Cost per hour business transcriptionproiecte
Contactare telefonica a magazinelor de bijuterii din Romania si prezentarea ofertei firmei noastre/ pentru revanzatori. Oferire de cont utilizator de proba + avantaje de bun venit pentru clientii potentiali Urmarirea relatiei cu clientul pana la prima comanda de proba. Salariu fix + bonus din vanzarile generate/ numar de clienti atrasi, acoperire cost telefon
Salut. Ai mai avea timp de o transcriere? 1h19min. Multumesc!
Detin o casa la sat cu aproape un hectar de teren cu dorii sa investim ampreuba pt.a face o pensiune sau o tabara cu detin fonduri un sponsor ,am anteles ca sunt accesibile si fonduri idei si sfaturi.
As dori sa stiu un cost pentru amplasarea mai multor zone a unui eveniment pe planul unor centre comerciale. Dorim sa iasa cat mai ok design-ul si o amplasare cat mai corecta.
As dori sa stiu un cost pentru amplasarea mai multor zone a unui eveniment pe planul unor centre comerciale. Dorim sa iasa cat mai ok design-ul si o amplasare cat mai corecta.
...sursa youtube) ► Link site ► Catalog prezentare ► Listă preţuri ► Oferte speciale ► 5 puncte de departajare ► Cont administrare (puteti modifica periodic produsele si ofertele dumneavoastra) ► Fiecare comerciant intergat pe portalul va fi promovat in reteaua VoIP&PrePay dar si in piata online pe motoarele de cautare, facebook, grupuri, G+ si alte site-uri de socializare. - Cost initial pentru intrare retea 500 ron din care: • Costul pentru publicitate este doar de 300 ron pe toata durata contractului • La inscriere primiti si 200 ron credit initial. Din Limita de creditare se scad reducerile acordate membrilor VoIP&PrePay, iar când această limită scade sub 50 lei Partenerul Comercial va plăti o factură de Publicitate de minim 100 Limita de...
Buna ziua, avem si noi de rezolvat un exercitiu de statistica pana maine. Suntem studenti la politehnica. Ne puteti ajuta? Va rugaaam mult. Contra cost bineinteles
Buna ziua, avem si noi de rezolvat un exercitiu de statistica pana maine. Suntem studenti la politehnica. Ne puteti ajuta? Va rugaaam mult. Contra cost bineinteles
Creeare unui proiect despre mediul de afacere romanesc in Limba engleza
Salut, as dori sa ma ajuti putin cu pagina de feedback, pe langa scriptul pentru text as dori si 3 grupe de stelute pentru rating(timp,pret,calitate).daca rezolvam cu asta o sa vreau sa ma ajutati cu galeria si alte ideei contra cost. Arunca o privire macar si zi ce crezi! La pret se mai poate discuta.
Buna, as dori sa ma ajuti putin cu pagina de feedback, pe langa scriptul pentru text as dori si 3 grupe de stelute pentru rating(timp,pret,calitate).daca rezolvam cu asta o sa vreau sa ma ajutati cu galeria si alte ideei contra cost. Arunca o privire macar si zi ce crezi! La pret se mai poate discuta.
Creeare unui proiect despre mediul de afacere romanesc in Limba engleza
review aplicatie existenta (e posibil sa fie nevoie de modificari) upload in app store, pe un cont existent nu stiu cat poate dura, sunt dispus sa platesc hour rate daca am posibilitatea sa controlez fluxul de review app. in caz contrar, estimare, apoi aprobare buget. ca "must" ,agreement de confidentialitate.
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita rapor...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Buna, Caut pe cineva sa imi faca pentru un park de business local o o harta care va fi partea din sistemul de wayfinding. Ea va fi afisata la cele 4 intrari in park. Imi trebuie pricepe in illustrator, idei si stil. Ti-am atasat un exemplu de pe net catre ce vreau sa ma intrept. Zi-mi te rog daca te intereseaza si daca mai ai nevoie de alte info pentru a discuta un pret.
