Configure asterisk conference bridgeproiecte


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    2,000 configure asterisk conference bridge proiecte găsite
    asistenta virtuala -- 4
    S-a încheiat left

    -Organizarea de Conference Call (Conferinţe telefonice audio) -Organizarea ”meeting-urilor la distanţă” cu partajarea desktopului între diferiţii participanţi -Organizarea de webinar (seminare şi prezentări la distanţă la o audienţă largă) -Traduceri şi interpretări -Scanarea şi arhivarea electronică -Gestionarea poştei electronice şi a scrisorilor -Enveloping, trimiteri în volum, predispoziţii diferite pentru trimiterea poştei prioritară în volum -Creare de documente şi prezerntari powerpoint -Gestionarea şi actualizarea listelor -Organizare călătorii, emisie bilete de tren şi avion, rezervare hoteluri, autoturisme, teatre, spectacole, etc -Organizarea evenimentelor

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    microsoft intunes
    S-a încheiat left

    deploy Microsoft intunes configure

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Cine este interesat sa instaleze, configureze si asigure mentenanta pentru o centrala voip Asterisk la care utilizarea o sa fie minima (1 sau, maxim, 3 trunk - uri + 2 - maxim 5 extensii), este invitat sa ne trimita o oferta. Pentru ca avem in vedere activarea callback, IVR, XMPP, etc. vom aprecia experienta dovedita pe astlel de proiecte. Multumim!

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Project for Anton F.
    S-a încheiat left

    Asterisk script

    $135 - $135
    $135 - $135
    0 oferte
    Server FreePBX Asterisk
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut o persoana care sa ajute la instalarea si configurarea unui server FreePBX Asterisk, un server VOIP. Avem deja un calculator blocat pentru acest lucru.

    $188 Average bid
    $188 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Project for Mucahit T.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Macovei M.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Ionut R.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de maxim 1000$

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Hello everyone, I need a plugin for Woocomerce, to syncronize my products with romanian marketplace eMag. They have a recomended plugin, but i don't know how to configure, also developer not answer to my email, to help me, so i want a person who can do that, a new plugin or configure the actual one. I pay just AFTER i see some result, i am boring to pay just for testing, if you are really professional and you sure that you can help me, i wait to aply to my project. Thank you! Salut, Sunt in cautare de un freelancer care poate creea un plugin de sincronizare a produselor mele dintr-un magazin online pe platforma Woocommerce cu marketplace-ul eMag. Emag are un plugin recomandat dar nu reusesc sa il configurez corect iar developer-ul nu oferta suport, nici platit (am i...

    $132 Average bid
    $132 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești Aplicatie android care sa fie si sub forma de widget. Va rula pe tableta tomtom bridge. Va permite comunicarea cu soferul de pe o platforma web si trikiterea de rute de pe platforma web catre aplicatia de android si activarea acesteia pe tableta tomtom bridge

    $2533 Average bid
    $2533 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Am un magazin online () construit pe platforma wordpress - ecommerce: jigoshop Vreau sa-i schimb radical tema (bridge) si sa-l transfer pe Woocommerce. As vrea sa implementez un plug-in de plati online compatibil cu ING Webpay. Noul site este construit intr-o oarecare faza incipienta. Se gaseste acum pe tema mai trebuie lucrata putin, si e necesara traducerea textelor, butoanelor, cateva pagini, politica de cookies etc. Cele mai importante parti insa sunt transferul bazei de date de pe Jigoshop pe Woocomerce si implementarea plug-in-ului de plati online. Transferul noului site pe serverul de hosting. Eventual SEO. Toate actiunile mi se par simple si realizabile intr-un timp foarte scurt, doar ca personal nu ma pot ocupa de el si nici nu am cine

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta medie
    13 oferte
    SLL Cert RemoteApp
    S-a încheiat left

    configure SLL Cert RemoteApp

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Integrare API si script
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare! Avem o aplicatie web si vrem sa folosim pentru a urmari activitatile clientilor nostri. Site-ul ruleaza pe wordpress si deja a fost integrat cu intercom. In acest moment...persoana in lista sa de clienti. Pana acum avem doar optiunile default precum, de cate ori s-a logat in platforma, cate sesiuni a avut si asa mai departe. Pentru a intelege mult mai bine aceasta optiune, intercom pune la dispozitie aceste doua ghiduri: De asemenea mai exista si acest site:

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Project for slk
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk de la RDS

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for MikeRRR
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk la RDS

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for ionut0709
    S-a încheiat left

    Configurare campanii, db, si securizare asterisk, goaudiodial, vtiger.

