Binary options indicator mt4 indicatorproiecte


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    2,000 binary options indicator mt4 indicator proiecte găsite
    Project for Gürcan Ö.
    S-a încheiat left

    Athis indicator

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Oferta medie
    1 oferte expect the BoJ to raise rates eventually in a bid to shore up USD/JPY or at least prevent further rises. Trade forex and more CFDs with Libertex As a CFD broker with decades of experience connecting ordinary traders and investors with the financial markets, Libertex gives the opportunity to trade CFDs on a wide range of covered asset classes — from stocks, commodities and ETFs through to options, crypto and, of course, traditional currencies — Libertex offers both long and short CFD positions in a variety of underlying assets. For instance, Libertex can offer competitive leveraged CFD trading in forex pairs such as USD/JPY and EUR/JPY, as well as more exotic crosses like NOK/JPY and SGD/JPY. Experience the excitement of trading! Try our ri...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte

    Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute cu teste manuale si automate (scrise in PLAYWRIGHT) pentru un proiect web personal . Siteul acum cuprinde 7 pagini (3 de autentificare si 4 pagini ale proiectul...dau linkul de la proiectul meu. Dupa ce il vrei primii ma astept sa imi furnizezi un plan de testare in care sa imi scrii simplu ce testezi. Pe baza planului de testare o sa aleg persoana cu care lucrez si practic o sa reprezinte "contractul" nostru, adica ce furnizezi in schimbul sumei de bani. Daca ai citit cu atentie liciteaza 23 usd la proiect, pretul final nu este 23 usd si este doar un indicator ca ai citit cu atentie . Va multumesc. Dearece proiectul este in romana o sa colaborez doar cu in vorbitor de limba romana, ceilalti participanti vor fi de-a dreptul igno...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...comunicare, feedback, entropie, redundanță). (10) Utilizând concepte precum: mix-ul de marketing, politica de marketing, funcțiile distribuției, canale de distribuție, publicitate, vânzări, stabiliți ce ar trebui să realizeze departamentul de marketing, distribuție și vânzări într-o situație pe care o alegeți. (11) Prezentați pe scurt un sistem de evaluare al performanței și includeți minim un indicator cantitativ și unul calitativ. (12) Pentru că schimbarea este o constantă în dezvoltarea firmei prezentați o schimbare posibilă la nivelul organizației pe care o conduceți utilizând următorii termeni: rezistență la schimbare, diagrama câmpului de forțe (Lewin) și schimbarea în 3 etape (Nadler – Tushman). Concluzi...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Brand promoter
    S-a încheiat left

    Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele deschise.

    $100 - $30000
    $100 - $30000
    0 oferte
    Project for Alexey K. -- 2
    S-a încheiat left

    stoc indicator

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Proiectul va include 3 siteuri web, identice ca structura dar cu branduri diferite. Prima etapa a proiectului este cea mai importanta, daca site-ul va fi crea...parte se vor pune la dispozitie: poze, content. Dorim sa avem si promovare SEO . ----------------------------------- The project will include 3 website, identical as structure but with different brand presentations. First step it's the most important one consist in creating first site and then duplicate this site two more times. Will be a presentation site but also it is necessary to have "buy" options. The candidate mus have knowledge about graphic design, we will put on his disposal pictures and content but it will be also necesary to create some banners , modify some photos etc. We would like to have a go...

    $633 Average bid
    $633 Oferta medie
    33 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left va face legatura cu baza de date din Sql, adica se va introduce baza de date in Visual Studio, aceasta va contine o forma windows, cu mai multe butoane, care prin apasarea acestora ne va arata ce a calculat fiecare indicator in cadrul bazei de date. Fiecare buton, dar bineinteles si forma Windows va avea un cod de program, acesta va voi arata eu ce am facut la ore cu profesorii, ca sa nu fie vreo mare diferenta intre codul studiat si cel realizat de dvs, sitot in Visual vor fi si grafice, referitoare la calculul indicatorilor, acestea vor arata despre fiecare indicator, cum s-a 'comportat'. Si nu in ultimul rand va mai fi un Excel care va calcula toti acesti indicatori, dar si altii aflati de dvs., si aici vor fi tabele cu calcule, si bineinteles cu formul...