...gasite conform criteriilor clientului: - payperview sistem: - mlm: - membership wpmu pentru control acces: - logare prin facebook in cont - plata prin card bancar, mobilpay (ori prin membership plugin wpmu ori prin mlm). Un brief sumar la ceea ce doreste clientul: - tv online – difuzare video - sectiune free 24 / 24 difuzare program - in timp preschimbare abonament lunar cu acces la toate materialele - sectiune pay per view – materiale video securizate ( video disponibil contra cost dar fara descarcare) - teaser – trailer video pentru full pay video - sectiune content – articole (diverse
Avem nevoie de un calculator care sa afiseze instant pretul unei facturi pentru energie electrica in diferite zone ale tarii dupa ce sa afiseze instant pretul unei facturi pentru energie electrica in diferite zone ale tarii dupa ce se introduce consumul in KWh. Pretul pentru energie este diferit in fiecare JUDET (42) si NIVEL TENSIUNE (2). Trebuie sa pot introduce undeva in back-end pretul pentru fiecare judet si sa il pot modifica. Ex.: Un consumator introduce : 1 . Judet 2. Nivel tensiune 3. Consum (KWh) Rezultat : Cost factura = Consum x Pret aferent (in fct. de Judet si Nivel Tensiune). Atasat am adaugat o captura la un model de calculator (este din alt domeniu ) dar asa ceva ar trebui sa arate ca si design, daca aveti alte modele ca si design sunt deschis sa le...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului...programatori care considera ca pot realiza acest proiect acum si ca pot in continuare sa il dezvolte. Doresc o colaborare pe termen lung si sunt dispus sa platesc si comisioane fixe lunar pentru intretinere si dezvoltare. Programatorul care va aplica trebuie sa fie vorbitor de limba romana dar si engleza. Doresc sa aiba un program flexibil, sa pot discuta cu el saptamanal despre acest proiect ( 1 hour conference ) - doresc sa fie sociabil si sa respecte etica de lucru pe care eu o voi impune. Pe cel pe care il voi considera potrivit pentru acest proiect, il voi suna in prealabil si vom discuta mai multe detalii atat despre pret, timp de lucru, s.a. Va ...
Salut sunt in cautarea unui freelancer roman, care sa ma ajute, evident contra cost in elaborarea unui nou proiect Am nevoie de un site de licitatii de transporturi gen anyvan sau shiply. In general aceleasi functii,dar in care sa pot schimba cu usurita limba, avand in vedere ca doresc sa lansez site-ul si in alte tari decat Romania. Pretul adaugat aici este orientativ, trebuie sa cunosc de la inceput valoarea la care se ridica finalizarea acestui site. Nu ma grabesc, deci perioada de elaborare nu este un criteriu ci pretul. Codul nu doresc sa fie unul original in schimb designul da. ( cat mai simplu, cat mai aerisit si intuitiv) Responsive design, widescreen and Seo friendly. ...
Salut, Am nevoie de un filtru de cautare (Prestashop pentru niste baterii auto. La modul ca userul selecteaza masina, apoi motorizarea, apoi ii arata bateriile din categoriile alea. Motorizarea depinde de masina aleasa. De asemenea, rezultatele acestea trebuie afisate in vertical, in 3 categorii, Low Cost, Medium Cost, High Cost. Plata se discuta. Multumesc, Pavelescu Razvan
Salut, Am nevoie de un filtru de cautare (Prestashop pentru niste baterii auto. La modul ca userul selecteaza masina, apoi motorizarea, apoi ii arata bateriile din categoriile alea. Motorizarea depinde de masina aleasa. De asemenea, rezultatele acestea trebuie afisate in vertical, in 3 categorii, Low Cost, Medium Cost, High Cost. Plata se discuta. Multumesc, Pavelescu Razvan
We need to translate CherryPlayer to more languages We will consider only offers $10 per language. You will be able to get good rating with good comments in your portfolio. Please give us to know at what languages you will be able to translate CherryPlayer. File that need to translate attached. Need to translate only right part at all sentences. Romana
Salut! Ma numesc Dorian Balan, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. Avem un flow constant de proiecte de dive...Ma numesc Dorian Balan, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. Avem un flow constant de proiecte de diverse dimensiuni la care am avea de nevoie de asistenta. M-ar interesa disponibilitatea voastra in lunile urmatoare pentru a lucra cu noi precum si detalii ca: posibilitatea de negociere a pretului in functie de proiect, o persoana de contact (e-mail, skype). Detaliile legate de cost/durata le putem discuta in functie complexitatea proiectelor. Datele noastre de contact sunt: office@ 14 Ghercu C-tin str., etajul 5, sector 6 060201 Bucharest +40 (0) 318 210 125 +40757090688 sau ID Skype: balandoriancristian. Mersi frumos, O zi buna!
