Ancient rome project 6th gradeproiecte


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    2,000 ancient rome project 6th grade proiecte găsite
    Aplicatie Web
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    Necesitatam o aplicatie Interna pentru activitatea unei Asociatii care ofera si Terapie & Servicii aplicatie trebuie sa regaseasca un Program Integrat care sa aiba si cateva functii , Posibilitatea de Feedback in cadrul aplicatiei , useri vor fi atat Clienti dar si angajati cu diferite grade de acces , cateva departamente , CRM cu anumite functii.

    $531 Average bid
    $531 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    ...statut juridic, firma, pfa etc, din Romania, in vederea realizarii unor figurine in baza unor desene realizate de mana sau cu tableta. Înălțimea figurinei printate ar fi de 5-10-15 cm, în funcție de complexitatea detaliilor. Ne interesează doar modelarea 3D si pregatirea fișierelor pentru print. Avem o imprimanta 3D Ultimaker 2+ pe care o putem utiliza pentru imprimare. Atasez câteva exemple pe grade de complexitate diferite. Ar fi ideal dacă ați putea să faceți o cotație de preț pentru fiecare variantă ca să putem lua o decizie mai potrivită. Intenția noastră este de a realiza o serie de figurine, pe care să le comercializăm ulterior pe site-ul nostru, prin urmare drepturile de autor vor fi cesionate total și exclusiv către societatea noastră. Dacă mai sunt ...

    $481 Average bid
    $481 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Sunt mai multe programe (20) scrise in Delphi 2010 interconectate cu o baza de date. Programele preiau date nu de la tastatura ci de la accesorii prin intermediul unei interfete ARDUIONO UNO pe port USB.

    $2407 Average bid
    $2407 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Seo pentru 10 fraze
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, Vreau seo pentru 10 grade pentru site ul meu. Cele 10 grade vreau sa imi urce site ul in primele pozitii din prima pagina.

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Oferta medie
    37 oferte
    Creeaza GUI in Matlab
    S-a încheiat left

    In interfata grafica ar trebui sa se introduca date pentru a se afisa, intr-un grafic, 2 cercuri intr-un mediu 3D (x,y,z), cu ajutorul formulelor urmatoare: x=r*cos(teta)+x0 y=r*sin(teta)cos(phi)+y0 z=-r*sin(teta)sin(phi)+z0 Theta trebuie sa varieze intre 0 si 360 de grade. Datele de intrare in GUI: x0=.. y0=.. z0=.. r=.. phi=.. Phi reprezinta inclinarea in jurul axei OX. Este un unghi fix dat (intre 0 si 90).

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Salutare, am o pagina de prezentare facuta in wordpress, la care este nevoie de adugarea unui shop , shopul trebuie sa fie complet functional , sa includa un plug inn de tip reteta , acest plug in ...pentru inserarea valorilor dioptrice a ochelariilor sau a lentilelor de contact (produse vandute) , pe langa asta ar trebui sa fie ca un configurator . Ochelarii emporio armani click pe produs(poza 1) Butonul adauga in cos apasat(poza2) "Retetarul" valorile trebuie scrise sub forma , campul 1 "+sau- 2.25" , , campul 2 asemenea , iar ultimul dintre campuri trebuie completat cu valori intre 0 si 180 grade , "ax" Pt a intelege cat mai bine functionalitatea , recomand o simulare de a cumpara un produs ochelari de vedere (nu de soare) din magazinul virtual lens...

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Salut am nevoie sa modific un frimware pentru o camera PTZ - Panasonic AW-HE130. Trebuie modificata doar viteza de rotatie pe cele 2 axe(Pan-Tilt) de la maxim 60 grade pe secunda la 120 grade pe secunda!

    $517 Average bid
    $517 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Tema Chimie
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un calcul fizico-chimic-termodinamic in .xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de ing...xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de inghet al apei- care este solvent in acest caz -diluate cu sare ( 1% , 2% .... ) in functie de presiune. Adica in excel, sa se poata schimba ori cantitatea de sare din apa, ori/si presiunea la care este supus lichidul (bar), si rezultatul va fi un punct de inghet in grade Celsius. Calculul trebuie sa fie unul serios. Pentru verificare este si un site (care nu stiu cat de corect functioneaza) :

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    render mobilier
    S-a încheiat left

    Vreau render fotorealist pentru piese de mobilier care urmeaza sa fie promovate pe un site. Imagini si 360 grade. Vi se ofera model 3D in Autocad 2016 (DWG)

