Desktop task alert sharepointproiecte
Avem un proiect de aplicatie mobila si website care se ocupa cu microjoburi. Avem deja desenat logo-ul, precum si webdesign si designul aplicatiei deci acestea vor trebui luate in considerare pentru task. Am vrea ce inseamna restul dpdv al identitatii (carti de vizita, design de tricou, sapca, sticker) si cateva vizualuri pentru ca oamenii sa se prinda ce facem si cum facem. Ne dorim si o animatie demonstrativa/explicativa pentru inceput dar asta se poate sa nu fie un must daca nu ai abilitati de creare de animatie.
Am o platforma si trebuie sa rezolv urgent urmatoarele task-uri .Astept oferte Back-up fisiere server si baza de date Lista de apeluri in asteptare nu functioneaza La terminarea apelului VoIP, clientul nu este taxat In cazul in care consilierul nu raspunde la apelul VoIP, linia ramane "agatata" si consilierul blocat. Mutare site Bannere noi home page Reactivare+corectii pagina testimoniale Instalare modul newsletter Mentenanta consilieri Reparare chat/baza de date Reinstalare chat Implementare sistem automat calculare curs valutar Euro/Leu
...noi, adaptabilitate. Taskurile de indeplinit: -postat comentarii pe bloguri din nisa indicata (exclus comentarii simple de tip: articol excelent, keep it up, etc. Comentariile trebuie sa fie putin elaborate si la subiectul articolului pentru a fi aprobate -> 1-2 propozitii) -postat anunturi pe site-uri de anunturi -inscriere in directoare de firma / companii Pentru fiecare tip de task este necesara crearea unui scurt text (2-3 propozitii) UNIC, fie comentariu, fie anunt, fie descriere companie/website. F Important: textele trebuie sa fie unice, nu se poate folosi acelasi text de 2 ori! Timp necesar: 10-20 min / zi Pt un proiect, link builderul va primi un Excel cu taskurile pe 30 de zile (100 de taskuri). Aceste taskuri fac parte din categoriile indicat...
2-5 ani experienta in suport nivel 1 si 2 pentru sistemul de operare si aplicatiile Microsoft Cunostinte LAN, VPN, WLAN si Remote Connectivity, TCP/IP, la nivel de instalare si troubleshooting Cunostinte de diagnoza hardware si reparatii minore pentru laptop, desktop, imprimante, monitoare. proiectoare, solutii de videoconferitna, instrumente backup, alte periferice Cunostinte si experienta suport Telecom (PBX, RAS) Experienta in managementul stocurilor, inventar
...deja un website care functioneaza, insa nu este complet, nu este responsive si nu este SEO friendly. Functionalitatea si design-ul trebuie sa fie asemanator cu cel existent (aici puteti venii cu idei, sugestii). - 3 tipuri de useri (salon, escorta si vizitator) fiecare cu profil administrabil - sisteme de cautare simpla si avansata - design responsive (scalabil incat sa se vada bine atat pe desktop si laptop cat si pe tablete si telefoane mobile. - panou de administrare tip superuser care sa valideze tot ce se intampla in site. • Vizitatorii inregistrati sa aiba posibilitatea de a comenta si da rating-uri la profilurile escortelor • Numarul de telefon a escortelor sa fie vizibil doar la click pe un buton si sa fie contorizat • Structura site SEO frien...
Salut, citind portofoliul tau nu stiu sigur daca esti apt pentru acest task si m-am gandit sa te contactez sa ma asigur ca poti duce la bun sfarsit un proiect in guest posting si article writing in germana , as-i avea nevoie pe termen lung ... eventual daca ai ceva portofoliu pe aceasta tema ar fii bine venita Cu Stima, Muller
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi
Proiectul consta intr-o aplicatie C# desktop care va rula pe windows 7 (compatibila si cu windows 8). Aplicatia este dedicata targurilor de joburi. Va avea 3 sectiuni - Joburi - Tombola - Workshop Sectiunile Tombola si Workshop sunt doar de prezentare, vor afisa niste informatii din baza de date a portalului (portalul este dezvoltat deja, baza de date este mysql, vom vedea prin ce metoda ne legam la baza lui de date sau cum preluam datele de acolo). Nu avem Web Service, cine a facut Portalul si a zis ca ne da access direct la baza de date. In sectiunea Joburi vor fi afisate toate companiile care participa la un targ (preluate din DB portal), va fi afisata o harta cu standurile (preluata din DB portal). Un om poate sa vina sa se autentifice si sa-si posteze CV-ul la o...