    $264 Average bid
    $264 Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    Project for matharpa -- 3
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, matharpa, ţi-am remarcat profilul şi aş vrea să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată. EA for MT4 for matharpa

    $100 - $100
    $100 - $100
    0 oferte
    MT4 600+ indicator
    S-a încheiat left

    ex4 decompiling OR a perfect duplicate

    $22 - $22 / hr
    $22 - $22 / hr
    0 oferte
    EA mt4 metatrader
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    ea metatrader mt4

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Indicator MetaTrader 4
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare! Doresc un indicator simplu pentru MetaTrader 4. Obisnuiesc sa fac scalping si e destul de dificil sa stau la calculator tot timpul, astfel ca m-ar interesa acest indicator care sa imi dea notificari pe platforma cu alerta sunet si / sau email, sa ma anunte de fiecare data cand apare pe chart un candlestick cu spike de minim 5 pip. Va multumesc!

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...consumatori. agenții de publicitate - Ar trebui să fie capabil de a selecta locatii de publicitate necesare. - Auto-administreze și să plătească pentru aceste anunțuri. - Încărcați și de a gestiona Cateva detalii suplimentare: 1. Free to register 2. Register user and provider 3. must be simple and friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate ...

    $1855 Average bid
    $1855 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Am un proiect pentru un client in dezvoltare -> si am nevoie de ajutorul unui programator la implementarea urmatoarelor lucruri - modulele de mai jos. Site-ul va fi in wordpress. Module gasite conform criteriilor clientului: - payperview sistem: - mlm: - membership wpmu pentru control acces: - logare prin facebook in cont - plata prin card bancar, mobilpay (ori prin membership plugin wpmu ori prin mlm). Un brief sumar la ceea ce doreste clientul: - tv online – difuzare video - sectiune free 24 / 24 difuzare program - in timp preschimbare abonament lunar cu acces la

    $269 Average bid
    $269 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Salut, Doresc customizarea indicatorului Parabolic SAR din platforma de tranzactionare MT4. Deschidere pozitie: La inceputul celei de-a DOUA lumanari dupa ce semnalul de BUY/SELL a aparut (dupa ce punctul a sarit). Practic cand apare al doilea punct, echivalent cu deschiderea celei de-a doua lumanari. EA trebuie sa deschida o singura pozitie per semnal (adica dupa o deschidere de cumparare, el va astepta pana la o deschidere de vanzare si invers). Inchidere pozitie: Pozitia se va inchide numai cand pretul atinge TP sau SL. Take profit (TP): Campul de take profit trebuie sa fie editabil. Trebuie sa imi permita sa introduc un numar de pips pe care eu il consider adecvat pentru respectiva pereche de valute. Exemplu: 30 pips, 50 pips, etc. Stop loss (SL): Stop loss-ul este d...

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Sport - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Un sport reprezintă o activitate de natură fizică și poate implica și compe...Sportul, prin însuși natura sa, încurajează diversitatea într-o lume culturală. Pe măsură ce țările și națiunile se apropie tot mai mult unele de altele, dar totuși își păstrează identitatea culturală, sportul este un domeniu în care se învață că diferențele culturale, nu numai că trebuie acceptate, dar reprezintă o bogăție ce trebuie cultivată și prețuită. Conceptul sportiv poate deveni un "indicator de schimbare" a societății globale, de anticipare, evoluții și schimbări prin deschiderea simbolică a relațiilor interstatale. Sportul devine și trebuie considerat, astfel, ca o oglindă a culturii și a societății, căci el reprezintă speranțele și perspectivele vii...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted i...revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able to integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    ...manage appointments. - Appointment details should include: device type and issue, preferred appointment time and date, and contact information of the user. People should be able to choose a repair, be it simple or advanced, by choosing a repair from the a list once they selected their brand and device. - An integrated SMS and email system to notify users about their appointments, also with cron options to inform customers after a succesfull repair appointment but also 1 or 2 hours before the repair is planned as a reminder. - The amount of brands and models should be updateable by new plugin updates to keep adding new devices. - Prices of each and every repair that is listed should be changable in the backend for users to be able to selected their own prices and margins per repai...