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Eseu Management
    S-a încheiat left

    Hello! I am looking for a native romanian speaker to help me with an essay. It is about management. The task is a better (ideal) management system starting from the most representative (Anglo Saxon, Japanese, American). The due date is on Monday, the 6th of May. The essay has to have between 7 to 10 pages in word. Thank you! Buna! Este vorba despre un eseu despre un sistem de management mai bun (ideal) pornind de la cele mai reprezentative ( anglo saxon, japonez, american ). Deadlineul este până pe 6 mai. Intre 7 -10 pagini in word.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Clientul final trebuie sa dispuna de posibilitatea de a incepe cu modelele de casa baza personalizand modelul in functie de dorintele proprii si in baza fiecarei optiuni alese sa se schimbe in timp real pretul. Dispun deja de modelele 3D ale caselor precum si optiunile lor(culori,tipuri de usi,ferestre,garaj,terasa,etc.). Configurata casa si optiunile ei, clientul poate vizualiza renderul la 360 de grade si ne poate trimite cererea de contact pentru aceasta. Imediat ce este completat formularul de contact, atat clientul cat si administratorul proiectului primesc un email informativ si un pdf continand detaliile alese precum si pretul plus datele de contact. Cautam o persoana sau societate cu experienta pentru a stabili un raport de colaborare de lunga durata. Astept cu nerabd...

    $7498 Average bid
    $7498 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Modelează 3D
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectarea unui brat robotic/robot cu patru grade de libertate

    $523 Average bid
    $523 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    Vreau un logo 200X90 px, As porni de "deviza" blogului: "modern times - ancient humans". Putem folosi ideea asta clasica, a evolutiei rasei umane, dar care este o evolutie anatomica nu si rationala, elementele animalice ramanand principalele instincte dupa care ne ghidam. Nu am o ideea foarte clara in minte, dar astept cateva propuneri. Tema pe care o voi folosi: Numele site-ului: I want a logo 200 x 90 px, "Motto" blog: "Modern Times - Ancient humans". We can use classical idea of the evolution of the human race, but there is an anatomical evolution, not rational, and animalistic instincts remain our guiding principal. I don't have a very clear idea in mind, but

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    PWM pentru Arduino Due
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, vreau si eu un program de PWM cu interfata pentru Arduine DUE si care sa stie urmatoarele: -4 sau 6 semnale max de PWM la care sa se poate controla unghiul de faza dintre ele, de la 0-360 grade si cu feedback sa nu se intrepatrunda semnalele (overshoot) -sa mearga pana la frecventa maxima de 20 mhz cat poate sa scoata DUE semnal curat -sa pot seta si duty cycle de la 0 la 255 si in durata gen 100-200-300,.,,,500 ns si sa pot seta si pauza intre semnale;

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...DESCRIEREA APLICAȚIEI Aplicaţia este creată pentru a-i ajuta pe copii să învețe adunarea şi scăderea într-un mod plăcut. Aplicaţia poate fi divizată în două mari părţi: 1. jocul propriu-zis destinat copiilor 2. partea de monitorizare a rezultatelor şi progreselor destinat părinților și profesorilor. Atât modulul de exerciţii de adunare cât şi cel de scădere cuprind câte 5 tipuri de exerciţii cu grade de dificultate diferite. Un utilizator poate debloca un alt set de exerciţii (un alt nivel), atunci când a răspuns corect la toate cele 10 întrebari din setul precedent. Iniţial, la înregistrarea unui nou utilizator, acesta are deblocate primul nivel de adunare şi primul nivel de scădere. Fiecare întrebare din joc e...

    $1656 Average bid
    $1656 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Oficiul starii civile
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    ...scrie un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari:  starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data;  descendentii unei persoane specificate;  daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg);  construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana. Cerinte de implementare:  Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor;  Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor;  Tratarea exceptiilor; ...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Stare civila
    S-a încheiat left

    ...un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari:  -starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data;  -descendentii unei persoane specificate;  -daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg); - construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana *Cerinte de implementare:  -Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor;  -Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor;  -Tratarea exceptiilor...

