Battery science fair projects for 6th gradeproiecte
Necesitatam o aplicatie Interna pentru activitatea unei Asociatii care ofera si Terapie & Servicii aplicatie trebuie sa regaseasca un Program Integrat care sa aiba si cateva functii , Posibilitatea de Feedback in cadrul aplicatiei , useri vor fi atat Clienti dar si angajati cu diferite grade de acces , cateva departamente , CRM cu anumite functii.
...framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available for download by a broader audience. This update is crucial not ...
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...statut juridic, firma, pfa etc, din Romania, in vederea realizarii unor figurine in baza unor desene realizate de mana sau cu tableta. Înălțimea figurinei printate ar fi de 5-10-15 cm, în funcție de complexitatea detaliilor. Ne interesează doar modelarea 3D si pregatirea fișierelor pentru print. Avem o imprimanta 3D Ultimaker 2+ pe care o putem utiliza pentru imprimare. Atasez câteva exemple pe grade de complexitate diferite. Ar fi ideal dacă ați putea să faceți o cotație de preț pentru fiecare variantă ca să putem lua o decizie mai potrivită. Intenția noastră este de a realiza o serie de figurine, pe care să le comercializăm ulterior pe site-ul nostru, prin urmare drepturile de autor vor fi cesionate total și exclusiv către societatea noastră. Dacă mai sunt ...
Sunt mai multe programe (20) scrise in Delphi 2010 interconectate cu o baza de date. Programele preiau date nu de la tastatura ci de la accesorii prin intermediul unei interfete ARDUIONO UNO pe port USB.
Salutare, Vreau seo pentru 10 grade pentru site ul meu. Cele 10 grade vreau sa imi urce site ul in primele pozitii din prima pagina.
In interfata grafica ar trebui sa se introduca date pentru a se afisa, intr-un grafic, 2 cercuri intr-un mediu 3D (x,y,z), cu ajutorul formulelor urmatoare: x=r*cos(teta)+x0 y=r*sin(teta)cos(phi)+y0 z=-r*sin(teta)sin(phi)+z0 Theta trebuie sa varieze intre 0 si 360 de grade. Datele de intrare in GUI: x0=.. y0=.. z0=.. r=.. phi=.. Phi reprezinta inclinarea in jurul axei OX. Este un unghi fix dat (intre 0 si 90).
Salutare, am o pagina de prezentare facuta in wordpress, la care este nevoie de adugarea unui shop , shopul trebuie sa fie complet functional , sa includa un plug inn de tip reteta , acest plug in ...pentru inserarea valorilor dioptrice a ochelariilor sau a lentilelor de contact (produse vandute) , pe langa asta ar trebui sa fie ca un configurator . Ochelarii emporio armani click pe produs(poza 1) Butonul adauga in cos apasat(poza2) "Retetarul" valorile trebuie scrise sub forma , campul 1 "+sau- 2.25" , , campul 2 asemenea , iar ultimul dintre campuri trebuie completat cu valori intre 0 si 180 grade , "ax" Pt a intelege cat mai bine functionalitatea , recomand o simulare de a cumpara un produs ochelari de vedere (nu de soare) din magazinul virtual lens...
Salut am nevoie sa modific un frimware pentru o camera PTZ - Panasonic AW-HE130. Trebuie modificata doar viteza de rotatie pe cele 2 axe(Pan-Tilt) de la maxim 60 grade pe secunda la 120 grade pe secunda!
Am nevoie de un calcul fizico-chimic-termodinamic in .xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de ing...xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de inghet al apei- care este solvent in acest caz -diluate cu sare ( 1% , 2% .... ) in functie de presiune. Adica in excel, sa se poata schimba ori cantitatea de sare din apa, ori/si presiunea la care este supus lichidul (bar), si rezultatul va fi un punct de inghet in grade Celsius. Calculul trebuie sa fie unul serios. Pentru verificare este si un site (care nu stiu cat de corect functioneaza) :
Vreau render fotorealist pentru piese de mobilier care urmeaza sa fie promovate pe un site. Imagini si 360 grade. Vi se ofera model 3D in Autocad 2016 (DWG)
Hello! I am looking for a native romanian speaker to help me with an essay. It is about management. The task is a better (ideal) management system starting from the most representative (Anglo Saxon, Japanese, American). The due date is on Monday, the 6th of May. The essay has to have between 7 to 10 pages in word. Thank you! Buna! Este vorba despre un eseu despre un sistem de management mai bun (ideal) pornind de la cele mai reprezentative ( anglo saxon, japonez, american ). Deadlineul este până pe 6 mai. Intre 7 -10 pagini in word.