Cunostinte solide PHP, JS, Jquery, MySql, HTML, CSS, Ajax si tot ce este nevoie pt. un magazin online. Cunoasterea Wordpress/Woocommerce este un mare avantaj, la fel si o minima cunoastere Photoshop. Suntem un magazin online care functioneaza ca marketplace pentru partenerii nostri, activitatea principala consta in importul de feed-uri si...continuu platforma prin module achizitionate si adaptate propriilor nevoi sau prin custom scripts. Se doreste automatizarea platformei pana la intregrarea modulului de curierat. Persoana selectata trebuie sa fie un om foarte serios, care sa respecte deadline-urile convenite in comun, cu un portofoliu reprezentativ. Colaborarea este pe termen nelimitat! Putem discuta despre abonament lunar, plata per task, pe ora etc. Cerem si oferim maxima se...
Inscriere de site-uri in directoare WEB romanesti + creare descriere unica pentru fiecare inscriere Durata proiect: 1 luna Inscrieri zilnice: 4 site-uri x 7 inscrieri fiecare = 28 inscrieri totale: 28 / zi x 5zile /saptamana x 4 saptamani = 560 Pentru fiecare x 7 inscrieri fiecare = 28 inscrieri totale: 28 / zi x 5zile /saptamana x 4 saptamani = 560 Pentru fiecare inscriere trebuie redactata o descriere unica - 2-3 propozitii ~ 30 de cuvinte - in TOTAL 560 de Descrieri necesita redactare Fiecare set de 28 de descrieri trebuie redactat cu minim o zi inainte de inscriere si trimis spre aprobare managerului de proiect. Fiind vorba de un task simplu, ma intereseaza cel mai mic pret oferit in conditile in care aplicantul are experienta in domeniu. ...
Apliactie informatica desktop si mobila GIS cu backand unde se pot adauga anumite puncte de interes pe harta
Aplicatie informatica GIS desktop realizata pe geoserver cu o harta digitizata, discutam mai multe pe chat
Apliactie informatica desktop si mobila GIS cu backand unde se pot adauga anumite puncte de interes pe harta
Salut, Ma numesc Florin si am nevoie de un dezvoltator Magento pentru un site de deal-uri din Romania. La site s-a lucrat pana acum, dar se avanseaza greu. Dorim un om care sa raspunda prompt la e-mail si sa fie serios in ceea ce face. In mare parte este gata site-ul, are nevoie de niste traduceri din engleza in romana, de mici modificari design, de setat platforma de newsletter aut...ceea ce face. In mare parte este gata site-ul, are nevoie de niste traduceri din engleza in romana, de mici modificari design, de setat platforma de newsletter automat. Dupa terminarea site-ului am dori sa te putem contacta pentru ulterioare probleme/idei dezvoltare. As dori sa stiu daca poti emite factura pe serviciile prestate. Bugetul se poate stabili fie pe ora fie un pret fix in functie de task...
...intuitiv, design modern, responsive design, widescreen and seo friendly. Ma intereseaza si aspectele care tin de logo, branding,neaparat implementare functii harti google. tehnologie: - Platforma trebuie să fie atât de bazat pe web și pe mobil, tableta. - Ar trebui să fie posibil să se realizeze toate funcțiile în mod constant și cu branding similare și experiența de utilizare pe ambele desktop și dispozitive mobile. Funcții: consumatorii - Ar trebui să fie capabil să se înregistreze pe site-ul și sa-si auto-administreze conturile. - Consumatorii ar trebui să poată alege și, prin urmare, alege un transportator și încheie un acord cu el. - Consumatorii ar trebui să fie în măsură de a plasa o comandă pentru ceea ce vor sa transpo...
