Best web design 2015proiecte
Sunt în căutare de un editor video, de preferat din Romania, pentru realizare de filmulețe Best moment's pentru nunta. Doresc ca rezultatul final sa fie cat mai cinematic. Colorizare nu este obligatorie, o voi face eu. Aștept ofertele voastre împreună cu un portofoliu real și relevând cerințelor.
proiect de marketing pt Universitea Spiru Haret - 15 pagini in Limba Romana Examenul final la disciplina Proiecte de marketing constă în elaborarea unui proiect de cercetare, pe o temă la alegerea studentului, din domeniul marketing. Proiectul trebuie incarcat in platforma Blackboard pana in ziua examenului, 12.02.2021, ora 16, ...Editura Publica Bucureşti, 2010. Kotler P., Armstrong G., Principiile marketingului, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2004. Răboacă, Gheorghe; Ciucur, Dumitru, Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice economice, ediţia a III-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2006. Vrânceanu D., Rolul eticii în deciziile de marketing în Revista de Marketing (online), vol I, nr.3, p.28-37, 2015, accesibil la
Doresc o evaluare a unui site prestashop realizat in 2015, aducere la zi si introducere de noi functionalitati. Doresc si creare de aplicatii IOS si Android pt. acest site.
Domeniile in care se incadreaza acest studiu: turism; drept comercial. Limba în care va fi scris: română Număr de pagini capitol: 50 de pagini. Data limită la care trebuie să fie gata proiectul: 6 sept. 2020 Contactează-mă pentru detalii.
...269 - 273) - română (traducerea în limba română nu este publicată momentan) Apelul național la propuneri de proiecte Erasmus+ Ghid de management al proiectelor Erasmus+ de mobilități în domeniul tineretului 2015 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2015 (în paranteză sunt paginile relevante pentru proiectele de mobilități) - în limba engleză (paginile 30 - 85, 207 - 232) - în limba română (atenție, în cazul în care există discrepanțe între cele două versiuni, va prevala conținutul celei din limba engleză) Apelul Național la Propuneri de Proiecte 2015 Toate documentele relevante pentru anul 2015 la toate acțiunile sunt disponibile aici. 2014 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2014 (în paranteză sun...
Bun cunoscător al limbii române Bun cunoscător ZOOM Abilități de actor Abilități de jurnalist online Abilități de marketing digital Abilități de bun comunicator
Bună, phpmaestro. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Ma numesc Stefan Mazilu si din 2015 detin CoMas Advertising, firma de publicitate prin care asiguram aproape intreg necesarul unei companii din punct de vedere de publicitate/branding lucrand la nivel international si national. Pe scurt, avem un proiect acum care necesita 1/2 persoane care sa introduca si/sau modifice produse in modulul de administrare al un magazin on-line. Clientul nostru are foarte multe produse ce trebuiesc ajustate astfel. Estimativ job-ul ar dura 2 luni cu un necesar de munca de aproximativ 7-8 ore/zi (depinde de cat de rapid lucrati - daca ar fi prea mult pt o persoana, putem sa divizam munca cu o alta). Nu este greu, doar trebuie atentie. V-am pune la dispozitie un catalog cu adnotarile clientului, link-uri catre paginile furnizorilor de unde ai prelua text...
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza integrarea TecDocului (minim 2015) in wordpress/prestashop/magento . Ma intereseaza sa extrag numai baza de date Opel din Tecdoc,(coloana;cod piesa,info articol,nume piesa,poza articol,poza brand). - De asemenea este foarte important sa pot edita categoriile/subcategoriile,sa adaug articole manual/automat. - cautare articole dupa denumire dupa ce userul a ales masina, WebDesign reponsive - Html5 - ccss type -knockoutjs -bootstrap dependency management -cross browser Internet explorer minim V9 Astept un raspuns. Multumesc,
Am nevoie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 7000 de firme .Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese sau sunt in insolventa si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar . Va rog nu licitati daca nu aveti timp de lucru si bugetul maxim este de 30$.
