Account verification instagramproiecte
Salut! Suntem în căutarea unui administrator de pagină de Facebook și Instagram. Paginile sunt din domeniul parfumeriei și cosmeticii. Avem nevoie de o persoană care: 1. Cunoaște bine rețelele sociale Facebook și Instagram; 2. Are abilități de scriere în limbile română. Limba rusă este opțională dar cei care o cunosc au un avantaj. 3. Este copywriter. 4. Poate posta săptămâna până la 3 - 4 postări pe zi. 5. Este responsabilă și organizată. Detaliile despre modul de plată și organizare se discută în cadrul negocierilor.
Promovarea business prin instagram utilizand contul de business. Tip produs de promovat: cadouri personalizate. Produsele se adreseaza pietei din Romania, asa ca e important sa stii limba romana. Plata in functie de rezultatele obtinute.
Cautam persoane serioase (preferabil cu PFA sau SRL) cu care sa colaboram pe proiectele noastre de social media marketing (in special facebook, instagram, youtube si google Adwords) Incercam sa dezvoltam o colaborare pe termen lung. Asteptam propuneri insotite de un portofoliu. DOAR DIN ROMANIA / ONLY FROM ROMANIA PLEASE.
Platforma Sportiv-Turistica Scopul platformei: Prezentarea de rute turistice catre persoane fizice si persoane juridice, cu disponibilitate rezervare prin formular. Platforma de baza: - WordPress Functiile principale: - adaugare DESTINATII - afisare fotografii - afisare Overview - editarea formularului de Booking - Desing Vouchers - Integrare uneltele de marketing google, facebook, instagram Etapele proiectului: 1. Pre-instalare si pre-configurare cms/framework 2. Adaugarea extensiilor si configurarea lor 3. Customizarea platformei si crearea identitatii vizuale 4. Importul de informatii initiale 5. Testare si debugging 6. Lansarea
As avea nevoie de un site pe care sa vând produsele mele. Acestea fiind ceva mystery Gift. Nu îmi trebuie un site foarte complicat Am nevoie și de un sistem de plata cu cardul. Și un sistem pentru transport. Care sa ia adresa clientului. Mai am nevoie și de publicitate pe google instagram și Facebook. Mulțumesc
Salut! Am nevoie de a-mi face postari pentru profilele de Facebook si instagram Imi trebuiesc postari in engleza pentru un business cu prajituri.
Incepem un proiect de promovare pe retele de Social Media (Facebook, Linkedinn, Instagram). Avem nevoie de un plan, implementare si supervizare/optimizare saptamanala/lunara. Orice alte propuneri sau planuri de proiect sunt binevenite.
Caut o persoana care ii place sa scrie texte frumoase pe facebook, instagram, comunicate de presa si texte pentru site.
...realizarea de texte concise si clare pentru prezentari de produse, companii si firme . * realizarea de articole pe diferite teme de business. * realizarea de interviuri cu persoane din zona de business. * realizarea de continut pentru site-urile companiei * traducere articole din limba engleza; * redactarea de continut pentru diferite actiuni sau campanii in social media: Facebook, Instagram; * analiza site-urilor si eliminarea erorilor ortografice sau de gramatica, gasirea unor formulari clare si concise * redactarea de comunicate de presa- participarea la unele din discutiile ce tin de planul de promovare al brandurilor sau produselor din portofoliul companiei; Beneficii: * Salarizare corelata cu performanta. * Posibilitate lucru remote. * Proiecte intere...
Am nevoie de un cold email pentru campania de marketing pe Instagram. Am sa dau detalii in privat. As dori pe cineva experimentat in acest domeniu. Multumesc
Bună Sergiu , ai FB account ? As dori să fac parte din grupa ta , ori să învăț de la tine programare . Mulțumesc.
Magazin online de jucarii cauta un copywriter cu multa imaginatie, cu multa dorinta de a crea povesti despre jucariile copilariei, prin: 1. Crearea paginii "despre noi" - povestea noastra 1. Postari zilnice social media (facebook, instagram) 2. Ad-uri Facebook 3. Articole saptamanale pentru blog
Buna ziua. Suntem un start-up si cautam pe cineva care sa se ocupe de crearea si administrarea unei campanii de Facebook ads, Google ads si Instagram. Lansam luna aceasta o aplicatie de tip food order, initial in Bucuresti. Daca te intereseaza o evantuala colaboare da-ne un semn, pentru a stabili impreuna un buget lunar. Multumesc
Caut persoana cu experienta relevanta in promovarea imaginii in on-line. Aceasta trebuie sa administreze blogul personal (editarea de imagini, postarea a 2 articole de cca. 500 cuvinte saptamanal pe blog, raspunsul la mesaje) si sa gestioneze contul de Instagram (postarea de imagini si raspunsul la mesaje). Tema blogului si contului de Instagram: Lifestyle Pentru mai multe informatii, astept mesajele celor interesati.
