Design letter pad firm freeproiecte 9.1 on this page we have a simple form where any of the users can enter the following data: Name CNP But the Series But No CNP Goal. Street No. The township County Capacity Price Și 2 butoane, 1 să fie numit SEMNĂTURA ; 2. Să fie numit ÎNCHEIERE 9.2 la apăsarea butonului SEMNĂTURĂ să se deschidă pe tot ecranul și clientul să poată semna cu ajutorul la Signature Pad sau Canvas. Cu degetul 9.3 după ce clientul a semnat cu degetul să fie posibil ca userul să inchida ecranul deschis pentru semnătura 9.4 după ce semnătura a fost inclusă și salvată, userul apăsând pe butonul ÎNCHEIERE face ca toate datele incluse în formular să ducă la generarea pdf-ului cu ajutorul pdfbox sau itext. 9.5 înainte ca pdf-ul să fie gener...
În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de apro...aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...
Avem o aplicatie web SPA, front-end scris in AngularJS si back-end in C# (ASP.NET WEB API). Este o platforma de emitere online a politelor de asigurare, care deserveste brokerii de asigurare. Aplicatia se conecteaza la ...implementarea de noi module de comunicare cu web-service-urile asiguratorilor, in scopul emiterii altor produse de asigurare. Implementarea fiecarui modul presupune cod AngularJS/Angular2 pe client si cod C# pe server, in webapi, plus integrarea produsului respectiv in modulul global de emitere (de exp: avem modulul de emitere polite locuinte, de unde se pot emite diverse produse: Generali PAD+Eurocasa, Euroins HA+PAD, etc, si mai trebuie sa implementam altele: Omniasig Garant Amplus, Asirom CaminulMeu, etc). Cautam developeri cu experienta AngularJS sau A...
Salut, am template wordpress premium luat, am nevoie de cineva care sa mi l aranjeze putin. Chiar si putem merge pe un alt script la recomandare. Multumesc
...Foreign vocational student - 1-2 propozitii O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences - 1-2 propozitii P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program - 1-2 propozitii Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor - 1-2 propozitii R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization - 1-2 propozitii TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S. Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA) - pentru romanii din Canada TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA - pentru romanii din Canada sau Mexic...
Site-ul wordpress are nevoie de optimizare pentru a reduce timpii de incarcare. Mentionez ca site-ul ruleaza pe server dedicat, utilizeaza o tema pro si cateva module pro si free. Mai mentionez ca nu intentionez sa dezvolt ceva de la zero. Doar sa imbunatatesc ceea ce exista. Daca ati mai facut asta, va rog mult sa-mi dati un semn in care sa-mi spuneti ce puteti face (o estimare a timpului de incarcare la care va angajati sa ajungeti ar fi perfect!), in cat timp si cu ce resurse.
Ma intereseaza un articol care sa puncteze concret ce ar putea face o persoana din Romania cu o firma off-shore. Textul e doar informativ deci nu e necesar ca doar actiunile legale sa fie mentionate (dar sa fie clar ce ar fi legal si ce nu). Ma intereseaza in special cum poate fi o firma off-shore director sau asociat la o firma romaneasca, cum se poate cineva folosi de o asemenea firma pentru a plati mai putin in taxe si impozite si pentru a-si proteja averea, cum poate fi folosita o asemenea firma in cazuri de divort si daca exista lucruri specifice posibile pentru romani ce nu au afaceri dar sunt doctori, avocati etc. Foarte interesat deasemenea in cum se poate un avocat din Romania folosi de o asemenea firma, pentru el/ea si pentru clienti. Din nou, ma intereseaza idei concrete car...
