Alexander the greatproiecte
Bună, Jhon Alexander R.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat.
Bun cunoscător al limbii române Bun cunoscător ZOOM Abilități de actor Abilități de jurnalist online Abilități de marketing digital Abilități de bun comunicator
Este un cer undeva, dar norii ne patrund facand din noi ingeri, si atat.
vreau un site vgo cu cf si jp si am auzit ca esti bun.
Salut, vreau sa fac un import de produse in Opencart pe baza unui feed xml. Nu stiu ce plugin ar trebui. Crezi ca poti face asa ceva?
1. Revizuirea unor click-uri pe paginile potrivite 2. Dimensionarea optima a catorva poze 2. Cresterea vitezei site-ului
1. diferentiez pozele de la cele doua locatii Bucuresti si Cluj 2. sa adaug poza unui instructor la Yoga 3. sa optimizez poza unui instructor de Pilates 4. cresc viteza site-ului
- curata site-ul de erori, plugin-uri nefolositoare pastrand imaginea si functionalitatea; - cresterea evidenta de incarcare a site-ului
The website to be modified is The source code should be modified according to specifications, while the website aspect should remain (almost) identical. The project has two tasks: 1. Optimize the load time of the home page (slider, parallax effects), by modifying the source code and, if necessary, the required JavaScript libraries 2. Modify the source code of the HTML pages as follows: - every page should have only one H1 heading - every page should have between 0 and N H2 headings, where N is depending on the page - there should be no H3, H4 and H5 tags - all headings should be placed in the main area, not in the header or footer H1: FII EXTRA PREGĂTIT PENTRU EVAL...
A price comparison website, with a good script tailored to our specific needs.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Create a logo with the name of "Tellarz"'
vreau sa am 1.5 sec viteza de incarcare site
Am nevoie de ajutor pentru partea statistica a lucrarii mele de licenta (medicina). E nevoie de T-test, corelatii Spearman si cateva tabele de facut, si nu am foarte mult timp la dispozitie (1-2 saptamani maxim). Am toate datele in excel (12 pacienti - 3 chestionare aplicate inainte si dupa cercetare). Daca este cineva care are experienta in domeniu, putin timp liber si doreste sa ma ajute, va rog sa trimiteti un proposal impreuna cu suma dorita. Multumesc anticipat!
Hello, i need an article translated from english to's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
Hello, i need an article translated from english to's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
Write a book as an Ghostwriter. Please read the content of the book in the attachment file and ONLY bid for this project after you have read the contact of the book. I expect this job to be done in no more then 6 weeks. Please, bidders keep in mind for bidding for writing around 36 000-45 000 words for this book.
...experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can...
The job includes making an attractive design for the section "Vezi oferte" from site and design for the offer. It will consider creating advertising areas, and areas recommended offers the most viewed offers ___________________ Jobul include realizarea unui design atragator pentru sectiune ”Vezi oferte” din cardul siteului si designul pentru oferta propriu zisa. Se va avea in vedere creearea de zone publicitare, precum si zone pentru oferte recomandate, cele mai vizualizate oferte
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
...Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: mediul de lucru din echipe, atmosfera din firma si flexibilitatea. La nivel de beneficii, avem zile in plus de concediu in functie de vechime, card de sanatate la clinica medicala Regina Maria, pentru tine (si, daca e cazul, pentru sotie si copii) si decontul unei sume ...
I am not able to attach a pdf. Please email me if you are interested: Please send me a quote for the work and when are you going to be done. Consiliului de Administratie acţionând cate doua persoane în mod solidar (împreună), pentru a se ocupa de oricare şi toate formalităţile necesare în vederea îndeplinirii tuturor cerinţelor legale în legătură cu hotărârile adoptate în adunare, incluzând dar fără a se limita la publicarea şi/sau înregistrarea la oricare autorităţi sau instituţii a tuturor documentelor rezultate ca urmare a aplicării hotărâriJor adunării. Acest punct al ordinii de zi a fost propus spre aprobare deoarece <lupa adoptarea hotararilor adunarii, se vor intocmi documente legale care sa duca...
Buna ziua! Numele meu este Alexandru Gabriel CRETU TORICA. Locuiesc in Spania la Madrid unde am deschis o firma, Gabriel's Market si ca activitate principala avem Productia de mase plastice prin injectie ( producem carcase pentru aparatele electronice si electrotehnice ) si ca activitate secundara avem productie de Smart card-uri . Deoarece vrem sa implementam o tehnologie noua de comunicare a Smart Cardurilor, avem nevoie de construirea unui device care deja a dovedit punctele slabe a tehnologiei EMV. Acest device nu se mai poate cumpara si se poate doar reconstrui, avand publicate toate detaliile necesare pentru construirea si utilizarea acestui aparat. Va trimit acest mesaj deoarece as dori sa stiu daca puteti contribui la acest proiect , macar in construirea perfecta a partii elec...
I am not able to attach a pdf. Please email me if you are interested: vilniustelaviv@ Please send me a quote for the work and when are you going to be done. Consiliului de Administratie acţionând cate doua persoane în mod solidar (împreună), pentru a se ocupa de oricare şi toate formalităţile necesare în vederea îndeplinirii tuturor cerinţelor legale în legătură cu hotărârile adoptate în adunare, incluzând dar fără a se limita la publicarea şi/sau înregistrarea la oricare autorităţi sau instituţii a tuturor documentelor rezultate ca urmare a aplicării hotărâriJor adunării. Acest punct al ordinii de zi a fost propus spre aprobare deoarece <lupa adoptarea hotararilor adunarii, se vor intocmi documente legale care s...
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
What type of product or service is being advertised in your Facebook/Instagram ads? Physical product Which style do you prefer for the graphics? Bold and vibrant What primary colors do you want to use in the graphics? Blue and green
More details: 1. Game Concept & Design Start by defining the key elements of your Black Clover inspired game. Here are a few ideas to consider: Magic Combat: Central to Black Clover is magic. Players could wield different types of magic and engage in combat using various spells. Guilds and Kingdoms: Just like the Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom, players could join guilds or factions, each with different specialties and powers. Quests & Progression: Include story-based quests or missions that allow players to grow stronger, level up, and unlock new abilities, similar to Black Clover's character progression. 2. Game Mechanics Define the mechanics that will drive your game. Some features might include: Magic Types: Create different types of ma...
YOU ARE BIDDING ON YOUR TOTAL PAYMENT FOR THIS PROJECT. DO NOT PLACE A BID ON THE PROJECT, AND THEN TRY AND NEGOTIATE FOR MORE. 2 REDDIT POSTS A DAY. For 5 days 2 QUORA POSTS A DAY For 5 days You'll search reddit for questions to answer - in the subreddit r/steroids/ Daily Ask Anything About Anabolic and androgenic steroids The questions must be 45 days old or newer. Here are some examples of the types of questions that we are looking for: PCT Questions What kind of PCT (post cycle therapy) should I do after I have done (whatever type of steroids) Steroid cycle questions Here is the steroid cycle I am running, what do you think? Should I modify it? Whats a good FIRST STEROID CYCLE? Whats a good steroid cycle for a woman? Whats a good steroid...
YOU ARE BIDDING ON YOUR TOTAL PAYMENT FOR THIS PROJECT. DO NOT PLACE A BID ON THE PROJECT, AND THEN TRY AND NEGOTIATE FOR MORE. 2 REDDIT POSTS A DAY. For 5 days 2 QUORA POSTS A DAY For 5 days You'll search reddit for questions to answer - in the subreddit r/steroids/ Daily Ask Anything About Anabolic and androgenic steroids The questions must be 45 days old or newer. Here are some examples of the types of questions that we are looking for: PCT Questions What kind of PCT (post cycle therapy) should I do after I have done (whatever type of steroids) Steroid cycle questions Here is the steroid cycle I am running, what do you think? Should I modify it? Whats a good FIRST STEROID CYCLE? Whats a good steroid cycle for a woman? Whats a good steroid...
More details: What type of booking functionality do you need on your website? Booking request form What information should the booking request form collect? Client contact details, Service type (clearing or cleaning), Preferred appointment date and time Who is your target audience for the C&C service? Both residential and commercial clients
...craft a compelling non-fiction book about O-Six, a notable alpha female wolf in Yellowstone National Park. The narrative should encompass her leadership, survival instincts, and the challenges she faced in a landscape where wildlife conservation is often at odds with hunting and ranching interests. Key Aspects: - The primary focus should be on O-Six's struggles against human intervention. This is not just a tale about a wolf, but a commentary on the broader tensions between nature and human influence. - The book should have an engaging narrative style that captures the reader's interest while remaining factually accurate and informative. - The target audience is international, so the writing will need to resonate with r...
The 2nd model will be about halal meats (500 batches), and the 2nd model features will be the same as those in the first model. Again, the 2nd model will be delivered, at latest, on Tuesday (Jan 28th, 2025)
...GENERATED GRAPHICS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED INSTANTLY!!! ANY GRAPHICS THAT DONT MATCH THE REFERENCE IMAGES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED INSTANTLY!!! Project Overview: We are seeking a talented designer to develop a logo and brand guidelines for our new podcast, Pioneer of the Metaverse, which covers cutting-edge topics such as AR, VR, crypto, and AI. Our goal is to establish a modern, futuristic, and versatile brand identity that resonates with tech-savvy audiences interested in the evolving digital landscape. Scope of Work: Logo Design: Full podcast name: Pioneer of the Metaverse Abbreviation options: PotM or POTM (designer has creative freedom for capitalization). The logo should be adaptable for various formats, including the website header, social ...
I need a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that allows users to click anywhere on a webpage, leave text-only comments tied to specific elements, and save them locally. The comments will be delivered as tasks for the webpage owners. Key Features: - Comment Feature: Users should only be able to leave text comments at a begining stage. On a later stagemaybe to introduce videos to do the feedbacks. - Comment Display: Comments should be displayed as tooltips when hovering over the relevant webpage elements. - On a later version would be great to connect this commets to Clickup or other platforms to track everything - Local Storage: All comments need to be saved using LocalStorage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, ...
I'm seeking a lead generation expert to identify potential clients for our premium YouTube thumbnail creation service. The ideal freelancer will target creators with great content but underperforming thumbnails in the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, and UAE. The leads must include: - Channel name - Niche - Email addresses (preferred type of contact information) - Channel size (10K–100K subscribers preferred) Looking for 100 Qualified premium leads. Leads should be verified and relevant. Experience with YouTube or creator-focused services is a plus. The criteria for defining underperforming videos is based on low views compared to subscriber count and quality of content.
I want to know the address OR pin of every residence or hotel or public facility in Georgetown GUYANA with a domestic swimming pool for pool surfing plies sales purposes
...slogans. The designs should embody the rebellious yet positive spirit of urban culture, inspired by graffiti, street art, and the vibrant energy of the streets. About Outlaw Helsinki Outlaw Helsinki challenges traditional business norms by promoting fairness and equality. Our mission is to break the rules positively to make a difference. We embody a bold, progressive ethos, sharing all profits equally among our team. As a streetwear brand, we draw inspiration from the raw, unfiltered essence of urban culture and street style. We’re commissioning multiple designs that blend textual slogans with illustrative elements. Your designs should: - Designs must be original and free from copyright infringement - Feature lively, graffiti-inspire...
I need a logo for my coaching business, which will be under my brand Ana Skender, with the name The Growth Blueprints. A minimalist yet impactful design that reflects growth and transformation. The logo should reflect a harmonious blend of personal and professional growth, inner transformation, and empowerment. It should visually communicate the journey of overcoming challenges, finding inner peace, and achieving fulfilment. The design should feel uplifting, approachable, and professional, while staying aligned with the themes of psychology, holistic healing, and high performance. Symbolism: Incorporate elements that symbolise growth and transformation, such as: A tree or leaf motif representing personal growth, grounding, and renewal. A spiral...
Decrypt raw data into session info contact me so I can send everything