Realizează un logo Am nevoie de un logo pentru un proiect online. (Facebook page, Instagram, Tumblr etc)
Am nevoie de un site nou, pentru un Centru de Limbi Straine. Site-ul sa fie in romana si engleza, in HTML 5 sau orice alt cod care permite indexarea lui in motorul de cautare Google. Site-ul sa contina 5/6 pagini statice, galerie foto, Flash Player, conexiune Google Maps, Facebook, Instagram, un program activ online, vizualizare pe orice device (tableta, telefon, laptop, desktop). Cautam numai freelanceri romani, de preferat din Bucuresti.
Buna. Avem nevoie de cineva creativ si serios care are experienta in social media pe nisa adult/cam, in special facebook pentru Romania si Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat pentru USA si stie sa foloseasca foarte bine mass planner pentru a aduce cati mai multi followeri fara a avea contul blocat . Oricare din cunoasterea celor enumerate reprezinta un plus pentru angajare:photoshop, SEO, css,html, javascript,google adwords,facebook ads,twitter ads,modelcentro,whitelabel Awempire, Open Broadcaster
gestionare cont de instagram ( de produs, parfum) , minim o postare specifica pe 150euro...
gestionare cont de instagram ( de produs, parfum) , minim o postare specifica pe 150euro...
gestionare cont de instagram ( de produs, parfum) , minim o postare specifica pe 150euro
buna , am nevoie de ajutor cu un program care ar da folow pe instagram utilizand mai multe conturi , este posibil asa ceva si cam cat m-ar costa?
buna , am nevoie de ajutor cu un program care ar da folow pe instagram utilizand mai multe conturi , este posibil asa ceva si cam cat m-ar costa?
buna Adi, am nevoie de ajutor cu un program care ar da folow pe instagram utilizand mai multe conturi , este posibil asa ceva si cam cat m-ar costa?
Este vorba de o retea sociala ca si Instagram singura diferenta este ca
...inregistrare sa contina (Add username/Password/Email/Country) Pagina interfata user sa contina un link de referal generat pentru acel user, cand cineva da click pe link-ul sau sa primeasca in timp real 0.05$. Sa mai contina un grafic si o statistica cu click-uri (din ce tara provin, de pe ce site provin si suma primita pe acel click adica 0.05) In stanga un meniu care sa contina (Dashboard, Account, Request payout).Plata sa poata fi primita la suma de 100$ si inainte de a putea primi plata sa apara un popup in care eu sa pun orice mesaj ce inchide popup sa poata adauga email de paypal si submit payout. Din admin panel sa pot trimite mesaje popup (care sa apara cand userul se logheaza).Sa pot selecta tarile pentru care trimit pentru USA doar membrii care au adaugat
...level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory a...
Salut, Irina, am nevoie de copywriter full-time , birou in Chisinau, salariu 400 $ curat In general sa scrie content pentru produse si pe Social media, sa interactioneze pe Instagram si Pinterest si sa promoveze brandurile noastre online.
Am nevoie de realizarea unui site, un proiect destul de minimalist. Practic siteul in sine va avea 3 pagini - pe doua dintre ele se vor incarca poze - fie dintr-un cont de instagram (este ok si cu app instagram theatre) fie manual, pozele vor fi insotite de o scurta descriere, iar a treia va contine putin text (about + contact). Se poate folosi si un sablon insa am nevoie ca pe viitor sa pot adauga banere sponsori.