Acest proiect se refera la florile care te uiti zile intregi la ele cum cresc , ele crescand intr-un ritm lent sau alert . Acest proiect va fi cumparat in mare parte de femeile iubitoare de plante , ca un surplus acesteste plante electronice sa aiba si o comanda vocala .
Acest proiect se refera la florile care te uiti zile intregi la ele cum cresc , ele crescand intr-un ritm lent sau alert . Acest proiect va fi cumparat in mare parte de femeile iubitoare de plante , ca un surplus acesteste plante electronice sa aiba si o comanda vocala .
Salut, Dezvoltam un site in OpenCart si avem nevoie de ajutor pentru a finaliza proiectul in timp util. Se va lucra in doua formatii asupra proiectului, divizat pe task-uri. O formatie va fi interna si cea de-a doua speram sa fiti voi. Te rog sa-mi lasi un semn pentru a detalia pe larg proiectul. Multumesc,
...-acesta este website-ul la care se va lucra! Avem nevoie de un programator care sa faca mai multe modificari in cadrul site-ului,sa aduca cateva elemente noi, si care sa se ocupe si de administarea acestuia pe durata proiectului! Proiectul are o durata medie de executie de cca 2 luni.(maxim) Noi oferim un contract de colaborare pe o perioada de 6 luni. Alaturat gasiti contractul oferit cat si task-urile care sunt puse in cum este mentionat,70 % din acestea sunt deja pe site dar trebuiesc customizate!..Restul,se creeaza de la 0. Site-ul este construit in php curat,nu este preluata/cumparata o platforma care sa fi fost customizata in functie de cerinte. Va rog lasati o modalitate de contact sau trimiteti email cu datele dvs folosind sectiunea contact de aici: http://swinger-r...
...avem nevoie de un programator care sa faca cateva modificari in cadrul site-ului,sa aduca cateva elemente noi, si care sa se ocupe si de administarea acestuia pe durata proiectului! Proiectul are o durata medie de executie de cca 2 luni.(maxim) Noi oferim un contract de colaborare pe o perioada de 6 luni. Alaturat gasiti contractul oferit cat si task-urile care sunt puse in cum este mentionat,70 % din acestea sunt deja pe site dar trebuiesc customizate!..Restul,se creeaza de la 0. Site-ul este construit in php curat,nu este preluata/cumparata o platforma care sa fi fost customizata in functie de cerinte. Va rog lasati o modalitate de contact sau trimiteti email cu datele dvs folosind sectiunea contact de aici:
This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we ar...
...consistent. Lead Categorization & Movement: I need a list of sections that lead cards can be moved to. Some leads should be moved to multiple sections simultaneously so different departments can follow up. The system should duplicate lead cards to allow them to progress through different funnels. Department Notifications & Follow-ups: The department assigned to a lead card should receive an email alert to contact the lead and schedule an appointment. The assigned person in the department should be able to mark the lead as contacted to track follow-ups. After their meeting, they should be able to disposition the lead to indicate the meeting's outcome. Departmental Access Control: Department heads should have logins that allow them to view the entire pipeline but on...
I'm seeking a skilled Laravel coder for some adjustments on my script. Tasks include: - Fixing a minor issue with the translation of the navigation menu-items, which currently displays an incorrect language. - Making some modifications to several Blade templates. The maximum budget for this task is $30. Detailed instructions will be provided upon successful bidding. Ideal freelancer should have: - Proficient understanding of Laravel framework. - Experience with Blade templating engine. - Strong problem-solving skills for debugging translation issues.
Hello, we need a swift developer. I was build a little demo who sync calendar entry’s. Now the task should be that sync should working also on background (this not smoothly work) and also should work on location based. It mean apple provide some feature to trigger any snyc if device realize that location is change.
