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    2,000 bandhan bank recruitment 2015 proiecte găsite
    Recruiter Colaborator
    S-a încheiat left

    Ne marim echipa! Suntem in cautare de recruiteri freelance! Daca ai experienta in agency recruitment sau disponibilitate pentru a invata aceasta meserie, vrem sa te cunoastem! Cerinte: Studii - minim studii medii Disponibilitate mini 6 ore pe zi, de luni pana vineri (program flexibil) Laptop si conexiune buna la internet, telefon mobil pe cre il poti folosi in interes de serviciu Oferim: Castiguri pe baza de comision de succes Suport in invatare si dezvoltare Proces rapid si simplificat Necersar: Pentru a putea sustine aceasta activitate, va trebui sa te inregistrezi ca S.R.L. sau P.F.A, pentru a ne putea factura. Mentiuni: Aceasta activitate este flexibila, poate fi facuta ca activitate principala, sau in paralel cu jobul actual.

    $325 Average bid
    $325 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...seafood. As their dollar prices plummet, Japanese goods of all categories become more and more attractive to consumers around the world. Naturally, an equilibrium must eventually be found, but if the yen remains anywhere above 140, this would be a boon for the country's economic output. Too soft or just right? It's no secret that the Bank of Japan has had some of the most consistently dovish policy of any central bank and has maintained such a stance for much longer than many of their counterparts around the world. In fact, Japanese interest rates have been steady at around 0% for 25 years now, even entering into negative territory in 2016. Indeed, the BoJ's base rate still sits at -0.1% at a time when most of the rest of the worl...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte

    ... When installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anything else. After i receive files from you, i need to be able to do it myself. I know little Laravel. I managed to install the Wrapper on Laravel 8. I made controller, on dd i have data, but i don't know

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Proiect de Marketing - USH
    S-a încheiat left

    proiect de marketing pt Universitea Spiru Haret - 15 pagini in Limba Romana Examenul final la disciplina Proiecte de marketing constă în elaborarea unui proiect de cercetare, pe o temă la alegerea studentului, din domeniul marketing. Proiectul trebuie incarcat in platforma Blackboard pana in ziua examenului, 12.02.2021, ora 16, ...Editura Publica Bucureşti, 2010. Kotler P., Armstrong G., Principiile marketingului, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2004. Răboacă, Gheorghe; Ciucur, Dumitru, Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice economice, ediţia a III-a, revăzută şi adăugită, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2006. Vrânceanu D., Rolul eticii în deciziile de marketing în Revista de Marketing (online), vol I, nr.3, p.28-37, 2015, accesibil la

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Doresc o evaluare a unui site prestashop realizat in 2015, aducere la zi si introducere de noi functionalitati. Doresc si creare de aplicatii IOS si Android pt. acest site.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Domeniile in care se incadreaza acest studiu: turism; drept comercial. Limba în care va fi scris: română Număr de pagini capitol: 50 de pagini. Data limită la care trebuie să fie gata proiectul: 6 sept. 2020 Contactează-mă pentru detalii.

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...269 - 273) - română (traducerea în limba română nu este publicată momentan) Apelul național la propuneri de proiecte Erasmus+ Ghid de management al proiectelor Erasmus+ de mobilități în domeniul tineretului 2015 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2015 (în paranteză sunt paginile relevante pentru proiectele de mobilități) - în limba engleză (paginile 30 - 85, 207 - 232) - în limba română (atenție, în cazul în care există discrepanțe între cele două versiuni, va prevala conținutul celei din limba engleză) Apelul Național la Propuneri de Proiecte 2015 Toate documentele relevante pentru anul 2015 la toate acțiunile sunt disponibile aici. 2014 Ghidul Programului Erasmus+ 2014 (în paranteză sun...

