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Ilvija B.
Humor? Articles? Technical writing? I do all 3. :)
$20 USD / Hour
Latvia (11:49 AM)
Joined on November 17, 2012
$20 USD / Hour
I am a dedicated and passionate writer. I hold a degree in philosophy and my knowledge often comes in handy when creating texts. They are always free of logical fallacies.
Currently I am working on a degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in robotics, so I am also up for writing technical product descriptions or user manuals as well.
I am an internationally awarded playwright and script-writer who also enjoys writing short stories and articles on various topics. Creating comedy is my biggest passion.
I have written hundreds of articles and quite a bunch of e-books on very different topics. If the choice is mine, I try to approach any subject with light-hearted humor to engage and capture the attention of readers.
I have written several audio book texts on various topics.
Jun, 2012 - Sep, 2013
1 year, 3 months
Game manual writer
Oct, 2011 - Jun, 2012
8 months
Killer Guides
Oct, 2011 - Jun, 2012
8 months
I have written several 100+ page guides for the Killer Guides.
Oct, 2011 - Jun, 2012
8 months
Latvijas Universitate
2006 - 2009
3 years
Philosophy bachelor
2006 - 2009
3 years
Diploma for completition
Latvian Literary Academy
Literary Academy is an organization that offers courses in Literature theory. In order to complete the courses one has to study for a year and then write a masterpiece. My masterpiece was the stage play "Kurpite" ('Little Shoe") was awarded in different Latvian and Russian stage play contests and it has been staged also in Canada.
Lugas 2006 (Plays 2006)
Latvian Playwriter Guild
My play "Kurpite" ("Little Shoe") was included in the anthology.
US English
Freelancer Orientation
UK English
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