Azure spring boot exampleproiecte
Aplicatia trebuie sa aiba backend-ul facut in Spring Boot, iar frontend-ul in Angular sau React. Aplicatia trebuie sa implementeze cateva functionalitati pentru userii de tip pacient (realizarea programari, vizualizare detalii medici, oferit rating), precum si functionalitati pentru userii de tip medic (modififacre programari, adaugare zile de concediu in program etc).
vreau sa pornesc un server discord si nu ma descurc sa implementez bootul, ma poate ajuta cineva? Mai multe detali in privat.
Caut un partener cu disponibilitate sa participe in diferite proiecte de programare web cu experienta Angular, Vue, .Net, Node.js, SQL, Java, AWS, Azure. Nu sunt necesare toate tehnologiile mentionate. Caut o colaborare pe termen lung cu flexibilitate de orar si dedicatia disponibila. Important sa fie PFA si sa poata emite facturi intracomunitare(UE).
Buna seara, Raducu, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
Buna seara, Robert, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
Doresc colaborare cu java developer cu experienta(ca mentor) pe java/spring/cloud/docker pentru realizarea unei aplicatii tip social network. Colaborarea ar putea fi de tipul sedinta online 2-6 ore pe sapt. cu plata pe ora sau suma integrala. Nu exista termen limita la aplicatie. Este in scop didactic.
Birou de proiectare CAD cu 5-6 utilizatori. Avem nevoie de un pic de ordine in retea: setare NAS, router, office 365, Azure Active Directory/retea PC-uri & imprimante.
...asseturi grafice intre serverele interne aflate in diverse zone din US si UK. Pentru syncronizare vom achizitiona una din solutiile Aronis, File Catalyst, IBM Sterling peste care vom dezvolta o solutie ligh java de integrare. Principala provocare pe care o avem este legata de crearea toolului java pentru managementul asseturilor in mod efficient prin intermediul serviciilor SAP. Vom folosi Spring Boot, Spring Data, Hibernate si putin ABAP pt customizari. Ce ne dorim sunt web-service-uri de comunicare a datelor si expunerea informatiilor catre utilizator prin Angular sau JSP, Javascript, HTML, CSS. Baza de sincronizare si informatiile de SAP trebuie sa fie gata in luna iulie-august. Deadline-ul proiectului este Noiembrie, insa din iulie pana in s...
Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la livrare.
Buna ziua, Nu imi dau seama daca imi permit serviciile dvs, intrucat nu stiu sa apreciez tariful orar. Cat costa, de exemplu, ilustratia "my hare's house" din portofoliul dvs? Dar o ilustratie in genul Am nevoie de 5-6 ilustratii pentru o carte pe care am publicat-o in regie proprie (self-publishing), in creion, alb-negru. Va multumesc
Salut, Am o problema cu XenServer 6.5. Nu reusesc sa migrez cateva servere de VmWare pe Xen. Fedora 20 e sistemul de operare al masinilor. Nu imi gaseste partitia de boot dupa migrare. Vad ca nu ai mai luat proiecte de o perioada. Daca esti interesat da te rog un reply aici sau la 0747527898, eventual whatsapp. Putem discuta detalii. Multumesc, Alex
Buna, Cautam o persoana care sa stie f bine .net, azure, sql pentru back-end-ul unui site de evenimente. Este un proiect misto, cu vizibilitate si de portofoliu, intr-o echipa cel putin simpatica :) Continutul va fi administrabil si exista versiuni anterioare de la alte editii. Paginile pe care ne dorim sa le includem sunt: Homepage De ce sa participi? Agenda Speakeri Parteneri Locatie Inregistrare Video-uri Feedback Site-ul e hostat in Azure. Proiectul va incepe cat de curand. Da-ne un semn pentru orice intrebari, ca sa vedem daca suntem un match pentru acest proiect. O saptamana minunata, Andreea
Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru...acelasi Delivery Manager si Architect si apoi fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JP...