    $2152 Average bid
    $2152 Oferta medie
    85 oferte

    ...designers to re-imagine the following five key screens. This is your chance to showcase your creativity and vision for a more engaging and effective user experience. The winning designs will serve as the foundation for a complete app redesign. Screens for Contest Submission: 1. Home: Showcase educational content, tutorials, and industry insights. 2. Products: Display products effectively, with options to favorite and review. 3. Scanner: Design an intuitive interface for the product verification scanner. 4. Profile (Mini-Instagram): Design a user profile section that functions like a mini-Instagram, allowing users to upload and post content, chat, comment on products, and ask questions with other users. Think visually engaging layouts, easy content creation, and seamless interact...

    $459 Average bid
    $459 Oferta medie
    90 oferte

    I am seeking an individual outside of India to assist with comprehensive research and development on the crypto exchange, Bybit. The focus will be on its trading features and options. The ideal candidate should: - Have in-depth knowledge about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. - Be familiar with various trading types such as spot, futures, and margin trading. - Understand the intricacies of USDT and its role in trading. - Be able to analyze and compare trading features. Experience with crypto trading and research is preferred. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of Bybit's trading capabilities and how they can be utilized for potential investments.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I require a Shopify website dedicated to selling physical products with options for product customization. Key requirements include: - Designing an intuitive and user-friendly e-commerce store. - Integrating features for managing physical products, specifically enabling product customization options. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven expertise in Shopify website development. - Prior experience with e-commerce store setup. - Skills in integrating product customization features. The desired timeline for the project is 1-2 weeks.

    $320 Average bid
    $320 Oferta medie
    159 oferte
    Modern Luxe Brand Name & Logo Design
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a unique and sleek brand name, alongside a chic logo, for my mattress and foam product line. The name must be distinctive enough to secure a trademark. Key Aspects: - The brand name should convey a modern and sleek aesthetic - The logo should be a combination of a symbol and text - Both the name and logo should reflect luxury and exclusivit...exclusivity Ideal Skills: - Creative branding and naming - Skilled in logo design, particularly combination of symbol and text - Understanding of luxury branding Experience Required: - Proven track record in creating unique, trademark-able brand names - Portfolio of modern, sleek logo designs - Experience in luxury brand development Please note, the final deliverables will be a set of brand name options and correspondin...

    $62 Average bid
    $62 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    Website Design and Resources
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I have a website named , it is derived form hindi word meaning percentage. Working and goals of this website is to provide a platform to visitors to contribute to n number of surveys we conduct. The survey will focus on And a well defined resource backed research paper need to publish on the site in the form of blog and a download link for the papers. Based on working description of the company I need a mature design for the website. The work will include "Logo Designing, webpage design, content and graphics gathering." More details about how the website in chat, I am open to hear your options on functional addition options. You will we independent to use your imagination and free to use any AI in making the project successful, just keep copyright restric...

    $143 Average bid
    $143 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    I'm looking for creative professionals or mixology enthusiasts to propose original cocktail ideas, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. These cocktails should...Type of glass for serving - Food pairing suggestions - Extended regional culinary overview Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong understanding of mixology - Creativity and a passion for cocktail creation - Knowledge of European, particularly French, Italian and Spanish, flavors and traditions. Please note, the cocktails should be a mix of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. I look forward to your creative and unique cocktail proposals. Please submit your proposals in a presentation format. The regional culinary overview should be an in-depth analysis covering distinct regional ingredients and ...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    ...Orders based on the Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) values displayed on the chart by my indicator. System Behavior Based on Trade Type: Short Trade: Entry at Market Price Place a Take Profit (TP) Limit Order at the TP price displayed on the chart (lower, marked in green). Place a Stop Loss (SL) Limit Order at the SL price displayed on the chart (higher, marked in red). Long Trade: Entry at Market Price Place a Take Profit (TP) Limit Order at the TP price displayed on the chart (higher, marked in green). Place a Stop Loss (SL) Limit Order at the SL price displayed on the chart (lower, marked in red). Technical Requirements: The system should automatically fetch the SL and TP values from the indicator as displayed on the chart. Execution should be immediate and precise w...

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...application. We need to develop the backend. Core Features: - Job Posting and Searching: The primary function of the app is to facilitate job postings and allow users to search for jobs. Additional Features: - Automated Matching of Jobs and Candidates: Implement an intelligent algorithm that matches jobs with potential candidates based on their profiles and preferences. - Advanced Filtering Options: Create a system that allows users to filter job searches based on various parameters like location, salary, job type, etc. - Email Notifications for Job Alerts: Integrate a notification system that alerts users via email about new job postings that match their criteria. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iOS app development, with a strong portfolio of job-related apps. -...