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Totul despre android
    S-a încheiat left Linux, pe care l-au prezentat producatorilor de telefoane mobile și operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă, cu perspectiva de a asigura un sistem flexibil, upgradabil.[necesită citare] Google a raportat că a aliniat deja o serie de parteneri producători de componente hardware și software la noul concept, și a semnalat operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă că era deschis la diferite grade de cooperare din partea acestora.[12][13][14] Mai multe speculații că Google ar fi putut intra pe piața telefoniei mobile au apărut în decembrie 2006.[15] Rapoarte de la BBC și Wall Street Journal au remarcat faptul că Google își dorea căutarea web și aplicațiile sale pe telefoane mobile și că lucra din greu către acest țel. Presa și siturile de știri au publicat curâ...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 oferte

    I'm seeking a talented video editor to merge diverse assets (animated visuals, battle-maps, voiceovers, music, etc.) into a captivating 35-minute documentary for our history channel, focusing on the ancient world and the middle ages. Key Responsibilities: - Seamlessly combine various elements to create an entertaining and engaging film - Perfectly time image transitions and visuals placements to maintain viewer's interest - Use dynamic and vibrant effects for action scenes, while predominantly keeping it subtle and smooth For this project, we'll provide you with multiple assets (e.g animated images, battle maps, political maps, voiceover, animations) and would would want you to apply them to the storyline in an engaging way. You'll arrange the animation...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Oferta medie
    51 oferte

    I'm looking for someone to create a slideshow presentation for an educational lesson aimed at professionals. The presentation needs to be engaging and well-structured, as it will be delivered to an audience of workin...Requirements: - Incorporation of Text and Bullet Points: The presentation should include clear, concise text and bullet points to convey key messages and facilitate understanding. - Use of Images and Videos: The slides should be visually appealing and include relevant images and videos to maintain engagement and enhance learning. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience creating professional-grade presentations. - Understanding of educational content delivery. - Proficiency in visual design and multimedia integration. - Excellent command of English for...

    $290 Average bid
    $290 Oferta medie
    112 oferte

    I'm seeking...throughout the video leading up to the logo reveal. Key Requirements: - Experience in video editing and production - Ability to create engaging, professional-grade content - Familiarity with utilizing electronic music in a video context - Proficient in creating text overlays that are both clear and visually appealing - Creative skills to effectively tell our company history through the video The video should have a professional tone, with a text running throughout that encapsulates our company history. The background music will be electronic, so a good sense of pacing and rhythm will be important. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a teaser that builds anticipation and excitement leading up to the reveal of our new logo.

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I am seeking a professional content creator to produce engaging YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels centered on Hindu ancient wisdom, particularly mythological stories. The ideal freelancer will have a knack for storytelling, making the content appealing and relatable to a modern audience. Key Requirements: - Expertise in content creation for YouTube and Instagram - Strong storytelling skills, capable of bringing mythological tales to life - Proficient in incorporating text overlays and captions into the videos - Skilled in creating or utilizing illustrations and animations Please share your previous work that aligns with this project.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...responsibilities: Scope of Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of FreshBooks or similar accounting systems. Availability to complete the task reliably each month. Compensation: $75 per month (non-negotiable). Important ...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    ...responsibilities: Scope of Work: Payment Verification and Booking: I will provide a PDF file of the bank statement to identify client payments. You will log in to FreshBooks (access provided) to record the payments. Cash and card payments made at the office will be uploaded to our website admin. You will verify these payments and book them accordingly. Account Closure for Non-Payment: On the 6th of every month, you will review accounts and close access for users who have not paid, using the manager account provided for the GPS platform. Requirements: Attention to detail and accuracy in financial records. Basic knowledge of FreshBooks or similar accounting systems. Availability to complete the task reliably each month. Compensation: $75 per month (non-negotiable). Important ...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta medie
    118 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled animator who can transform my logo into a professional and sleek 3D animation. This animated logo will primarily be used for video intros and outros, so it needs to be high quality and visually compelling. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in 3D animation and a portfolio that demonstrates a knack for creating polished, professional-grade animations. Key requirements: - Expert in 3D animation - Prior experience in logo animation - Ability to deliver high-quality, polished work - Understands the need for a professional and sleek aesthetic

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I'm seeking a PHP developer to create a simple, form-based web application for sports team fixturing. Key Requirements: - Implement a fixturing system for 20-30 teams from 12-15 clubs, across various ladders (A, B, C grade, etc.). - Ensure all teams play each other twice, with equal distribution of home and away matches. - Adhere to club hosting limitations on match nights. The application should allow for: - Printable fixtures - Manual adjustments to fixtures - Adding non-play dates (e.g. holidays) The data will be sourced from a SQL database, with basic information provided for development. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with SQL databases - Web application development - Knowledge of sports league and fixturing systems is a plus.