Ne ocupam de dezvoltarea unei retele de socializare aparte, bazata pe pasiuni si interese comune. Cautam un coleg super creativ, care isi doreste sa faca parte, dintr-un proiect ambitios.
Completare date in fisier excel pentru 2000 de firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar
Modelarea unei arme din jocul Destiny trebuie sa aiba cat mai mule detalii si sa fie apoi impartita pe mai multe parti fiecare cu macar o suprafata plata si maxim dimensiunea de 20 cm. Trebuie sa poate fi printata pe o imprimanta 3d.
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email.
Buna tuturor, Detin o mica afacere de START-UP cu o cifra de afaceri de 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tarile din vest ! Fiind un Start-up, dupa cum bine stiti, nu sunt bani de investit, insa impreuna, cu o mica echipa formata din cateva persoane cu diverse abilitati am putea avea succes ! Ce cred eu ca este de facut? Un site de vanzari RCA + blog . SEO on page/off page, landing page etc. O aplicatie pt mobil pt comenzi asig. Promovare adwords, facebook , youtube, google+ Creatie de content pt blog si pt retele social media. Administrare site, blog, fb, youtube,google+ Cateva postari video + text + foto constant in ...
A price comparison website, with a good script tailored to our specific needs.
This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star rating and an excellent review. In May 2015, we have summarized the gambling laws from 225 countries of the world into this table For each country, we found the law for land-based casinos, online casino law for operators, and online casino law for players. For Romania, we have noted that there is no penalty for ordinary players gambling online. In support of this claim we have found the following sources: Având în vedere "Scrisoare de punere în întârziere - încălcarea nr. 2013/4216" a Comisiei Europene, prin care "se atrage atenţia asupra anumitor dispoziţii din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 77/2009 privind organizarea şi exploatarea
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Aplicatia Pixendr versiounea 1.0 va fi lansata luni, 15 iunie 2015. Caut un al doilea developer pt diferite task-uri de upgrade. Exista un iOS dev deja dar a devenit extrem de ocupat. o scurta idee despre ce face aplicatia pe
...noastre: tricou, pantalon, geaca, vesta, rucsac, manusi, etc) optimizat SEO - limba engleza cu posibilitatea traducerii in mai multe limbi pagini pe retele de socializare o campanie de promovare a site-ului in toata lumea, desigur nu in toata lumea o data, ci cu o planificare astfel incat sa avem un buget de promovare acceptabil. Asteptam propunerile dumneavoastra pana cel tarziu luna mai 2015,...
...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...
...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...
...sper una realista - fiind de a aparea pe prima pagina de rezultate Google dupa 3 luni la cautarea sintagmelor "tabere internationale", "tabere anglia", "tabere de vara", "tabere 2015" etc.) Logo: Nu sunt sigur daca vreau sa apara si "AMG" in logo, depinde de cum arata mai bine. Nu vreau sa fie rotund (gen stampila) si in principiu as vrea sa se foloseasca dintre culorile: alb/argintiu, auriu/galben, albastru/bleu marin, negru. Aceleasi culori si la design-ul site-ului, pentru a avea o unitate. In niciun caz nu rosu sau verde. Important este sa fie vizual atractiv si nu complicat. Site: Imi doresc un site cu design simplu, aerisit, fara multe bannere (cum este cazul la majoritatea site-urilor agentiilor de tur...
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer to enhance the user experience and in...designer to enhance the user experience and interface of my existing HTML and CSS website. Main Goal: The primary aim of the redesign is to improve user engagement. This could involve making the site more intuitive, enjoyable to use, or interactive. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in UI/UX design principles and practices - Experience with HTML and CSS - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies - Ability to translate user needs into design solutions Please note that this project does not involve addressing any specific user feedback, as I have not yet gathered detailed responses to that question. Therefore, your expertise and creativity will large...