...Clientul final trebuie sa dispuna de posibilitatea de a incepe cu modelele de casa baza personalizand modelul in functie de dorintele proprii si in baza fiecarei optiuni alese sa se schimbe in timp real pretul. Dispun deja de modelele 3D ale caselor precum si optiunile lor(culori,tipuri de usi,ferestre,garaj,terasa,etc.). Configurata casa si optiunile ei, clientul poate vizualiza renderul la 360 de grade si ne poate trimite cererea de contact pentru aceasta. Imediat ce este completat formularul de contact, atat clientul cat si administratorul proiectului primesc un email informativ si un pdf continand detaliile alese precum si pretul plus datele de contact. Cautam o persoana sau societate cu experienta pentru a stabili un raport de colaborare de lunga durata. Astept cu nerabd...
Caut programator pentru o colaborare in mai multe proiecte, eventual angajare, preferabil din Bucuresti.
Pentru un site deja existent, facut pe un sablon wordpress, am nevoie de codul pentru 3 butoane (3 preturi fixe diferite) pentru plati recurente prin euplatesc sau mobilpay. Partea un pic complicata e urmatoarea: trebuie implementat cu facilitatea "First month free" adica clientul va introduce cardul, cardul este validat, dar tragerea efectiva de pe card incepe abia din ziua a...este validat, dar tragerea efectiva de pe card incepe abia din ziua a 31-a. Ulterior, administrarea recurentelor trebuie facuta de noi. Cei de la Euplatesc m-au asigurat ca se poate, insa nu vor sa ma ajute si discutia cu ei este extrem de lenta si greoaie. E o facilitate destul de standard oferita de mai toti procesatorii internationali (paypal, braintree, 2checkout etc.), dar se pare ca in RO e Scie...
Proiectarea unui brat robotic/robot cu patru grade de libertate
Desired Qualifications: • Minimum of 5 years of experience with PHP, Zen Framework, MySQL, HMTL5, JavaScript (JQuery), Linux • Strong experience in developing, building, and deploying XML and SOAP; ability to think in OOP • Excellent ...Qualifications: • Minimum of 5 years of experience with PHP, Zen Framework, MySQL, HMTL5, JavaScript (JQuery), Linux • Strong experience in developing, building, and deploying XML and SOAP; ability to think in OOP • Excellent organizational, problem solving and communicative skills • Ability to pay high attention to detail while juggling multiple projects at a time • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team • BS degree in Computer Science, or equivalent or in related fi...
Salutare, vreau si eu un program de PWM cu interfata pentru Arduine DUE si care sa stie urmatoarele: -4 sau 6 semnale max de PWM la care sa se poate controla unghiul de faza dintre ele, de la 0-360 grade si cu feedback sa nu se intrepatrunda semnalele (overshoot) -sa mearga pana la frecventa maxima de 20 mhz cat poate sa scoata DUE semnal curat -sa pot seta si duty cycle de la 0 la 255 si in durata gen 100-200-300,.,,,500 ns si sa pot seta si pauza intre semnale;
...DESCRIEREA APLICAȚIEI Aplicaţia este creată pentru a-i ajuta pe copii să învețe adunarea şi scăderea într-un mod plăcut. Aplicaţia poate fi divizată în două mari părţi: 1. jocul propriu-zis destinat copiilor 2. partea de monitorizare a rezultatelor şi progreselor destinat părinților și profesorilor. Atât modulul de exerciţii de adunare cât şi cel de scădere cuprind câte 5 tipuri de exerciţii cu grade de dificultate diferite. Un utilizator poate debloca un alt set de exerciţii (un alt nivel), atunci când a răspuns corect la toate cele 10 întrebari din setul precedent. Iniţial, la înregistrarea unui nou utilizator, acesta are deblocate primul nivel de adunare şi primul nivel de scădere. Fiecare întrebare din joc e...
...scrie un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari: starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data; descendentii unei persoane specificate; daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg); construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana. Cerinte de implementare: Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor; Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor; Tratarea exceptiilor; ...
