Christmas food trivia questions and answersproiecte
Este un site care promovează software pentru Restaurante,fast-food,cofetarii
Site-ul este pentru un fast food. Meniul este foarye simplu, doar cateva produse (carnati + raclette cheese in bagheta si cartofi prajiti + diferite topping-uri). Scopul site-ului este: 1. de a promova si evidentia meniul (poze ale produselor) si afisarea rewiurilor primite de la clienti 2. Evidentierea locatiei astfel incat sa fie foarte usor pentru clienti sa ne gaseasca 3. o legatura directa din site spre retelele sociale, Facebook, Instagram, Ticktock si Youtube. Suntem deschisi si la alte idei dar in principiu dorim sa fie un site pe care clientii nostrii sa navigheze cat mai usor.
Caut o persoană cu studii juridice pentru a verifica corectitudinea juridică și gramaticală a unui set de întrebări de tip grilă. Întrebările sunt concepute pentru a testa cunoștințele aplicate din legislația practică și sunt deja formulate, având nevoie doar de o verificare atentă pentru a asigura acuratețea lor. Întrebările vin deja structurate pe legi, iar acestea vor fi furnizate. Număr de întrebări: 500-600 în total Durata proiectului: 10 zile Structura întrebărilor: Fiecare întrebare vine cu 3 variante de răspuns, din care una singură este corectă. Procedura: Inițial, persoana selectată va primi 100 de întrebări pentru verificare. Dacă acestea sunt verificate satisfăcător, se va proceda cu restul întrebărilor. Recompensa: 1...
Sunt interesat sa redesenez baner-ul de prezentare produse la un fast food si sa aduc o nota de prospetime si noutate
Dezvoltare 4 articole de minim 750 de cuvinte fiecare pentru link building pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. grill profesional, aparatura fast food 2. camere frigorifice, echipamente bar 3. gratar electric profesional, echipamente horeca 4. cuptor brutarie, dospitoare *** articole B2B; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB - regulile se aplica pentru fiecare articol de mai sus; * KW1 sa fie folosit in al doilea sau al treilea paragraf al textului. ** KW2 sa fie prezent intr-unul din cele 3 paragrafe finale ale textului. - Titlul nu trebuie sa contina neaparat KWs, daca nu se preteaza. Titluri naturale. - KWs se vor folosi cel putin o data in text, in forma data, si maximum de 2-3 ori, dupa caz. Se ...
Dezvoltare 6 articole de minim 700 de cuvinte fiecare pentru link building pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. transport mobila ieftin (kw1), depozitare mobila (kw2) 2. depozitare mobila (kw1), firma transport mobila (kw2) 3. transport mobila in tara (kw1), firma de mutari Bucuresti (kw2) 4. mutari mobila (kw1) 5. echipamente fast-food (kw1), gratare profesionale (kw2) 6. echipamente bar (kw1), vitrina bar (kw2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB - detaliile se aplica pentru fiecare grupa de expresii de mai sus; * KW1 sa fie folosit in al doilea sau al treilea paragraf al textului. ** KW2 sa fie prezent intr-unul din cele 3 paragrafe finale ale textului. - Titlul nu trebuie sa contina neaparat KWs,...
Dezvoltare 3 articole de minim 700 de cuvinte fiecare, pentru link building, pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. Fast Food (kw1), HoReCa (kw2) 2. masina de facut gheata (kw1), bar (kw2) 3. gratare (kw1), echipamente horeca (kw2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB - detaliile se aplica pentru fiecare grupa de expresii de mai sus; * KW1 sa fie folosit in al doilea sau al treilea paragraf al textului. ** KW2 sa fie prezent intr-unul din cele 3 paragrafe finale ale textului. - Titlul nu trebuie sa contina neaparat KWs, daca nu se preteaza. Titluri naturale. - KWs se vor folosi cel putin o data in text in forma mentionata mai sus si maximum de 2-3 ori, dupa caz. Se recomanda folosirea sinonimelor/variat...