I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer to enhance the user experience and in...designer to enhance the user experience and interface of my existing HTML and CSS website. Main Goal: The primary aim of the redesign is to improve user engagement. This could involve making the site more intuitive, enjoyable to use, or interactive. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in UI/UX design principles and practices - Experience with HTML and CSS - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies - Ability to translate user needs into design solutions Please note that this project does not involve addressing any specific user feedback, as I have not yet gathered detailed responses to that question. Therefore, your expertise and creativity will large...
...a niche experiment, Bitcoin gained traction as tech enthusiasts recognized its potential to challenge traditional financial systems. Its unique features—decentralization, immutability, and scarcity (with a capped supply of 21 million coins)—laid the foundation for a new asset class. Following Bitcoin’s success, alternative cryptocurrencies, or “altcoins,” began to emerge. Ethereum, launched in 2015, expanded the possibilities of blockchain technology by introducing smart contracts—self-executing contracts that automate agreements without intermediaries. This innovation paved the way for decentralized applications (dApps) and tokenized ecosystems. How Cryptocurrencies Work At the core of every cryptocurrency lies blockchain technology. A bloc...
India's biggest store getsetwild is giving best quality anal toys for men and women at an affordable price. Shop for original and branded anal toys with fast delivery from GetSetWild. Here you can get many anal toys such as anal beads, butt plug, prostate massager, etc. GetSetWild provides 24hr customer service. One can WhatsApp at 8122309316 anytime. Visit now:
...the impact of that change to the policing-management of ‘terrorism’ and its impacts upon wider civil society. NOTE: NON-AUSTRALIAN EXAMPLES ARE ACCEPTABLE. Some examples of areas of focus can include: Intensive screening of asylum seekers and migrants for ‘terrorism-related’ connections Meta-data retention laws (e.g., Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015 (Cth)) Dual citizenship-stripping of returning foreign fighters Increased surveillance and questioning powers over Australian citizens (such as those afforded to ASIO) Journalism, disclosure of information about counter-terrorism operations and free speech Preventative detention orders in Victoria Commonwealth ‘Terrorist Act’ offences ...
We are looking for a freelancer with basic skills in listing products on Amazon and Best Buy, as well as updating the product listings on our website. The key responsibilities will include: - Listing new products on Amazon and Best Buy with accurate information (titles, descriptions, prices, etc.). - Updating product details on our website to ensure consistency across platforms. - Running successful campaigns for the listed products to drive sales and visibility. The role could either be a monthly payment arrangement or based on the specific services required. We are a wholesale company specializing in computer and laptop parts, and we need someone who can manage this process efficiently.
...potential investors and stakeholders. Below are the specific tasks, objectives, and design values for each visual component: 1. Infographics: - Tokenization Process: - Objective: Illustrate the steps involved in tokenizing an asset to clarify the process for readers. - Design Values: Use a flowchart format with arrows to indicate the flow of steps, incorporating simple icons for each stage (e.g., valuation, legal compliance, issuance, trading). Color code each step to enhance visual clarity. - Investment Journey: - Objective: Depict the typical journey of an investor on the platform, highlighting key features and benefits at each stage (e.g., onboarding, trading, earning rewards). - Design Values: Use a linear timeline or circular layout w...
...potential investors and stakeholders. Below are the specific tasks, objectives, and design values for each visual component: 1. Infographics: - Tokenization Process: - Objective: Illustrate the steps involved in tokenizing an asset to clarify the process for readers. - Design Values: Use a flowchart format with arrows to indicate the flow of steps, incorporating simple icons for each stage (e.g., valuation, legal compliance, issuance, trading). Color code each step to enhance visual clarity. - Investment Journey: - Objective: Depict the typical journey of an investor on the platform, highlighting key features and benefits at each stage (e.g., onboarding, trading, earning rewards). - Design Values: Use a linear timeline or circular layout w...
