Aws amplify vs serverlessproiecte
Avem, in curs, un proiect de migrare in AWS si mai multe din componentele care le vrem migrate trebuie rescrise din .NET in .NETCore Avem nevoie de un programator nivel mediu-senior care sa ne ajute cu implementarea.
milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot)
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de gestiune zootehnica, realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws. Este necesara cunoasterea limbii romane, deoarece mare parte din structura aplicatiei este netraductibila.
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws.
Studiu de caz - Aplicatie Web- Programare consultatii medicale. - Avantajele utilizarii bazei de date serverless Firestore - Nosql in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor moderne SPA - limbaje si tehnologii utilizate : librarie React, javascript, html css - utilizarea aplicatiei: Modul de autentificare utilizator: cu multiple conturi de gmail, facebook, password Pagina de prezentare servicii ale medicului de familie Formular de inregistrare consultatie la medicul de familie Modul de administrare cu user role - formular de prescriere retete eliberata de medicului de familie
Caut un partener cu disponibilitate sa participe in diferite proiecte de programare web cu experienta Angular, Vue, .Net, Node.js, SQL, Java, AWS, Azure. Nu sunt necesare toate tehnologiile mentionate. Caut o colaborare pe termen lung cu flexibilitate de orar si dedicatia disponibila. Important sa fie PFA si sa poata emite facturi intracomunitare(UE).
Am nevoie de o aplicatie web care sa ma ajute la managementul comenzilor cat si sa imi automatizeze anumite procese pe care le fac eu acuma. Procesul in prezent arata astfel: - ...functionalitati am nevoie: - O mica pagina de prezentare a serviciilor - Plasare comenzi online - Plata online - Generare factura si trasmitere prin email la client - Managementul comenzilor - Managementul preturilor - Managementul serviciilor oferite - Managementul traducatorilor si decontarile ce trebuie facute catre ei - Managementul platilor Domeniul este deja cumparat si hostat la AWS, baza de date este tot la AWS. Exista deja o mica arhitectura a aplicatiei facuta pentru partea de backend cu ASP DotNet Core si Entity Framework. Tehnologi: Angular sau Razor Pages, ASP DotNet Core, Entity Fram...
Studiu de caz - Aplicatie Web- Programare consultatii medicale. - Avantajele utilizarii bazei de date serverless Firestore - Nosql in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor moderne SPA - limbaje si tehnologii utilizate : librarie React, javascript, html css - utilizarea aplicatiei: Modul de autentificare utilizator: cu multiple conturi de gmail, facebook, password Pagina de prezentare servicii ale medicului de familie Formular de inregistrare consultatie la medicul de familie Modul de administrare cu user role - formular de prescriere retete eliberata de medicului de familie
Numele meu este Simona Patru, reprezint un grup de firme care activeaza in principal in domeniul Horeca. Avem in-house un contabil care se ocupa de contabilitatea primara, insa ne dorim o persoana care sa ne ajute pe partea de verificare, raportare, depunere declaratii lunare, balante, bilanturi, cash flow, etc. Credeti ca ne-ati putea ajuta in regim de colaborare? ...Imbunatateste procesul de lucru din punct de vedere financiar-contabil; coordonarea operatiunilor contabile zilnice; • Elaborarea si depunerea raportarilor fiscale periodice; • Gestionarea eficienta a miscarilor de lichiditati; • Efectuarea calculatiilor si regularizarilor impozitelor, taxelor si intocmirea declaratiilor fiscale; • Urmarirea indeplinirii aspectelor financiar contabile din contracte (plati...
Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.