    $4448 Average bid
    $4448 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Ma numesc Stefan Mazilu si din 2015 detin CoMas Advertising, firma de publicitate prin care asiguram aproape intreg necesarul unei companii din punct de vedere de publicitate/branding lucrand la nivel international si national. Pe scurt, avem un proiect acum care necesita 1/2 persoane care sa introduca si/sau modifice produse in modulul de administrare al un magazin on-line. Clientul nostru are foarte multe produse ce trebuiesc ajustate astfel. Estimativ job-ul ar dura 2 luni cu un necesar de munca de aproximativ 7-8 ore/zi (depinde de cat de rapid lucrati - daca ar fi prea mult pt o persoana, putem sa divizam munca cu o alta). Nu este greu, doar trebuie atentie. V-am pune la dispozitie un catalog cu adnotarile clientului, link-uri catre paginile furnizorilor de unde ai prelua text...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    26 oferte
    Project for tecdocwebshop
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza integrarea TecDocului (minim 2015) in wordpress/prestashop/magento . Ma intereseaza sa extrag numai baza de date Opel din Tecdoc,(coloana;cod piesa,info articol,nume piesa,poza articol,poza brand). - De asemenea este foarte important sa pot edita categoriile/subcategoriile,sa adaug articole manual/automat. - cautare articole dupa denumire dupa ce userul a ales masina, WebDesign reponsive - Html5 - ccss type -knockoutjs -bootstrap dependency management -cross browser Internet explorer minim V9 Astept un raspuns. Multumesc,

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am nevoie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 7000 de firme .Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese sau sunt in insolventa si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar . Va rog nu licitati daca nu aveti timp de lucru si bugetul maxim este de 30$.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Completare date in fisier excel pentru 2000 de firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in firme Am nevie de completarea unui fisier existent cu date suplimentare pentru aproximativ 2000 de firme Datele de care am nevoie sunt: - Actualizarea si completarea datelor de contact, datele vechi raman insa se vor pune in paranteza si se vor colora cu alta culoare - – ma intereseaza datele financiare din ultimi 3 ani(cifra de afaceri, profit / pierdere, nr angajati pentru 2015/2014/2013), - – ma intereseaza daca au avut procese si daca da link-ul catre fiecare dosar

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Oferta medie
    28 oferte
    Modelează 3D
    S-a încheiat left

    Modelarea unei arme din jocul Destiny trebuie sa aiba cat mai mule detalii si sa fie apoi impartita pe mai multe parti fiecare cu macar o suprafata plata si maxim dimensiunea de 20 cm. Trebuie sa poate fi printata pe o imprimanta 3d.

    $171 Average bid
    $171 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Chat Room with database
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email.

    $488 Average bid
    $488 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Buna tuturor, Detin o mica afacere de START-UP cu o cifra de afaceri de 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tarile din vest ! Fiind un Start-up, dupa cum bine stiti, nu sunt bani de investit, insa impreuna, cu o mica echipa formata din cateva persoane cu diverse abilitati am putea avea succes ! Ce cred eu ca este de facut? Un site de vanzari RCA + blog . SEO on page/off page, landing page etc. O aplicatie pt mobil pt comenzi asig. Promovare adwords, facebook , youtube, google+ Creatie de content pt blog si pt retele social media. Administrare site, blog, fb, youtube,google+ Cateva postari video + text + foto constant in ...

    $16507 Average bid
    $16507 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star rating and an excellent review. In May 2015, we have summarized the gambling laws from 225 countries of the world into this table For each country, we found the law for land-based casinos, online casino law for operators, and online casino law for players. For Romania, we have noted that there is no penalty for ordinary players gambling online. In support of this claim we have found the following sources: Având în vedere "Scrisoare de punere în întârziere - încălcarea nr. 2013/4216" a Comisiei Europene, prin care "se atrage atenţia asupra anumitor dispoziţii din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 77/2009 privind organizarea şi exploatarea

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Project for HireSEOExperts
    S-a încheiat left

    website 1/12/2015 top 10 ranking in google saudi

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Pixendr app
    S-a încheiat left

    Aplicatia Pixendr versiounea 1.0 va fi lansata luni, 15 iunie 2015. Caut un al doilea developer pt diferite task-uri de upgrade. Exista un iOS dev deja dar a devenit extrem de ocupat. o scurta idee despre ce face aplicatia pe

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Vreau un plugin wordpress Convertor Valutar Euro - Lei si invers. Nu ma intereseaza alte valute. Structura pluginului sa fie ceva de genul: -Suma: casuta tastare suma -Din: EURO/RON - drop-down -In: RON/EURO - sa selecteze automat opusul valutar -Alege Banca: drop-down -Converteste - buton -Rezultat convertire: afisare rezultat -Sa afiseze cursul zilei pentru Banca sel...valutar -Alege Banca: drop-down -Converteste - buton -Rezultat convertire: afisare rezultat -Sa afiseze cursul zilei pentru Banca selectata pentru ambele monede EURO si RON. -Daca aveti alte idei mai bune este foarte bine. Nu sunt fixat. La alege banca sa includa cel putin 3 banci, BNR sa fie selectat implicit. -BNR -BCR -Banca Transilvania -BRD -ING -Unicredit Tiriac -Raiffeisen Bank -CEC ...

