Database tables ticket reservation systemproiecte
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin-deci furnizorul va fi dinamic, se va tot schimba in functie de bestprice feed. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va...
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va trebui conceput incat sa putem adauga/opri anumiti furnizori in orice moment...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
)* pentru o buna comunicare doresc doar programatori din Romania proiectul consta in migrarea produselor de pe o platforma veche (xt-commerce) pe opencart 3.0x sunt insa particularitati care trebuie clarificate si implementate the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performe...
Descrierea proiectului este in fisierul atasat.
Cautam pe cineva sa lucreze in PHP (Laravel) + MySQL pentru o aplicatie web care gestioneaza activitatea unei fabrici de incaltaminte. Aplicatia este facuta, insa are anumite erori care presupun niste ore de munca.
Avem nevoie de un inginer de teren care sa aiba experienta in hardware. Pentru acest request trebuie inlocuita o placa de baza ( motherboard ) pentru IBM System x3400 M3. Locatia este in Constanta.
Daniel ma numesc si va contacez cu rugamintea de-a ne ajuta in identificarea unei persoane care sa ne ajute la implementarea unui proiect intern. Suntem in cautarea a unei soluti pentru a corela CRM-ul companiei noastre cu diverse echipamente care le avem in piata inchiriate diversilor colaboratori. Avem un dept. care se ocupa...timpul de interventie de la crearea unei solicitari a clientului, pana la sosirea echipei noastre la fata locului. Ne gandeam la un QR code care poate fi scanat de catre client si care ii da posibilitatea predefinit sa introduca anumite informati despre problema acestuia. Teoretic direct intr-un formular predefinit online care identifica instant echipamentul, clientul si creaza in acelasi timp un ticket in CRM-ul companiei cu data, ora si situatia descrisa ...
Ideea mea a pornit de la faptul ca avand in administratie o pensiune nu am gasit niciun program care sa ma ajute cu rezervarile. Mi-as dori o aplicatie (pe care sa o poata folosi si alte persoane) in care sa existe un calendar unde se pot adauga rezervarile ( cu toate detaliile) , in care sa se vada cate camere sunt ocupate si cate sunt libere si cel mai important la aceasta agenda sa poata avea acces mai multe persoane (receptionerii pentru a vedea rezervarile din ziua respectiva sau pentru a putea face chiar ei rezervari si eu care m-am saturat sa dau n telefoane la persoana care are agenda pentru a-i spune o rezervare sau pentru a intreba cate camere mai sunt libere
Documentatia pentru proiect este in PDF.
Aplicația este structurată pe bază de meniu cu o listă de opțiuni iar toate funcțiile sunt disponibile din interfața utilizator; interfața administrator presupune implementarea tuturor setărilor disponibile iar cea utilizator implementarea tuturor funcționalităților; Aplicația trebuie să utilizeze structuri de date cu atribute declarat dinamic, tipuri enumerative, union, structuri și operații pe biți; Implementarea și utilizarea masivelor alocate dinamic, uni și bidimensionale cu scopul de a gestiona setările la nivelul multifuncționalului; Punerea în evidență a structurilor dinamice liniare: implementarea unei stive/cozi, implementarea unei structuri circulare; Utilizarea tabelelor de dispersie pentru optimizarea spațiului de stocare și a accesului la elemente prin minim 2 ...
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm,synopsys expert
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!
As dori un script pentru Wordpress, un sistem de puncte. Useri trebuie sa completeze niste oferte si in functie de anumiti termeni sa primeasca un numar de puncte, iar acele puncte sa ramana stocate in cont-ul userilor si cu ele sa poata cumpara anumite chestii. Cine se pricepe astept sa ma contacteze!
Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.
Am nevoie de o baza de date pentru un producator de jaluzele , cu managemnet clienti, produse, oferte de pret, statusuri, task si calendar . Atasat este explicat tot proiectul . Multumesc
Am nevoie de un sistem de indexare CBIR pt niste celule papanicolau(baza de date cu aceste celule o am deja si consta in niste foldere cu imagini). Vreau de la tine sa construiesti sistemul CBIR utilizand: -descriptori de culoare (imaginile sunt color,aici doresc sa folosesti histograme HSV si ce mai consideri tu ca e necesar) -descriptori de textura -descriptori de forma -descriptori locali LBP De asemenea vei construi interfata GUI. Vezi un exemplu de interfata GUI aici min 0:43 Evident acesta este doar un exemplu,iar tu vei adapta interfata in functie de descriptorii pe care ii vei folosi. Voi avea nevoie si de explicatii la cod asa ca asigura-te ca incluzi comentarii in matlab %%% care sa imi explice mie ce ai facut acolo. Daca sunt formule pe care le-ai folosit poti face ...