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Problema Grafuri
    S-a încheiat left

    Controlul accesului Implementati un program care sa decida predicatul can_share utilizand teorema 5. Programul va primi ca date de intrare: un graf take-grant (vezi aici un exemplu), doua noduri ale grafului, p, x, si o multime de drepturi R pentru care se va verifica daca p are drepturile R asupra lui x in graful G ( can_share(R, x,p, G)); Programul va afisa, pe langa rezultatul de intrare: un graf take-grant (vezi aici un exemplu), doua noduri ale grafului, p, x, si o multime de drepturi R pentru care se va verifica daca p are drepturile R asupra lui x in graful G ( can_share(R, x,p, G)); Programul va afisa, pe langa rezultatul final, si rezultatele intermediare, corespunzatoare verificarii celor 4 conditii din teorema: identitatea nodurilor s, p', s', insule...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................

    $1500 - $3000
    $1500 - $3000
    0 oferte
    FreePBX Project
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................

    $1500 Average bid
    $1500 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie un software -- 2
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de realizarea unei legaturi intre platforma opencart si un script de licensing (licenser - advanced php license manager) Mentionez ca scriptul de licente l-am cumparat. Doar un bridge intre scipturi imi trebuie. Scriptul opencart sa se poata instala doar pe un host o singura data cu ajutorul unei key de licenta.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Salut, Am un VPS cu FreePBX functional. Doresc sa adaug HylaFax + AvantFax si sa pot sa trimit faxuri prin iax sau sip. Am vazut ca ai facut ceva similar. 40$ fixed rate Poti sa ma ajuti?

    $22 - $182
    $22 - $182
    0 oferte

    Salut, Am un VPS cu FreePBX functional. Doresc sa adaug HylaFax + AvantFax si sa pot sa trimit faxuri prin iax sau sip. Am vazut ca ai facut ceva similar. 40$ fixed rate Poti sa ma ajuti?

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa considera ca pot realiza acest proiect acum si ca pot in continuare sa il dezvolte. Doresc o colaborare pe termen lung si sunt dispus sa platesc si comisioane fixe lunar pentru intretinere si dezvoltare. Programatorul care va aplica trebuie sa fie vorbitor de limba romana dar si engleza. Doresc sa aiba un program flexibil, sa pot discuta cu el saptamanal despre acest proiect ( 1 hour conference ) - doresc sa fie sociabil si sa respecte etica de lucru pe care eu o voi impune. Pe cel pe care il voi considera potrivit pentru acest proiect, il voi suna in prealabil si vom discuta mai multe detalii atat despre pret, timp de lucru, s.a. Va ...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ...din pafiledb. Tema va trebui sa permita folosirea unui carusel de stiri/imagini. In header/ deasupra/ sau in alta zona, direct vizibila la deschidere, trebuie sa fie o caseta de inregistrare/autentificare pe forum/albumul foto. Forumul este cheia intregului site si de aceea aceasta caseta trebuie sa se regaseasca pe index si pe orice pagina interioara. Un plus pentru castigator va fi un bridge intre phpbb, 4images si wordpress, astfel ca un utilizator autentificat pe phpbb are acces ca utilizator inregistrat la facilitatile 4images si wordpress, cu . mentinerea rolurilor de administrare sau nu. Tot in header trebuie sa poata fi inserate bannere orizontale la dimensiunile standard IASB 728x90 sau 468x60 indiferent de format (flash,gif,jpg). Banda laterala dreapta...

    $1331 Average bid
    $1331 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Trading View Order Execution Platform
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a developer to build a platform that can execute orders from Trading View or any other charting tool that uses webhooks. The platform will serve as a bridge between these webhook signals and my broker, Interactive Brokers, using their API. Key Features: - Integrate with Interactive Brokers API for order execution - Process signals from Trading View and other charting tools - Use webhooks as the primary means of communication The ideal candidate should have: - Experience with creating trading platforms - In-depth knowledge of Interactive Brokers API - Proficiency in working with webhooks and Trading View - Understanding of various types of market orders Please note, I have not yet decided on the types of orders the platform will need to support nor how to hand...

    $325 Average bid
    $325 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I will choose the person that can complete this in the shortest amount of time I recently purchased a VPS and require an experienced System Admin to install Centos W...shortest amount of time I recently purchased a VPS and require an experienced System Admin to install Centos Web Panel on it using Centos 7. The primary purpose of this installation is to serve as the control panel for managing the VPS. It needs to be done as soon as possible which is why I am looking for someone who is experienced. Key Responsibilities: - Install Centos Web Panel on VPS - Configure server settings for optimal performance Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Centos Web Panel - Strong knowledge of Centos 7 - Prior experience in setting up VPS for website hosting, email servers, and database ...