Cautam un Digital Account Manager care sa ne intregeasca echipa. Doar vorbitori lb romana, preferabil din Bucuresti. O sa avem multe intalniri :) Candidatul ideal trebuie sa aiba experienta in vanzari de publicitate si Social Media Marketing/Email Marketing, sa fie carismatic, motivat, determinat si organizat. El va avea responsabilitatea de a aduce noi clienti in agentie si de a coordona proiectele contractate. Noi ii vom oferi tot sprijinul de care va avea nevoie. Avantaje ale postului: - Ai posibilitatea de a lucra de acasa. - Jobul este bazat doar pe comision din vanzarile efectuate, vei primi 30% lunar din totalul incasarilor pentru proiectele aduse in agentie. Potential de castig - nelimitat. - Te rugam sa retii - va fi lucru independent si, prin urmare, vei fi respon...
...Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a client account in which they can manage their history order The admin should be able to : Add/modify/delete photos Manage orders through changing the status order from "in process" to "delivered" Manage stocks Generate reports (aproximatively 20) Data base- at least 10-20 tables or how many are possible ...
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Create a Video I need few hundreds videos for my website, and for a youtube account.'
Aplicatie asemanatoare cu Instagram. Detaliile proiectului sunt confidentiale.
Optimizare generala seo pentru , link building, integrare google anlytics in pluginul seo al website-ului, setare corecta google analytics account etc. Proiectul va fi de lunga durata cu plata lunara. Astept biduri serioase, care nu depasesc 200$. Doar freelanceri din Romania.
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita oferta p...
Te pricepi la facebook ? Cautam o persoana cu experienta in social media. Caracteristicile sunt: 1. management zilnic pagina facebook 2. creere de concursuri basic 3. editare basic photo pentru ceea ce se posteaza pe pagina
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
Doresc modificarea site-ului dupa cum urmeaza: 1) cand intri pe site-ul meu, , si dai click pe orice buchet, se deschide o a doua pagina, cu Details. Aici vreau ca aceasta pagina ( a doua ) sa arate ca la site-ul : adica sa am Step1 - unde sa se arate poze cu teddy bears Step2-...poze cu vase Step3- poze cu aer balloons Step4- poze cu hellium balloons Step5- Delivery date cu Calendar Identic... cum e la Pro 2) dupa ce sunt adaugate toate astea pe pagina a doua, se merge la ADD TO CARD, de unde se deschide pagina de CHECKOUT. Aici, pagina de checkout vreau sa fie IDENTICA ca la alt site, si anume . Cu cele 2 optiuni , Register account si Guest checkout si step-urile de dupa.
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks...
...Areas: - **Marketing and Advertising**: You will be responsible for creating engaging and effective marketing campaigns, predominantly on Instagram, to promote my services. - **Lead Generation**: While our main emphasis is on marketing, identifying potential clients and converting them into leads will also be crucial. - **Networking and Partnerships**: Building strong relationships with other businesses to generate referrals or partnerships is an essential part of this project. Given the visual nature of Instagram, the campaigns will primarily leverage **Video Content**. Ideal Qualifications: - Proven track record in digital marketing, specifically on Instagram. - Exceptional skills in lead generation. - Strong networking abilities with a knack for establishing f...
I'm looking for a content creator who can develop and produce a series of Instagram videos aimed at growing engagement on my profile. i have not started my channel yet and need a great profile picture as well as a bio. i am on a budget The videos should be a mix of live-action and animation, delivering entertaining 'tips and tricks' content in a humorous and engaging way. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong understanding of Instagram's content trends and audience preferences, as well as experience in video production and mixed media content creation. Key Requirements: - Proven experience creating entertaining and engaging video content - Strong understanding of Instagram and its trends - Ability to deliver high-quality mixed media...
I looking for a freelancer to develop an Android app for an e-commerce platform. The app should allow users to browse products, make secure... - Secure integration with multiple payment methods. 3. Admin Control: - Admin panel for managing products, orders, and users. 4. User Login & Authentication: - Secure login, registration, and password recovery. 5. Order History & Tracking: - View past orders, track current orders, and receive status updates. 6. User Details: - Manage personal and shipping details. 7. OTP Verification: - OTP for order receipt confirmation. 8. Price Slabs & Discounts: - Quantity-based discounts (e.g., buy 1, get 1 at a discount). 9. Push Notifications: 10. Offer Items Highlighting: - Highlight special offers and disco...