1. capture picture 2. capture login 3. capture profile
ENGLISH: (I need it by May 27th, end of day GMT) I would need a tablespace with 6-7 tables: - with some alternative and repetitive structures; - treating some exceptions (implicit and explicit); - 3-4 functions, 2-3 procedures and including them in packages - 2-3 triggers; - a small application in APEX with about 4 different pages. ROMANIAN: (Am nevoie de el pana cel tarziu Miercuri, 27 May) Criterii minime: A. Descrierea problemei şi prezentarea schemei conceptuale a tabelelor. B. Interacţiunea cu serverul Oracle prin intermediul comenzilor SQL (LDD şi LMD) C. Structuri alternative şi repetitive. D. Tratarea excepţiilor. (minim 2 implicite, 2 explicite) E. Gestionarea cursorilor: impliciţi şi expliciţi (cu şi fără parametri) F. Funcţii, proceduri, includerea aces...
...cate se pot face Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a client account in which they can manage their history order The admin should be able to : Add/modify/delete photos Manage orders through changing the status order from "in process" to "delivered" Manage stocks Generate reports (aproximatively 20) Data base- at least 10-20 tables or how many are possible ...
I need a specialist in romania to move a database difference and it all worked perfectly
Salut softmania. Sunt interesat de un sistem de referari,bazat pe 4 nivele..adica nivelul 1 sa castige de la nivelul 2(recomandat de el) ,3 ,4. As dori sa aflu mai multe detalii despre pret,in cat timp e gata si toate detaliile care nu ar trebui sa fie omise. Astept raspuns. Daca aveti neclaritati in privinta sistemului,va pot explica mai bine. Va multumesc
Only Romanian developers can apply. Please do not apply if you are not from Romania. Site responsive (wordpress sau custom made code) de prezentare pentru diverse magazine. Sunt necesare cunostiinte despre: baze de date, folosirea datelor din baza de date in paginile de prezentare, tabele cu filtre bazate pe baza de date, nested tables, html5, richsnippets, rating system, cat mai putin CSS, valid markup, SEO module, permisiuni admin, sitemap etc etc. Am enumerat o parte din cele necesare, pentru o idee de ansamblu. Documentatia tehnica (+20 pagini) este pregatita, va fi distribuita in private celor selectati. Presupune colaborarea prin Skype, date fiind cerintele detaliate. Recomandat pentru echipa de IT - luand in considerare ca este nevoie si de design.
Only Romanian developers can apply. Please do not apply if you are not from Romania. Site responsive (wordpress sau custom made code) de prezentare pentru diverse magazine. Sunt necesare cunostiinte despre: baze de date, folosirea datelor din baza de date in paginile de prezentare, tabele cu filtre bazate pe baza de date, nested tables, html5, richsnippets, rating system, cat mai putin CSS, valid markup, SEO module, permisiuni admin, sitemap etc etc. Am enumerat o parte din cele necesare, pentru o idee de ansamblu. Documentatia tehnica (+20 pagini) este pregatita, va fi distribuita in private celor selectati. Presupune colaborarea prin Skype, date fiind cerintele detaliate. Recomandat pentru echipa de IT - luand in considerare ca este nevoie si de design.
Detin un site de anunturi din romania si vreau ca acesta sa aibe un sistem de mesaje in care vizitatorii sa poata trimite catre vanzatori mesaje cu functia de reply indiferent daca cel care trimite sau primeste mesaj este utilizator inregistrat pe site sau ofertele anticipat
Am un magazin de pateuri vreau sa-mi faci o baza de date si o aplicatie sa gestioneze vanzarea de pateuri. Avem mai multe tipuri de pateuri unele sunt expirate altele sunt din ficat de gasca vreau sa fie o baza de date optimizata nu ceva de mantuiala
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
Pot completa tabele in excel (cu formule de calcul )sau scrie in word, preferabil in romana,engleza sau italiana. De asemenea, pot face diverse situatii in excel...depinde ce doreste fiecare. Can fill tables in Excel (with formulas) or write in Word, preferably in Romanian, English or Italian. They can also make various situations in excel ... depends on what each wants.