Fidelia este în căutarea unui dezvoltator pasionat de noi tehnologii, arhitecturi si proiecte. Vei lucra pe partea de front-end si aplicatii pentru mobil dezvoltate in Javascript (nativ/hibrid). Trebuie sa fii bazat in Bucuresti, Romania si sa poti lucra on site cel putin o parte din timp sau chiar in totalitate. Aplicatiile tale vor folosi...- solutii “smart home“ - API-uri “RESTful“ pentru aplicatii pe mobil O parte din tehnologiile ce vor fi evaluate si/sau folosite in cadrul proiectului sunt: - limbaje : Javascript/Typescript, CSS, HTML - dezvoltare mobil hybrid/nativ : Cordova, Ionic 2 , Nativescript , React Native, etc - baze de date relationale precum si NoSQL - altele : Angular 2, React - sisteme: Linux, Microsoft Azure PAAS ...
Caut un programator java care a mai lucrat sau are experienta in lucrul cu Framework-ul Spring MVC. Si cunostinte minimale de baze de date Oracle. Pot furniza un proiect demo, care contine toate configurarile necesare si trebuie doar modificat.
...alaturi de echipa prezenta, sa fie implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect inovativ pentru un start-up din Danemarca. Aplicatia este una de Process Management prin care se simplifica gestionarea si distributia documentelor in cadrul diverselor companii, aplicatie ce poate fi accesata oricand, oriunde, de pe orice device. Tin sa mentionez faptul ca, proiectul este implementat in Cloud cu Microsoft Azure Pe scurt, punctele forte pe care le cautam ar fi: experienta relevanta folosind JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 MVC JavaScript applications Frameworks precum Angular JS sau Knockout metodologia Agile Si cum pana aici, nimic nu pare nou pentru tine, ma intrebam daca ai fi interesat de o astfel de propunere? [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication ...
...alaturi de echipa prezenta, sa fie implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect inovativ pentru un start-up din Danemarca. Aplicatia este una de Process Management prin care se simplifica gestionarea si distributia documentelor in cadrul diverselor companii, aplicatie ce poate fi accesata oricand, oriunde, de pe orice device. Tin sa mentionez faptul ca, proiectul este implementat in Cloud cu Microsoft Azure Pe scurt, punctele forte pe care le cautam ar fi: experienta relevanta folosind JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 MVC JavaScript applications Frameworks precum Angular JS sau Knockout metodologia Agile Si cum pana aici, nimic nu pare nou pentru tine, ma intrebam daca ai fi interesat de o astfel de propunere? Ce zici, am putea discuta prin e-mail unde as reveni cu mai multe detalii? Mul...
...acum sa putem cauta dupa nume, numar telefon, adresa de mail. Mai trebuie setat pentru aceste 2 atribute. 7. Cateva modificari la search.(la sugestii sa apara in coloanele pe vertical toate produsele care contin cuvantul cautat. Ex: pentru cautarea cuvantului Euphoria noi avem in mod normal 15 produse: Euphoria EDP, Euphoria EDT, Euphoria Men, Euphoria Men Intense, Euphoria Blossom, Euphoria Spring Tentation, Deo Stick Euphoria, etc) In acest moment nu apar decat 6 la aceasta cautare iar denumirea lor nu este corecta la toate. De ex: euphoria ed ar trebuii sa fie defapt euphoria edp 8. De setat la Live Chat data si ora. Am instalat un modul pentru Live Chat dar nu a fost setat corect sau nu a fost conceput sa fie vizibil peste tot data si ora conversatiei ca orice messenger...