am pierdut ziua azi discutand cu diverse persoane non-romanians si nu ma pot lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple clare de proiecte similare, daca nu ai mai facut sa nu ne pierdem vremea acesta nu e un proiect gigant ... dar poate duce la proiecte permanente pentru cel cu care asupra calitati si pretului ma inteleg - nu vreau FREE demo dar nici nu o sa arunc cu bani sa vad daca pierd vremea, cine stie sa foloseasca inDesign se misca repede ... multumesc & bafta
Salve Razvan! as avea nevoie de serviciile tale, daca e posibil, pentru a face unele finisaje la site-ul meu ( - wordpress - avada theme). Pentru toate aceste finisaje iti voi trimite imagini. 1) In primul rand as vrea ca mainmenu-ul sa fie fixed 2) ...Probleme mari sunt intre 801 si 980. De asemenea, in versiunea mobile imaginea sliderului nu se schimba activand unul din cele 4 pulsante de sub el. Merge doar activand sagetutele stanga-dreapta. ---------------------- Apoi mai am unele mici finisaje pe pagina Come Funziona si Vantaggi - versiunea mobile + unele mici finisaje la blog. deocamdata atat. Am valutat undeva la 8 ore X 5€ (PS. 2$ si free nu sunt ok). Dar pretul final il faci tu. Bafta, anunta-ma te rog daca reusesti sa faci aceste ajustari cerute si pretul tau. a căror expresie a cuantificării se traduce în cifre, aș inspira împăcat. :) Ori măcar să introduc text și cifre, fără prea mare tehnoredactare ori respectiv prelucrare sau postprocesare. Sper să nu mă fi autosabotat prea tare scriind totul ”într-un suflet” și mai mult în stilul confesiv; decât în propoziții scurte, clare și întru eficiența operativității. Mai spre ambiguu ori mai spre free-style inedit, noua mea tastatură achiziționată astăzi s-a bucurat de prima ei folosire, în metoda oarbă bineînțeles, deși cu tastele-i luminate, pentru cine știe ce posibilă combinație de taste; în mediul nocturn. Dacă ajută în vreun fel în cadrul vreunui proiect, înainte de a trece la următoare...
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Salut, Marian! Nu te cunosc, nu ma cunosti (funny) .Iti trimit acest mesaj cu gandul ca poate ma poti ajuta :) Sunt nou in acest domeniu an 1 la Calculatoare(fac doar C , free cad , vrml ,c++) . As vrea sa stiu daca ma poti indruma? gen: ce proiect as putea sa fac ce ar trebui sa invat pentru ca la un moment dat sa pot castiga ceva:) Ce ofer? idk daruire si ajutor cu orice pot:) Mulțam!
Doresc sa construiesc un site al unei agentii de publicitate....acesta ar trebui sa contina 5 pagini diferite (despre noi, ce oferim/servicii/contact, galerie foto, si news letter). De asemenea doresc acces C PAnnel . Multumesc
este nevoie de dezvoltarea unei platforme educationale in php cu urmatoarele functionalitati: user cu confirmare pe mail, pagina de administrare si introducere date de catre beneficiar, newsletter, plati prin sms card, gamificare si puncte pentru rezultate, teste grila contratimp, clasament rezultate utilizatori. utilizatori free si cu plata
Doresc crearea unui site de vanzari online asigurari cu urmatoarel atribute - calculator si comanda online - plata online - sa fie accesibil atat desktop cat si mobile - sa se poata incarca talon auto si CI iar sistemul sa recunoasca textul si sa completeze automat campurile - news letter - trimitere sms automat inainte de expirare sau rata scadenta
Hello, i need an article translated from english to's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
Hello, i need an article translated from english to's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
poti sa imi faci si mie un site free si iti fac cumparatori ........................................................
Recomand merge mai repede pc si nu nu face nimic dai doar 2 clikuri si gata. merge stat si daca ai calculatorul low ..
Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.
Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !
Salut, Am nevoie de un web designer pentru pagini de vanzare tip WSO. Pentru detalii, vorbim pe privat. Mersi mult.
...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...
...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...
I'm looking for a seasoned social media content creator to develop and manage my company's Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn profiles. My consulting firm, which focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises, needs 12 posts per month on each platform, including Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and inspirational LinkedIn posts and videos. - Content Types: Primarily Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, with inspirational and video posts on LinkedIn. - Monthly Budget: I'm seeking a competitive monthly rate with the possibility of extending our collaboration in the future. - Comprehensive Service: The ideal candidate will handle all aspects of content creation, strategic planning, and scheduling. Given that our target audience is Spanish SMEs, fluency in Spain's Spani...