Buna, Sunt interesat sa amenajez un fast food unde voi comercializa sandwichuri, cafea ... In acest moment vreau sa ma apuc de amenajarea spatiului. Pentru acest lucru sunt interesat sa colaborez cu un designer/arhitect pentru creearea unui proiect. Te rog sa imi spui daca esti interesat de o colaborare. Multumesc, Mircea
Salut Leonard, Sunt interesat sa amenajez un fast food unde voi comercializa sandwichuri, cafea ... In acest moment vreau sa ma apuc de amenajarea spatiului. Pentru acest lucru sunt interesat sa colaborez cu un designer/arhitect pentru creearea unui proiect. Te rog sa imi spui daca esti interesat de o colaborare. Multumesc, Mircea
Majoritatea fermierilor se luptă pentru obținerea prețurilor pe care le merită pentru culturile lor ecologice. Most organic processors really want to achieve food security and get the best organic quality. Suntem brokeri în agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum a...
Lucrez la o baza de date pe care sa o integrez intr-o aplicatie de tip Trivia, educativa, cu modele de subiecte grila pentru bac/ admitere facultate si concurs cu premii in aplicatie si pe site, eventual live. Un pret estimativ?
we need a logo and a 1 page menu with maximum 20 items for an asian food delivery company
Dorim in echipa un designer care sa ne ajute cu coveruri de pdfuri pe food, grafice ale unor cursuri video pe zona de cooking, bannere care promoveaza aceste cursuri.
Cautam un video editor roman pentru 2 canale de youtube-unul de food in care videoclipurile vor avea maxim 10 minute si altul de vlogging, in care video vor avea intre 15 si 30 de minute. Cautam pe cineva pentru o colaborare pe termen lung
Food truck mancare romaneasca si traditional balcanica
Acest proiect face parte din Eat me new un concept gandit de mine Frangache Dumitru Razvan
Dorim un logo pentru un nou brand de Pet food Super Premium
Altele sau nu sunt sigur Javascript Crearea unei aplicații de food delivery! indexare in google – inclusiv sa nu mai apara ca sublink-uri la pagina principala cand cineva cauta numele companiei 6. De activat heatmap si configurat – hotjar 7. De facut header din acest link (si toate paginile nou create prin crearea de postari) sa arate ca header din acest link ) 8. De facut ca aici sa nu mai ceara completarea campurilor de Categorie si Tag 9. Stilizarea listelor din articolele de la Noutati si publicatii (blog) si orice alte stilizari pentru a face articolele usor de citit si placute din punct de vedere vizual 10. De stilizat butoanele din acest link (cele cu
Bună, alexandrulz. As avea un proiect care cred ca iti va placea, vazand descriere ta din bio. Suntem un start-up si lansam o aplicatie. Avem nevoie de un copywriter care sa ne realizeze continutul paginii de prezentare. Este vorba despre o aplicatie de food order, prin care economisesti timp caci nu mai stai la coada, iar in acelasi timp poti sa faci si un gest pentru planeta. Te intereseaza? Helga
Buna ziua. Suntem un start-up si cautam pe cineva care sa se ocupe de crearea si administrarea unei campanii de Facebook ads, Google ads si Instagram. Lansam luna aceasta o aplicatie de tip food order, initial in Bucuresti. Daca te intereseaza o evantuala colaboare da-ne un semn, pentru a stabili impreuna un buget lunar. Multumesc
Am nevoie de un logo pentru o masina care va fi folosita ca Food-Truck. Este vorba despre un Citroen HY , o masina veche.
Doresc creare logo pentru un fast food bazat pe carne rotisata ( Gyros ) specific grecesc cu influente mediterane .
Caut un IT-ist priceput pentru a colabora pentru crearea unei aplicatii pentru mobil. Tema este food & recipes.
Doresc un logo pentru un fast food care se va numi Special Sandwich . Doresc un logo oval (preferabil ceva gen sirul lui Fibonacci).