...(cel mai urgent) - Pentru 2. Cateva modificari la search (la sugestii sa apara in coloane pe vertical toate produsele care contin cuvantul cautat, de scos blog post pentru ca lungeste foarte mult cautarea). Ex: Euphoria (la sugestii sa apara toate parfumurile ce contin cuvantul euphoria: Euphoria EDP, Euphoria EDT, Euphoria Men, Euphoria Men Intense, Euphoria Blossom, Euphoria Spring Tentation, Deo Stick Euphoria, etc) 3. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar adminul mutat pe serverul dedicate al noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exemplu intr-un excel (sau oricare alta variant mai usoara/rapida). Avem nevoie de acolo ...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Este o tema pentru facultate la un curs "Modele Formale de Concurenta si Comunicatii", deci e nevoie de o aplicatie mai mult demonstrativa, in c# cu 2 baze de date preferabil, concurenta + alte detalii de implementat: !!!!! NU LICITA DACA NU AI CITIT TOT TEXTUL !!!!! Aplicat...commit (poate fi gandit impreuna cu cell de rollback) un mecanism de detectie si rezolvare a deadlock-urilor (grafuri/liste de conflicte etc.) - Atentie: Focus-ul aplicatiei trebuie sa cada pe implementarea sistemului tranzactional, nu pe cazuri de utilizare, intrefata web sau frameworkuri pe care le-ati folosit. Puteti folosi framework-uri care sa va usureze munca (e.g. Hibernate sau alt JPA, Spring, .NET MVC etc.), dar nu trebuie sa folositi nici un fel de suport tranzactional de la aceste...
1, houstonarea, Galveston 1, houstonarea, Houston 1, houstonarea, Katy 1, houstonarea, Montgomery 1, houstonarea, Richmond 1, houstonarea, Spring 2, sanantonioarea, Boerne 2, sanantonioarea, Canyon Lake 2, sanantonioarea, Kerrville 2, sanantonioarea, New Braunfels 2, sanantonioarea, San Antonio 2, sanantonioarea, Spring Branch 3, dallasarea, Arlington 3, dallasarea, Corsicana 3, dallasarea, Dallas 3, dallasarea, Fort Worth 3, dallasarea, Granbury 3, dallasarea, Runaway Bay 4, austinarea, Austin 4, austinarea, Burnet 4, austinarea, Kingsland 4, austinarea, Lago Vista 4, austinarea, Leander 4, austinarea, Marble Falls 5, elpasoarea, Alpine 5, elpasoarea, Anthony 5, elpasoarea, Clint 5, elpasoarea, Fort Davis 5, elpasoarea, Vinton 5, elpasoarea, West...
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza realizare unei aplicatii mobile in IOS, si android, in Windows azure clouds, visual studiao 2013 pentru service mobil dispecerat etc.
...8+ years of hands-on experience in full-stack development using MEAN, MERN, MEVN, Node.js, or JavaScript Full Stack. Strong proficiency in JavaScript, TypeScript, front-end frameworks (React, Angular, or Vue.js), and back-end development with Node.js. Advanced knowledge of RESTful API design, microservices architecture, and database systems (SQL or NoSQL). Familiarity with cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP), containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), and CI/CD pipelines. Experience as a technical panelist or evaluator for senior-level technical roles. Exceptional communication and analytical skills to identify and articulate candidates' strengths and weaknesses. If you are passionate about identifying top talent and have a strong technical foundation, this role offers the opport...
Requirements for SaaS Multi-Role Platform in Java Vaadin with Plain Java Components 1. General Requirements: Technology Stack: The platform must be developed exclusively in plain Java using Vaadin. No Spring Boot or similar frameworks should be used. External libraries or third-party APIs should be avoided as much as possible. All features and functionality should be implemented natively to maintain full control over the system. Only browser-native elements like scrollbars (CSS/HTML) may utilize non-Java approaches. Modern Design: The platform should follow modern UI/UX principles, with responsive layouts and optimal performance. Progressive Web App (PWA): Full PWA support, including offline capabilities, installability, and device responsiveness. Scalability: The platform m...
I'm in need of an Azure expert to fix an issue with my Azure App Service configuration. The problem lies in the cloud configuration. I am experiencing issues with configuration settings not applying. Time is of the essence. Please reach out if you can help.
...Interface • Interactive maps with live vehicle icons and status indicators. • Option to choose from a variety of map options (Google map, Google satellite, Google hybrid). • Dashboard • Graphical summaries of fleet performance. • Custom Reports • Drag-and-drop widgets for personalized views. 5. Platform Server Architecture Backend Architecture 1. Server Type: Cloud-based (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). 2. APIs: REST and GraphQL for integration. 3. Database: PostgreSQL/MongoDB for flexible data handling. 4. Load Balancer: For traffic management. Frontend Technology 1. Framework: React.js or Angular. 2. Real-Time Features: WebSocket for instant updates. Security Measures 1. Encryption: End-to-end with TLS 1.3. 2. Authentication: Multi-factor authenticat...
