Blogs that pay per postingproiecte
Salut,caut pe cineva priceput in Osclass pentru a customiza plug-in pay pe metoda pluginul trebuie sa aibe integrat un serviciu de coletarie pentru a genera awb si urmarire colet pentru a debloca banii (automat)catre vanzator cand coletul este receptionat de catre pe termen lung pe diverse proiecte,nu neaparat in cont stripe integrat deja pentru receptionare plati.
Proiect de virtual office & virtual assistance. Colaboratori pentru VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors to VAPBiz. Online s...VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors to VAPBiz. Online services for: Scheduling meetings, making phone calls, making travel arrangements and managing e-mail accounts, also postin...
Salut! Vrau sa montam pe Amazon inca un aparat GPS, ai mai jos fotografiile. Astept inca un set de poze nou si ma ocup si de header + poze de produs, va dura cam 1 saptamana.
Am nevoie de un content writer/redactor nativ roman care sa imi scrie cateva sute de propozitii care nu au legatura intre ele si contin anumite cuvinte. Mai multe detalii in privat.
Salutare! Eu sunt Marius si reprezint grupul Aceitronics. As dori sa incep prin a va multumi pentru interesul oferit anuntului nostru. As dori ca toate persoanele ce se vor inscrie sa detina o sansa in a lucra cu noi si pentru asta, dupa parerea mea ar fi necesar sa vad un mic portofoliu al fiecarui participant si va rog sa-mi scrieti un art...timpul acordat, o sa va las doua link-uri, unul cu canalul de youtube si altul cu blog-ul Aceitronics. In asa fel ma puteti cunoaste putin si sa vedeti si modul meu de abordare mai ales ca unele articole vor fi folosite si ca script-uri pentru clipurile youtube. Sa aveti o zi cu spor!!! Cu respect, Marius de la Aceitronics
Am nevoie de 10 articole de 500 cuvinte pe teme variate. Daca totul merge bine voi mai avea comenzi. PS: Job only for Romanians!!!
python instagram automatic posting script
I want offers only from Romanian Freelencers. (doresc colaborari doar cu dezvoltatori din Romania) Doresc să integrez mobil pay cu smartbill si cu woocommerce pe un singur websitesite. Nu este o integrare standard pentru ca-mi doresc integrarea pe trei firme diferite. Practic este un website cu 3 vendori (firme), cu 15 de produse, iar fiecare vedor (firma) are 5 produse. Ma intereseaza ca atunci cand se lanseaza comanda, in functie de produsul ales, plata sa se faca in contul firmei eferente si facturarea sa se poata integra automat cu smartbill pe firma respectiva. Netopia mi-a comunicat ca trebuie sa deschid trei conturi, la fel si smartbill. Mai departe probabil o sa am nevoie de ajutor si pentru sicronizare cu learndash si budyboss, dara aceststa este va fi un proiect separ...
Bună ziua, Aș avea nevoie de cineva care să scrie/traducă articole de sănătate/medicină. Articolele trebuie să aibă minim 6000 de caractere și să urmeze un anumit format. Sursele de informare le voi oferi eu. Uneori, este nevoie doar de traducere din limba engleza si o usoara formatare. Pot plati intre 3-4 dolari pe articol. Multumesc
Bună ziua, Aș avea nevoie de cineva care să scrie/traducă articole de sănătate/medicină. Articolele trebuie să aibă minim 6000 de caractere și să urmeze un anumit format. Sursele de informare le voi oferi eu. Uneori, este nevoie doar de traducere din limba engleza si o usoara formatare. Pot plati intre 3-4 dolari pe articol. Multumesc
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...but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. authorizations necessary for the activity. 3. automated platforms necessary sales information. 4. own infrastructure for SMS alerts expire. - API 3. Specialized ...
Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
Salut, citind portofoliul tau nu stiu sigur daca esti apt pentru acest task si m-am gandit sa te contactez sa ma asigur ca poti duce la bun sfarsit un proiect in guest posting si article writing in germana , as-i avea nevoie pe termen lung ... eventual daca ai ceva portofoliu pe aceasta tema ar fii bine venita Cu Stima, Muller
Data Copy Paste posting content transfer Data Copy Paste posting content transfer
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita rapor...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Need a content writer to manage various pages on social networking sites and various other blogs. Additionally the person would need to help in building the content for the main
Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un blog specializat in stirii din universul ecommerce in limba romana. Sunt bineveniti cei care: - au lucrat sau lucreaza ca jurnalisti; - sunt studenti la Jurnalism; - au o experienta in domeniu si-o pot dovedi; Sunt acceptati si incepatorii insa numai dupa redactarea a 1-2 articole de proba. Articolele vor fi despre: - Stiri tehnologice de ultima ora - Economie - Ecommerce - Mcommerce - eMarketing Cei care doresc sa incepem o colaborare trebuie sa poata livra minim 2 articole/zi. Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, nu exista un numar fix de articole de scris. Copy/paste nu functioneaza, aviz amatorilor!
Aparat care citeste memoria EEPROM a unui automat si care trimite detaliile la un server, centralizat. Se poate face ? Prin gprs sa se trimita semnalul.
Aparat care citeste memoria EEPROM a unui automat si care trimite detaliile la un server, centralizat. Se poate face ? Prin gprs sa se trimita semnalul.
We need to translate CherryPlayer to more languages We will consider only offers $10 per language. You will be able to get good rating with good comments in your portfolio. Please give us to know at what languages you will be able to translate CherryPlayer. File that need to translate attached. Need to translate only right part at all sentences. Romana
Salut! Reprezint echipa ORKAAN si caut programator ce este dispus sa lucreze la jocul Survivor: Forgotten World - Majoritatea codului este deja scris dar trebuie adaptat unei versiuni diferite de UDK, jocul o sa fie lansat candva in vara 2014 , iar plata se face pe baza de profit. Prefer...programator ce este dispus sa lucreze la jocul Survivor: Forgotten World - Majoritatea codului este deja scris dar trebuie adaptat unei versiuni diferite de UDK, jocul o sa fie lansat candva in vara 2014 , iar plata se face pe baza de profit. Preferabil canditatul are experienta in Unreal si este dornic sa colaboreze pe termen lung cu noi. skype: [[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]]
Cautam oameni pentru introducere date pe un portal educational. Pentru mai multe detalii, contactati-ne la: contact [at] [[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]] mentionand in subiectul e-mailului "Info introducere date".
Cautam oameni pentru introducere date pe un portal educational. Pentru mai multe detalii, contactati-ne la: contact [at] [[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]] mentionand in subiectul e-mailului "Info introducere date".
scriu articole de sport,mondene....pot colabora cu diferite ziare si jurnale...pot scrie articole sportive,si multe alte la cerere.(istorie,geografie si multe alte)
We are looking to hire phone reps as our company grows! Currently we have spots in your area open, all you have to do is put ads up like the one you are reading, take calls,and get paid 60 to $120 per call!! Have to have: computer internet acess ID phone [The Administrator removed this message due to posting of contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions.]
...with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able...
I am an experienced and professional writer with a talent for breathing new life into stories. With expertise in ghostwriting and editing, I’ve crafted engaging content across multiple formats, including biographies, memoirs, e-books, fiction, non-fiction, websites, blogs, and product descriptions. Since 2016, I’ve been a full-time freelance copywriter with double Digital Marketing certifications. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for linguistic precision, I am well-equipped to undertake the comprehensive proofreading and editing of any book. I have a proven track record in editing various written materials, including books, with a focus on preserving the author's voice while refining clarity and coherence. With a decade of hands-on experience in the book wo...
I need a seasoned HR professional to assist with recruitment and onboarding. Your primary tasks will involve job posting and advertising on LinkedIn and Indeed, as well as supporting the onboarding process. Skills and experience required: - Proven experience in Human Resources, specifically in recruitment and onboarding - Proficiency in using LinkedIn and Indeed for job postings - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Prior experience in onboarding process documentation is a plus
I'm in need of a marketing professional who can boost the visibility of my brand. The job will involve creatin...for social media and Google Ads - Using SEO strategies to promote the brand online - Writing SEO-focused blog posts and creating a Wikipedia page for the brand Daily posting across all platforms is expected, with weekly reports detailing progress and success metrics. The ideal candidate should have skills and experience in: - Advanced photo and video editing - Creating visually appealing and engaging content - SEO and digital marketing - Content creation for blogs and Wikipedia I need you to prioritize creating digitally enhanced photos, special effects videos, and SEO blog posts. The primary platforms for content posting will be Meta, TikTok, Link...
