GIF Animations from Image
- Stare: Closed
- Premiu: €50
- Intrări primite: 59
- Câștigător: kamranalik
Sumarul concursului
I would like to transform this image into 3 animations (.gif) and 1 image.
1) Fans + water:
The red arrows above should move to show that the air is rising. The fans must turn.
The blue arrows (black crosses) should also be removed.
To show that the water is moving and being sprayed, it would be necessary to show that the pump is turning and that the water is rising in the pipe circled in orange.
Where I drew blue lines, it would be necessary to draw the water that is sprayed.
Same style as the gif following this link:
2) Then you will have to make an animation with just the fans and the red arrows (without water).
3) Then, with water but without the fans and red arrows.
4) Image without water and without red arrows.
Thanks in advance,
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