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    87 oferte

    Website Hosting & Configuration on OVH Servers We are seeking an experienced freelancer to host and configure multiple websites on OVH servers. This project involves setting up separate server instances for different domains, ensuring secure and reliable developer access, and providing comprehensive documentation for future maintenance. Scope of Work 1. Website Instances and Hosting Setup The project involves configuring the following websites. All domains will have separate instances except for one instance, which will host two websites. • Instance 1: , (Maintenance page) • Instance 2: • Instance 3: • Instance 4: (currently hosted at ) • Instance 5: • Instance 6:

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...developing a Flutter app that will use native IOS AVFoundation for camera code. Below are the items i'm looking to add to my Existing starter project. Looking for someone to collaborate with me closely on the project. 1. **Video Capture** - **AVCaptureSession**: Use `AVCaptureSession` to manage the flow of data from input devices (like the camera) to outputs. - **AVCaptureDevice**: Select and configure the camera as the input device. - **AVCaptureVideoDataOutput**: This output allows you to access each frame of video data as it's captured. You can use a delegate method to process each frame. 2. **Buffering Frames with DispatchQueue** - **CMSampleBuffer**: Each frame is captured as a `CMSampleBuffer`. You can access the pixel buffer and metadata from this...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    53 oferte

    I'm looking for a seasoned WordPress developer to assist with some immediate issues and help configure my startup's site. Key Responsibilities: - Troubleshoot and resolve existing conflicts between the theme and Elementor. - Finalize the configuration of WP Rocket, with all settings in the WP dashboard needing to be completed. Server configuration is already done. - Set up and integrate BuddyPress, including user profiles, activity streams, and groups and forums. The theme demo is already set up. Skills and Experience: - Expert level WordPress experience is a must. - Proven track record with Elementor, BuddyPress, and the specific theme being used. - Experience with optimizing and configuring WP Rocket. - Excellent troubleshooting skills. Please respond with "One ...

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta medie
    141 oferte

    ...directly from the CRM interface. • Attach multimedia files (documents, videos, images, audio). • Maintain a history of conversations by contact. 4. Message Management • Conversation History: • View previous conversations organized by contact. • Message status: Sent, Delivered, Read. • Scheduled Messages: • Options to schedule messages for a specific date and time. • Automated Replies: • Configure quick replies for common queries. 5. Embedded Signup Flow Management • Phone Number Onboarding and Verification: • Allow users to add and verify phone numbers directly from the CRM. • Display verification status (Pending/Verified). • Meta Integration: • Request and manage permissions for activating What...

    $430 Average bid
    $430 Oferta medie
    109 oferte

    ...Folder Protection • Some employees need HIPAA compliance for certain folders in SharePoint; ensure access is locked down and logs are recorded appropriately. 2. Personal Devices (BYOD) • Limited Company Data Access • We do not plan to enforce full MDM or MAM policies, but we do want to ensure that when employees access company files or emails, our data remains secure. • App/Email Security • Configure policies (e.g., Conditional Access, if feasible) to protect corporate data in Microsoft 365. • Ensure employees can’t inadvertently sync or download sensitive files (like the HIPAA folder) to unapproved locations. 3. Microsoft Defender & Intune Configuration • Advanced Threat Protection • Enable real-time threat detection an...

    $75 - $150
    $75 - $150
    7 oferte

    Project Name: Design, Programing and simulation of a 3-4 DOF robotic arm using simulink and arduino Software: Matlab Simscape Hardwares (I Have): 1) arduino mega 2560 r3 2) servor mg90s 3) 1.5v - 6v r300c mini dc motor rpm3500 4) sg90 micro servor motor 9g(360°) 5) dual channel motor driver modul L298N H-bridge 6) jumper wire cable 7) breadboard 8) robotic arm kit 6dof Deadline 2 days $20 nzd

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Secure S/MIME Email Setup in Outlook
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional who can help me set up sending encrypted emails using S/MIME encryption from my M365 account via Outlook Desktop. Key Requirements: - Configure S/MIME encryption for email security - Ensure compatibility with multiple email providers, like Gmail and Yahoo - Set up automatic generation and management of encryption keys Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Outlook Desktop - Previous experience with S/MIME encryption set up - Knowledge of cross-platform email encryption compatibility - Familiarity with automated system configuration and management I have a C# Outlook Addin. I have the E5 M365 license so I am able to use encryption. I can use the manual Encrypt option in the Outlook Ribbon and it works,. MSFT brands auto...