    $348 Average bid
    $348 Oferta medie
    138 oferte

    ...for image processing and video processing. Ideal Freelancer: - Proven expertise in AI-based computer vision and object detection. - Experience working with automotive or industrial defect detection systems is a plus. - Strong knowledge of deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.) and deployment strategies. If you have the required experience and can deliver a production-grade solution, we would love to hear from you. Please include relevant portfolio links and a high-level implementation plan in your proposal....

    $712 Average bid
    $712 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I need a proficient developer or a team to create a comprehensive email system, both web-based and desktop client, similar to popular platforms like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo Mail. This system needs to be robust enough...login system. To develop this login system, you have the option to help built it (for a bonus) or simply insert code from another developer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in developing web-based and desktop email clients. - Proficiency in creating enterprise-grade systems capable of handling large user bases. - Strong understanding of email system core functionalities and user needs. - Prior experience in implementing secure and reliable authentication methods. ** Please note. This project will not start, incliding milestone payments, u...

    $9608 Average bid
    $9608 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I'm looking to design blueprints for my home that includes a functional bakery and a greenhouse. The bakery should have a baking area, a storage room, a...functional bakery and a greenhouse. The bakery should have a baking area, a storage room, and a display/sales area. Key Requirements: - Home bakery with: - A dedicated baking area - A storage room for ingredients and supplies - A display/sales area for the finished products - A greenhouse equipped with grow lights Ideal Skills: - Architectural design - Experience in designing commercial-grade home kitchens - Knowledge of greenhouse requirements and design - Proficiency in creating practical and efficient blueprints. Experience with residential blueprints is a must. Please include relevant samples of your work in...

    $379 Average bid
    $379 Oferta medie
    93 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional photographer who specializes in portrait photography. The shoot will take place in my home, so you'll need to bring your equipment and be able to set up in an indoor environment. Ideal skills and experience include: - Extensive portfolio of portrait photography - Professional-grade equipment - Ability to work in a home setting - Excellent communication skills - Creative vision for unique shots

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 oferte

    As a class 11 commerce student, I'm seeking a dedicated tutor specializing in Accountancy, specifically Financial Accounting. Key Requirements: - Expertise in teaching Financial Accounting - Previous experience with 11th grade curriculum - Patience and ability to explain concepts clearly - Flexible schedule for tutoring sessions Your role will primarily involve conducting tutoring sessions aimed at helping me understand and excel in Financial Accounting. Please provide your tutoring approach and availability in your proposal.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Hello, here is really a simple contest, put my video on a third Grade Youtube Channel (Around 300 members, it can be more) It's a little teaser/first look for a PC MMO Strategy Game for a kickstarter campaign. This teaser is FAR from perfect (But on little channel it's not a problem). The one with the most views win. You can use any URL trackers you want. But it have to go through my personal referral link (PDF with list of referrals available, indicate in the chat the one you took). So why a contest and not a job offers. It's pretty simple: - First it allow to know who are the freelancers who can potentially bring a lot of followers (For later) - Then if I could get a dozen of feedbacks from real community member it would be great and allow me to adapt one or 2...

    $55 Average bid

    ...on Cloudflare as Bypass By Cookie needs to be set up so it would take care of the speed problem. Maybe Optimize SQL queries to reduce server load and response time. Implement server-side caching to reduce load times and improve performance. Those are the problems below with a site: Make fewer HTTP Requests Use Cookie Free Domains Add Expires Headers Compress Component with gzip Performance grade is 72 Load time 654 ms Requests 54 2. We have Immunify 360 installed on the server that keeps it secure, but I need advice and help to set up server security on Cloudflafe Pro? What will be most economical and secure? This Immuify 360 keeps blocking any extension or upgrade we try to install it and it is literally a pain to operate. It says server secured but total pain to operate...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    I'm seeking a modern, professional logo for my company, LORTENT, which specializes in the sale of tubular tents. The logo should be minimalist and incorporate an abstract shape within of tubular tents. The logo should be minimalist and incorporate an abstract shape within the name. Key Requirements: - Design should be predominantly in white or blue. - A clean, uncluttered aesthetic. - Integration of an abstract shape within the name. - A modern and professional tone. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in minimalist and modern design. - Experience in creating professional-grade logos. - Ability to incorporate abstract shapes creatively. - Proficiency in using a color palette of white and blue. Please refer to the attached photos for examples and a picture of the prod...

