Adobe reader fillable formsproiecte
Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development folosind in principal HTML si CSS • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Cunostinte de Adobe Flash • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Prestashop) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au experienta de lucru cu CMS-uri (eg. Wordpress)
Cautam Colaborator pe termen lung pentru task-uri de design illustrate (Adobe Illustrator) pentru Print si Web.
Suntem interesati de partea de montaj si editare grafica a imaginilor in Adobe After Effects pentru un filmulet de prezentare pentru clientul nostru. exemplul si structura filmului sunt prezentate in link-ul de mai jos: Link :
Buna seara, Am nevoie de un logo profesional pentru noul meu magazin online cu articole pentru pescuit sportiv (grafica vectoriala, incluzand si fisierul sursa - Adobe Illustrator) Sunteti interesat de acest proiect?
...mai mari nume din sectorul bancar, cautam specialisti in dezvoltare pe solutii Oracle - PL/SQL, Oracle Forms, Reports pentru detasare la sediul clientului. Dezvoltatorul Oracle este parte a departamentului Core Banking si realizeaza modificarile necesare pe sistemul central. Fundamental se utilizeaza tehnologii Oracle iar volumul de date/informatii este considerabil, astfel ca viitorii colegi/e sunt bineveniti a dispune de nivele elevate de asimilare informatii noi, autonomie si autostructurare - satisfactia taskurilor indeplinite este pe masura. Must Have: • cunostinte avansate in Oracle RDBMS • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle PL/SQL • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle Forms si Reports • oracle Application Server • metodologii st...
Hi Freelancers, Caut un expert pe Javascript/jQuery cu care sa colaborez pe termen lung. Pentru inceput am de facut un formular asemanator cu cel din Partea de HTML si CSS este deja creata si mai este doar partea de javascript. Eu lucrez cu o mica echipa de baieti din Romania la diferite proiecte pentru oameni din strainatate si pot oferi de lucru constant. Sunt interesat sa gasesc o persoana serioasa care sa fie motivata sa lucreze si pe care sa ma pot baza. Multumesc ca licitati, Ciprian
Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.
Selectarea si prelucrarea la nivel de luminozitate, balans de alb, incadrare a cadrelor de eveniment: cununie sau botez
- Necesită abilități de proiectare puternice, creativitate si imaginatie - Cunostinte bune de Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Corel Draw - Cunostinte bune de HTML, CSS, Java Script - Atitudine proactiva si spirit de echipa - Cunostinte despre tehnicile de promovare pe web (SEO si marketing online). - Seriozitate si respectarea termenelor limita - Capacitate de gestionare a mai multor proiecte - Prezentarea unui proiect de promovare a produsului SKY PRINT pe piata de distributie din Romania (conditie obligatorie care trebuie sa insotesca oferta) De asemnea, te asteptam sa aplici cu un link catre un portofoliul de lucrari cat mai recente!
...method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read this book. The book has been kept secret for a while but now I want it to be released to the public. The book is an essay and the reader confronts with areas of: quantum physics, psychology, dreams, relativity, philosophy, mathematics, poetry, esoteric field etc. Now the translation into Romanian: Caut un freelancer experimentat pentru a vinde o carte pentru mine. Cartea este disponibila deasemenea si in format e-book (format electronic; .pdf). Eu sunt autorul cartii (ambele versiuni). Cartea este ...
Creati o aplicatie Windows Forms (C#) de gestiune interna a produselor unei companii. Aplicatia va contine urmatoarele module: 1. Modulul de logare. Va exista un modul pentru logarea la aplicatie, utilizand un username si o parola. Parola nu va fi stocata in baza de date in clar, ci un hash al acesteia. Hash-ul parolei va fi realizat utilizand parola utilizatorului si un “salt” specific. ( Acesta va fi retinut in baza de date). Vor exista mai multe roluri (Admin, User si Guest) care vor avea diferite permisiuni ( definite in baza de date si asociate de catre administrator fiecarui rol). Administrator-ul va avea drepturi depline asupra aplicatiei si va fi singurul care va putea crea conturi noi pentru noi utilizatori). Utilizatorul va putea introduce produs...