Online Booking System pentru evenimente cu urmatoarele capabilitati: - Sa trimita email-uri tip newsletter cu invitatii cu text custom la o lista de invitati (care sa poata fi populata cu import feature. date stocate: Nume, Prenume, Email). Acestea trebuie sa se autopopuleze cu „nume/prenume” si link custom pentru ca acesta sa poata ajunge in pagina unde sa se inscrie la o anumita data/ora a evenimentului. - Pagina unde invitatul poate sa se inscrie la una din datele evenimentului. - Pagina de inregistrare esuata in cazul in care la acea data grupa deja este formata. - Pagina de confirmare a inregistrarii daca totul este ok. - Notificare pe e-mail in momentul in care invitatul s-a inregistrat cu succes la eveniment. - Sa stranga inregistrarile si sa le trimita intr...
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can create a dynamic data visualization tab for analyzing financial data specifically for ROI metrics. The main focus will be on cost savings and investment returns. Key Requirements: - Use of Charts and Graphs: I need clear and engaging visual representations of the data. - Pivot Tables: Help in summarizing the data and making the analysis more manageable. - Conditional Formatting: To highlight key trends and important information in the data. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel: Proficiency in using Excel's more complex features. - Financial Analysis: Understanding of financial data and metrics. - Data Visualization: Ability to present data in a clear and engaging way. Please only bid if you can deliver a high-quality, professional Exce...
HI I need an experienced editor to help me edit/fix a document with paragraph alignment and adding signature lines/tables. The work will primarily involve enhancing the formatting and layout to fit a business professional style. Key tasks will include: - Aligning paragraphs for consistency and readability - Adjusting tables and charts for neatness and clarity Thank you!
...Table professional to assist with moving records from one base to another, along with attached documents. The situation is somewhat complicated as we do not have admin access to the original base, but we can download the tables in CSV format. Requirements: - Transfer of medium data size (1000 to 10,000 records). - Include various attached documents such as PDF files, Images, mpegs, and avi files. - Move all the comments in the Interfaces - Preserve all features from the original base in the new base. This includes Formulas/Calculated Fields, Links/Relationships between tables, and Views and Filters. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Air Table. - Strong data migration skills. - Experience with preserving complex data relationships during migration. - ...
My WordPress site is experiencing slow page load times, particularly with blog posts. I need a professional who can optimize the database, as it has a lot of slow queries and the Yoast SEO plugin. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in database optimization - Familiar with Yoast SEO plugin - Knowledgeable in speed enhancement techniques - Able to conduct a thorough site assessment Please note that I have not tried any database cleanup or caching plugins yet. Your expertise in enhancing my site's performance is crucial.
I am in need of a professional who can assist in registering my already established business and setting up a comprehensive database for global news distribution. Key Responsibilities: - Register my business with relevant authorities. - Create a database that caters for news distribution, both in the USA and globally. Ideal Skills: - Experience with business registration processes. - Proficiency in various types of databases, including SQL-based, NoSQL-based, and Cloud-based. - Prior involvement in setting up a news distribution system.
I'm in need of an Excel course aimed at beginners. Key Course Topics: - Basic formulas and functions: Teach how to use simple formulas and functions in Excel. - Data entry and formatting: Focus on how to input data and format it correctly. - Charts and graphs: Introduce the basics of creating and interpreting charts and graphs. - Pivot Tables Content Delivery: The course should be delivered through engaging video tutorials. Ideal Skills: The freelancer should have a strong proficiency in Excel, experience in course development, and skills in video production. Experience in teaching or creating educational content is a plus.
I need a skilled PCB designer to create a circuit board capable of measuring distances using a laser sensor (or ultrasonic). This system should have adjustable ranges and provide alerts through both vibration and sound. Furthermore, the design should incorporate a SIM for communication, virtual human sensors and a GPS module for real-time location tracking. Ideal Skills and Experience: - PCB design - Knowledge of laser sensors - Experience with SIM and GPS modules - Understanding of vibration and sound alert systems - Ability to create designs for adjustable range systems Please note, the system will need to provide real-time tracking, so experience with designing for this capability is essential.