I'm looking for an expert in Azure cloud deployment, specifically with Linux Redhat and utilizing Bicep for Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Key Tasks: - Set up a development environment in Azure tailored for application development. - Deploy necessary services including virtual machines and Azure loads. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Azure cloud services - Extensive experience with Linux Redhat - Skilled in Bicep for IaC - Expertise in setting up virtual machines - Knowledgeable in working with Azure loads The goal of this project is to establish a robust, efficient and scalable application development environment in Azure. Your expertise will be crucial in ensuring this project is a success.
I am seeking a skilled model customizer for my 1:8 Jaguar E-Type convertible - 1975 in azure blue with biscuit interior. The focus will be on meticulous interior and exterior detailing to enhance realism and aesthetic appeal. Experience with model customization is crucial, ideally with a background in automotive models or similar.
An in-depth article about the life and work of Gustave Stickley. Especially interested in the personal details of the man and his internal driving forces, character, and motivations.
I'm seeking a designer to create a modern, fashionable cowhide boiler suit. I’m currently developing a luxury womenswear boiler suit and I'm seeking assistance across several stages of the design and production process. The boiler suit is envisioned as a premium piece made from cowhide and inspired by the sleek tailoring and understated elegance in YSL’s Spring/Summer 2024 collection. The design balances utilitarian functionality with a modern, luxurious aesthetic, featuring: • Front Closure: A zip running down the centre for a clean and minimal look. Button details will be reserved for the chest and thigh pockets to maintain a subtle utilitarian edge. • Pockets: Functional patch pockets on the chest and thighs with button closures, adding texture and...
...Secure Cloud Infrastructure Objective: Ensure the platform can handle a high number of concurrent users and provide secure access to sensitive data. Cloud Hosting: Host the website and data on scalable cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Data Encryption: All sensitive data (personal information, property data, etc.) will be encrypted using AES-256. Compliance: Ensure the platform adheres to necessary regulations (GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2) for data protection and privacy. Cloud Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure Security: SSL encryption, JWT for session management Compliance: GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2 standards 9. Admin Dashboard for Property Management Objective: Provide an intuitive admin dashboard for managing listings, golf course data, user activit...
I am in need of an experienced professional who can provide job support for Java and Apache Kafka. The assistance is required to be offline in Bangalore. Required Skills: - Strong experience in Java 8, J2EE, and frameworks like Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA. - Hands-on knowledge of REST APIs, Microservices, and MVC architecture. - Proficiency in Apache Kafka (brokers, producers, consumers, topics, partitions, and streams). - Familiarity with Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, and servers like Tomcat/JBoss.
I'm in need of expert assistance with the Build stage of my Azure pipeline which utilizes Python. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Azure pipelines, particularly the Build stage. - Extensive knowledge and experience with Python. - Previous experience in setting up, monitoring, maintaining, and optimizing Azure pipelines. - Excellent troubleshooting skills.
I'm looking for site admin and ASP.NET MVC developer to set-up a simple single temporary landing page on GoDaddy with ASP.NET MVC project and one page. The page will contain 1 image, and the text "Welcome to the Sports Fiction game development project. This site will be updated in the Spring/Summer 2025. Thanks for visiting" Hosting already purchased: GoDaddy - Windows Ultimate (Plesk) Domain: Required work 1) Let me know a bit about yourself and provide any useful advice 2) Suggest low cost SSL certificate option (not yet purchased) to work with GoDaddy page in HTTPS. £100 maximum price. Do you know any good options. 3) Request temporary GoDaddy login (or actions to perform) 4) Set up the SSL certificate and HTTPS access for the site 5) Create blank MVC...
I've completed a Cloud Computing and DevOps course from Intellipaat, i have to one who will do my submitting assignments and projects. This involves taking screenshots of key stages and outcomes in AWS, Azure, and DevOps, then compiling these into a small PDF. Importantly, my name should appear as the login user throughout the document. Key services involved: - AWS: EC2 Instances, S3 Buckets, Lambda Functions - Azure: Virtual Machines, App Services I'm looking for someone who can deliver this PDF to me within 3 days. Ideal candidates should have a strong understanding of both AWS and Azure, as well as experience with compiling and formatting technical reports.