    $273 Average bid
    $273 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...correct texture. - Process: The system runs the inpainting pipeline using the provided image, mask, and prompt, then generates several modified versions of that region. - Review & Select: The artist reviews the outputs, chooses the one that best fits their vision, and uses it as a guide for further painting. Potential Features: - A drawing tool for annotation (specifics can be determined, but options could include a brush tool, shape tool, and eraser tool). - A side-by-side comparison feature for reviewing modified versions. - Compatibility with original image uploads in PNG format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in image processing and inpainting techniques. - Experience working with artists or in the art field is a plus. - Ability to create a user-friendly inte...

    $499 Average bid
    $499 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    ...inventory and supply chain tracking system to monitor stock levels and ensure timely restocks. The project is expected to span a medium-term timeline of 3-6 months. Please communicate project updates via Slack. The specialist will have full access to our Shopify, Google Sheets, and platforms. The dashboards should include detailed data, drill-down capabilities, and extensive filtering options. The highest priority of the project is automating the inventory and supply chain tracking system to ensure timely restocks....

    $8 - $15 / hr
    Recomandat Urgent Sigilat
    $8 - $15 / hr
    35 oferte

    Need to cover and update the following points 1: Prevent users from copying and pasting data to the Template file from other files 2: Link the new planning template to VLOOKUP file. Need the Dropdown data validation options on this file to match the Vlookup file that we maintain separately and use for our other templates. 3: Ensure that VLOOKUP file needs to be referenced from original location instead of creating a copy to the folder. 4: Stop workbook links message when file is opened 5: Stop VLOOKUP file closing message when file is closed

    $875 Average bid
    $875 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...end-to-end for better consistency. This system will be used for realistic virtual product visualization, such as clothing try-ons, furniture placement, or product customizations. Project Scope & Deliverables: The freelancer will be responsible for: 1. Warping Model Development (Flow-Based Warping) • Implement a warping model that takes an input object and warps it onto a target shape. • Options: • Thin Plate Spline (TPS) • Dense Optical Flow (RAFT/PWC-Net) • Custom CNN-based warping model • Train the warping model on a dataset of (input, warped) image pairs. 2. Diffusion-Based Refinement • Use Stable Diffusion (SD 1.5 or SDXL) + ControlNet to enhance warped images. • Fine-tune the diffusion model using custom dataset. &bul...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I have a public dataset of EEG signals that has need basic filtering and noise reduction. I need an expert in machine learning to load the dataset, extract frequency-domain or and time-frequency domain features, and implement a simple classification to determine whether the subject is in an open or closed state, using a method like random forest. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in Python for data analysis - Experience with machine learning, particularly with random forest - Knowledge of EEG signal processing - Familiarity with extracting features from time-frequency domain

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    ...while the backend should be developed in Python. The project also involves integrating Shopify for seamless e-commerce functionality. Key Requirements: - User Authentication and Profiles: The website should allow users to create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles. - Product Catalog with Search and Filter: A well-structured product catalog is essential, complete with search and filter options to enhance user navigation and experience. - Shopping Cart and Checkout: A smooth and efficient shopping cart and checkout process is crucial for user retention and satisfaction. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in React/JS and Python. - Extensive experience with Shopify integration. - In-depth knowledge of AWS services for deployment and hosting. This includes setting up a de...

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr Oferta medie
    134 oferte

    I'm looking for someone to mod Cyberpunk 2077 on my Steam Deck, focusing primarily on character customization. Key requirements: - Modding the game to enhance character customization options, particularly appearance changes and new outfits and accessories. - Adding various gameplay mods to the game. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with modding Cyberpunk 2077. - Proficient in modding on a Steam Deck. - Knowledge of character customization mods. - Capability to implement various gameplay mods. Please ensure you're familiar with the modding capabilities of the Steam Deck, and can enhance my Cyberpunk 2077 experience significantly.

    $515 Average bid
    $515 Oferta medie
    37 oferte
    Magento Site Updates & Upgrades
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...tablet. - Enhancing the checkout process with what3words integration and incorporating various new payment methods such as Apple Pay, Klarna, and PayPal's Pay-in-3. - Implementing options on the Product Detail Page (PDP) for Bundle Products. - Upgrading the Product Listing Page (PLP) to include sorting by price and M2 price. - Progressing to DSI Phase 2, which involves calculating and storing sales for simple products. - Analyzing data for both product details and a custom report. - Moving to DSI Phase 3, which monitors simple product poll ASC 'Free Stock' levels. - Integrating new payment methods and shipping options, including Klarna Finance and several new shipping methods. - Excluding shipping price for certain products and weight based on pallet charges...