...looking for an experienced developer who can create a fully automated, hands-free futures trading system for Quantower. The system needs to be well-designed, backtested, and displaying a small drawdown while aiming to capture a wider spread. Key Requirements: - Implement key features such as take-profit targets and stop-loss mechanisms. - Backtesting capabilities: The system should be able to test its effectiveness on historical data before real-time trading. - Low drawdown: The system should exhibit a small drawdown, indicating a stable performance under various market conditions. - Wide spread capture: The system should be designed to aim for capturing a wider spread. The trading system should be capable of trading in commodities. I ...
...PostgreSQL database and need an expert to analyze, optimize, and fine-tune the system for improved efficiency. The Issues: Memory Underutilization: PostgreSQL is not fully utilizing the allocated 32GB of memory, with usage capped at around 17GB even under high workload conditions. CPU usage spikes to use all 16 cores, even when PostgreSQL is idle. Processing takes too long during periods of high access, resulting in delayed responses. Bottlenecks During Data Loading: Loading large datasets causes significant delays, with processing times exceeding 30 seconds. Query execution slows further during bulk operations. Index and Query Optimization: Some queries are slower than expected, likely due to missing or inefficient indexes. Sequential scans are observed in large...
Monthly four hours of work: * System updates * System configuration * Troubleshooting
...Login Project Overview We need a secure, user-friendly website to serve as an index for manuscripts. The platform will provide authorized users access to a centralized database where they can view, upload, search, and manage manuscript-related information. The system will support file uploads, advanced filtering and search functionalities, and administrative controls. Features and Requirements User Authentication and Authorization Secure, password-protected login system. Role-based access control: Regular users: View and upload files, search/filter manuscripts. Admin users: Manage users, delete files, and oversee all system activities. Password reset functionality. Manuscript Index Ability to store detailed metadata for each manuscript, including but not...
I would like to write a research paper on the following topic: Influence of the Desire for Money on Empathy and Prosocial Behavior in High-Pressure Environments. I would need to gather data for this paper in order to make schemes, graphs, tables, etc. This can be done through the following: Surveys and Questionnaires: Create surveys to measure individuals' desire for money, empathy, and prosocial behaviors. Distribute them in high-pressure environments like corporate offices or medical fields. Behavioral Experiments: Conduct economic games (e.g., Dictator Game) and controlled experiments where participants choose between money and prosocial actions under stress. Observational Studies: Observe behaviors in workplace settings during high-stress periods, using natural experimen...
...estimating system for a new consulting venture. The software, developed in the year 2000, is built on MS Excel and MS Access and used for BioPharma, Power and other industrial capital project estimating. Key Tasks: - Make the existing system operational with current MS Applications - Ensure seamless data import from Excel to Access - Retain and improve the existing functionality of generating Estimate reports - Potentially transitioning it to a web-based system with custom client opening page graphic The ideal candidate should have: - In-depth knowledge of MS Excel and MS Access - Experience in working with legacy systems - Ability to design user-friendly data entry forms - Entrepreneurial spirit and willingness for a face-to-face collaboration Your expertise wil...
I'm seeking to create a comprehensive database of North American companies in the medical device cleaning and medical facilities cleaning industries. The database should include email contacts for the CEO and other executive roles. Ideal Skills: - Data mining - Database creation - Market research - Lead generation Experience: - Prior experience in compiling corporate databases - Familiarity with the medical device or cleaning industry is a plus. I will buy lists of 1000 contacts each time I may buy lists from more than one bidder, and may buy more than one list per bidder to the extent the lists provided have the right level of quality. You should quote the price for each list of 1000 contacts.
I'm in urgent need of a pre-existing, cloud-based payroll system that can seamlessly integrate with my ERP system. The payroll program must possess the following functionalities: - Automatic tax calculations - Direct deposit processing Please note, I do not wish to entertain bids proposing to construct a payroll system from scratch. This project is for a ready-to-go solution that can be implemented immediately. The payroll will include tax tables for all 50 US states, direct deposit, and automatic tax payments to state and federal government The integration with my ERP system will be through an API. Therefore, experience in API integration is essential. Proficiency in payroll systems, ERP systems and cloud technology will greatly enhance your cha...