    $273 Average bid
    $273 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    EIP si trestie de zahar
    S-a încheiat left

    ...noastre: tricou, pantalon, geaca, vesta, rucsac, manusi, etc) optimizat SEO - limba engleza cu posibilitatea traducerii in mai multe limbi pagini pe retele de socializare o campanie de promovare a site-ului in toata lumea, desigur nu in toata lumea o data, ci cu o planificare astfel incat sa avem un buget de promovare acceptabil. Asteptam propunerile dumneavoastra pana cel tarziu luna mai 2015,...

    $2312 Average bid
    $2312 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    ...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...

    $5647 Average bid
    $5647 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...inre in echipa mea) completeza un chestionar cu persoanele juridice (non casnici), iar cu cei casnici documentatie de trecere la un nou furnizor. Castigul dumneavoastra principal: • la fiecare factura achitata de clientul cu care ati incheiat un contract de aderare la noul furnizor va intra un comision LUNAR in cont; • vestea minunata pentru noi consumatorii casnici este, ca de la 1. ianuarie. 2015 toti consumatorii casnici (si dumneavoastra) veti avea posibilitatea schimbarii furnizorul de energie electrica, Persoana ideala pentru aceasta activitate este acela care are: abilitati de comunicare, conversatie pe idei constructive si de calitate, are o atitudine pozitiva, energica, sincera si dornica de a muncii. Pentru buna functionare a modului de ofertare cer si o...

    $5430 Average bid
    $5430 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Salutare! M-ar interesa pentru agentia mea AMG Discovery Travel urmatoarele servicii: - creare logo - creare website - optimizare SEO (tinta - sper una realista - fiind de a aparea pe prima pagina de rezultate Google dupa 3 luni la cautarea sintagmelor "tabere internationale", "tabere anglia", "tabere de vara", "tabere 2015" etc.) Logo: Nu sunt sigur daca vreau sa apara si "AMG" in logo, depinde de cum arata mai bine. Nu vreau sa fie rotund (gen stampila) si in principiu as vrea sa se foloseasca dintre culorile: alb/argintiu, auriu/galben, albastru/bleu marin, negru. Aceleasi culori si la design-ul site-ului, pentru a avea o unitate. In niciun caz nu rosu sau verde. Important este sa fie vizual atractiv si nu complicat. ...

    $583 Average bid
    $583 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Buna ziua, as dori sa-mi fac un site de e-currency exchanger , un site asemanator cu , in care unele dori sa-mi fac un site de e-currency exchanger , un site asemanator cu , in care unele schimburi sa se faca in regim semiautomat sau automat (ex perfect money , web money , bitcoin, litecoin, s.m.d ) iar altele manual ( ex . western union, money gram, bank transfer, paypal) dupa verificarea manuala a transferului . Scimbul de e-currency as vrea sa se faca total anonim din partea clientului( fara inregistrarea obligatorie pe site ) , exceptie cand se face plata prin WU, MonGram, Bank transfer si trebuie sa trimita datele transferului .(nume, , tara de expeditie , MTCN ). Puteti sa faceti un astfel de site ? Care ar fi pretul ?

    $10000 Average bid
    $10000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;

    $1712 Average bid
    $1712 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    internet marketing
    S-a încheiat left

    dorim sa ne ajutati pentru adsense. suntem o platforma de joburi IT din cluj . soft recruitment este seriozitate maxima.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...sourcing candidates and conducting interviews for my team. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in recruitment, with expertise in identifying top talent, managing the recruitment pipeline, and facilitating a seamless interview process. Responsibilities: - Source and identify potential candidates through various platforms (job boards, LinkedIn, networking, etc.) - Screen resumes and conduct initial phone screenings to assess candidate qualifications - Coordinate and schedule interviews between candidates and hiring managers - Help with interview preparation and provide feedback to both candidates and hiring managers - Maintain detailed records of candidates in our recruitment system - Build strong relationships with hiring managers to understand thei...