Buna! Am nevoie de un Video de prezentare, si de promovare, in domeniul hrana pentru albine. pagina web este Am 3 produse pe care trebuie prezentate intrun mod dinamic, si professional. Am numai cateva poze despre produse deci trebuie creat in mod graphic de la a-z tot. Videoul sa fie realistic, si in 3D si normal. Si o varianta animata de secolul 21. deci modern. Produsele sunt urmatoarele: ApiSweet, ApiFood, ApiDrink ApiSweet cu inlocuitor de polen, ApiFood simpla, ApiDrink lichid sirop.
Vom lansa in curand un magazin online prin intermediul caruia vom comercializa preponderent vinuri premium si supra-premium. O sa existe de asemenea si accesorii pentru pastrarea si servirea vinului, produse gourmet si carti/reviste de lifestyle. Cautam pe cineva care sa creeze un logo (identitate vizuala) pentru acest magazin online de vinuri. Logo trebuie sa s...pentru pastrarea si servirea vinului, produse gourmet si carti/reviste de lifestyle. Cautam pe cineva care sa creeze un logo (identitate vizuala) pentru acest magazin online de vinuri. Logo trebuie sa sugereze ideea de vin premium, baut in compania unei carti bune sau intr-o biblioteca. Ti-am atasat si un link pentru a-ti face o idee despre cum va arata site-ul.
Vreau un site de intrebari si raspunsuri gen yahoo answers dar intrebarile sa fie puse sub forma unui sondaj, cu maxim 5 variante, iar dedesubtul sondajului sa se poate face comentarii, eventual da raspunsuri la acel sondaj
detalii proiect sunt aici crezi ca poti ? am nevoie rapid? e vorba doar de o corectare a scriptului. dc merge ti-am bagat banii pe loc fara discutii
detalii proiect sunt aici crezi ca poti ? am nevoie rapid? e vorba doar de o corectare a scriptului. dc merge ti-am bagat banii pe loc fara discutii
We nee...likes. These are the requirements for the facebook likes: +Needed real likes with authentic profiles with more than 200 friends, also with several profile pictures, with more than 10 comments (at least) in this month +We look for a guarantee of permanence: at least 1 year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOING TO CO...
site similar cu quicky dot ro toate persoanele care aplica trebuie sa imi prezinte un screenshot cu demo pentru designul site-ului. Peter, and I am the Ceo at Housing Partners of America, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping low-income families achieve homeownership through downpayment assistance, financial literacy training, and home-buying workshops. We are passionate about supporting our community and empowering individuals to build stable futures through homeownership. We are seeking a talented and experienced web developer to design and build a new website for our organization. The goal is to create an online presence that reflects the heart of our mission while offering a seamless, user-friendly experience for our visitors. The website will serve as an educational hub and a resource for those seeking financial literacy, assistance with home purchases...
I'm looking for a bright and playful design for a Happy New Year 2025 graphic. The design should incorporate our logo and the text "Hoping 2025 overflows with joy, cheer, and success!". Key Requirements: - Exclude Christmas or winter imagery - Use a mix of vibrant, bold, and pastel colors - Infuse a bright and playful style Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Logo Design - Typography Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past. Logo files - Here are some images which I like along with the images provided.
...experienced video producer and presenter to create a series of educational videos about colours. This could be the history of a specific colour (eg blue from Lapis Lazuli) or a specific spice (eg safran) or a specific fabric (eg silk, cotton). It must be very aestetic, calm, inspiring videos with stock pictures, stock videos and sometimes combined with own videos. There should be music suited for the visuals and a narration with my voice. It is aimed at an adult audience, primarily women 40+ in USA, Australia and Europe with an interest in cooking, styling, decor, knitting. Some videos will have a more "in the studio" content with video I provide, where I create jewellery, food, sweaters and more with said colours. Key aspects of t...