    $92 Average bid
    715 intrări

    I'm seeking a talented artist who specializes in realistic life art drawing to create a piece depictit life of the ancient and modern world of Tokyo. This artwork is intended for project-use Ideal Skills: - Expertise in realistic life art drawing - Experience with creating artwork for commercial purposes - In-depth understanding or experience with the city of Tokyo Please include a portfolio of similar works in your proposal.

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Oferta medie
    70 oferte

    ...translation from English to Norwegian. The text contains 2,730 words related to DIY tools, including marketing phrases for the web and terminology for professional-grade power tools such as saws, routers, and drills. Requirements: - Use of a CAT tool, specifically Trados, as the text has a repetition rate of 27%. - A casual tone of voice, suitable for the target audience of professional tradespeople. - Adherence to standard industry terms, while using the existing text as a guideline. - Experience in the power tools or construction industry. - Capability to perform quality assurance checks on the translated text. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient English to Norwegian translation skills. - Experience in translating DIY or power tool related content. - F...

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Oferta medie
    27 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional-grade video for brand promotion. The video will be exclusively published on our website. Key Requirements: - Crafting a video that aligns with a professional tone - Focusing on brand promotion, not product demonstration or customer testimonials - Ensuring the video is optimized for website publication The ideal freelancer for this project would have experience in public relations video creation and a clear understanding of brand promotion strategies. A portfolio showcasing previous professional-grade brand videos would be highly advantageous.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    81 oferte

    I’m Jafar Razaghi, the founder of Eidos Photography in Rome. We specialize in private and customized photoshoots at iconic landmarks in Rome for international tourists. My website, , is built with Webflow and offers online photoshoot booking. Our main goal is to increase website traffic and attract more international clients for photoshoot reservations. I’m looking for a professional SEO expert who: ✅ Has experience working on tourism and travel-related websites. ✅ Has a proven track record of optimizing international (English-language) websites. ✅ Is skilled in keyword research and optimization related to tourist photography, traveling to Rome, and booking a photoshoot. ✅ Is familiar with Webflow SEO and can optimize SEO settings within Webflow. ✅ Is pro...

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Oferta medie
    90 oferte
    Trophy icon Icons for grading system
    5 zile left

    ...system ensures each grade has a distinct yet unified theme, making it highly recognizable and professional for collectibles. Each full grade and half-grade has unique variations, using different materials, crest styles, gemstones, and weathering effects. Professional Collectible Grading Symbols (Numbers Embedded in Crest Design) 10 – Gem Mint (GEM-MT) Symbol: Platinum Crowned Crest with Floating Diamond Core • Design: Platinum shield-like crest, golden laurel wreath, and a floating diamond core, where 10 is engraved with a holographic glow. • Meaning: Flawless condition, no imperfections under magnification, peak grading. • Visual Style: Flawless reflections, futuristic engraving, brilliant diamond accents. • Rarity Representation: ...

    $103 Average bid
    249 intrări

    ...grandfather clock stood, its design unlike anything she had ever seen. The clock’s face was etched with symbols—ancient runes, perhaps, or forgotten languages. "This," Elias said, "is the heart of it all. It’s not just any clock. It holds within it the moment of your greatest choice, the one that will change everything." Lila's heart raced. "What do you mean?" Elias reached into the compartment of the clock and pulled out a small, delicate key. "This key will allow you to unlock a door to a different time. You can revisit the past, see what might have been, or venture into the future, to glimpse what could be." "But… isn’t that dangerous?" she whispered, staring at the key as if it were an ...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I'm seeking a versatile photographer and videographer for personal portraits. The ideal candidate should be skilled in capturing candid, traditional, and artistic shots. Key Requirements: - Experience with personal portrait photography and videography - Proficiency in various styles, including c...photographer and videographer for personal portraits. The ideal candidate should be skilled in capturing candid, traditional, and artistic shots. Key Requirements: - Experience with personal portrait photography and videography - Proficiency in various styles, including candid, traditional, and artistic - Ability to shoot in both indoor and outdoor settings - High-quality equipment for professional-grade photos and videos Please provide a portfolio showcasing your range in person...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    I need a qualified. licensed professional to conduct an audit on a recent property sale (29-Jan). The primary focus of the audit is to verify the 10% deposit held in the trust account of Real Estate. Settlement is 20-Feb Key Tasks: - Investigate the transaction history of the sale - Confirm via obtaining bank documents documents that the 10% holding deposit is in the Real Estate'...must comply. Although I need assurance that you will be able to do this (make a demand lawfully) and explain the legal mechanism in which the demand must be met by the agent, before proceeding with the task. I will provide a letter of instruction to you to use to gain access to the records you need from buyer's solicitor, bank, real estate. offering $700 - and required within today or tomorrow (...