...Repair System Development Please see Phase 1 and Phase 2 requirements... Thank you Both Phases will be awarded to the accepted Developer. - Please provide a Proposal for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Separately ***Please read entirely before submitting the Proposal I need a credit repair service built using PHP and MySQL. The platform should encompass the following core functionalities: PHASE - 1. - User Account Management: The system should allow users to create, manage, and secure their accounts. - Credit Report Analysis Tools: These tools will help users understand their credit reports and identify areas of improvement. - Dispute Tracker: A feature to help users track disputes they have raised regarding their credit reports. User access levels should be split into: - Admin and Us...
I'm looking for a professional to transform a Photoshop mock-up into a Mailchimp email. The email is intended to share company news and should be sent to 5,000 people in my Mailchimp audience. I will provide access to my MailChimp account so you can do the work. Key Project Requirements: - Convert a Photoshop mock-up into an engaging Mailchimp email - Include sections for company news - Incorporate a link to our website - Distribute the email to 5,000 audience members Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in Photoshop, experience with Mailchimp, and excellent email marketing acumen. Previous work in crafting visually appealing and attention-grabbing emails would be a plus.
I'm seeking a seasoned web developer with extensive experience in migrating e-commerce sites from GoDaddy to Hostinger. My website is currently hosted on GoDaddy and features several custom ... Key Responsibilities: - Successfully migrate the entire e-commerce site - Ensure all custom themes are preserved and function seamlessly post-migration - Connecting my website to my bank account Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in e-commerce site migration, specifically from GoDaddy to Hostinger - Strong understanding of custom theme integration - Proficiency in web development and troubleshooting - Excellent communication skills for status updates and potential problem-solving discussions - Strong understanding of bank steps to connect the website successfully to th...
...Social Media Marketing: Instagram and LinkedIn (organic and paid). Search Engine Marketing: Google AdWords campaigns. Content Marketing: Blog creation, video content, and audience engagement. o Optimize user acquisition strategies and monitor performance metrics. ________________________________________ Scope of Work: Phase 1: Immediate Work (Validation and Beta User Recruitment) • Connect with potential users via social media, email, or other relevant channels. • Share feedback forms, presentations, or host video calls to gather insights. • Deliver a validated list of contacts willing to participate in beta testing. Phase 2: Future Marketing Campaign (Upon Product Launch) • Create and manage a multi-channel marketing strategy. • Design and run ad cam...
I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to oversee my accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The focus will be primarily on creating and promoting tutorial/how-to video content. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in social media management across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Expertise in video content creation and editing - Experience with producing tutorial/how-to videos - Strong understanding of social media algorithms and user engagement strategies - Excellent communication and organizational skills.
I am seeking a freelancer to help me kickstart my Amazon store. The store's account is already active, and I need to upload 50 perfume items as quick as possible. Key Tasks: - Uploading 50 perfume items to Amazon - Editing product images to enhance their appeal Requirements: - Proven experience with Amazon store management - Proficiency in image editing software - Ability to work quickly and efficiently All product descriptions are ready and will be provided.
...Generation**: Identifying potential clients and converting them into leads. - **Marketing and Advertising**: Crafting compelling marketing campaigns to promote my services. - **Networking and Partnerships**: Building relationships with other businesses that could lead to referrals or partnerships. The primary platform for these efforts will be **Social Media**, specifically: - **Facebook** - **Instagram** - **LinkedIn** Ideal candidates for this project should have a proven track record in lead generation and digital marketing, particularly on the specified social media platforms. They should also possess strong networking skills and have the ability to establish beneficial partnerships. Experience in the tech or web development industry would be a plus. NOTE-You Only get Pai...
I need to auto-post new real estate ads from my Laravel website to my Facebook Page () and Instagram. This involves setting up the Facebook Developer tools to get an Access Token for implementation in my controller. Key requirements: - Expertise in Laravel and PHP - Proven experience with Facebook and Instagram Developer tools - Ability to configure server environments for auto-posting I have existing Facebook and Instagram developer accounts and need to test this functionality on my development server. real time. • Underwriting guidelines evaluation: • Approve eligible customers for policy binding. • Notify ineligible customers that their quote requires further review. 3.2 Policy Binding • Allow customers to choose annual or monthly payments. • Annual Payments: Integration with a secure payment gateway for one-off payments. • Monthly Payments: Securely capture BSB, account name, and account number for direct debits. 3.3 API Integration • Create customer and quote records in the CRM. • Retrieve pricing data and underwriting outcomes from the SQL database. • Update policy details in the CRM upon binding. 3.4 Notifications • Display real-time messages for approval or further review. • ...