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I am seeking an SEO specialist to enhance the search engine ranking of our tax law firm website. The primary objective is to improve our visibility and ranking on all relevant search engines, with a particular focus on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. We only want to see expert level people familiar with California and will do back links to high profile media in the US and not a bunch of back links to UK and INDIA. We need professional level talent that will achieve high results. We are professionals that are the top of our industry and need to have recognition and ranking accordingly. Key Responsibilities: - Implement on-page SEO strategies to optimize our website content and structure. - Execute off-page SEO techniques to increase our site's authority and relevance. Ideal Skills a...
I'm looking for...suitable for print materials. This is for a project on clothing brands for Autism Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Print Design - Creative Thinking Please provide your portfolio with similar projects. Below are some ideas and some adobe mock ups. See if you can do better. The front logo 'alf' has to be multicolor jigsaw pieces with gaps in between which is my main logo. Change the text so the A is a non caps small a. DEVELOPER to be done in industry inc (like the mock up) with Acceptance Learn Fellowship (it says friendship on the mock up but ive changed it) Mask the word developer with some multicolour spray and lay the other text curved around it (like the mock up) Each letter (ALF) on each word round develo... strategy company that helps clients build wealth and generate tax-free income. Company Overview: Capital Growth Management is dedicated to providing expert financial strategies to help individuals and businesses achieve long-term financial success. Our services focus on creating wealth through smart, effective planning. Design Requirements: The logo should reflect trust, professionalism, and financial expertise. Preferred color palette: blue or green to evoke feelings of stability, growth, and prosperity. The design should be modern, clean, and memorable. The logo will be used on various media including websites, marketing materials, and business cards. What We’re Looking For: A strong, timeless logo design. Clean, professional, and easily...
I'm seeking a professional logo designer who can create a unique and compelling logo for my company, Wealth Park Capital. The design can be modern and sleek, classic and traditional, or even playful and creative - I'm open to all ideas. The key is to capture the essence of a capital management firm while making it visually appealing. Please provide in your application: - Your past work, particularly any relevant to finance or investment sectors. - Your experience in logo design. - A brief, detailed project proposal on how you would approach this task. The timeline for project completion is within a month. I look forward to seeing your creative ideas!
... We prefer Creative Commons free commercial use licensed pictures, but we are open to other suggestions. We are seeking a skilled writer to create a 500-word technical blog post for the topic listed above. The ideal candidate should have experience in technical writing and be able to distill complex information into clear, engaging content. In addition to the blog post, we would like you to suggest a relevant image that complements the article, which we may consider purchasing the license for. If you have a portfolio of similar work, please share it with your application. You can reference to see what we're looking for. Here are some resources for finding free Creative Commons pictures: 1. Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay (CC0 or their own free-use licenses) 2. Fli...
I have a set of last year's ticket sale data that needs to be entered into Excel. - Data Entry: The tickets are currently in Excel 10, and I need someone to accurately input all relevant data. - Excel Skills: Proficiency in Excel 10 is crucial, as the data will be entered into this software. - No Analysis Required: At this stage, I do not require any data analysis or reports generated from the entered data. However, a keen eye for detail will be beneficial to ensure accurate data entry.
...detail and organizational skills Excellent communication and customer service skills Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently A proactive approach to managing bookings and improving guest satisfaction If you're passionate about the short-term rental industry and providing exceptional guest experiences, we’d love to have you on our team. Please submit your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience. The Property Manager role involves overseeing the day-to-day operations of our properties, including posting new properties, guest communication, ensuring the properties are well-maintained, and managing bookings. While having an active Airbnb account is important, we’re also looking for candidates who have experience wi...