I have a straightforward task for a skilled image editor. The project involves pasting an album title onto a provided square picture. The title needs to be placed in the bottom right corner of the image, and should be colored red to match the picture. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in image editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) - Prior experience with vector art preferred - Attention to detail to ensure the title's color matches the picture perfectly - Ability to follow specific instructions regarding placement and color
Please read carefully before placing a bid. Dear Freelancer, I n...some issues on my webpage – The site is based on Laravel. Below is a list of tasks. Before bidding, please consider the following: Are you able to complete the task? Is your bid reasonable in terms of time and budget? (We can review the tasks, and I can provide you with the code. I am flexible within reasonable limits, but I need an approximate price before hiring someone.) Are you sure we will understand each other? (I speak German and English fluently.) Can you work locally? If yes, there is one more thing: To ensure you have read everything, I have hidden a codeword at the end of the task list. Please start your bid with that word—any other bids will be ignored. Importan...
I require assistance with an Excel assignment where you need to create various charts and graphs. You will be evaluated on your proficiency using the ribbon and mouse, rather than keyboard shortcuts. Key Responsibilities: - Create different types of charts and graphs based on the data I will provide later. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel, specifically in using the ribbon and mouse. - Experience in creating charts and graphs in Excel. Please note, the specific types of charts and graphs are not predetermined, and will be discussed at a later stage.
I am seeking a professional who can create a basic 3D site plan for urban planning and zoning approval. The plan should include: - Key elements of the layout - Roads and pathways - Green spaces and landscaping This project does not require a high level of detail with textures or furniture, but rather a clear representation of the basic layout with key elements. The ideal freelancer for this task will have experience in urban planning 3D modeling and a strong understanding of the requirements for zoning approval.
I'm an looking to grow my business through Facebook and Instagram Ads. My primary goal is to generate leads, specifically in the US and UK What I’m Looking For: - Proven experience in creating and managing successful Facebook Ads campaigns - Ability to integr...Ads. My primary goal is to generate leads, specifically in the US and UK What I’m Looking For: - Proven experience in creating and managing successful Facebook Ads campaigns - Ability to integrate Instagram to maximize reach and engagement - Expertise in audience targeting, ad creatives, and optimization for conversions - Strong analytical skills to track performance and refine campaigns Your task will be to create and manage targeted campaigns that convert. Please provide examples of previous successful ...
...(manually implemented, no Unity NavMesh)**. Navigate using a waypoint graph (at least 10 nodes, logical connections). Allow users to set start & goal locations (up to 5 goals) via UI or Unity Inspector. ? Virtual Environment: Any 3D environment like the example with milk bottles, and obstacles. Include relevant objects like holes, obstacles ? Performance Tracking: Measure total distance traveled and task time using a timer. Display results in UI or Unity console. ? Video Demonstration: 120-second screen recording showing the cat’s full journey. Use OBS or similar (video must not be zipped). ? Short Report (500 Words) Explain how reinforcement learning applies to route-finding. Must include at least 2 references (Harvard style). Submission Requirements (Due in 5 Days) ✅...
I'm seeking a skilled 3D designer to modify an existing design and sculpt additional parts. The project involves: - Modifying existing parts: Specifically, we're looking to tweak the texture or surface details of certain components. - Designing patterned surfaces: A key aspect of this task is to create new, intricate patterned surfaces on various parts of the design. Ideal candidates should have proficient experience with 3D design software and a strong portfolio showcasing their ability to modify and detail 3D models.
I'm looking for a Power BI professional who can help me with data analysis, specifically predictive analysis. The primary task will involve integrating and analyzing data from Excel spreadsheets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Power BI - Strong background in data analysis - Experience with predictive analysis - Proficient in working with Excel spreadsheets - Excellent data visualization skills
...a 30-second interactive video for Meta, showcasing my fully digital planner. This video should be fun and engaging, highlighting the planner's task management and scheduling features on an iPad or tablet. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating interactive, engaging videos - Experience with product advertising, particularly for tech products - Strong understanding of Meta's platform and its advertising features - Ability to translate complex features into easy-to-understand, appealing visuals Key Requirements: - The video should be 30 seconds long - It should be fun and engaging in tone - It should focus on showcasing the planner's task management and scheduling features - It should present the planner on an iPad or tablet Your bid should ref...