Creati o aplicatie de gestionare si verificare a integritatii fisierelor si directoarelor unui calculator. Aplicatia va folosi fisiere xml pentru date si configurarea aplicatiei (poate fi si Console Application- cu un meniu sau Windows Forms).
Creati o aplicatie de gestionare si verificare a integritatii fisierelor si directoarelor unui calculator. Aplicatia va folosi fisiere xml pentru date si configurarea aplicatiei (poate fi si Console Application- cu un meniu sau Windows Forms).
Doresc colaborare permanenta pe baza de fee lunar prestabilit. Va fi o incarcare medie de 4-5 ore/zi de munca. Cel care aplica la aceasta colaborare trebuie: - Sa aiba cunostinte in utilizarea Adobe si Corel - Sa poata realiza logo-uri, pliante, brosuri, etc - Sa fie disponibil sa lucreze cu deadlineuri scurte - Sa aiba un portofoliu de lucrari realizate - Sa locuiasca in Bucuresti
Companie ce dezvolta jocuri pentru casinouri online recruteaza: - 1 grafic designer - 1 sound engineer Se ofera posibilitatea de lucru per proiect, sau full time - 8 ore pe zi. (cu contract) Cerinte: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Fruity Loops, Adobe Sound Studio. Pentru relatii suplimentare, rog sa ma contactati prin intermediul site-ului
Graphic artist pentru jocuri online. Cerinte: - Cunostinte avansate de Adobe Photoshop; - Cunostinte de compozitie si cromatica; - Abilitatea de reproducere in desen a diferitor elemente si personaje care vor fi prezente in jocuri; - Capacitatea de a surprinde si pastra directia artistica stabilita de Lead Graphic Artist; *Portofoliu relevant in domeniul grafic constituie un mare avantaj. *Cunostintele in Adobe Illustrator constituie un avantaj; Responsabilitati: Graficianul va fi responsabil de crearea decorurilor si personajelor pentru jocuri cat si elementelor de interfata. Oferta Mediu de lucru relaxat, echipa creativa in care initiativa este binevenita.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine
*login si baza de date pentru utilizatori *test online - implica alegerea unor fotografii si cotarea rezultatelor in functie de alegeri (rezultatele aplicarilor se salveaza pe profilul fiecarui utilizator); sunt mai multe serii de fotografii distribuite in doua par...profilul fiecarui utilizator); sunt mai multe serii de fotografii distribuite in doua parti si alegerile se noteaza cu +,-,+-, 0. Am decis sa fac testul online fiindca fiecare persoana ar trebui sa-l aplice de aprox. 10 ori pentru o interpretare completa - deci e mai usor sa intre pe site si sa se logheze o data la 2 zile, iar la final sa le trimit interpretarea pe mail. Atasez testul in windows forms, ca exemplu. Te rog sa-mi spui daca esti interesat si ai avea timp de acest proiect. Testul are drepturi de autor. ...
Editare poze nunta 1. Editate pozele bruth de la nunta 1200-1500 poze 2. Editarea sa se faca in Adobe Lightroom 3. Editarea sa se faca cu actiuni
Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; • ...
...este cea care a avut initiativa editarii si publicarii singurei reviste de specialitate din Romania intitulata Magazin Funerar. Suntem deja la numarul 10, numar care a aparut in iunie 2013. Va contactam deoarece cautam un grafician (DTP-ist) care sa colaboreze cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pre...
...este cea care a avut initiativa editarii si publicarii singurei reviste de specialitate din Romania intitulata Magazin Funerar. Suntem deja la numarul 10, numar care a aparut in iunie 2013. Va contactam deoarece cautam un grafician (DTP-ist) care sa colaboreze cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pre...
The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata unjustly.