Doresc sa folosesc un pic18f46, o plăcută de la mikroelekttonica mp3 click cu vs 1053 si un card reader tot de la mikroelekttonica, Partea aceasta din proiect trebuie sa permită înregistrarea in format mp3 pe sd si redarea datelor de pe sd. Proiectul as dori sa fie facut in mikroc pentru ca exista toate bibliotecile. Și mai am părți din proiect făcute tot in mikroc
Doresc un add-on pentru situl flightradar24 pentru a avea acces la unele instrumente suplimentare. 1. Calculeze diferența dintre ruta reala vs ruta cea mai scurta a aeronavelor precum si introducerea acestora într-o baza de date. 2. Posibilitatea creeri unui aeronave simulate cu abilitatea de a fii manevrata din soft (directie, viteza, altitudine). 3. Afișarea unor alerte de coliziune intre aeronava simulata si o aeronava reala/simulata precum si generarea unor soluții de deconflictare conform unor algoritmi.
Salut, Caut o persoana care sa vorbeasca limba romana si sa poata face o pagina prin care sa se interogheze contul de analytics iar de acolo sa extraga l... -numarul de vizitatori online -un grafic cu ultimele 7 zile (vizitatori) -un tabel cu ultimele 30 zile (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -un tabel cu ultimele 12 luni (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -bounce rate, average sesion duration, new session, pages/session -demografic: tara, oras / browser, sistem de operare / mobil vs desktop vs tablet -news visitator vs returning, referer, lista referer, top pagini accesate, top cuvinte cautate. Am sa pun la dispozitie o schita cu cele 2 pagini, am o tema pentru design pe care o putem folosi la design. Astept of...
...durata medie, pe care sa le finalizeze cu succes pentru a incepe noi provocari. Pana acum am finalizat solutii web pentru clienti renumiti precum: Disney, Universal Pictures, Sony, EA, Microsoft si multe alte brand-uri. Ne dorim de la noii colegi: - experienta PHP (framework Symfony sau similiar), WordPress - experienta in managementul bazelor de date (MySQL) - experienta in arhitectura AWS sau Google Cloud - experienta HTML, CSS, Javascript si jQuery - bune abilitati de limba engleza (scris si vorbit) Este foarte important sa ai: -pasiune pentru: tehnologie, inovare si noi limbaje de programare -intelegere avansata a diferitelor medii si intrumente de lucru -bune abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa Vei gasi la noi: -Posibilitatea de a-ti crea o carie...
...trebuie sa pastreze caracteristici generale din domeniul nostru (termeni tehnici, sfaturi utile, statistici) dar si sa scoata in evidenta avantajele companiei noastre (piese de calitate, seriozitate, expertiza tehnica, etc.) Subiectul principal al fiecarui articol va fi unul din cele de mai jos la libera alegere : - Intretinerea corespunzatoare a utilajelor de constructii; - Piese second hand vs piese noi ; avantaje si dezavantaje; - De ce pretul mic nu este intotdeauna cel mai bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu ...
Avem nevoie urgent de o persoana care poate implementa imediat Wowza pe Amazon Web Server sau Google Cloud si care are experienta in implementari video streaming
Traduce din romana in spaniola 2-3 recenzii sportive pe zi in jur de 300 de cuvinte recenzia .In jur de 60 pe luna .Exemplu :
I'm looking for a skilled data engineer/ data scientist to create a web-based link for reporting that can be used by executives. This application should generate various crucial reports including: - Financial reports - Performance reports - visualization features in the form of charts and graphs, dashboards, and interactive elements. Experience in creating similar web-based applications will be highly advantageous. This project is aimed at enhancing decision-making processes, so an understanding of executive needs in reporting is a plus. We are considering to use Power Bi for reporting and there is potential source data hosted at AWS SERVER. I would like to have technical roadmap on how we can achieve different reporting starting with the first version to use csv f...
...Individual domain scores (e.g., physical functioning, energy, emotional functioning, etc.) Total scores (mean of domain scores) Mean of each domain score Mean of total scores Analysis Details: Fixed Effects: Age/Time (covariant) Group: Early vs. Late Gender: Female vs. Male Random Effect: Patient ID Software Requirements: IBM SPSS Statistics (Mixed Design Linear Analysis) R Software for additional visualization if needed Deliverables: Full statistical analysis, including significance tests for each variable and comparison between the two groups (early vs. late). Graphical representation of results (e.g., GGraph linear in SPSS or equivalent in R). A written summary of findings and interpretations of the results. [Optional] Assistance with interpreting output and...