    $251 Average bid
    $251 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    ...outlines blurring. A low hum resonated in the air, growing louder, more insistent. And then, the city materialized. It wasn't what Zara had expected. It wasn't a city of grand palaces and towering minarets. Instead, it was a patchwork of architectural styles, a chaotic blend of different eras and cultures. Romanesque arches stood beside futuristic spires, Victorian townhouses nestled next to ancient Egyptian temples. The buildings seemed to breathe, their shapes subtly changing, their colors pulsating with an inner light. Zara stepped into the city, her heart pounding with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The streets were alive with people, but they were unlike any she had ever seen. Some had skin that shimmered like polished metal, others had eyes that glowed wi...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional videographer who can record cooking demos for a healthy cuisine series. The sessions will be streamed live via Zoom and e...streamed live via Zoom and each will last for 2 hours. Key Requirements: - Experience in filming cooking demonstrations - Proven track record with live-streaming events - Proficient in capturing a variety of shots including overheads, close-ups, and wide angles - Ability to adapt to shooting healthy cuisine - Knowledge of optimal positioning for each shot and experience working with Professional-grade equipment (equipment can be provided) Your work will help viewers learn, engage and enjoy the cooking experience from their homes. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any related to cooking, health or lif...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 oferte

    I'm looking for a freelancer to help me write a rough draft of a narrative essay about my first day of 4th grade. The essay should have a reflective tone and balance both the events of the day with my emotions. Key components the essay should cover include: - Meeting new friends - First impression of the school - Classroom experiences Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Exceptional writing skills - Experience with narrative and reflective essays - Ability to convey emotions and events in a balanced way The essay should be between 1000-1500 words. The essay should be written from a third-person perspective. The essay should emphasize emotions of nervousness and anxiety. Include elements that reflect a rural school setting. Include details about recess and...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    ...Requirements: - Plumbing: The entire building needs to be outfitted with a commercial-grade kitchen plumbing system. This includes effective drainage, water supply, and gas lines suitable for a high-demand, commercial kitchen. - Electrical: The plans need to accommodate high-capacity wiring for kitchen equipment. This is crucial as the restaurant will require multiple heavy-duty appliances simultaneously. - Areas to be Covered: The plumbing plans need to encompass the entire building, not just the kitchen. This includes restrooms, dining areas, and any potential outdoor spaces. Ideal freelancers for this project should have substantial experience in designing plumbing and electrical systems for commercial-grade kitchens and restaurants. Please provide past examples...

    $1910 Average bid
    $1910 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled image editor to retouch and color grade 30 images intended for my social media. - Skin Smoothing: Each image will require skin smoothing to enhance the overall appearance. - Color Grading: I'm looking for a professional to perform color grading on all images to ensure a consistent and appealing aesthetic. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio demonstrating previous experience in image retouching and color grading, particularly for social media content.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    I'm looking for a freelancer to help me write a rough draft of a narrative essay about my first day of 4th grade. The essay should have a reflective tone and balance both the events of the day with my emotions. Key components the essay should cover include: - Meeting new friends - First impression of the school - Classroom experiences Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Exceptional writing skills - Experience with narrative and reflective essays - Ability to convey emotions and events in a balanced way The essay should be between 1000-1500 words. The essay should be written from a third-person perspective. The essay should emphasize emotions of nervousness and anxiety. Include elements that reflect a rural school setting. Include details about recess and...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    Need a sharp, smart, very exclusive people Team. Who can deliver a project very fast ? Here is what we are looking for. Not for fresher or avg quality people. Features & Functionalities for a diploma college 1) Multi-page Navigation: Homepage, Courses, Admissions, News, Events, Contact, Student Portal. 2) Search & Filters: Course search, faculty directory, blog search. 3) Forms & User Input: Contact form, application form, newsletter signup. 4) Chatbot / AI Assistant: AI-powered chatbot for student queries. 5) Live Events & Webinars Integration: YouTube Live, Zoom Integration. 6) Student Dashboard (Login System): Access to grades, class schedules, profile management. 7) sub-domain blog, sub-domain for emailer B) Essential Roles : UI/UX Designer...

    $629 Average bid
    $629 Oferta medie
    37 oferte