Atestatul a fost realizat cu ajutorul programului Adobe Dreamweaver cu ajutorul programului Adobe Photoshop folosit pentru a edita pozele si logo-ul . Ca si componenta , site-ul este format din 5 pagini , pe prima pagina se gaseste un mic script java ce reda 3 slide-uri consecutive . Pentru contact am folosit un script php cu sendmail integrat si un design conceput special pentru aceasta pagina . Pentru un mai bun aspect , la pagina a fost adaugat un favicon , o mica imagine ce adauga un plus de imagine paginii in browser . Am ales ca tema de atestat echipa de fotbal Stiina Craiova pentru ca , dupa parerea mea , ea reprezinta caracterul oltenesc , una dintre cele mai iubite si mai indragite echipe de fotbal din Romania , dezafiliata pe nedrept .
Logo and banner design, lucrari in PS si alte soturi de grafica gen CorelDraw, Adobe Ilustrator si altele
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.
I need an expert who can convert and beautify my CAD-based site plans for an upcoming client presentation. I have previous examples of what needs to created to match with existing assets. Key Requirements: - Expertise in CAD and site plan conversion - Graphic design skills to beautify the plans - Ability to emphasize property boundaries effectively - Understandin...presentation. I have previous examples of what needs to created to match with existing assets. Key Requirements: - Expertise in CAD and site plan conversion - Graphic design skills to beautify the plans - Ability to emphasize property boundaries effectively - Understanding of 'classic and detailed' aesthetic - Experience with client-focused presentation materials - Execution in well structured/formatted Adobe...
I'm in need of a modern and sleek logo for my asphalt company, Valor Pavement. The logo should primarily use a blue and white color scheme. Key Elements: - The logo should incorporate a stylized 'V' that forms the top of a medal, reminiscent of military insignia. - One side of the 'V' should include street markings to tie in with the pavement theme. Ideal Candidates: - Graphic designers with a strong portfolio in modern, sleek designs. - Experience in creating logos with specific, intricate design elements. - Ability to work with a specific color scheme. - Understanding of incorporating industry-related imagery in a subtle and sophisticated way.
I have a short video, 14 seconds long, featuring a plastic object. Unfortunately, there are reflections on the object that I need to have ...seconds long, featuring a plastic object. Unfortunately, there are reflections on the object that I need to have removed. I'm looking for an experienced video editor who can help with this. Here is the video: Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Experience in visual effects and post-production - Attention to detail for a seamless final product Please ensure that your bid includes examples of previous work that demonstrates your ability to remove reflections from a video.
My service provides a comprehensive overview of Figma designs, covering 20-25 screens. It caters to developers and stakeholders seeking clear insights into design intent, functionality, and visual Screen Descriptions include: Screen Name: A concise identifier for each : A brief explanation of the screen's role in user : Breakdown of UI components with properties and : Description of user interactions and expected : Evaluation against guidelines for consist of a well-structured document summarizing the design system and detailed descriptions for each screen, seamless integration with your existing style guide (if applicable), and transparent version control for audit !!
I'm looking for a creative designer to conceptualize a new line of one-piece and two-peice swimwear specifically for toddlers aged 1 to 5 years. Key Responsibilities: - Design innovative and safe one-pie...for toddlers. - Ensure the designs are visually appealing, comfortable and practical. - Consider factors such as ease of getting on and off, durability and resistance to chlorine and saltwater. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in children's clothing design, particularly swimwear. - Strong understanding of toddler needs and safety requirements. - Proficiency in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator or CAD. Previous portfolio showcasing similar designs will be highly appreciated. Your creativity and attention to detail will play a crucial role in the succ...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in the construction industry to assist with the submission of regulatory compliance forms, specifically for RPEQ sign off and Form 15. The ideal candidate should: - Have a proven track record in form submission within the regulatory framework of the construction industry. - Be RPEQ certified and be familiar with form 15 requirements. - Understand the importance of compliance and timely submission. - Be willing to work with us in design and application and be understanding in our needs - Demonstrate attention to detail to ensure all forms are filled out correctly and completely. - Be able to handle sensitive information with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism. I need someone who can help me navigate this process s...