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I'm seeking an expert in Klipper firmware configuration with experience in Voron 3D printers. I need assistance specifically with configuring sensorless homing on the X-axis and Y-axis. I have already installed the necessary hardware and I am not encountering any error messages or unusual behavior during the sensorless homing process. I simply require expert guidance to properly configure these components. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Klipper firmware and Voron 3D printers - Experience with the configuration of sensorless homing - Strong problem-solving skills and technical knowledge - Ability to provide clear and concise guidance Configuration is kraken mainboard with kraken motors. I have trouble with proper calibration. It either crash on the wall or stop during homing.

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...Support: Invoices must be generated in French by default. A command or setting should allow switching to English (and potentially adding other languages later). Hosting and Reliability: The bot must be hosted on a stable server with 24/7 availability. User data should be protected to ensure security and confidentiality. Administration Interface: A simple interface (via Discord or external) to configure invoice details (logo, address, etc.) and manage available languages. Expectations: A secure and well-documented solution for installation and usage. Delivery of the project with a user manual. Please provide your estimated timeline and total cost for the project. If you have experience with similar projects, feel free to include examples or references in your proposal. Thank yo...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Oferta medie
    143 oferte

    ...integrate the Telegram Star payment system into our application. The ideal candidate will have experience with Telegram's API and a solid understanding of online payments and monetization systems. We hire only user already work on star api. You need to know laravel and vue.js as my project is dev on. Responsibilities: -Integrate and configure the Telegram Star payment system into our platform. -Ensure secure payment management and transaction verification. -Collaborate closely with the development team to ensure seamless integration. -Develop and maintain payment-related features within the app. Required Skills: Know laravel & vue.js -Experience with the Telegram API and Telegram bots. -Knowledge of online payment systems, especially

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    ...application will include: · An Admin Module for setting up companies and communication parameters. · A User Module for visualizing, managing, and performing communication tasks. · A Reporting and Analytics Module for actionable insights (optional). It is critical to emphasize usability, clarity, and efficient data handling. Detailed Requirements Admin Module This module allows administrators to configure the application and manage its foundational data. Company Management Admins should be able to add, edit, and delete companies. Each company entry should include: · Name: Name of the company. · Location: Physical or operational locations · LinkedIn Profile: A link to the company’s LinkedIn page. · Emails: One or more email a...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I'm seeking a seasoned GoHighLevel (GHL) professional to enhance my agency's operations. Key tasks will include setting up the agency and its sub-accounts, configuring an IVR system, implementing a payment gateway, and developing funnel pages. Key Responsibilities: - Agency Setup: Create sub-accounts, configure the IVR system, set up the payment gateway, and integrate Voice AI. - Automation: Streamline processes and workflows triggered from online forms, with data being saved in the GHL CRM, Google Sheets, and email. - AI Integration: Link an AI Bot to all social accounts and set up Voice AI. - Development: Create funnel pages and a logo. - Documentation: Prepare comprehensive documentation for all tasks. Please provide your hourly rate and an estimate of total hours ne...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Oferta medie
    92 oferte

    We are seeking an experienced freelancer to host and configure multiple websites on OVH servers. The task involves setting up individual instances for different domains, ensuring secure and reliable access for developers, and providing detailed documentation for ongoing maintenance. Scope of Work 1. Website Instances and Hosting Setup The project requires the configuration of the following website instances. All websites will be hosted on a single OVH instance, except for , which will have a dedicated instance. Instance 1: (Maintenance page) Instance 2: Instance 3: Instance 4: (currently hosted at ) Instance 5: Instance 6: Instance 7: calmmindai

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I'm seeking an experienced professional for converting DXF files into MPR files for a milling machine. The MPR files will be used in WoodWOP, so proficiency in this software is essential. Key Responsibilities: - Convert provided DXF files into MPR files suitable for a milling machine. - Configure toolpath details in the MPR files as per project specifications. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WoodWOP software. - Previous experience with CNC machines, particularly milling machines. - Strong understanding of toolpath planning and configuration. Please provide examples of previous similar projects you've completed.

    $425 Average bid
    $425 Oferta medie
    51 oferte

    ...follow best practices for indexing and ranking on search engines. High-Quality Link Building: Build 50+ high-DA backlinks using white-hat techniques, ensuring relevance to the client’s niche and avoiding spammy practices. Local SEO Setup: Optimize Google My Business (GMB) profiles. Set up local citations and directory listings for enhanced visibility in local search. Analytics and Tools Setup: Configure Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other tracking tools to monitor SEO performance. Set up any other necessary tools, such as keyword rank trackers or heatmaps. Competitor Analysis: Conduct an initial competitor SEO analysis and provide actionable insights. Requirements: Proven experience in SEO with a strong portfolio of completed projects. In-depth knowledge of S...