...un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari: -starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data; -descendentii unei persoane specificate; -daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg); - construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana *Cerinte de implementare: -Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor; -Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor; -Tratarea exceptiilor...
Salut...imi poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog nevoie de putin ajutor si tu ai calitatile necesare :).....
Salut...imi poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog nevoie de putin ajutor si tu ai calitatile necesare :).....
Caut cavaleri Jedi ai limbii române pentru o revistă online "dot com" care știu să se documenteze și să trateze cu umor subiecte tabu în societatea românescă. Articolele vor fi publicate inițial în românește pe site-ul revistei .ro, apoi vor fi postate: -Cum să te desparți de o minoră -De ce familia ta e de căcat -Cele mai bune site-uri de torrente -Cum s-a transformat câinele din lup în chihuahuah -Bitcoin-viitorul banilor? -Locuri unde să ascunzi droguri în casă -Cum să cumperi droguri de pe net și să nu fi prins-un ghid cu imagini -5 filme in care gagicile nu vin la gara Alte subiecte care pot fi atinse: Cool Science, Porn, Videogames. Va multumesc și aștept propunerile voastre de subiecte ca s... Linux, pe care l-au prezentat producatorilor de telefoane mobile și operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă, cu perspectiva de a asigura un sistem flexibil, upgradabil.[necesită citare] Google a raportat că a aliniat deja o serie de parteneri producători de componente hardware și software la noul concept, și a semnalat operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă că era deschis la diferite grade de cooperare din partea acestora.[12][13][14] Mai multe speculații că Google ar fi putut intra pe piața telefoniei mobile au apărut în decembrie 2006.[15] Rapoarte de la BBC și Wall Street Journal au remarcat faptul că Google își dorea căutarea web și aplicațiile sale pe telefoane mobile și că lucra din greu către acest țel. Presa și siturile de știri au publicat curâ...
Salut,nnAm vazut proiectul tau, si vreau sa te ajut. Crezi ca ma poti angaja? :)nPretul il stabilesti tu.
The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata unjustly.
...general purpose, pentru scopuri generale). Calculatoarele actuale nu sunt doar mașini de prelucrat informații, ci și dispozitive care facilitează comunicația între doi sau mai mulți utilizatori, de exemplu sub formă de numere, text, imagini, sunet sau video sau chiar toate deodată (multimedia). Știința prelucrării informațiilor cu ajutorul calculatoarelor se numește informatică (engleză Computer Science). Tehnologia necesară pentru folosirea lor poartă numele Tehnologia Informației, prescurtat TI sau IT (de la termenul englezesc Information Technology). În principiu, orice calculator care deține un anumit set minimum de funcții (altfel spus, care poate emula o mașină Turing) poate îndeplini funcțiile oricărui alt asemenea calculator, indiferent că este vorba d...
Am nevoie de 5 pagini traduse din Engleza in Romana. Traducerea trebuie sa aiba diacriticele necesare. Deadline: 24 de ore din momentul acordarii proiectului. Este un text rocket science. Buget de 3$ pe pagina. Happy bidding!
I'm seeking a part-time graphic designer skilled in creating posters, billboards, and pamphlets for my Electric Two-Wheeler retail business. The initial task will be designing a graphic poster. The primary aim of this poster is to highlight the features of our electric two-wheelers, specifically focusing on: - Battery life - Speed and performance Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in designing similar promotional materials, with a knack for visually communicating product features in an engaging way. Experience in the automotive or eco-friendly sectors would be a plus.
...backend services. • Enhance UI/UX based on feedback. • Debug and improve existing functionality. • Optimize for scalability and performance. Requirements: • 10+ years of experience in web development. • Expertise in React, Redux, TypeScript, and modern frontend development. • Strong understanding of REST APIs, WebSockets, and real-time data handling. • Experience with CRM platforms, inventory systems, or scheduling applications is a plus. • Ability to write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. • Teams and development agencies are welcome to apply. Preferred Skills: • Familiarity with Node.js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, or AWS. • Experience with enterprise-grade applications and SaaS developme...
...necessary equipment for an online job where I plug a radio or phone into a camera for sound. This project involves video recording sports events. Key Requirements: - Expertise in sports event recording - Knowledge of suitable equipment for various distances - Understanding of how to connect audio output from a phone to the camera - Knowledge of wireless audio solutions. - Expertise in managing power supply and battery life for prolonged shooting. - Experience with weather-resistant equipment suitable for outdoor sports events. - Understanding of live streaming setups and requirements. - Proficiency in syncing audio from multiple sources with video. - Knowledge of equipment with night mode and low-light capabilities. - Understanding of using au...