I'm looking for a professional logo designer who can creatively design a logo for my brand, BEST FONTS. SEEEEEEEEEEE attachments for a selection of ideas
...- Experience with the Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method - Aerospace engineering background I have detailed data available for the flapping wing design, which will be provided upon project commencement. The ideal freelancer will be able to not only develop the code, but also provide insights based on the analysis of the results. References: 1. Verstraete, M. L., Roccia, B. A., Mook, D. T., & Preidikman, S. (2019). A co-simulation methodology to simulate the nonlinear aeroelastic behavior of a folding-wing concept in different flight configurations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98, 907-927. 2. Verstraete, M. L., Preidikman, S., Roccia, B. A., & Mook, D. T. (2015). A numerical model to study the nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamics of bioinspired morphing-wing concepts. Internat...
...Title: CMQ/OE and ISO 9001:2015 Trainer We are seeking an experienced trainer to deliver high-quality training sessions on Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) and ISO 9001:2015. The ideal candidate will possess in-depth knowledge of ASQ (American Society for Quality) for CMQ/OE and IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) for ISO 9001:2015. Responsibilities: - Deliver training sessions on CMQ/OE and/or ISO 9001:2015 - Develop and maintain training materials and course content - Conduct training needs assessments and evaluations - Provide guidance and support to participants Requirements: - Proven experience in training and/or auditing for CMQ/OE and/or ISO 9001:2015 - In-depth knowledge of ASQ for CMQ/OE and ...
...description for a CMQ/OE and ISO 9001:2015 trainer: Job Title: CMQ/OE and ISO 9001:2015 Trainer We are seeking an experienced trainer to deliver high-quality training sessions on Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) and ISO 9001:2015. The ideal candidate will possess in-depth knowledge of ASQ (American Society for Quality) for CMQ/OE and IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) for ISO 9001:2015. Responsibilities: - Deliver training sessions on CMQ/OE and/or ISO 9001:2015 - Develop and maintain training materials and course content - Conduct training needs assessments and evaluations - Provide guidance and support to participants Requirements: - Proven experience in training and/or auditing for CMQ/OE and/or ...
I'm looking for a professional and creative graphic designer to refine and finalize my logo concept for 'Mariner's Best Bites'. The logo currently features a silhouette of a dog standing beside ocean waves, enclosed in a circular nautical rope border, with an elegant serif font. Key Requirements: - Incorporate seashells into the dog silhouette with ocean waves - Maintain the premium, coastal feel with the color scheme of navy blue and sand beige - Create a visually appealing and memorable logo Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in logo design - Strong understanding of brand identity - Proficiency in graphic design software - Creative and innovative thinker - Excellent communication skills to understand and implement feedback
Candidate Selection 12-29-2024 All payments will go through this platform. 1) For the best and the brightest only: You will join a high-tech startup company registered in the US. As a part-time, work from home position. This is an effort to find a few needles in a haystack. You should visit our website EmmaFoundation dot net 2) Budget $100.00/month or $25.00/week (Part-time), fix price small project by project basis that will be determined later. 3) In addition to the above compensation, at the end of each quarter, you will also get a few shares of the company that have the potential to be valued to many hundreds of thousands of dollars even in millions of dollars in a few years when this company goes public. 4) Harsh Truth: 90% of the freelancers on almost all online platf...
I'm seeking a professional content writer to help articulate my journey and achievements for a "Best Manager" nomination. Key Focus Areas: - Leadership Milestones: Highlight my key leadership milestones throughout my career that demonstrate my capabilities and potential. - Skills and Qualities: Emphasize my problem-solving skills, communication skills, and innovative thinking. The tone of the content should be professional, showcasing my achievements and skills in a manner befitting a managerial nomination. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in professional writing and a good understanding of corporate leadership narratives. Experience in writing nomination materials or similar content is a plus.
I need an experienced structural engineer to analyze a self-supporting steel chimney, 60m in height, having top diameter 4m and base diameter 6.4m(flared) for wind load in STAAD pro software. This involves various wind speeds: 33m/s, 39m/s, 44m/s, 47m/s, 50m/s, and 55m/s. ...Considering the use of copper-bearing steel, which should last for 20 years - Chimney is unprotected externally but internally 100mm thick fire brick lining is provided inside. - Accounting for wind load as per IS 875 - Terrain category 2 is considered Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Profound knowledge of structural engineering and wind load analysis - Familiarity with IS 6533 and IS 875- 2015 standards - Experience with copper-bearing steel - Proficient in using engineering software for structural...