    $69 Average bid
    $69 Oferta medie
    99 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a softphone app for iOS and Android. The core functionality of the app should be voice calling. Key requirements: - A strong background in mobile app development, particularly with VoIP apps. - Proficiency in iOS and Android development. - Experience with implementing voice calling features. - Ability to deliver a ...functionality of the app should be voice calling. Key requirements: - A strong background in mobile app development, particularly with VoIP apps. - Proficiency in iOS and Android development. - Experience with implementing voice calling features. - Ability to deliver a user-friendly, high-quality app. Please note, there are no requirements for additional features like call recording, voicemail, or conference calling...

    $331 Average bid
    $331 Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional to create a new Google Cloud project. The primary goal is to configure a VPN for secure remote access and set up the infrastructure for hosting a website accessible via the internet. Additionally, I need assistance deploying a specific WordPress template that I already have. Ideal Skills Include: - Extensive experience with Google Cloud services - VPN configuration expertise - Proficient in WordPress - Ability to deploy custom WordPress templates - Strong communication skills for project updates

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Oferta medie
    82 oferte

    ...will provide the new images for these sections). Email Integration for Usernames and Contact: 5-Set up the payment section to send an email to with the username entered during payment so I can grant access manually. Ensure the "Contact" button on the website is linked to my email () so users can easily contact me. 6-Automated Email After Purchase: -Configure an automated email to be sent to customers after they make a purchase. This email should include: My logo. My email address. The price of the purchased plan. The date of purchase. The email design should resemble the one in the picture I previously uploaded, with small modifications as mentioned. 7-Fix Stripe Payment Issue: Resolve the existing issue with the Stripe payment system to ensure

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Oferta medie
    67 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to configure Zabbix agent and set up comprehensive bandwidth monitoring on my Windows PC. Key Requirements: - I have an existing Zabbix server that this configuration will connect to. - I need to monitor total bandwidth usage and network interface bandwidth. - Custom alerts and notifications need to be set up based on specific criteria. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Zabbix configuration. - Expert knowledge in Windows PC networks. - Experience with creating custom monitoring alerts.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert in ReactNative and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to help integrate a native bridge in my app. The primary use of this connection will be controlling a health kit device - specifically for heart rate monitoring. Key Requirements: - Expertise in ReactNative and BLE connections - Experience with creating native bridges for app development - Previous work with health kit devices is a plus - Ability to implement device control features - Knowledge in heart rate monitoring tech is desirable Please only bid if you have proven experience in these areas. Your role will be crucial in ensuring the app can effectively control the health kit and monitor heart rates.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta medie
    7 oferte Forms: Add the [recaptcha] tag to your Contact Form 7 template. Example: html Copy code [recaptcha] Test the Form: Submit a form to verify that reCAPTCHA is working. Ensure no spam or bots can bypass it. 3. Enable Double Opt-In Process Steps: Set Up Email Confirmation for New Subscriptions: Install and activate a plugin like FluentCRM or MailOptin to handle double opt-in functionality. Configure the plugin to send a confirmation email when users submit their information. Customize the Confirmation Email: Edit the email template to include: A thank-you message. A link for the user to confirm their subscription. Test the Double Opt-In: Submit your form and verify that: The confirmation email is sent. Clicking the confirmation link adds the contact to the database. 4. Fix El...

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Oferta medie
    176 oferte

    ...allows for the selection of only one category for posting articles. I need to modify the plugin to enable category-specific settings for article generation. Key Requirements: - Category-Specific Settings: The modified plugin should allow me to configure different settings for each category on my blog. While I haven't specified the exact settings, the ideal candidate should be experienced with plugin development and familiar with potential settings like article length, tone of writing, and keyword focus. - Manual Configuration: I want to manually configure settings for each category without the application of default settings to new categories. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress plugin development and modification - Familiarity with OpenAI ...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Oferta medie
    100 oferte
    Trophy icon Minimalist Footer Image Design
    3 zile left with a new graphic (See attached). The current "8" has a specific style (please see attached image/link), and I want to maintain that aesthetic while incorporating a construction-related icon, like a crane or building. Could you design a replacement graphic that: Matches the existing style of the "8" (e.g., line weight, angles, etc.) Incorporates a construction theme (e.g., crane, building, bridge) Fits seamlessly into the footer design (file format) Here is a link to the website: (Scroll all the way down to see footer) Looking to award FAST! Within 24-72 hours. Just need something to replace the current file. File Format should match sizing, colors, and formatting as below for the final deliverable in the handover: <svg width="334" ...

    $30 Average bid