    $1356 Average bid
    $1356 Oferta medie
    109 oferte

    Project Overview I want to develop a responsive website similar to , which allows users to receive quotations for delivering items from a source location to a destination. The website will feature a seamless interface to input delivery details, select items for transportation, view pricing summaries, and confirm bookings with integrated payment options in the condition that the payment choices are impregnable. Key Features and Interfaces: Interface 1: Delivery Details Input 1. User Input Fields: - Pick-up address (with autocomplete API integration) - Delivery address (with autocomplete API integration) - Move date (calendar picker) - Property type (e.g., house, flat, plus dropdown menu of Total flight of floors or total stair count) 2. APIs for Address Autocomplete: - Google Plac...

    $12 Average bid

    ...Randomization function to generate unique variations Support for different shape files (SVG/DXF) as a base Interchangeable Plugs: Different plug types: Hex Closed – Solid cover for accents Hex Ring – Small ring for keychains Hex Ring Big – Bigger keychain ring Hex Hook – Hook for additional items Plugs should be placed randomly for visualization but remain modular Material & Color Customization: Options to change plug colors (White, Orange, Yellow) Easy integration for future color expansions Export & File Management: Ability to export STL files for 3D printing Modular code structure for easy updates & modifications Ideal Candidate Should Have: ✅ Strong OpenSCAD programming skills ✅ Experience with parametric modeling ✅ Knowledge of 3D print...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    I'm running a used golf ball business and need a talented web developer to create a WordPress e-commerce platform for me. This site should be capable of linking SKU's and should include all necessary features for an online store. Key Requirements: - An easy-to-navigate shopping cart and checkout process - A section for customer reviews - Search and filter options to help customers find their perfect golf ball - Variants on product for different grades of golf balls and their amounts e.g. 1 type of golf may have different amounts people can order. Those quantities need to be linked on the variants - An advanced management system to keep track of inventory and sales Additionally, the site will need to be integrated with: - Secure and reliable payment gateways - An efficien...

    $220 Average bid
    $220 Oferta medie
    160 oferte

    I need help uploading 300 items onto my Shopify store. The products are categorized by category and involve 15-20 different product types, so a lot of the work will be repetitive. Your tasks will include: - Sorting through a library of images ba...supplier. - Uploading products and filling in specific attributes, primarily price and description. Ideal skills include: - Previous experience with Shopify. - Attention to detail for sorting images and filling in product information accurately. - Basic understanding of price and product description formatting. The project needs to be completed within 2 days. Products will not require any variant options. Tags are not needed for this project. Organize the products by product type on the store. Additionally, SKUs need to be added for eac...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Oferta medie
    105 oferte

    I'm the author of "Britney Spears, Qazaq Bride" and I'm looking for a talented team to help me create and launch a memecoin based on my book. This coin, tentatively called BSQB, will be developed on the Ton blockchain. Key Responsibilities: - **Coin Development:** The primary focus will be on creating a unique, engaging memecoin with governance options. Previous experience with coin development is crucial. - **Game Development:** In conjunction with the coin development, a tap-to-earn game featuring mini-games for coin promotion will need to be created. The ideal team will have extensive experience in blockchain and cryptocurrency, with a strong portfolio of prior coin launches. A passion for my story and an understanding of its viral meme potential will be k...

    $40000 Average bid
    $40000 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    ...and management practices. - Analysis Objectives: The ultimate goal is to identify areas for improvement, measure the impact on productivity, and enhance employee satisfaction. - Employee Benefits: Evaluating the impact of health insurance, retirement plans, and bonuses on productivity and satisfaction. - Work-Life Balance: Assessing the influence of flexibility in work hours and remote working options on employee wellbeing and productivity. - Training Programs: Investigating the role of professional development opportunities and training in improving productivity and employee contentment. - Assessing the role of mental health support programs in enhancing employee wellbeing and productivity. Ideal candidates should be proficient in data analysis, with a strong background in inte...

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Oferta medie
    37 oferte