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Plan de marketing si promovare pentru solutie software (business plan) • Clientii (clientii tai potentiali / segmentare piata si impartire din punct de vedere geografic / volumul pietei potentiale / Plan de actiune pentru castigarea clientilor) • Concurenta (cati angajati au / ce forta de vanzare/ ce cote de piata au / ce avantaje competitive au comparativ cu tine / ce strategii de pret are concurenta / ce strategii de comunicare / reclama au) • Piata o Estimare evolutie vanzari o Prognoza cererii • Politici de marketing o Strategia de produs. Politica de pret si de conditii de plata. Stabilirea strategiei de promovare si a preturilor practicate si modalitatile de punere in practica a acesteia. o Politica de imagine, de comunicare cu piata. • ...
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
I need a Word press Responsive Html. Serious Designer Can bid.. Please download the attached PSD file.. Need within an hour. Must have previous experience with responsive Designs. Budget: ~ 500 INR
Salut, Am nevoie de cineva care scrie foarte bine si are gandire strategica pentru realizarea unui plan de business pentru un software (software pentru recrutare). Experienta anterioara este necesara si este de dorit sa fie realizat in limba romana.
scriu articole de sport,mondene....pot colabora cu diferite ziare si jurnale...pot scrie articole sportive,si multe alte la cerere.(istorie,geografie si multe alte)
pot sa fac orice fel de model de carte de vizita deci astept oferte si dumneavostra aveti siguranta unei lucrari bine facuta
I'm seeking a Data Filling Operator to assist with transcribing text data from PDF files into a spreadsheet (Excel). Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Excellent attention to detail - Strong transcription skills from PDF to Excel - Ability to maintain data accuracy and integrity
Overview: We are seeking an experienced VOIP and MVNO expert to design and develop a comprehensive VOIP application for Android and iOS platforms. The platform will automate the end-to-end process, including...- Proven experience in VOIP and MVNO technologies. - Expertise in developing VOIP applications. - Experience with eSIM provisioning and number portability. - Familiarity with payment gateway integrations. --- ### Proposal Submission: Please include the following details in your proposal: 1. Portfolio showcasing similar projects. 2. Timeline for completing the project. 3. Cost Estimate with a breakdown of development phases. 4. Your approach to the project, including tools and technologies you plan to use. For more details get in touch. Thanks i...
I'm seeking an affordable web developer to create a Shopify e-commerce site. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in web development specifically with Shopify. - Ability to deliver a fully functional e-commerce site on a budget. - Skills in creating user-friendly, responsive and appealing web designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Shopify - Web Development - Graphic Design - Content Wri...experience in web development specifically with Shopify. - Ability to deliver a fully functional e-commerce site on a budget. - Skills in creating user-friendly, responsive and appealing web designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Shopify - Web Development - Graphic Design - Content Writing (for product descriptions, etc.) I am looking for a freelancer who can provide high quality work at a l...
I'm looking for a reliable freelancer to help me type a business report in Google Docs. Key Responsibilities: - Typing the document accurately - Applying detailed formatting including headings and bullet points - Creating an Executive Summary section Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Docs - Exceptional typing skills - Experience with business report formatting - Attention to detail
Project Title AI-Powered Business Automation App with Voice Commands and Accounting Integration Project Overview We are looking to hire a skilled developer to build an AI-powered app that can automate our business processes, including accounting, inventory management, and production tracking. The app should function like a smart assistant, capable of understanding voice commands and performing tasks automatically. This project aims to simplify data entry, improve efficiency, and reduce human errors. Key Features 1. Voice Command Support The app should understand and process voice commands. Example commands: "Log today's sales of ₹50,000 in Tally." "Update stock after manufacturing 900 units of Product XYZ." 2. Accounting Integration Automat...
I need a network firewall set up for my small business. The primary purpose of this firewall is to prevent unauthorized access to our network. This firewall should protect: - Workstations and laptops - Servers - IoT devices Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in network security, specifically with configuring firewalls for small business environments. They should also be knowledgeable about securing various types of devices including workstations, servers, and IoT devices. Proficiency in identifying potential vulnerabilities and implementing necessary security measures is a must. they must be familiar with Ubiquity, netgeat and dell switches
I need a professional, user-friendly business website. The domain and hosting are ready, along with the logo and purchased theme. Content will be provided. Key Requirements: - Customization of the purchased theme to align with my specific color scheme and branding guidelines. - Designing the site to be responsive, ensuring it looks good and functions well on laptops, desktops, phones, and tablets. - Implementing lead generation tools and strategies within the site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in website design and development, particularly for business sites. - Proficiency with the specific theme purchased. - Experience in creating responsive, user-friendly sites. - Understanding of lead generation techniques and tools in web design.