I'm looking for a creative designer who can develop a comprehensive set of brandin...branding materials for my upcoming sports cafe, MAC'S Cafe. The design style needs to be retro and vintage, with a color scheme of blue and gold. Key Branding Materials Required: 1. Logo 2. Apron 3. Signboard 4. Restaurant Menu Board 5. QR Code 6. Table Menu 7. Digital menu 8. Stationery 9. Online Food Delivery Packaging design The cafe's slogan should be included in the design of the logo, signboard, and packaging. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A robust portfolio of retro and vintage design work - Experience in creating branding materials for cafes or restaurants - Strong understanding of color theory and brand consistency I...
I'm looking for a modern design for my peanut butter labels that appeals to gourmet food enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - The design should be minimalist yet sophisticated, capturing the attention of gourmet food lovers. - It must include an ingredients list and nutritional facts. - Experience in food packaging design and an understanding of the gourmet food market will be a plus. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a keen eye for modern design, a strong background in graphic design, and experience with food product packaging.
...citizen engagement and improve the management of urban infrastructure. If successful, the application could be rolled out to other major cities and potentially on a national scale. Application Objectives: The application will allow citizens to: Take a photo of a public anomaly (waste, potholes, various damages, etc.). Automatically geolocate the issue using GPS. Submit the photo and a brief description directly to the municipality via the app. Track the progress of their report (new, in progress, resolved). Main Specifications: Simultaneous Capacity: Handle 50,000 active users or more simultaneously without slowdowns or interruptions. Monetization: Integration of a non-intrusive advertisement management module. Target Platforms: Cross-platform development for i...
...base upload and chatbot analytics, similar to platforms like I’m open to exploring various technologies to achieve the desired functionality. **Key Responsibilities:** - Implement a scalable and efficient knowledge base to power the chatbot with accurate responses. - Create a user-friendly feature to upload and manage knowledge base content. - Develop chatbot analytics to track performance, usage metrics, and response accuracy. - Optimize the system for quick and reliable answers to frequently asked questions. **Ideal Skills and Experience:** - Experience in building and integrating knowledge base solutions for chatbots. - Expertise in chatbot development, specifically for customer service applications. - ...
...around the world and share your unique experiences? Here’s an amazing opportunity for you to connect with a global community of explorers and earn extra money while doing what you love whether you're in a bustling city or a remote, hidden gem! ? What we offer: 1) Free registration on [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] – No fees, no commissions! 2) The chance to offer your local tours, experiences, and services to tourists globally. 3) Exposure to a worldwide audience who are looking for authentic, local experiences. 4) Earn extra income by meeting travelers and showing them the best of your city or region. 5) You can even add your social media links (Facebook, Instagram...
Project Title: Design a Flyer and Menu for Porkbelly’s 4 for $30 Meal Deal Goals is to get people in Cedar City Utah to come try our meals Project Description: I’m looking for a creative and professional designer to create a flyer and menu highlighting Porkbelly’s 4 for $30 Meal Deal. The flyer and menu should look visually appealing, easy to understand, and follow the instructions below. Key Details of the Meal Deal: 1. Name of the Deal: • Porkbelly’s 4 for $30 Meal Deal, like the Date night or the 2 people for $30 deal. I want you to design a catchy name or slogan to get people in Cedar City Utah to come try our meals 2. How It Works: • Customers can choose 4 items for $30. • The items are broken into two cate...
I'm seeking a US PATENT draft specialist CAD designer to create a comprehensive design for a series of disposable plastic cups intended for the food and beverage industry. The cups should be thermomoldable,.heir specifications are as follows. Cup Sizes: - 5oz - 6oz - 9oz - 10oz - 12oz - 14oz - 16oz - 20oz Indentations: - Each cup should have indentations creating a cavity holding exactly: - 1.5 ounce - 3oz - 4.5oz - 6 oz The designs must be original and not based on existing products. The cups need to be cost-effective, so the design should prioritize material efficiency while maintaining the necessary durability for the intended use. Please include sketches or diagrams in your submission that illustrate: - A side view of the cup with the indentati...
...forecast for millet food and millet-based products, both in the domestic landscape and on an international scale (particularly for export). Key areas of focus: - Understanding the competitive landscape of the millet market - Identifying consumer preferences towards millet products - Pinpointing which value-added products (be specific about individual products like millwt based health mixes, noodles) have a higher potential for market penetration and profitability in long run The analysis should specifically consider: - Ready-to-eat products - Ready-to-cook products - Health supplements - Snacks and beverages Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in market research, preferably with experience in the food sector. Ab...