Arbitrage Trading Requirements Experience in this field required. Using DEX’s, uniswap, kyber, 0x, bancor, balancer, sushiswap etc. Preferably Python but not mandatory. Preferably VS Code. Some of #1 have been done in Python and but requires serious testing. Stage 1 (Proof of concept): Obtain batch pricing of DEX coins from , thegraph or etc. Create a GUI frontend for identifying, highlighting opportunities. Textbox for minimum % profit, excluding all others. Implement profitably of trade with total cost of trade, including gas fees. Possibly implement triangular trade analysis for obscure trading opportunities. Stage 2 (Implementation of trades): Wallet code for trading. Implement buying and selling of identified pairs within/across
...and designing email content for our brand uniquely challenging - you can't get away with simple AI generated stuff, it needs to have soul, the creator of our emails needs to understand how to connect to dog owners, and also be an expert in Klaviyo. Hopefully we can get all of that at a decent budget, especially we are looking to work out some sort of a hybrid deal since Q1-Q3 is slower for us vs Q4 we scale up the business up to 10-fold so yeah we'd like to take the seasonality into account for both the email strategy and the remuneration package. But yeah overall we have a strong brand and a unique product which people love, so with your textual and visual storytelling abilities, you can make a meaningful impact in pet owner's lives and also make money along...
...outcomes. Timeline Expectation: Commencing with the month of January 2025 ETC: First week of February 2025 7. Develop a Program for Reviewing Logistics Market Objective: Stay competitive by evaluating new service providers for cost and service improvements. Steps to Complete: Market Analysis: Benchmark rates and service levels from top providers. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analyze switching costs vs. potential savings in freight and storage. RFP Development: Issue RFPs for new providers with clear performance expectations. Deliverable: A quarterly market analysis report recommending provider adjustments to reduce freight costs. Timeline Expectation: 6-8 weeks ETC: Early March 2025 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for syste...
...compatibility with all major browsers and devices. Interactivity: Add interactive components like sliders, carousels, or collapsible menus. Optimize JavaScript functionality for dynamic user engagement. Performance Optimization: Compress and optimize assets (e.g., images, scripts, and fonts). Ensure fast loading speeds and smooth performance. Deployment: Host the final project on a chosen platform (e.g., AWS, GitHub Pages). Set up basic SEO optimization. Additional Notes The inspiration files include assets such as banners, logos, and font files. If necessary, I can share access to the original assets or provide additional specifications. Please advise on any additional technologies or approaches that might enhance the project. Next Steps Let me know if you need clarification ...
I'm in the process of shifting my infrastructure from AWS/Docker to Azure/AKS and I require a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with this migration. Key Responsibilities: - Configuring Azure CLI - Deploying and managing AKS - Providing comprehensive support throughout the AWS to Azure migration process Primary Objective: - Achieving seamless, improved integration with Azure DevOps As part of this project, you'll be responsible for creating new Azure DevOps pipelines from scratch. Specifically, you'll need to establish: - Both build and release pipelines Your expertise will be critical in ensuring this transition is smooth and efficient, ultimately facilitating better integration with Azure DevOps. Required Skills: - Proficient in Azure CLI conf...
...outcomes. Timeline Expectation: Commencing with the month of January 2025 ETC: First week of February 2025 7. Develop a Program for Reviewing Logistics Market Objective: Stay competitive by evaluating new service providers for cost and service improvements. Steps to Complete: Market Analysis: Benchmark rates and service levels from top providers. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analyze switching costs vs. potential savings in freight and storage. RFP Development: Issue RFPs for new providers with clear performance expectations. Deliverable: A quarterly market analysis report recommending provider adjustments to reduce freight costs. Timeline Expectation: 6-8 weeks ETC: Early March 2025 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for syste...