Solve the problem that VPN can't work properly after connecting in China, if you can solve it, please comment 123 in your bid, I will give you priority!
I'm an acclaimed author in need of a professional to write and create a Wikipedia draft, post it, and ensure it highlights my major achievements. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Extensive experience with Wikipedia page creation and ...and optimization - Excellent editing and proofreading skills - Knowledge of how to best present information for Wikipedia's guidelines - Ability to prominently feature special awards and recognitions I have a draft of the page ready which will need to be reviewed and edited for accuracy and completeness before posting. It's crucial that the freelancer is able to include my special awards and recognitions prominently on the page. A key part of this project will be ensuring that my biography and no...
I'm seeking a professional with a deep understanding of the fashion industry and experience in writing guest blogging and outreach. The primary objective of this project is to increase website traffic and get high quality links through strategic guest posts on niche-topic fashion blogs. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and targeting high-quality, niche-topic fashion blogs for guest post opportunities and write and post. - Crafting compelling, engaging, and relevant guest posts that align with the target blog's audience. - Building and maintaining relationships with blog owners and editors for future collaboration. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in guest blogging and blog outreach, particularly in the fashion niche. - Exceptional writi...
College directory website features (ready-made) ### Detailed Wireframe/Layout for Collage Vidya Website #### **1. Homepage** **Sections:** - **Header:** - Logo (Top Left): Displays the Collage Vidya branding. - Navigation Menu: Includes links to Home, Colleges, Courses, Scholarships, Blogs, Contact Us. - Login/Sign-up Button (Top Right): Allows users to access their accounts. - **Hero Section:** - Search Bar: Prominently positioned with placeholders like "Search for Colleges, Courses, or Scholarships." Includes filters for Course, Location, and Fees. - Featured Colleges Slider: Rotating carousel showcasing top-rated colleges with images and "Learn More" buttons. - **Categories Section:** - Icons with Text: Includes categories like "Engineerin...
I'm looking for a seasoned writer with a strong grasp on technology and a professional writing style to pen 60 blogs a month, each around 1000 words. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of the technology sector, especially in areas like Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Gadgets and Reviews - Exceptional content writing skills to create engaging and informative pieces - Proficiency in SEO to ensure the blogs reach a wider audience - Capability to convert images and data into infographics for blog inclusion - Experience in data entry and assignment writing Your writing should always maintain a professional and formal tone. Please provide samples of your previous work in the technology field.
...looking for a website that will keep fans updated on all aspects of our sports team, from game results to player interviews. Key Features: - Comprehensive news updates: This includes game results, team announcements, player spotlights and more. - User-friendly article posting: I need an easy-to-use interface that allows me to post updates and articles for fans to read. - Fan Forum: A space for fans to interact, discuss, and share their thoughts about the team. Ideal Skills: - Web development: Proficiency in creating engaging, easy-to-navigate websites is essential. - Experience with setting up forums: Familiarity with creating and moderating online forums is a plus. - Content management systems: Knowledge of CMS will help in designing a user-friendly article p...
I'm looking for a professional writer to create 60 blogs per month on various topics related to technology, digital marketing, software development, and image conversion. This is a long-term project, so only genuine writers committed to delivering high-quality, AI-free content will be considered. Each blog should be accompanied by relevant images and infographics. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of the English language - Ability to write in a formal and professional tone - Experience in the mentioned fields Responsibilities: - Writing 60 blogs per month - Researching and incorporating a mix of provided and self-researched keywords - Sourcing and including relevant images and infographics Please note, I'm looking for a writer who can deliver witho...
I need someone to sift through my text-based PDF records of SMS messages to locate and extract weekly pay information. This data will be used to generate pay tickets. Key Requirements: - Data extraction from PDF: You'll be looking for approximately 30 instances of weekly pay information within my text message history. - Data entry: The extracted information needs to be organized into a spreadsheet for easy access. - Specific spreadsheet columns: The spreadsheet will need specific columns for the date of payment and pay details (including hours, Gross, Net and other info). - Excel Skills: I do not need any complex formulas or calculations. Just basic data entry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is a must. - Previous experien...