...and a radio to any type of camera (DSLR, mirrorless, or camcorder) for sound capture during live events. The connection can be either wired or wireless. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency with various camera types - Expertise in audio equipment and connections - Experience with both wired and wireless setups - Knowledge of how to ensure high sound quality for live events - Knowledge of efficient battery solutions for prolonged live event coverage. - Skills in setting up redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted sound capture. - Experience in managing latency issues to ensure synchronized audio-video during live events. - Expertise in using lightweight and portable sound and camera equipment for mobile event coverage...
I am seeking a freelancer to assist with completing a series of reflective learning assignments, where I must create two projects for each of the following subjects: Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science. The deliverables will primarily be in PDF and PowerPoint formats. Math: • A hand-made brochure showcasing real-life applications of trigonometry (to be made on A4 paper, submitted as PDF). • A PowerPoint presentation on a related topic (guidance video provided). Biology: • A journal documenting seed germination under various conditions (lack of light, water, oxygen, or temperature) (to be made on A4 paper, submitted as PDF). • A PowerPoint presentation on a video-based topic. Chemistry: • A leaflet on the rusting of iron (t...
...Title: Web App Development for SlidePedia – Digital Presentation Library ? Project Description: We are looking for an experienced web developer or development team to build SlidePedia, a digital presentation library where users (teachers, students, and parents) can browse, filter, and access educational presentation templates. The project will include: ✅ User-friendly UI/UX with a modern, engaging design ✅ Library system to categorize presentations by grade level, subject, and type ✅ Search & filtering for quick access to presentations ✅ Integration with Canva (users should be able to open templates directly in Canva) ✅ Download options (PDF/PPT) for users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving favorite ...
I'm looking for someone to analyze an academic paper focused on the energy sector within the realm of science. The analysis should specifically cover the experimental results presented in the paper. Key Requirements: - Expertise in the energy sector of science. - Strong skills in analyzing experimental results. - Ability to provide clear and concise interpretations of findings. Task: - Understand the method that undergoes in the following research paper - Write the maths that goes from the data till the results step by step on paper and send the pdf - After that make an excel for conducting such step by step maths The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in science, specifically the energy sector, and can demons...
We are seeking a talented graphic designer to join our team for various creative projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing innovative designs and a keen eye for detail. You will be responsible for creating v isually appealing graphics for print and digital media, collaborating with our marketing team, and delivering high-quality work within deadlines. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and a solid understanding of current design trends are essential. If you are passionate about design and ready to make an impact, we would love to hear from you!
I'm looking for someone to transform a PDF science book into a question-and-answer format suitable for the Remnote app. The questions should be designed for an intermediate understanding of the material and all answers should be in short answer format. Key Requirements: - Proficient with the Remnote app - Excellent comprehension and summarization skills - Ability to create engaging short-answer questions from the book - Strong attention to detail to ensure accuracy in the transformation process. Ideal experience includes: - Prior work converting material into interactive learning formats - Familiarity with science subject matter at an intermediate level - Experience with the Remnote app or similar spaced repetition software.
I need someone to attend the 48th Iraq International Fair in Baghdad from February 1st to 7th, to collect the event catalog. The catalog contains the names of the exhibitors. Your task will be to send the catalog to my address in Morocco. If you are able to arrange to receive the electronic catalog, that would also be fine. Please note that I do not require photos or additional information about the fair or exhibitors, just the catalog.
I'm looking for a talented content creator with a knack for innovative and futuristic writing. The content will be used to showcase our Lithium-based solar UPS inverter on Amazon, targeting Domestic and small business owners and shop owners in areas where electricity cuts are more prominent. Key Features to Highlight: - High energy efficiency - Long battery life - Smart connectivity - Compact design - Environmentally friendly - High energy delivery capabilities The goal is to create appealing, efficient, and persuasive content that effectively communicates our product's unique features and benefits to potential customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product content creation, particularly for tech or home improvement products...