...full-time position based on performance. Key Responsibilities: - Architecting robust, scalable solutions. - Conducting code reviews to ensure quality and adherence to best practices. - Actively participating in code development. Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Proficiency in React JS and expertise in Next JS. - A proven track record in performance optimization and scalability. - Experience with AWS Cloud. You will be pivotal in driving our tech strategy and mentoring our junior developers. Your leadership skills will be just as important as your technical expertise. Please apply if you're ready to take on this exciting challenge. This requirement is for individuals ONLY. Candidates based in India ONLY. Full time availability needed, need to have around 8-9 years of experi...
I'm transitioning my infrastructure from AWS/Docker to Azure/AKS and require a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with this migration. Key Responsibilities: - Azure CLI configuration - AKS deployment and management - Comprehensive support throughout the migration process from AWS to Azure Primary Objective: - Achieve seamless, improved integration with various Azure services Required Skills: - Proficient in Azure CLI configuration - Experienced in AKS deployment and management - Demonstrated history of successful migration projects from AWS to Azure This migration aims to facilitate a better integration with other Azure services, specifically Azure DevOps, Azure Monitor, and Azure Active Directory. Your role will be crucial in ensuring this transition is ...
Hello Everybody. I'm seeking a developer to create a cloud-based code editor, built on the VS Code framework. Key Features: - The editor should have robust 'Code Autocompletion' capabilities to assist users in coding efficiency and accuracy. Requirements: - The code editor must be specifically tailored for JavaScript, incorporating all necessary language-specific features and support. - It should be optimized for seamless performance on the web, ensuring accessibility from any browser without the need for additional software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript and familiarity with VS Code is crucial. - Experience in developing web-based applications is a must. - Knowledge of implementing 'Code Autocompletion' features will be highly advanta...
We need to setup multiple servers to balance the load of our server. We need server expert to do the setup and suggest configuration.
I'm seeking a skilled freelance Python developer for a short-term project. The primary task involves fixing bugs in our system. If the individual performs well, the project duration may extend. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and fixing database-related bugs - Troubleshooti...freelance Python developer for a short-term project. The primary task involves fixing bugs in our system. If the individual performs well, the project duration may extend. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and fixing database-related bugs - Troubleshooting and resolving backend bugs Ideal Candidate: - Strong proficiency in Python - Experience with Python Libraries, Postgres, Django, Heroku, and AWS - Ability to deliver high-quality code within tight deadlines - Good problem-solving skills and atte... on project status and milestones. Skills Required: Proven expertise in the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). Previous experience in integrating PayHere or similar payment gateways. Strong understanding of frontend development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js). API development and integration for payment systems and other services. Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku for deployment. Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to work independently. Project Scope: Design and develop a fully functional e-commerce platform similar to Integration with PayHere for secure payment processing. Develop an admin panel for easy product and order management. Ensure mobile-first responsiveness and cross-device compatibility. Optimize the we...
I'm experiencing a deployment failure with m...experiencing a deployment failure with my Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. The issue arises when I'm running the Lambda function, and I'm encountering a ClassNotFound exception for the handler class, despite the class file being present in the JAR. I need an expert who can: - Troubleshoot the deployment issue and find the root of the ClassNotFound exception. - Diagnose if there's a problem with the JAR or the Lambda configuration. - Provide solutions to successfully deploy and run the Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with AWS Lambda and Spring Boot. - Proficiency in diagnosing and resolving deployment issues. - Familiarity with buildi...