...Brand consistency: Use [our asset protection company] (name will be disclosed once we find a partner)’s provided logo and footer design. Additional Notes: Reference Templates: Business Proposal: Annual Report: The Risk Disclosure Statement will be handled separately and is not included in this task. If specific statistics or earnings figures are needed, they will be provided upon request. Samples of industry-standard reports should be referenced to maintain quality. If a section is unclear (e.g., a chart or diagram is required), ask for clarification. We will provide a documentation explaining [our asset protection company] (name will be disclosed once we find a partner)’s operations and
I'm seeking a skilled Canva Presentation expert to develop slides for an educational project centered on Software Engineering, specifically covering Apache Spark. The target audience for this presentation is industry professionals...the content should be engaging yet sophisticated, reflecting current industry standards and practices. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Canva with a portfolio demonstrating previous presentation work - Deep understanding of Software Engineering and Apache Spark - Experience creating content for industry professionals - Excellent design skills to make the presentation visually appealing Your task will be to create appropriate slides that effectively communicate complex concepts in an accessible way, using your design expertise to keep the present...
...and excitement of this genre. Key elements to include: - Main characters: I will provide the character details and their visuals, but your creativity in presenting them will be key. - Key scene from the movie: I want this scene to capture the essence of the movie without revealing too much. - Symbolic objects: There are certain objects that carry significant weight in the film's narrative. Your task will be to incorporate these into the design in a way that visually engages and intrigues the audience. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in graphic design, specifically in movie poster design. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Ability to translate film elements into compelling visual narratives. - Experience in Action/Adventure genre desig...
I'm in need of a seasoned digital marketer who can help me generate leads on an international scale. The primary focus will be on creating effective advertisements and running them on Facebook and various social media platforms. Key scale. The primary focus will be on creating effective advertisements and running them on Facebook and various social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in lead generation through digital marketing - Proficiency in Google Ads and Social Media marketing - Ability to target and attract an international audience - Skill in creating engaging and effective advertisements Your task will be to design compelling ads, implement them across the specified platforms, and ultimately, help me boost my lead gene...
I'm seeking a talented Javascript developer with a strong background in integrating Apple Pay Wallet Order Tracking into an existing Node.js backend application. Your primary task will involve: - Implementing Apple Pay Order Tracking to show the tracking number in the Apple Wallet. - Ensuring seamless integration with Apple Wallet for real-time order updates. - Utilizing Apple's APIs to retrieve and modify order tracking information. - Diagnosing and fixing any potential issues that may arise during the integration process. - Creating clear documentation and providing advice on how to maintain this integration. Ideal candidates should have: ✔️ Demonstrated experience with Apple Pay Wallet Order Tracking. ✔️ Proficiency in using the Apple Pay API & WalletKit. ✔️ Know...
I need a Shopify product page improved. The main task will be changing the color scheme to align with my logo and enhancing the ad copy. Key Tasks: - Change the color scheme of the product page to match my logo. - Create an improved ad copy with a friendly tone. - Showcase product specifications on the page. The primary goal of this project is to build brand awareness through this product page. Ad copy needs to be friendly, as opposed to professional or exciting. I am looking for someone with experience in Shopify, copywriting, and e-commerce. Please note, my budget is strictly $20 for this project. Any bids over this amount will be automatically declined and blocked. my article via Google. The traffic should imitate real user behavior and come from specific countries. Requirements: - Type the article title in Google (title will be provided) - Locate and click on the desired link (link will be provided) - Scroll down the page to emulate real reading - Stay on the page for 59 seconds - Close the site Technical specifications: - Use a mix of mobile and desktop traffic - Utilize different IPs and browsers, preferably mobile or proxy traffic - Limit visits to no more than 2000 per day to prevent sudden traffic spikes - Avoid using VPN bots with the same IPs to ensure Google recognizes the traffic as natural - Provide a final summary report of visit statistics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in SEO promotion - Ability to gen...