    $22 - $45 / hr
    $22 - $45 / hr
    0 oferte

    We are looking for an experience...Responsibilities: Lead full-cycle recruitment efforts, from sourcing candidates to onboarding new hires. Partner with hiring managers to understand hiring needs and define role requirements. Use a variety of sourcing methods including job boards, social media, and networking events to identify and engage top talent. Manage candidate pipelines and ensure a smooth, positive candidate experience throughout the interview process. Conduct interviews, assess candidates’ qualifications, and present them to hiring managers. Negotiate job offers and facilitate the offer and hiring process. Track recruitment metrics and provide regular reports on key hiring activities and outcomes. Stay updated on industry trends, employment laws, and best prac...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    ...Development Manager for US Non-IT Recruitment (Full-Time Job Recruitment Program) For USA Market Description: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our team on a full-time basis. Our company, Canopus Silicon Valley, specializes in non-IT recruitment, and we are looking for a skilled professional who can help us expand our client base and drive revenue growth. Responsibilities: Identify and generate new business opportunities in the non-IT recruitment industry. Develop and maintain relationships with clients, hiring managers, and decision-makers. Understand client staffing needs and provide customized recruitment solutions. Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients. Collaborate with the ...

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...Q1-Table Filters worksheet) 1.1. Use the table filters to get all the diamonds whose carat is > 3.0, Ideal or Premium and whose price is between 10000 and 15000 inclusive. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not the word Document) 1.2. Clear Your Filters, Get a list of all the Ideal carats whose color is a D or an E, whose clarity is IF that were sold in Dec 2014 or January 2015. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not the word Document) 1.3. Clear your Filters, Get all the diamonds that were sold at a price below the msrp price (requires some formula(s) and cleverness in calculating the data), you may need to add another column to the table for that. Copy your answer to the proper location of the excel worksheet (Not t...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    Mobile Wallet Business Plan in French
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a comprehensive business plan for a mobile wallet, primarily focused on payment transactions. This plan needs to be in French, as it's intended for a Francophone market. Key Elements: - The mobile wallet will support various payment methods, including Credit/Debit cards, Bank transfers, and Cryptocurrency. - The primary target audience for this wallet is individual consumers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in business plan development, particularly in the tech and finance sectors. - Fluency in French with excellent written communication skills. - Understanding of mobile payment systems and consumer behavior.

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    23 oferte premiums, and hotel bookings at launch, with potential for future enhancements like ticket purchases, cab bookings, and more. The platform will earn a commission from service providers for each successful transaction. Key requirements for this platform include: - User authentication and account management via email and password - Integration of various payment methods: Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers, and Digital Wallets The second platform is a Fund Management System. This will manage and invest the commission earned from the first platform. The goal is to generate revenue and share a portion of the profits with users. This platform will also incorporate an e-wallet system for managing investment funds and profit distribution. Ideal skills and experience for this ...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ...experience. Key Screens: 1. Dashboard: Displays gold holdings, live gold price, and quick buy/sell actions. 2. Buy/Sell Gold: Easy input in INR/grams, live price updates, and transaction summary. 3. Gold Price Chart: Interactive graph for historical price trends. 4. Transaction History: Detailed record of purchases, sales, and wallet transactions. 5. Wallet & Payments: Load/withdraw money, UPI/bank integration. 6. KYC & Onboarding: Smooth verification process for compliance. 7. Gold Redemption: Convert digital gold to physical gold with tracking. Design Requirements: • Premium, minimalist UI with a gold-themed color scheme. • Easy navigation with a clean, modern, and accessible layout. • Trust-building elements like security badges and transpare...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    ...developer to create a cross-platform (Android and iOS) finance tracking application. The standout feature of this app will be its ability to read SMS texts from banks and automatically add transactions using advanced AI techniques. Key Features: - Primarily focused on AI-based transaction addition. The app should utilize natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to interpret SMS texts from bank and categorize transactions accordingly. - Additional features such as expense tracking, income tracking, and budget management may be considered, but the primary focus is on the AI functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing cross-platform mobile applications. - Strong experience with AI and machine learning, particularly with natural language processing. - Previous wo...