Project Overview: We need an e-commerce website to sell automobile spare parts, catering to two customer types: individual consumers and merchant customers (auto repair shops, resellers). The website should offer a seamless shopping experience for both, with features tailored to each audience. Key Features: Homepage: Segmentation for individuals and merchants (e.g., "Shop for Personal Use" vs. "Merchant Login"). Product Pages: Detailed product descriptions, images, compatibility info, and availability. Search & Filters: Advanced search by vehicle make, model, and part type with filtering options. Cart & Checkout: Simple checkout for individuals; bulk order and volume discount options for merchants. User Accounts: Separate login/registration for consumer...
I am seeking a professional or agency specializing in lead generation to target mid to small-sized corporations in the US for my tech company. Our offerings include GCP, GWS, Power BI, Power Platform, Office 365, AI, AWS, Azure, and Dynamics 365. Key Responsibilities: - Research Prospects and Verify Leads - Identify and generate valuable leads for companies in the US - Collect pertinent business details from each lead - Schedule the first demo call with a company Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation, specifically targeting mid to small sized companies - Proficient in research and data collection - Familiarity with the tech industry is a plus We are open to working with a lead generation agency or an individual expert who can deliver qualified leads tailored to...
I need help converting exam papers in both PDF and DOC formats into a structured CSV file. The exam papers consist of multiple subjects and contain different types of questions, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and fill-in-the-blank questions. D...CSV. - Storage: - All cropped images need to be stored in an S3 bucket. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Tesseract OCR for text extraction. - Experienced in handling both PDF and DOC exam papers. - Skilled in using Python libraries such as OpenCV, Pillow for image processing. - Familiar with document parsing tools like PyPDF2, PDFMiner, python-docx. - Knowledgeable in using AWS SDKs for S3 storage. Goal: - A structured CSV file with all the question data. - All processed images successfully stored in an ...
I need a skilled Unity developer who can help me set up a Codecanyon app. The setup involves integration with Cashfree and PhonePe payment gateways, configuring a combin...can help me set up a Codecanyon app. The setup involves integration with Cashfree and PhonePe payment gateways, configuring a combination logo, linking to my website, and setting the server on AWS. Requirements: - Proficiency in Unity, with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experience with Codecanyon apps. - Knowledge in configuring payment gateways, specifically Cashfree and PhonePe. - Ability to design a combination logo, as per my specifications. - Familiarity with AWS for server setup. Ideal Skills: - Unity Development - Codecanyon Apps Configuration - Payment Gateway Integration - Logo Design - A...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top naviga...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top naviga...
...experienced professional to set up redirection for my domain The redirection should ensure that all traffic is rerouted to https and www, using a permanent 301 redirect. Key Requirements: - Implement a 301 (Permanent) redirect for all traffic to https and www. - Configure the Application Load Balancer (ALB) for this setup. - Knowledge of AWS Route 53 and Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with AWS services, particularly Route 53 and Application Load Balancer. - Strong understanding of domain redirection and load balancing. - Experience in setting up permanent redirect rules. This setup is critical for ensuring secure and consistent access to my website. Please only apply if you have the relevant experience and can demo...
Job Summary We are seeking a talented and creative UX/UI Developer to design and build a modern, sleek website with voice-enabled chat functionality. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in user experience and interface design, a passion for crafting intuitive digital experiences, and a focus on responsiveness and accessibility. You will collaborate closely with me ...(WCAG) and best practices. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills. Preferred Skills Experience with conversational UI and voice interface design. Familiarity with backend technologies for seamless collaboration (e.g., Node.js, Python). Knowledge of modern animation libraries for interactive UI elements. Experience in deploying and managing web applications on cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, GCP, o...