I need a structural engineer to design an engineered footer for a concrete pad that will serve as the foundation for a large shed. The shed will be over 251 sq ft and is intended for a residential purpose. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Civil engineering with a focus on structural design - Experience with designing foundations for large structures - Knowledge of concrete engineering - Previous work with shed foundations a plus - Ability to provide detailed, clear engineering plans - Knowledge of local building codes and regulations for foundation construction The site has sandy soil conditions. ASAP
...(Facebook, website, social media). Deliver in PNG, JPG, and vector (AI, EPS, SVG) formats. 2. T-Shirt Logo Design (Front & Back) Front: A small, clean chest logo that works well on workwear. Back: A larger version of the logo, possibly including the company phone number (0449 588 233) and tagline (Electrical Contracting). The design should be bold, clean, and readable from a distance. Style & Inspiration: Professional, minimal, and modern. Must reflect trust, quality, and electrical expertise. Open to subtle symbolic elements that reinforce the electrical industry (e.g., lightning bolt, plug, or circuit-inspired details). Deliverables: Facebook Logo: Optimized for profile use. T-Shirt Design: Two versions – front (small) and back (large with phone numb...
As a growing real estate firm, we are in need of a talented and reliable freelance graphic designer. Your role will encompass various branding and design projects aimed at maintaining a cohesive and professional visual identity. Initial tasks will include: - Branding our employee manual: This will require you to incorporate our company branding kit (logos, colors, fonts) into the design of our employee manual. The objective is to achieve a polished, professional look that is visually consistent with our branding kit. - Creating one-pager PDFs: You will be provided with videos and additional context to create visually appealing, easy-to-read one-pager PDFs summarizing key information. Future opportunities may arise, including: - Designing marketing materials su...
Hi! I have a pixel art game called Brothel Hotel, where the characters are in pixel art, but the background is in voxel. Some players have reported performance issues, so I’d like to convert the 3D background into a 2D pixel art background to optimize the game. However, I’d still like to keep a 3D-like visual effect, possibly using parallax scrolling to add depth to the...pixel art background to optimize the game. However, I’d still like to keep a 3D-like visual effect, possibly using parallax scrolling to add depth to the rooms. I’m looking for an experienced artist who can help me decide on the best approach and create the pixel art background. The game is NSFW, but the job only involves working on the background, with no NSFW elements. If you’re interest...
I'm seeking a talented copywriter to craft an engaging Video Sales Letter (VSL) script aimed at boosting sales for my digital product. The target audience is general (women)consumers, so the script should be easy to understand, yet persuasive enough to convert viewers into buyers. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing sales scripts, particularly for video. - Familiarity with digital products and their market. - Ability to write in a conversational tone that appeals to general consumers. - Skills in crafting compelling narratives that drive sales. - Ability to incorporate emotional triggers that resonate with general consumers. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. The script should be approximately 5-10 minutes long. The script should focu...
We are seeking a skilled translator to convert a Vietnamese letter into English. The ideal candidate should have a strong command of both languages and be able to provide an accurate and culturally appropriate translation. Attention to detail and the ability to maintain the original tone and style of the letter are essential. If you have experience in translation and can deliver high-quality work promptly, we would love to hear from you!
...front page and employer page. There are below app function 1. recruiter name in front 2. current jobs in front 3. related jobs search category 1. by skills 2. by qualification 3. by location 4. by company 5. by salary criteria application process 1. application status:- applied, shortlisted/rejected, if shortlisted then final for first round interview, second round interview, selected, offer letter. there will be a option to select employer how many round interview required in employer portal. 2. in interview section there should be a video conference option. the employer can add other employee to join interview. 3. chat option for employee and employer. notifiation 1. auto notification upon new post as per choice of employee 2. application process information 3. all notific...
I'm in need of someone with expertise in Vercel and website deployme... - Guidance method: I am open to any remote desktop application, but would prefer TeamViewer or Zoom. - Hosting advice: I am looking for free hosting options, as I believe my website cannot be hosted on a shared server. Recommendations for reliable, free servers similar to AWS would be appreciated. - Conversion assistance: If necessary, I would like assistance in converting my website to HTML to upload files from the 'dist' folder. I have tried this multiple times unsuccessfully. Skills & Experience: The ideal candidate should have a strong background in web development, particularly with Vercel, and experience with remote guidance. Knowledge of free hosting options and ability...