Fantastic, thanks for providing those details, Johnny. Here’s a proposal for your project posting: Title: Comprehensive E-commerce Site Development with Marketing and Security Enhancements Description: *** OBS OBS OBS The bid will be your last total cost for whole project and is not acceptable to ask more after it **** We are seeking an experienced web developer to create a price comparison website and accompanying mobile apps (IOS/Android). This platform will allow users to browse products and services from various companies, compare prices, and be redirected to partner sites for purchase. The final deliverance must encompass web design, app development, security measures, certificate installations, API integrations, client account setups, and a complete digital marketing...
...cafés, restaurants, bakeries, pastries .... -------------------------------------- SET GOAL: 8 Sales COMPENSATION PACKAGE : 2920 USD ALLOCATED DURATION: 3 - 4 Weeks ---------------------------------------- PROJECT DETAILS 1. SCOPE OF WORK The Service Provider will provide full marketing services and content management to the Client, including: 1.1. Educate the audience about the app’s value through blogs, infographics, and explainer videos 1.2. Leverage paid ad platforms to increase app visibility and drive traffic to the website/app store. 1.3. Generate Email Marketing Campaigns 1.4. Build direct connections with potential users through partnerships and targeted outreach. 1.5. Leverage food and tech influencers to increase app credibility and awareness. 1.6. Measure...
...creating content for service-based businesses, with a specific focus on: Generac generator installations Quotes, maintenance, and repairs Electrical contracting (residential, commercial, and industrial sectors) This role will involve strategy development, content creation, posting, engagement, and performance tracking. Scope of Work: Account Setup and Branding: Create and optimize new accounts for Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Design cohesive branding materials, including profile pictures, cover photos, and bios that align with our business identity. Content Creation: Develop a monthly content calendar featuring 30 posts and 10 stories. Create visually appealing graphics, videos, and carousel posts using tools like Canva or Adobe. Write engaging captions wi...
Job Title: Instagram Content Creator for Womens Fitness Page Job Description: We are looking for a talented and creative Instagram content creator who is passionate about the Indian Stock Market. The selected candidate will be responsible for creating and posting 2-3 engaging videos daily on our Instagram page, providing valuable market insights, updates, and knowledge to our audience. Responsibilities: Research content related to the women fitness and generate reels idea Create 2-3 short and engaging videos daily (30-90 seconds each) with accurate information.(Video will be created by the owner based on the ideas). Selected person has to edit the video. Use graphics, charts, and animations to make the videos visually appealing. Add captions, subtitles, and appropriate hashtag...
I'm seeking a YouTube automation professional to create three daily videos for my channel. The content will revolve around storytelling, specifically wisdom-themed life lessons. Key Responsibilities: - Produce, edit and automate the posting of three daily videos - Ensure all content is original and free from copyright issues Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Experienced in YouTube automation techniques - Creative storyteller with a knack for life lessons - Knowledgeable about copyright laws and able to create original content Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...preferably from Kolkata-West Bengal-India to design a professional and eye-catching **digital flyer** to promote a ** 32,000 sq. ft. land for sale** in **South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India**. The flyer should be optimized for easy posting on **WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram**. **Key Details to Include in the Flyer:** - to be provided. **Deliverables:** - High-quality digital flyer in **JPEG/PNG format**. - Dimensions optimized for social media platforms (Instagram stories, WhatsApp, Facebook posts). **Requirements:** - Creative and professional design that attracts attention. -Intuitive images - Experience in designing for real estate or similar industries is preferred. **Budget:** Open to proposals. **Deadline:** Within **1-2 days** of project...
I'm seeking an experienced Instagram handler to boost my service-oriented business on this platform. Your primary tasks would involve creating and sharing promotional posts, aimed at increasing visibility and driving engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting innovative and appealing promotional posts. - Increasing our follower base and boosting engagement. - Strategizing on optimal posting times and content to reach our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in handling Instagram accounts, particularly for service-based businesses. - Strong creativity and understanding of what makes a post engaging. - Good grasp of Instagram's algorithms and best practices for increasing followers and engagement. Your role will be pivotal in promoting our services, and yo...