Need to resolve restapi and loopback issues under Tools - Site Health in admin : , this is immediate requirement. Issue related to server as we have already disabled all plugins and checked it. Ubuntu - Aws
Looking for a revision of attached graphic but much more aesthetic. (Image 2807) Remove-save the date Remove - one month away Change the athlete photos to the action shots of 2 runners (attached) Remove the lion vs wolf line Make Hofstra Winter Homecoming a smaller cleaner font in an Icy winter font With the location, date and time smaller in shiny metallic gold And then without the yellow bar. Large Bi cal wherever it fits best
I'm seeking an expert in cloud solutions to help implement a Cloud NVR system on AWS for my IP cameras. The system should offer functionalities like motion detection, real-time alerts, and remote access. Key requirements: - Extensive experience with AWS - Proficiency in setting up Cloud NVR systems - Expertise in integrating IP cameras with NVR - Ability to implement motion detection and real-time alert features - Skills for enabling secure remote access to the system Quality and timeliness of work are critical for this project. This project has CRM portion to it as well. Our project is an NVR for IP cameras ,where there is no physical NVR device. Storage goes directly to the cloud storage. It has three parts CRM front and backend database NVR Storage CRM has the...
...on live exchange rates. 2. Multiple Languages: • Multilingual user interface to suit users around the world. 3. Geolocation: • Display local payment options based on user location (such as Knet in Kuwait and Mada in Saudi Arabia). Infrastructure: 1. Scalability: • Automatic expansion with increasing users. • Separate servers for each department to increase resilience. 2. Hosting: • Support for AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. • Storing invoices on Amazon S3. • SQL databases for financial transactions. 3. Backups: • Daily and weekly data backups. Integration and Flexibility: 1. Integration with Platforms: • WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento. And all online stores • Connecting using API and Keys. 2. User Interface: • Comprehensive a...
I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer to amplify my renovation business leads through targeted social media advertising and SEO. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a captivating digital marketing strategy aimed at generating more leads for my renovation business. - Leverage social media platforms and SEO to increase visibility and reach. Content Strategy: - Develop and promote enticing promotional offers that resonate with potential clients. - Prior experience in the renovation industry or similar fields will be a plus. - Skills in SEO, social media marketing, and content creation are essential.
Procuro quem entenda de AWS para criar um bucket com um layout front-end para guarda e pesquisa de documentos.
...milestones. • Create a community for meditation challenges. Design Requirements: • Minimalistic, calming UI inspired by Headspace. • Intuitive navigation, soothing color palette, and Hindi-friendly fonts. Tech Stack (Preferred): • Frontend: Flutter or React Native for cross-platform compatibility. • Backend: Node.js or Django. • Database: Firebase, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL. • Cloud Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud, or similar. Additional Notes: • The app must be scalable and optimized for performance. • Developers who understand Hindi and Indian cultural nuances will have an advantage. Deliverables: • Complete app (Android & iOS) with source code. • Admin dashboard for content and user management. • Documenta...
I am looking for a skilled professional with strong experience in Kubernetes, AWS, and Linux to assist with a small but critical project. The ideal candidate should also have experience in marketing resumes to help me polish and enhance mine effectively. Requirements: • Expertise in Kubernetes, AWS, and Linux • Strong understanding of resume marketing and optimization
We have been having problems with our AWS EC2 instance - slow - gateway errors ... We need an expert to login and look at what we have done and suggest improvements. We estimate a 3-5 hour commitment. ...and like all customers we need help ASAP ;) We need an expert to enhance the performance of my AWS EC2 instance. The EC2 instance is largely utilized as a web server, so experience in optimizing such workloads is critical. Key responsibilities: - Diagnose current network performance - Recommend and implement improvements - Monitor post-implementation performance Ideal Skills: - AWS EC2 expertise - Network optimization experience - Web server management knowledge
AWS Lambda Programmer for Interactive Mattress Selection System Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled AWS Lambda programmer to join our innovative project aimed at enhancing customer experience in 24 mattress showrooms. By integrating Alexa speakers, the system will help customers choose the most suitable mattress based on their preferences using voice commands. The project involves using AWS Lambda to enable seamless interaction with a database containing detailed information about the mattresses. Responsibilities: Develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions to handle voice commands from Alexa speakers. Ensure robust and efficient system performance to enhance the customer experience in the showrooms. Collaborate with our team to troubleshoot and optimize...