...forecast for millet food and millet-based products, both in the domestic landscape and less focus on an international scale (particularly for export). Key areas of focus: - Understanding the competitive landscape of the millet market - Identifying consumer preferences towards millet products - Pinpointing which value-added products (be specific about individual products like millwt based health mixes, noodles) have a higher potential for market penetration and profitability in long run - SWOT analysis in Indian market The analysis should specifically consider: - Ready-to-eat products - Ready-to-cook products - Health supplements - Snacks and beverages Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in market research, preferably w...
I am looking for a freelancer to design a new facebook creative for me. Please see content for AD below: EliteMedics Logo at the top (take it from ) UK’s first 16-Week Exam Crash course For GCSE & A-Level Students Achieve A*’s with our weekly exam booster classes. 1000’s+ of past exam questions covered. Bio| Chem | Maths | Physics From just £29.99 per month. Starting January 2025 Reserve your place for free Please also find example design- please design it so that it stands out in a similar way but DO not copy the design.
I'm looking for a talented graphic artist to create an illustrative digital pack shot for my product ( Food / Snacks ) . This pack shot should primarily focus on the product itself, capturing its features and essence in an appealing and engaging way. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven graphic design and illustration skills - Experience in creating digital product pack shots - Strong understanding of software product features - Ability to visually communicate brand values and product benefits - Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines Please check the sample image formats. Right now i have around 8 products.
...browser. Link: Solution 2 - Using a URL scheme such as googlechrome://domain to redirect the URL request to the native mobile browser. Link: Solution 3 - Using JS to open a new tab or new window (does not work). Most of these solutions do not work in iOS and even when they do, Instagram prompts the user saying "You are leaving the app. Do you want to continue?" which is not ideal. Recently, I found a service which has achieved this without triggering any Instagram prompt. The service is and on their website they call it Deeplink Technology
Find Functional Bugs in Software . $30 Per Filtering Functional Logic Bugs and or $300 per Genealogy Functional Logic Bug We set milestone based on your bid- You must tell us how many filtering bugs you find or Genealogy bugs you find. We suggest a bid for $60 for 2 filtering bugs but you can tell us you want to focus on the high end gen bugs and we will set you $300 for 1 bug. *** IF YOU DO NOT TELL US WHAT BUGS YOU WILL FOCUS WE WILL DELETE YOUR BID - YOU MUST READ ALL SPECS TO UNDERDTAND THIS JOB PROJECT **** After you send us the bugs with LOOM VIDEO( A MUST) We release if indeed a functional Bug as you sent us and approved *** YOU MUST BID WITH TEXT CONFIRMING YOU REAL ALL SPECS BEFORE YOU BID ! YOU MUST STATE: " I HAVE READ ALL SPECS IN PROJECT ZIP- ...
I'm looking for a talented 3D designer to create colorful and vibrant interactive wall art for my cafe and restaurant. The artworks should incorporate nature themes like flowers and trees, as well as food and beverage illustrations. Key Requirements: - Experience in 3D design, particularly for interactive art - A strong portfolio of colorful and vibrant designs - Understanding of nature themes and food/beverage illustrations - Ability to deliver designs suitable for a cafe and restaurant setting This project is perfect for a designer who can blend their creativity with an understanding of the purpose of the art - to enhance the dining experience in a lively and engaging way. Please include relevant samples of you...
I am looking for a proactive and results-driven sales representative who will primarily focus on selling food and beverages. This role requires a range of diverse tasks including: - Engaging customers with outstanding service - Efficient cash handling procedures - Ensuring stock is well-maintained and constantly replenished The ideal candidate will thrive on daily targets and find motivation in achieving them. Experience in customer service and cash handling is preferred. Proficiency in inventory management and a passion for the food and beverage industry would be highly beneficial.