...backend). • Experience building dynamic and responsive websites. • Proficient in any modern programming languages/frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Django, Node.js). • Ability to integrate APIs, payment gateways, and user authentication/role management systems. • Focus on UI/UX design to create a user-friendly interface. 3. Cloud Administrator: • Expertise in managing cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.). • Proficient in setting up scalable and secure infrastructures. • Experience with CI/CD pipelines, load balancing, and monitoring tools. Functional Requirements Web 1. Website: • Public-facing platform to showcase the features. • User-friendly design optimized for desktop and mobile devices. 2. API: • Develop se...
...for issue resolution and ensure a high level of client satisfaction. • Participate in on-call rotations and provide after-hours support as needed. Required Skills and Experience • 5+ years of experience in Java application development and support. • Strong proficiency in Core Java, including multithreading, collections, and exception handling. • Hands-on experience with frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. • Proficiency in working with relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, including writing complex queries. • Strong understanding of web services (SOAP/REST) and API integrations. • Experience with debugging tools (e.g., JDB, VisualVM) and logging frameworks like Log4j or SLF4J. • Familiarity with application se...
... but we need someone to create pages, design graphics, and implement content to bring the website to life. Total Pages: Home Page Overview of services, industries served, and company mission. Core Services (7 pages) Cybersecurity Consulting Cloud Management Consulting Risk Management Consulting Finance and Cost Analysis Consulting Integrated Finance Solutions Audit Support Services AWS and Azure Consulting Industries We Serve A single page detailing industries (healthcare, fintech, real estate, construction) and their specific challenges. About Us A page describing the company’s mission, history, team, and values. Blog/Insights A page with a blog layout featuring articles, case studies, and insights. Contact Us A page with a contact form, email address, phone number...
...análisis de documentos legales y audios. **Habilidades y Experiencia Requeridas** - Experiencia comprobada con Microsoft Copilot y herramientas del ecosistema Microsoft (Azure AI, Power Automate, Power BI, etc.). - Conocimientos sólidos en procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP), manejo de grandes volúmenes de datos y análisis de audios. - Experiencia específica en la gestión y análisis de información legal, documentos extensos y formatos de audio. - Habilidades para diseñar flujos de trabajo eficientes relacionados con tareas legales y administrativas. - Deseable: Certificaciones en herramientas de Microsoft (Azure, Dynamics, Microsoft 365). **Plazo y Entregables** - Duración estimada ...
...colors, fonts, and layouts to align with a professional, branded appearance. - Replace default branding with a custom logo, favicon, and design elements. - Adjust input forms, buttons, and navigation for a polished look. - Ensure the interface remains user-friendly and responsive on all devices. Hosting the Application: - Deploy the customized application on a cloud platform (e.g., AWS, GCP, or Azure). - Configure the application to support multiple concurrent users with basic authentication or invite-only access. - Set up HTTPS and ensure the application is secure for external users. - Testing and Deployment: - Validate the functionality post-customization to ensure the system works as expected (document upload, multi-modal QA, etc.). - Conduct testing for responsiveness and ...
...Industry Solutions Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions Business Intelligence and Analytics platforms Workflow automation systems Our Technical Expertise Frontend: React.js, Angular, Vue.js, HTML5/CSS3 Backend: Java, Python, Node.js, .NET Mobile: iOS (Swift), Android (Kotlin), React Native Database: SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins Our Development Approach Agile methodology with iterative development Regular client communication and progress updates Comprehensive testing and quality assurance Post-deployment support and maintenance Documentation and knowledge transfer Why Choose Us Proven track record of successful project delivery Experienced team of c...