...Elements: - The logo should creatively incorporate the word "PESKA". - The letter "K" should depict a fisherman casting a rod. - The letter "P" should symbolize a hooked fish. Expectations: - Clean, professional and memorable design that captures the essence of fishing. - Should work seamlessly on digital platforms as well as on apparel and accessories. - Judging criteria will include creativity, originality, relevance to fishing, simplicity, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. As for the color scheme, I'm open to any color that feels natural and outdoorsy. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in graphic design, particularly in logo creation, and a deep understanding of modern design a...
...a compelling letterhead for my overseas education consulting brand. The design must embody an innovative and modern aesthetic while being professional and suitable for both print and digital use. Design Requirements: - Incorporate the existing logo into the design. - Use bold colors (red, blue, green) to reflect the brand's identity. - Prominently feature contact information on the letterhead. - Maintain a clean, easily readable design. Deliverables: - Final design files in vector formats (AI, EPS, SVG). - A print-ready PDF. - High-resolution JPG and PNG files. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and typography. - Mastery of Adobe Illustrator or similar vector graphics software. - Ability to deliver a design that's n...
We are launching a new brand, , focused on clothing and gear for passionate fishing enthusiasts. We need a unique and eye-catching logo that truly represents our brand identity. Logo Concept: The logo should be based on the word "PESKA". The letter "K" should be creatively designed as a fisherman casting a fishing rod. The letter "P" should represent a hooked fish. We are looking for a clean, professional, and memorable design that captures the essence of fishing. The logo should work well on apparel, accessories, and digital platforms. Judging Criteria: Creativity and originality. Relevance to the fishing niche. Simplicity and versatility. Aesthetic appeal. We look forward to seeing your creative designs. Tight lines and good luck!
I need a formal translation of a business letter from English to Portuguese. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in both English and Portuguese (Portugal) - Experienced in translating formal business correspondence - Excellent understanding of general business terminology - Detail-oriented to ensure the tone and content are accurately conveyed
Boost Your Business with a Professional Website for ONLY $5! Want to elevate your business online? Now you can get a business website with free hosting and custom content, starting at just $5! What I Offer: - Free Hosting - A business-focused design that reflects your brand - Responsive, mobile-friendly layout for all devices Don’t let your business fall behind. Get your professional website today and take the first step toward online success! ? Hurry, this offer won’t last long! Bid now to get started for just $5!
IMPORTANT: POSTING COVER LETTER WILL GET YOU DECLINED ONLY POST DRIBBBLE PROFILE LINK I am looking for a designer who has extensive experience making hero concepts. Example: Requirement: You need to have a Dribbble portfolio. If you don't have one, there is no need to apply; your application will be declined. Trial Run: This is a hire for a trial run. You will be asked to make a few hero concepts from limited briefs. Multiple people are getting the same briefs. The hourly rate for the trial run is $15/hour. If you pass the trial run, you will get a new offer at $30-$50/hour depending on your skill set with a cap of 25 hours per week. My team's schedule is Mon/Tue and Thu/Fri max 6 hours per day. We prioritize quality over quantity and understand
Hi TAFSOL Technologies, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. I writing this letter because I interested to join with you in Design Graphic position. We can discuss any details over chat. Thank you
...traditional agencies, One Step Migration offers a tech-driven, user-friendly, and cost-effective approach, ensuring faster and more accurate visa validation. The company envisions expanding into recruitment and accommodation, creating a fully integrated migration ecosystem. Modern Logo Design Concept The logo should embody innovation, trust, and seamless migration while maintaining a sleek, forward-thinking, and modern aesthetic. Key Design Ideas for Consideration: Icon / Symbol: - Minimalist & Geometric Design: A clean, structured icon representing guidance and progress. - Stylized Forward Arrow or Step Symbol: A visual cue for "One Step" and forward motion. - Abstract Migration Path: A smooth, curved line (possibly around a globe) to indicate inter...
I'm in need of a professional web developer to create an architecture firm portfolio website for me. The purpose of this site is to showcase my creative work. Key features of the site will include: - An interactive gallery to showcase my pieces. - A section for client testimonials to build credibility and trust. - A contact form for potential clients or collaborators to reach out. Ideal skills for this project include web development, UI/UX design, and experience with creating interactive elements. A portfolio of prior creative portfolio sites would be a plus.