    $698 Average bid
    $698 Oferta medie
    50 oferte

    Hello, I’m looking for someone to assist with account management for my live tracking services business. This is a recurring monthly task with clear responsibilities: Scope of Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of F...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    Hello, I’m looking for someone to assist with account management for my live tracking services business. This is a recurring monthly task with clear responsibilities: Scope of Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of F...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta medie
    116 oferte

    I need a simple WhatsApp bot. It should allow customers to upload various document types (PDFs, Word docs, and images), pay for printing via Credit/Debit Card or Bank Transfer, and select from a few print settings. Key Features: - Document Upload: Customers should be able to upload PDF, Word documents, and Image files (JPEG/PNG). - Payment Integration: The bot needs to handle payments via Credit/Debit Card and Bank Transfer. - Print Settings: Customers should be able to choose from Color vs. Black & White, Single-sided vs. Double-sided, and various Paper sizes (A4, Letter, etc.). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in bot development for WhatsApp. - Experience with payment integration in bots. - Understanding of printing settings and requirements. This bot will...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...- Room measurement: The app should assist in measuring rooms to ensure accurate fit and scale of furniture. - Color visualization: Users should be able to see how different colors would look on their walls with potential new furniture. Payment Integration: The app should support a variety of payment methods to ensure seamless transactions. These include: - Credit/Debit cards - Online wallets - Bank transfers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development (iOS and Android) - Strong background in Augmented Reality (AR) integration - Experience in ecommerce app development - Knowledge of secure and efficient payment integration systems A keen eye for detail and a user-centered approach to design would be highly appreciated. Please include relevant samples of your p...

    $402 Average bid
    $402 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    ...Integration (SWIFT, SEPA, local transfers). Real-Time Exchange Rate Quotes & Hedging (API connections with banks and liquidity providers). Risk Management & Compliance System (KYC/AML, transaction monitoring). Infrastructure Choices: Decide whether to use an off-the-shelf SaaS solution (e.g., Currencycloud, NIUM). Determine if FX pricing should be in-house or through banking partnerships. Bank & Payment Channel Integration: Partner with banks for virtual accounts and treasury solutions. API integration with external payment gateways. Testing & Internal Pilot Run: Conduct small-scale internal testing to ensure platform stability. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience in developing secure, user-friendly financial platforms with a focus on me...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Oferta medie
    60 oferte
    Email Marketing for Club Recruitment
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for an email marketing specialist to help me recruit potential new members to my club via promotional emails. - The primary task involves crafting and sending out promotional emails to potential new members. - The ideal candidate should have experience in email marketing, particularly in creating promotional content. - Skills in understanding target audiences and increasing engagement through relevant content will be highly valued.

    $409 Average bid
    $409 Oferta medie
    38 oferte
    Hospitality LLP Setup in India
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat, from applying for GST and MSME licenses to ensuring all necessary compliances are met. Key Tasks: - Establishment of a LLP firm in the Service industry, focusing on Hospitality - Application for GST and MSME licenses - Filing and managing all associated compliances - Special focus on FSSAI Registration, Health and Safety Compliance, and Labour Law Compliance - Assist in opening a corporate bank account for the LLP - Set up accounting and bookkeeping systems Ideal candidates should have significant experience in setting up LLP firms in India, preferably within the Service sector. Knowledge of hospitality industry requirements is a plus. Proficiency in handling GST and MSME applications and familiarity with FSSAI, Health and Safety and Labour Law Compliance is essentia...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    ...We are a real estate company and law office seeking an HR professional with exceptional English skills to assist in screening candidates, conducting interviews, and enhancing our onboarding process. The ideal candidate will have experience in recruitment, a keen understanding of effective onboarding strategies, and the ability to conduct interviews on behalf of the hiring manager. Your expertise will be crucial in selecting the right talent and ensuring a smooth integration into our team. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement effective recruitment strategies to attract top talent. Screen resumes to identify qualified candidates for various roles within the organization. Conduct initial phone, video, and in-person interviews, assessing candidates' qualificati...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    I'm looking to develop a banking app primarily centered around account management. The app should be able to let users manage their bank accounts efficiently and intuitively. Key Features: - Account Management: The app should provide a platform for users to manage their bank accounts. This includes viewing balances, transaction history and account details. - Basic Security: The app should have basic security features such as a PIN and Password protection. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in mobile and web app development - Prior experience in building banking or financial apps is a plus - Understanding of implementing basic security features in apps - Ability to create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces.