I am seeking a talente...The business focuses on various advanced software services, so the logo should reflect a modern aesthetic, being sleek and professional. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, professional logo - Create a unique but somewhat similar design to the attached logo - Provide a final unique illustrator file with the logo Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Strong understanding of modern design trends - Ability to create designs that convey a certain business ethos - Excellent communication skills for understanding of project requirements The illustrator files should allow the logo to display on windows as the same color as when it is printed from vista print. Perhaps they may need to be two differ...
I'm in the process of creating a children's fiction Vook (video book) and need an experienced designer to help with the layout and design. The Vook is aimed at children, so the design will need to be engaging and suitable for this age g...age group. Key Requirements: - Design of a cartoonish style, in line with the preferred illustration style for the Vook - Layout of both the video and book components in a coherent and engaging manner - Experience in designing for children's content is a plus -We have a 2D version on the book that we would like to have created into a book Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in design software (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, After Effects) - Strong understanding of children's design principles - Ability to create engaging and appealing desi...
I'm looking for an experienced graphic designer to design and layout a 16-page catalog style marketing piece for an event. . The finished catalog style piece will be 8.5x11 and contain a variety of 1/4, 1/2 and full page ads. Key Requirements: - Design and layout of the catalog - Creation of piece will be 8.5x11 and contain a variety of 1/4, 1/2 and full page ads. Key Requirements: - Design and layout of the catalog - Creation of visually appealing and effective ads - Experience with designing for print media Copy would be delivered over a 7 day window, for final completion by or about March 7 Ideal Skills & Experience: - Graphic Design - Print Media Design - Catalog Design - Adobe Creative Suite Please provide examples of similar projects you have wor...
Title: Logo & Brand...Single-color (monochrome) • Two-color • Three-color (Our corporate color is green, but additional complementary colors can be used to enhance the design.) Deliverables: • Final design files in AI and/or PSD formats (vector-based for scalability). • High-resolution PNG/JPG versions for preview. • Print-ready files optimized for apparel and merchandise. Requirements: • Strong expertise in Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop. • Prior experience designing logos for universities, academic institutions, or classic brands. • Familiarity with apparel and merchandise design (t-shirt, embroidery, print, etc.). • Ability to provide a portfolio of similar past projects. I attach a document with most of what you nee...
I need a skilled video editor who can seamlessly add color effects to my video. Specifically, I want to incorporate thematic color transitions that shift from warm to cool tones throughout the piece. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) - Previous experience with color grading and VFX - Strong understanding of thematic color changes and their impact on storytelling and mood - Good communication skills to understand and implement changes as per my feedback
The close button on my pop-up form needs to be repositioned closer to the right-hand side of the form, resembling a standard close button layout. Currently, it is too far to the right. - Immediate completion required: This adjustment is urgent and...far to the right. - Immediate completion required: This adjustment is urgent and needs to be completed immediately. - Standard close button placement: The button should be moved to a location that is consistent with standard close button placements. Ideal skills for this task would include a strong understanding of user interface design principles, particularly those pertaining to standard web forms and pop-up windows. Experience with immediate turn-around tasks and an ability to deliver quality work under tight deadlines is highly ...
...configurable daily/weekly reminders. ✅ Sync with Google Calendar / Apple Calendar. 6. CRM Integration & API Enhancements ✅ Ensure full synchronization with our existing CRM SaaS via API. ✅ Improve API efficiency for real-time data exchange. ✅ Optimize database queries to reduce response times. 7. UI/UX Redesign & Improvements ✅ Revamp UI design based on modern mobile UX best practices. ✅ Provide Figma/Adobe XD wireframes before implementation. ✅ Support Dark Mode and accessibility features. ✅ Implement smooth animations and transitions to enhance usability. 8. Security & GDPR Compliance ✅ Ensure OAuth 2.0 / JWT authentication is implemented securely. ✅ Improve data encryption and secure sensitive user information. ✅ Ensure full compliance with GDPR and data prot...