I am seeking a Senior Java Spring Boot Developer to join my team as a contractor. The role offers a monthly remuneration of $2000. Fluent English is must. Key Responsibilities: - Fixing issues with the backend logic including bug fixes - Developing new features - Maintaining and improving existing code - Managing deployments and integrations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Java Spring Boot - Strong debugging skills, particularly with backend logic - Prior experience in a similar role - Ability to manage projects independently - A proactive approach to identifying and solving issues
I need a Spring Core expert for my project. I have some unanswered questions regarding Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming, and Bean Definition. Your task would also involve improving code maintainability and simplifying configuration management. The application I'm building is an Enterprise Application. Ideal skills include: - Extensive experience with Spring Core - Strong understanding of Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming, and Bean Definition - Ability to improve code maintainability - Expertise in simplifying configuration management - Experience in building Enterprise Applications
I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can create a lip sync web page for a FBX avatar. The project entails utilizing Azure TTS or Eleven Labs TTS for pre-recorded audio synchronization. In your bid, please include: - Examples of similar projects you've completed - Your proposed timeline for project completion - Your preferred technology stack and why - Any insights or suggestions you have based on similar projects you've completed I'm particularly interested in seeing a portfolio of similar projects you've done. Please be prepared to demonstrate how your previous work aligns with this project.
I'm seeking a seasoned Java Spring Boot developer to help maintain/enhance an existing application. The ideal candidate must align with the EST (Eastern Standard Time) time zone. 8 PM IST to 2:30 AM IST. Key Responsibilities: - Maintain the current application - Focus on user authentication and authorization - API creation, integration, and development. - back up all meetings and chats with the client. - he should be a very proactive and quick learner. - Minimum having 9+ years of real-time experience. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience with Java Spring Boot core, AOP, web flux, Security, - Strong understanding of user authentication and authorization. - Proficient in API integration and development - Ability to work within EST time zo...
...would like to get closer to an easily identifiable "stampel" like the logo of the American College of perioperative Medicine and with the energy and colors of the IFM (Institute of Functional Medicine) logo and also Swiss FMH logo (snake ADN) A prestigious and modern while incorporating elements that represent both your Swiss identity and your focus on functional medicine and bubbles of excellence "spring forth", will be the visual of the elevation of medicine and knowledge. images which are inspired by functional medicine, sustainable and optimal health, kind of humaun DNA equilibre, training, the network, the academ. The name should be for exemple in rounded form: in a circle at the top “Swiss Academy” and in a circle at the bottom “Institu...
Node.js and Developer with AES 256 Encryption & MongoDB Expertise Job...Experience working with MongoDB and writing efficient queries. Familiarity with third-party APIs for email/SMS OTP services (e.g., Twilio, SendGrid). Ability to write secure, scalable, and optimized code. Good communication skills and a proactive approach to problem-solving. Preferred Skills (Optional): Experience with Docker or other containerization tools. Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Contract Details: Duration: [20-30 Days]. Budget: [Mention your budget, e.g., ₹15000 - ₹25000]. Location: [Remote]. How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply with: A brief introduction. Relevant project experience. A link to their GitHub profile (if available). Expected compensation.
I am looking for a data expert who can take data from multiple sources and consolidate it into a data source - preferably Microsoft Azure - for real-time PowerBI dashboards and reports. There are about 9 fields from Autotask, 3 from Quickbooks Online, and 4 fields from Excel which I need to have all in one place for analysis. At this point, to start, I'm just looking for customer data - income, expenses, status, and a few other fields both numberical and descriptive Key Responsibilities: - Consolidate data from diverse sources, including Excel files, Google Sheets, Autotask, and Quickbooks Online. - Focus on Financial and Sales data primarily. - Ensure the data is clean, well-structured, and ready for analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with data consolidation fro...
...Android developer to code the front end of an application for staff attendance using face recognition. Key Responsibilities: - Implement the provided layout and design elements. - Code front end interactions based on our design document. - Integrate with provided backend APIs. All required resources will be supplied by us, including: - Backend APIs - Icons and graphics - Layout and design - MS Azure API for face recognition Main Features of the App: - One splash screen and one dashboard - Utilize face recognition for tracking staff attendance. - Interact with our APIs to fetch reports and display web views. Compatibility: - The app should work seamlessly with both old and new Android phones. Design Style: - The design will follow a customized theme based on our discussion...