profile management for both customers and delivery agents. • Order Management: Customers should be able to schedule deliveries, choose service types, and input delivery details. • Communication: In-app messaging and call...
I need a legal letter in English translated into Mandarin. I am looking for an experienced English-to-Mandarin translator for official legal documents.
I'm in need of a skilled web developer to create a fully responsive, robust website from scratch for my diagnostic services. The site should cater to all types of lab tests including blood tests, imaging services, and health check-ups. Key Features: - A service list on the homepage detailing the diagnostic services offered. - An integrated appointment booking feature allowing patients to easily schedule their visits. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in full-stack web development - Proficiency in creating responsive, user-friendly websites - Experience in developing health service oriented websites will be an advantage.
An competent interpreter who can assist me in translating two books from English to Italian is desperately needed. The original files are in PDF format, and the total word count is roughly 62,890 . Key Responsibilities: - Translate 62,890 words across less than 10 files from English to Italian - Ensure the translated text is accurate, coherent, and culturally appropriate - Deliver the translated text in a timely manner Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in translating books or long-form content - Native-level proficiency in Italian and fluency in English - Familiarity with both English and Italian speaking cultures - Proficiency in PDF editing and file conversion tools Please keep in mind that I'm looking for an urgent completion, so it's important that the freel...
I'm looking for a creative professional to design a display advertisement for a newspaper. The primary aim of this ad is to boost brand awareness within the retail sector. Key Responsibilities: - Design a compelling display ad that captures the essence of our retail brand. - Strategically incorporate elements that enhance brand visibility and recall. - Ensure the ad is suitable for a display type placement in a newspaper. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing newspaper ads, particularly display types. - Strong understanding of brand-focused advertising within the retail industry. - Excellent graphic design and copywriting skills. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any related to retail displa...
Matematik, insanlık tarihinin en eski ve en temel bilim dallarından biridir. Günlük yaşamdan evrenin derinliklerine kadar her alanda kullanılır. Matematiğin kökenleri, binlerce yıl öncesine, eski uygarlıklara kadar uzanır. Bugün, bu bilim dalı sadece soyut düşünme becerilerini geliştirmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda birçok teknolojik ilerlemenin ve keşfin temelini oluşturur. Matematiğin Tarihçesi Matematiksel düşünce, ilk kez Antik Mısır ve Mezopotamya’da, özellikle ticaret, tarım ve inşaat gibi pratik ihtiyaçlarla şekillendi. Mısırlılar, piramitleri inşa etmek için geometriyi kullanırken, Babilliler sayı sistemlerini geliştirdiler. Ancak matematiğin gerçek anlamda bir bilim haline gelmesi, Antik Yunan&...