We are looking for native Gujarati speakers to work on an audio labeling project. The task involves listening to audio clips, transcribing content accurately, and marking segments according to clear guidelines.
...aesthetics, typography, and user experience (UX) principles Next Steps If you’re interested in this project and believe you have the skills to bring our vision to life, we would love to hear from you. Please provide: A brief introduction to your background and experience Relevant portfolio examples or case studies An overview of your proposed approach and estimated timeline Your fee structure or cost estimate We appreciate your time and look forward to reviewing your proposal. If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach out. Thank you in advance for your interest!...
I'm a highly motivated and results-oriented web developer with a strong foundation in the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). My technical expertise includes: Backend: Node.js, , RESTful APIs, Database design and management (MySQL, MongoDB) Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6+), React.js, and associated libraries (e.g., Redux, ) ...for freelancing platforms: Keywords: MERN stack, Node.js, , React.js, MySQL, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, RESTful APIs, Frontend, Backend, Web Development Focus: Emphasize your skills, experience (if any), and professional goals. Conciseness: Keep it brief and to the point. Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone throughout. contacts:: +917489001098 charging :: 4 USD per hour or based on project contract
I am looking for a freelance Android developer to create an app that displays both Bangla and English calendar dates with event support. The app should feature a simple, user-friendly interface and include AdMob integration for monetization. I...The project needs to be completed within 2-3 weeks. --- Budget: [Specify your budget here based on your preferred rate] --- How to Apply: Share your portfolio, especially with apps that have dual calendar functionality or AdMob integration. Mention your approach to integrating both Bangla and English calendars and how you would incorporate AdMob ads. Provide an estimated timeline and cost for the project. --- This version includes the AdMob monetization feature as part of the requirements. Let me know if you'd like furth...
I'm seeking a US-based freelance IT Business Development Manager for my company, Techsocium Technologies LLC. This role is exclusively profit-sharing based, focusing on acquiring IT business, specifically in Cloud Services, Database Services, etc. Ideal Candidates Should: - Possess a solid background in IT Business Development - Have a profound understanding and experience in Cloud Services - Demonstrate capability to secure contracts in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS - Be comfortable with a commission-based compensation structure Your Responsibilities Will Include: - Developing and implementing business strategies to acquire IT contracts - Focusing primarily on Cloud Services - Targeting IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS sectors Please respond with your qualifications and exp...
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I need a freelancer who can help me scrape a certain platform for the times and dates of bookable activities. wite python code to extract available dates and times for a link supplied an example link of booking dates and times available ,1 Ideal Skills: - Web scraping - Data management - Python/R programming (or similar) Experience with scraping mobile apps will be a plus.
I'm looking for a designer to create a modern style business card for me. It should be sleek, professional and visually appealing. The card should include: - My name and title - My contact details I have specific colors in mind that I'd like to use for the card. Please reach out if you have relevant experience and can provide a portfolio of similar work.
... Material Code (MatCost) 2. Material Cost (manually retrieved from the web) (MatCost) 3. Factory Name(MatCost) 4. Currency (MatCost) 5. Quantity (MatCost) 6. Discount 7. Incoterms (3536_FCM) 8. Warranty (3536_FCM) 9. Opportunity Number (3536_FCM) 10. Customer Name (3536_FCM) 11. End User (Pipeline) 12. Sales Representative Name (3536_FCM) 13. Special Direct Cost (SPC) 14. Date (FCM_RR) 15. Payment Terms (3536_FCM) 16. Project Name (3536_FCM) Steps: 1. Input Automation • Populate all the required information above into the Full Cost Model (FCM), an Excel template file, automatically. FCM file template will be provided. 2. Price Calculation • Use the FCM to compute the final selling price based on certain margin. Extract the per...
I'm looking to create a professional, bold and vibrant business website that showcases my products and services. Key Requirements: - Modern design with a bold and vibrant aesthetic - User-friendly navigation - Responsive functionality (mobile and desktop compatibility) - Key sections including: Homepage, About Us, Services/Product pages, and Contact Form - Integration with social media platforms - SEO optimization to boost online visibility - Fast loading features for optimal user experience Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - SEO expertise - Experience creating multimedia content - Knowledge of social media integration - Ability to implement fast-loading features The website must effectively represent the brand and attract potential clients. It should also be able...