...series of Gravity Forms to Zoey, our sales software. This project primarily focuses on ensuring seamless data synchronization, as well as enabling the importing of data and creating customers and quotes directly from the forms. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate Gravity Forms with Zoey using its API - Enable data synchronization between forms and Zoey - Facilitate the importing of data and creation of customers and quotes Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Gravity Forms & Wordpress - Proficiency in API integrations - Familiarity with Zoey sales software is a plus - Skills in data synchronization and CRM software Please only bid if you have relevant experience and can demonstrate your ability to complete this project successfully. We need...
I'm looking for a skilled writer to craft daily customer testimonials for my wedding business based on online feedback forms. Key Responsibilities: - Review online feedback forms daily and translate these into engaging customer testimonials. - Maintain the tone and style consistent with our brand voice. Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and storytelling skills. - Previous experience in writing customer testimonials or similar content is a plus. - Ability to understand and maintain brand voice.
I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in creating e.g. a secure dog tag form / template with associated fields that i can then sell to individual consumers. These fillable forms will be accessed through dynamic QR codes. The ideal candidate for this project should have: programming knowledge
...SQLAlchemy / SQLModel y consumo de APIs desarrolladas con FastAPI. Experiencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones para el sector retail. Conocimientos sobre patrones de diseño y arquitectura de microservicios. Comprensión de Principios SOLID y buenas prácticas de desarrollo de software. Experiencia en optimización de rendimiento y carga de aplicaciones. Conocimientos en herramientas de diseño como Figma o Adobe XD....
...visualization tools** like: - Python libraries (mplsoccer, matplotlib) - Tactical drawing software (TacticalPad, Keyframe) - Vector graphic tools (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape) for manual designs. - Bonus: Ability to animate scenes (e.g., via Python/Plotly or video editors). 2. **Football Knowledge**: - Understanding of formations, player roles, and common match scenarios (e.g., pressing, counterattacks). 3. **Attention to Detail**: - Ensure accurate positioning relative to real-game scenarios (e.g., defender spacing during a corner kick). **Deliverables**: - Source files (e.g., Python scripts, Adobe Illustrator files). - Final visuals in **PNG/PDF** (static) or **GIF/MP4** (animated)....
I need urgent help with data entry from 242 community feedback forms. All feedback forms are currently on paper and scanned to PDF and need to be transcribed into an Excel spreadsheet. I need this work completed ASAP (withing 24 hours) Key responsibilities: - Transcribing text comments from paper forms into Excel - Inputting checkbox selections into Excel Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Excel - Excellent attention to detail - Experience with data entry from paper forms - Ability to transcribe text accurately
We have a WordPress Elementor Forms based signup flow. Part of the flow needs to be overwritten in the browser through direct use of the Stripe client library, so that entering the information into stripe also fills the hidden parts of the Elementor Form for shipping address and Setup Intent ID. To start the Stripe client library, we need to make an API call to obtain a secret key, and at the end of the signup we need to make one last API call to submit the Elementor Form and Stripe information. Both of these API calls have a key that must be protected from the client, so it implies the existence of a cloud function that can inject the key and relay the response back for at least one the first API call. The last call could possibly be handled by WP Get API without an extra server. ...
I'm looking to develop a website for my real estate agency that will showcase our services, a few selected products, and's services and a handful of properties. - Integration of clients logos - A contact form for potential clients to reach out. Primary Objective: - The main purpose of this website is to promote our services. Ideal Skills: - UX / UI or any new modern websites design skills - Web development with a focus on portfolio websites. - Experience in integrating interactive features like contact forms and testimonial sections. - Understanding of SEO and digital marketing to promote our services online. Lookin for someone to work with multiple times and make websites for my other clients as well, I want someone who is willing to work for long peri...
...both text and an icon. The text will be 'Zen Zones Properties', and the icon should resonate with the overall theme of the company. - Color Scheme: A neutral color palette is preferred. This encompasses shades such as greys, whites, blacks, and beiges. The aim is to have a logo that is understated yet striking. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create unique and relevant icons. - Experience in creating text and icon combinations in logos. - Familiarity with neutral color palettes and modern typography....
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