Hello Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Kunal Soni from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. I am a graduate person who has completed his graduation from the University of Rajasthan with the stream of Humanities.
I am an experineced person skilled with customer care, Content writing, phrase editing, sales and business development. Also I have experience of designing proposal for multiple businesses.
I am looking for a job where i can give my best in a help of company's growth. I have more than 5 years experinec with three different companies and organisations.
As of now i am a needy person because I am the only one who runs my family and have a lot of responsibilities.
I assure you that i will achieve your requirements and fulfill all the need of company.
This opportunity will be a faith on me, Kindly show your faith and get me hired for this opportunity.
Thank you!
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