I'm seeking a professional content writer to help articulate my journey and achievements for a "Best Manager" nomination. Key Focus Areas: - Leadership Milestones: Highlight my key leadership milestones throughout my career that demonstrate my capabilities and potential. - Skills and Qualities: Emphasize my problem-solving skills, communication skills, and innovative thinking. The tone of the content should be professional, showcasing my achievements and skills in a manner befitting a managerial nomination. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in professional writing and a good understanding of corporate leadership narratives. Experience in writing nomination materials or similar content is a plus.
Best Content Writing Services for website pages
Hey, are you interested in creating the next best trading robot, producing an average consistent weekly roi of 100%-500% (risking 5% per trade, not the typical 1%), based on very advanced smc smart money concepts / lit liquidity inducement trap theorem concepts / algo-trading concepts? I have 15+ years of trading experience/competence (with sound knowledge regarding technical analysis, psychology, and risk management). I have spent $30k+ cad on various forex-related expenses: online forex courses / mentorship/coaching programs (manual discretionary trading vs mechanical/algorithmic trading), EAs (i.e. algorithmic softwares) / indicators (paid pre-built vs custom-built/customized), signal services, personal prop firm challenge passing / personal prop firm account management services...
I'm in need of the volume data for Nifty 50 Futures on a 5 minute interval from 2015 to 2019. The data should be delivered in CSV format, as it will be used for a machine learning model. Ideal Skills: - Data extraction - Understanding of financial data - Proficiency in CSV formatting Experience: - Prior experience with stock market data - Machine learning model input preparation
El proyecto requiere el perfil de Desarrollador-Ingeniero-Sistemas-IT, proficiente en el uso de: +Uso hablado y escrito de Español-México +Previo conocimiento desarrollando sitios-web con Wordpress +Previo conocimiento usando funcionalidades de Divi +Capaz de trabajar en ambiente de Hosting Privado. Hosting, NO basado en proveedores populares como: o Alcance de proyecto: A) Edición de contenido de formato texto; siendo este mismo, reemplazado por texto proporcionado por el cliente. B) Edición de contenido de formato imagen; siendo este mismo, reemplazado por imagenes (.jpeg, .png) proporcionadas por el cliente. C) Creación de una nueva sección; para mostrar y dar opción al visitante del sitio, de informarse acerca de even...
STABILITY & LONG TERM AMERICAN JOB We are interviewing a VA who writes properly WITHOUT AI and pays attention to details. The pay is weekly for 42 hrs a week. When you calculate the monthly pay, remember that there are 4.3 weeks in a month. Please answer (DO NOT USE AI AS WE WANT TO LEARN ABOUT YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAILS): 1. Can you work 4pm to 1am EST (MON-FRI) and 5 hrs on Sat? 2. Can you work fast and aggressive NY style? 3. What size monitor in inches do you use? 4. Can you write proper grammar constantly? 5. Explain your social media abilities? 6. What else should we know about you (attach CV if you can)
Membuat proyek berbasis seafood bisa menjadi ide yang menarik, terutama karena makanan laut memiliki banyak penggemar. Berikut beberapa ide proyek seafood yang bisa Anda coba: 1. Restoran atau Warung Seafood • Konsep Unik: Buka restoran dengan tema seafood bakar, seafood saus pedas, atau seafood segar dengan gaya prasmanan. • Menu Andalan: Udang saus padang, kerang hijau bakar, kepiting lada hitam, dan cumi goreng tepung. • Lokasi: Pilih area dekat pantai, pelabuhan, atau daerah dengan banyak pengunjung. 2. Food Truck Seafood • Sajikan menu cepat saji seperti fish and chips, shrimp rolls, atau tacos seafood. • Fokus pada lokasi strategis seperti dekat taman, kampus, atau area perkantoran. 3. Produk Seafood Beku • Buat lini produk seafood beku seper...