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Scope of Shop Architectural Drawings for Landscape Project 1. General Overview - Project Description: Construction of a landscape feature including a rounded planter with a floating bench, attached to two concrete steel reinforced retaining walls. This includes plumbing, electrical, precise metalwork, and concrete footings. - Location: This feature will be situated in the corner of the yard. - Renderings: Provide very detailed photo renderings of the landscape feature to visually represent the final design. 2. Site Layout Plan - Drawing Details: Provide an overall site layout indicating the exact location of the landscape feature in the corner of the yard. Include dimensions, orientation, and any relevant site features. 3. Planter and Bench Details - Rounded Planter: - Materia...
**The Mismanagement and Corruption in UK Government-Funded Projects** Government-funded projects in the UK have long been marred by mismanagement, corruption, and an outrageous waste of taxpayers’ money. While the media focuses on headline-grabbing figures—such as the £100 million spent on a bat tunnel for HS2—the real issue lies deeper. The inefficiency, poorly drafted contracts, and blatant profiteering at every level result in financial losses amounting to billions. ### **Mismanagement in Infrastructure Projects** One of the most shocking examples of mismanagement is the construction of multiple HS2 bridges being installed incorrectly. Reports from industry insiders confirm that at least two or three bridges had to be demolished an...
I'm seeking an expert in academic networking and promotion to increase the citations of my published research paper in the field of Human Science, Technology and Microbiology. Key Tasks: - Promote my journal article to relevant academic circles - Use effective strategies to enhance visibility and citation rate Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in academic promotion - Strong understanding of Science and Technology field - Excellent networking skills Tell me how many citations you can realistically get.
I'm looking for a board game designer who can help create an educational board game aimed at teens. Key Focus Areas: - The game should cover Math and Science, Language and Literacy, as well as Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in board game design. - Knowledge in educational content for the specified subjects and age group. - Experience promoting critical thinking and problem-solving through game mechanics.
Are you a skilled marketer looking for a golden opportunity to boost your income? I have a one-of-a-kind Udemy course that’s unlike anything else in the world! This course is highly desirable and has the potential to become incredibly popular, but I need YOUR expertise to make it a global success. Here’s the deal: You sell the course, and we both win! You’ll earn a generous percentage of every sale you generate. The more you sell, the more you earn—potentially doubling or even tripling your income! Let’s leverage the power of affiliate marketing to maximize our reach and profits. This is a partnership built on trust and mutual success. I’m serious about creating a profitable, long-term collaboration. To prove my comm...
...of a skilled 3D animator who can create engaging and educational 3D animation videos aimed at teaching science to children. This project is centered around creating content that is both visually stimulating and informative, perfect for a young audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D animation software - Experience in creating educational content - Understanding of science concepts at a children's level - Ability to create engaging, child-friendly visuals - Strong storytelling abilities to convey educational content. - Experience with audio editing and synching voiceovers. - Experience in designing and animating child-friendly characters. - Ability to write engaging scripts tailored for children's animation. - Proficiency in motion graphics to ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that integrates with our EdTech ERP system. The primary function of this extension will be to send notifications via WhatsApp using a web-based WhatsApp login. Key Features: - Integration with EdTech ERP: The extension should seamlessly connect with our existing ERP system to fetch relevant data. - WhatsApp Notifications: The extension will send notifications via WhatsApp, so experience with web-based WhatsApp login is a plus. - Varied Notification Types: The notifications to be sent include attendance updates, grade reports, event reminders, fee collection notices, and fee reminders. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Chrome extension development. - Experience with EdTech ERP systems. - Familiarity with Wh...
I'm looking for a professional with expertise in marketing online courses, specifically targeting the life science sector. The primary goal of the course is certification, so the marketing strategy should highlight this aspect. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy using social media and email marketing - Create engaging infographics as primary marketing content Ideal Skills: - Experience in online course marketing - Knowledge of life science field - Proficient in social media and email marketing - Excellent infographic design skills
I'm seeking the services of a qualified lawyer or other of a qualified lawyer or other professional to act as the settlor in the document for a discretionary trust deed. The primary purpose of this trust is to provide for a disabled person who is currently has entitlements. The trust deeed is created which you can check and verify correct, so it's just a case of using your name and credentials, we need a UK address/or UK C/O address and Telephone number for the deed...this is simply to bonify the deed as seen and checked by a lawyer as the trust gets passed directly to the trustee, there is just one trustee and one beneficiary, a simple deed. There is no transactions or other requirement needed so around $50 for your part shou...