    $2168 Average bid
    $2168 Oferta medie
    102 oferte

    ...last shot on the target Total number of points made Total number of shots Number of shots missed A table indicating all shooters in order of classification by points in the same session Possibility of inserting a customized LOGO (PNG format or other) on the report This report can be saved on a report file and also printed in a physical A4 paper on a printer. All reports must be saved on a data bank and can be accessed by the customer, searched by shooters name at any time to review any or a group of shooters performance report. Part 02 The second part is to develop our own shooting range with up to 12 shooting bays being indoor and outdoor allowing the creation and insertion of any kind of target, determining its point zones and behavior when hit (fall back, bullet holes, movi...

    $9588 Average bid
    $9588 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I'm aiming to revamp my LinkedIn profile entirely. The primary purpose of this overhaul is to enhance my visibility and appeal to potential employers across all industries. I need an expert who can: - Redesign my profile picture and bann...profile picture and banner to reflect a more professional image - Craft a compelling summary and update my experience sections to highlight my skills and achievements - Fine-tune my skills and endorsements to align with my career aspirations The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in LinkedIn profile optimization - A strong background in career coaching or recruitment - Excellent skills in personal branding and visual design Please provide examples of previous LinkedIn profiles you've worked on, alon...

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta medie
    50 oferte

    ...Familia Holistica" desde hace 10 años difundimos contenidos propios: -Notas, Entrevistas y tambien Actividades de Terapeutas locales y regionales. Nos encargamos tanto del contenido como tambien de la busqueda de Anunciantes. Llegamos a pùblico local y regional a traves de emailing, redes sociales, Whatsapp y Linkedin, (siempre como emprendimiento, no somos empresa ni masivos.). La revista desde 2015 se difunde y envia via Mailing y Redes Gratuitamente a cientos de personas, y se ha gestionado muy bien, no sin grandes ganancias, pero si autosostenidamente. *PROYECTO*: Contratar un Freelancer/o Agencia de Servicios para realizar una operatoria de Email-Marketing y Ventas que se pueda dirigir a los contactos de la revista ofreciendo una "Suscripciò...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ...Administrator Panel (System Owner) Registration, approval, and management of affiliates. Product management and definition of commissions. Sales tracking and report generation. Processing and management of commission payments. ✅ Affiliate Panel Generation of exclusive affiliate links for promotion. Monitoring of sales and accumulated commissions. Request for withdrawal of commissions. Updating bank details or PayPal/Mercado Pago to receive. ✅ Integration with Payment Gateways PayPal: Checkout and automatic payment return. Mercado Pago: Checkout and automatic payment return. Automatic registration of sales and calculation of commission for the corresponding affiliate. ✅ Database SQL Server or MySQL to store users, affiliates, transactions and payments. ✅ Other Req...

    $497 Average bid
    $497 Oferta medie
    62 oferte Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a multivendor system where various sellers can register, create their stores and list their products. - Ensure the platform supports a wide range of product types, including physical goods, digital products, and services. - Implement a robust and secure payment gateway that supports various payment methods like Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal, and Bank Transfer. Ideal skills for this job: - Extensive experience in Ecommerce web development. - Proficiency in web development languages and frameworks. - Understanding of multivendor system design. - Strong knowledge of secure payment gateway implementation. - Good UI/UX design skills. Please note, the specifics about the type of products and vendors will be discussed in detail wit...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    I'm in need of a seasoned accountant proficient with Odoo ERP, specifically for bank reconciliation. This project primarily focuses on resolving discrepancies. It involves: - Importing and matching various bank transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers within Odoo ERP. - Identifying and rectifying discrepancies, which include missing entries, duplicate entries, and incorrect amounts. - Producing precise and tidy reconciliation reports. - Ensuring all transactions are accurately categorized. Requirements: - Extensive experience with Odoo ERP, with version 17 or later being preferable. - In-depth understanding of bank reconciliation best practices. - Exceptional attention to detail and precision. - Capability to complete the project within a 3-day ...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte