Airline reservation system database requirementproiecte
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin-deci furnizorul va fi dinamic, se va tot schimba in functie de bestprice feed. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va...
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va trebui conceput incat sa putem adauga/opri anumiti furnizori in orice moment...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
)* pentru o buna comunicare doresc doar programatori din Romania proiectul consta in migrarea produselor de pe o platforma veche (xt-commerce) pe opencart 3.0x sunt insa particularitati care trebuie clarificate si implementate the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performe...
Descrierea proiectului este in fisierul atasat.
Cautam pe cineva sa lucreze in PHP (Laravel) + MySQL pentru o aplicatie web care gestioneaza activitatea unei fabrici de incaltaminte. Aplicatia este facuta, insa are anumite erori care presupun niste ore de munca.
Avem nevoie de un inginer de teren care sa aiba experienta in hardware. Pentru acest request trebuie inlocuita o placa de baza ( motherboard ) pentru IBM System x3400 M3. Locatia este in Constanta.
Nevoie urgentă de dezvoltator web pentru un site de nișă cu totul nou în ceea ce privește educația. Vă rugăm să accesați și să vă solicitați să parcurgeți întregul site web pentru a înțelege interfața utilizatorului și aspectul. Vei proiecta un site web similar. Ar trebui să fiți pricepuți cu HTML, CSS și JAVACRIPT. MongoDB este un plus. CANDIDATE DOAR DIN UE.
Ideea mea a pornit de la faptul ca avand in administratie o pensiune nu am gasit niciun program care sa ma ajute cu rezervarile. Mi-as dori o aplicatie (pe care sa o poata folosi si alte persoane) in care sa existe un calendar unde se pot adauga rezervarile ( cu toate detaliile) , in care sa se vada cate camere sunt ocupate si cate sunt libere si cel mai important la aceasta agenda sa poata avea acces mai multe persoane (receptionerii pentru a vedea rezervarile din ziua respectiva sau pentru a putea face chiar ei rezervari si eu care m-am saturat sa dau n telefoane la persoana care are agenda pentru a-i spune o rezervare sau pentru a intreba cate camere mai sunt libere
Documentatia pentru proiect este in PDF.
Aplicația este structurată pe bază de meniu cu o listă de opțiuni iar toate funcțiile sunt disponibile din interfața utilizator; interfața administrator presupune implementarea tuturor setărilor disponibile iar cea utilizator implementarea tuturor funcționalităților; Aplicația trebuie să utilizeze structuri de date cu atribute declarat dinamic, tipuri enumerative, union, structuri și operații pe biți; Implementarea și utilizarea masivelor alocate dinamic, uni și bidimensionale cu scopul de a gestiona setările la nivelul multifuncționalului; Punerea în evidență a structurilor dinamice liniare: implementarea unei stive/cozi, implementarea unei structuri circulare; Utilizarea tabelelor de dispersie pentru optimizarea spațiului de stocare și a accesului la elemente prin minim 2 ...
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm,synopsys expert
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!
As dori un script pentru Wordpress, un sistem de puncte. Useri trebuie sa completeze niste oferte si in functie de anumiti termeni sa primeasca un numar de puncte, iar acele puncte sa ramana stocate in cont-ul userilor si cu ele sa poata cumpara anumite chestii. Cine se pricepe astept sa ma contacteze!
Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.
Am nevoie de o baza de date pentru un producator de jaluzele , cu managemnet clienti, produse, oferte de pret, statusuri, task si calendar . Atasat este explicat tot proiectul . Multumesc
Am nevoie de un sistem de indexare CBIR pt niste celule papanicolau(baza de date cu aceste celule o am deja si consta in niste foldere cu imagini). Vreau de la tine sa construiesti sistemul CBIR utilizand: -descriptori de culoare (imaginile sunt color,aici doresc sa folosesti histograme HSV si ce mai consideri tu ca e necesar) -descriptori de textura -descriptori de forma -descriptori locali LBP De asemenea vei construi interfata GUI. Vezi un exemplu de interfata GUI aici min 0:43 Evident acesta este doar un exemplu,iar tu vei adapta interfata in functie de descriptorii pe care ii vei folosi. Voi avea nevoie si de explicatii la cod asa ca asigura-te ca incluzi comentarii in matlab %%% care sa imi explice mie ce ai facut acolo. Daca sunt formule pe care le-ai folosit poti face ...
1. capture picture 2. capture login 3. capture profile
I need a specialist in romania to move a database difference and it all worked perfectly
Salut softmania. Sunt interesat de un sistem de referari,bazat pe 4 nivele..adica nivelul 1 sa castige de la nivelul 2(recomandat de el) ,3 ,4. As dori sa aflu mai multe detalii despre pret,in cat timp e gata si toate detaliile care nu ar trebui sa fie omise. Astept raspuns. Daca aveti neclaritati in privinta sistemului,va pot explica mai bine. Va multumesc
Detin un site de anunturi din romania si vreau ca acesta sa aibe un sistem de mesaje in care vizitatorii sa poata trimite catre vanzatori mesaje cu functia de reply indiferent daca cel care trimite sau primeste mesaj este utilizator inregistrat pe site sau ofertele anticipat
Am un magazin de pateuri vreau sa-mi faci o baza de date si o aplicatie sa gestioneze vanzarea de pateuri. Avem mai multe tipuri de pateuri unele sunt expirate altele sunt din ficat de gasca vreau sa fie o baza de date optimizata nu ceva de mantuiala
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
Online Booking System pentru evenimente cu urmatoarele capabilitati: - Sa trimita email-uri tip newsletter cu invitatii cu text custom la o lista de invitati (care sa poata fi populata cu import feature. date stocate: Nume, Prenume, Email). Acestea trebuie sa se autopopuleze cu „nume/prenume” si link custom pentru ca acesta sa poata ajunge in pagina unde sa se inscrie la o anumita data/ora a evenimentului. - Pagina unde invitatul poate sa se inscrie la una din datele evenimentului. - Pagina de inregistrare esuata in cazul in care la acea data grupa deja este formata. - Pagina de confirmare a inregistrarii daca totul este ok. - Notificare pe e-mail in momentul in care invitatul s-a inregistrat cu succes la eveniment. - Sa stranga inregistrarile si sa le trimita intr...
...users. Elements like buttons, menus, and forms should be designed to be touch-friendly and easy to use on smaller screens. Seamless Experience Across Devices: The website design must provide a consistent and smooth experience across all screen sizes, adjusting fluidly between desktop, tablet, and mobile views. 6. SEO-Friendly Design: Clean and Structured Code: While this is more of a backend requirement, the design should also consider SEO best practices such as optimized image sizes, semantic HTML structure, and well-organized metadata (e.g., alt text for images, proper heading structure). SEO-Friendly Visual Elements: Design elements should not hinder SEO efforts, such as ensuring image alt tags, fast page loading times (by optimizing images and assets), and mobile-friendly ...
I'm looking for a seasoned CodeIgniter developer with over 7 years of experience to help enhance my SMS and Email Manager system. The ideal candidate would be CodeIgniter expert with a deep understanding of the framework and its intricacies. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the existing SMS and Email Manager system by adding new features - Integrate SMS/EMAIL mandrillapp functionality with third-party services - Provide insights and suggestions for potential improvements Skills and Experience: - Over 7 years of experience with CodeIgniter framework - Proven track record of working on SMS and Email systems - Experience with integrating third-party services - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail - Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality...
...devices. User-Friendly Interface: A clean, intuitive design for both agency and firefighter users. Easy navigation with fast loading times. Secure user authentication and privacy protection for sensitive data. Technical Requirements: The platform should be built using modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and a reliable backend (e.g., PHP, Node.js, Python). Integration of a database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) for storing user data, applications, job listings, etc. Secure data handling, including SSL encryption for all transactions. Code Quality Standards: The code must be clean, organized, and follow industry best practices, ensuring ease of maintenance and scalability. It should be written in a modular, reusable manner with clear documentation. Payment Struct...
I am looking to enhance my POSAwesome system integrated within Erpnext. The specific requirement is to implement a manager approval based refund functionality. This is a summary of the project needs: - Refunds should first go through the Store Manager for approval. - The Store Manager should be notified of refund requests via in-app notifications. Ideal candidates should have experience with Erpnext and POSAwesome, proficient in system modifications to accommodate specific business needs. Prior work involving implementing approval systems would be highly beneficial.
I need a developer to create a return and exchange backend system similar to , but tailored to my unique requirements. Key Tasks: 1. Design a return and exchange backend system that differs slightly from 2. Implement the same backend functions and styles as 3. Create an identical login function and style as 4. Develop a checkout style that matches , with the exception of using a multi-step checkout process. Please note: - The backend must support storing multiple addresses. During checkout, existing members should be able to select from their stored addresses. - The return policy will incorporate varied refund methods. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in backend development with experience in designing systems
...agencies. The required documents include, but are not limited to: Terms of Service (TOS) / User Agreement Privacy Policy End-User License Agreement (EULA) Content Moderation Policy The full list of required documents will be provided to candidates who submit complete proposals and meet the needs of the project. Ideal Candidate Qualifications: -Active U.S. Bar License in good standing (strict requirement) -Located in the U.S. or have resided in the U.S. for at least 5 years -Sufficient experience and understanding of technology law, intellectual property, business law, and privacy law, with the ability to draft relevant agreements and policies for tech platforms -Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively throughout the project -Relevant certifications...
For now we need Mockups: I'm seeking a developer to create a booth scheduling system with user login functionality for two distinct roles: an Operator and a Warehouse Operator. Key Features: - User Login: A simple, secure web-based login page for two roles - an Operator who can schedule booths and a Warehouse Operator who can manage scheduling requests. - Booth Scheduling: Upon login, Operators should see available booths to schedule using an intuitive form. - Warehouse Operator Actions: This role should have capabilities to view and manage scheduling requests, marking them as approved or rejected. - Booth Status View: Real-time display of booth occupancy using mock data. - Calendar View: A high-level calendar for visualizing booth schedules. - User Dashboard: Tailored views...
I'm looking for a developer to create a drag-and-drop overlay for my React-based trading system, integrated with TradingView. Key Features: - The overlay should enable users to adjust stop loss and take profit limits by simply clicking and dragging lines. - It should also allow for the placing of new orders and modifying of existing ones through the same intuitive interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js - Experience working with TradingView API - Knowledge of trading systems and order modification processes This project is aimed at enhancing user interactivity and overall trading experience. Please include relevant past experience in your bid.
Would you be interested in working on this project? Its a mobile application.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a custom algorithm for a task-based points and rewards system. This system will integrate with payment gateways and our custom internal APIs to track user actions and allocate points accordingly. The focus is on building a robust, scalable, and secure backend that supports dynamic task completion and rewards distribution. Key requirements: - Strong experience with backend development and API integration. - Knowledge of reward-based or gamification systems. - Ability to design an efficient and flexible algorithm for task tracking and point allocation. - Clear communication and adherence to deadlines. If you have expertise in gamified systems and a passion for creating engaging user experiences, I’d love to hear from y...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a user-friendly website for my aerial tour business. The primary function of this site should be to enable seamless online bookings for single tour reservation with upto 3 passengers Key features should include: - Easy navigation showcasing available aerial tours. - A secure and efficient booking system. - Integration of various payment options, specifically Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal, for upfront payments. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Familiarity with a variety of secure online payment systems. - A keen understanding of creating user-friendly interfaces. Existing templates could be utilized from proven tour companies.
Naveen kumar, hereby declare that I am an independent contractor/freelancer and not an employee of any company or organization. I am responsible for managing my own taxes, social security, and other relevant obligations as an independent contractor. I understand that I am solely responsible for: my own taxes: This includes income tax, self-employment tax, and any other applicable taxes. Providing for my own healthcare: I am responsible for obtaining and paying for my own health insurance and other necessary medical coverage. my own retirement savings: I am responsible for saving for retirement through methods such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or other suitable investment options. Providing for my own unemployment insurance: I am not eligible for unemployment benefits as an i...
I'm looking for a seasoned backend developer to work on my project. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate our existing Android app with a cloud-based Maven Project using the provided SDK. - Build the necessary endpoints for the integration of a biometric device into our cloud-based attendance platform. - Implement API integrations with a third-party biometrics service. Required Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Advanced Java. - Deep understanding and hands-on experience with Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, and MySQL. - Strong skills in API integration. - Experience with cloud service providers, particularly AWS - Prior work with biometric device integration is a plus. I look forward to your proposals.
I'm looking for an expert in database design and development to assist with a new project. The specific requirements will be determined as the project progresses, so a flexible and adaptable approach is essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB - Excellent database design skills - Strong problem-solving abilities - Flexible and adaptable to changing requirements This is a great opportunity for a skilled database professional to demonstrate their expertise. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.
VoIP System Development Task Document Project Overview Build a multi-tenant VoIP system that allows users to add and manage their own SIP trunks, configure custom Caller IDs and prefixes, and track minute usage. The system must provide billing for users and reconcile minutes with providers. This will be a scalable, secure, and feature-rich platform capable of handling thousands of users and trunks. --- Project Goals 1. User Management: Support 1,000+ users, each managing up to 50 trunks. 2. Custom Configurations: Enable users to set custom prefixes and Caller IDs for each trunk. 3. Billing System: Track and bill users for minutes used and reconcile minutes with the provider. 4. Monitoring: Provide real-time metrics for active calls and system ...
I need a detail-oriented freelancer to help me find ...leaders on LinkedIn. You will be provided with a list of target companies and specific job titles, as well as a detailed process guide. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in LinkedIn - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions meticulously You will need to use email verification tools to ensure the accuracy of the emails. Access to a list of salesperson leads is a HUGE plus, but is not a requirement. Please note that the ability to adhere to the process set in place is crucial for the success of this project. This is just one opportunity, but you have other suggestions that have worked in the past, let me know if there's something that differentiates you or if you have strategies on how to get access to the leads I...
...form: Allows users to sign up for the event. • Event details section: Provides comprehensive information about the event. • The client will provide samples for design inspiration. 2. WhatsApp and Email Bursting System • After a user signs up: • They should automatically receive reminders for the event via WhatsApp and email. • Automation tools like Power Automate or other free solutions should be used (NO paid 3rd party integrations allowed). 3. Backend Dashboard for Admin • The admin should: • Able to upload an Excel file containing a list of attendees to be added to the sign up database • Create and schedule to Trigger *Unlimited* bulk messages (email and WhatsApp) from the dashboard to remind/invite them to a Zoom session. &bull...
Final Project Objective The primary aim of this project is to utilize predictive analytics to forecast intend to explore. It is essential to support your project with citations from the finance literature, either academic or practitioner (or both). ⦁ Data Description: Explain the database you are using. Additionally, provide a summary of the database through summary statistics. ⦁ Experiment Outcomes: Present the results of your experiment using tables and graphs. This will help illustrate your findings effectively. ⦁ Conclusion: Conclude your project by summarizing your key findings and insights. ´ Regarding the length of your project, I value quality over quantity. There is no specific minimum length requirement, but I kindly request that you expres...
I'm looking for an experienced full stack web developer to help me set up a comprehensive e-commerce website with a robust database. Key Requirements: - Development of a series of interactive design services, an online questionnaire to feed into a database, auto emails sent out, - Implementation of a shopping cart: The shopping cart needs to be user-friendly, secure, and capable of handling various payment gateways. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce web development: A strong portfolio of previously developed e-commerce sites is a plus. - Database management: Experience in setting up and maintaining a reliable database for an e-commerce site is crucial. - UX/UI design: A good understanding of user experience and interface design wi...
I'm seeking a professional with substantial experience in optimizing SQL databases. The primary goal is to improve the performance of my current database queries. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance query performance - Implement index optimization techniques Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in SQL - Proven experience in database optimization - Proficiency in index optimization techniques Please note, while reducing storage costs is not my main objective, I am open to employing index optimization as a method.