TikTok & YouTube – Posting 6,000 custom comments Task: Post 6,000 prepared comments under the latest videos in 10 specific TikTok accounts and 10 YouTube channels (under regular videos, not Shorts). Comments are already prepared, no need to invent them. Post evenly over 3 days (not all at once). Using automatic bots is acceptable, but it is desirable that the accounts look real (with activity history). Technical requirements: TikTok: it is important that the accounts look realistic (it is better to use fake profiles with content). YouTube: comments should not end up in spam (different IPs, proxies or "warmed up" accounts are needed). Posting ≈ 2000 comments per day (TikTok + YouTube together) – 1000 on TikTok, 1000 on YouTube, 100 comments under eac...
I need a Shopify expert to adjust my product page layout on the Dawn theme. BOT Protection note: start you bid with the text "Yes I understand and I can do this task very fast" Requirements: - Modify the complementary products (under the shoe size selection) layout to show horizontally, side by side, instead of vertically. - Remove both SKU and price from the complementary products. - Ensure that only the product image is displayed for the complementary products. - This is Sample website that the complementary products display horizontally see screenshot My product page url : Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify and the Dawn theme. - Strong understanding of product information that offers real-time alerts on severe weather conditions. ****PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PHOTO FOR WHAT WERE LOOKING FOR!!*** **Key Features Required:** - **Weather Alerts:** The feed must include alerts for severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flooding. Additionally, it should have the capability to support all types of weather alerts as needed. - **Location-Based Alerts:** Each alert must specify the location it pertains to, ensuring that users receive relevant information. It will be for SD, MN, IA, and NE. - **User Customization:** While the initial focus is on the specified weather conditions, the system should be adaptable to incorporate other weather phenomena in the future. - **User Customization:** Needs to be used in OBS. Looking to do scrollin...
I'm seeking a talented mobile app developer to create a productivity-focused Android app. The ideal candidate...create a productivity-focused Android app. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in Android app development, with a portfolio showcasing previous productivity apps. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a user-friendly, efficient Android app aimed at enhancing productivity - Ensure the app adheres to Android's design and performance standards - Implement features that facilitate task management, scheduling, etc. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Java/Kotlin and Android Studio - Experience with productivity app development highly preferred - Strong understanding of Android's design and performance standards - Excellent problem-sol...
...topic. Each word and sentence should have an audio pronunciation feature. AI-Powered 24/7 Chatbot: A chatbot that allows users to practice English conversation anytime. It should support both text and voice interactions. Ideally, the chatbot should be powered by ChatGPT API, Dialogflow, or any other suitable AI technology. User-Friendly Interface: Simple and responsive design for mobile and desktop users. Easy navigation and search functionality for words and phrases. Optional Features (if possible): A video chat option where an AI-generated teacher can speak with users. Integration of short movie clips where words and phrases appear in real conversations. Technical Requirements: The site should be built using WordPress for easy content management. AI chatbot can be integrate...
Need expert in javascript to help in the task and also explain me on meet to help me learn
Linux Server Deployable Program – Mexc Futures Trading via TradingView Webhook Task: I need a custom program that runs on a Linux server and executes MEXC Futures trades (opening/closing long and short positions) based on TradingView webhook signals. Requirements: The program should receive and process TradingView webhook messages. Execute the received instructions via the MEXC API. Configurable parameters: Trading pair Leverage Percentage of capital to use per trade Ensure error handling and basic logging. The program must be deployable on a Linux server (e.g., Debian or Ubuntu). No visual interface is required, only a background-running system. Technical Details: The program should strictly execute trades based on webhook instructions. It must execute the received comman...
I'm seeking an expert in Microsoft SQL Server 2019 and Microsoft Word automation who can assist in auto-populating Word documents with text data from my SQL database. Key requirements: - Proficiency in Microsoft SQ...Word documents with text data from my SQL database. Key requirements: - Proficiency in Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - Experience with Microsoft Word automation - Ability to work with text data - Understanding of database management and data extraction processes The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong background in data automation, with a particular focus on Microsoft products. Your task will be to streamline the process of transferring text data from my SQL Server 2019 database into Word documents, significantly improving efficiency and reducing m...