Use scenario:-
A Facebook user in an Administrator of many Facebook Pages.
They want to generate PDF reports pulling in data in from Facebook's Graph API to share with others what a great job they're doing.
Facebook Page Insights are 'too much' and can't be shared easily so the reports generated will display as graphed data with table summaries displaying numerical values. (Background. [login to view URL] )
Because there are many pages the process must be something that can be scheduled at selected intervals for each page. e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly. They must also be able to be delivered to given email addresses.
Only one interface is needed as there is only one level of user - Super User,
It must be a fast and easy process to
- add a new page to start monitoring
- remove or pause a page once added
- search for a Page on the system
- add schedule intervals for reports to be generated
- add or amend a scheduled date report pattern on a per page basis
The number of Pages should not be limited.
A report should be pdf with
- a cover page containing the name of the Facebook Page included in a title page & date period covered by the report
- an overview page showing
- content value e.g. number of times a Page owner posted content
- engagement value e.g. number of likes, shares, comments & tags
- reach value e.g. number of Facebook users that have potentially see your updates
- community value e.g. number of page Likes gained in that period
- an Engagement page sub-headed with 'Is my content engaging?' that
- compares the current Engagement value to the previous period's Engagement value as a block graph with simple text & numerical value labels
- plots a line graph across the week that shows Engagement on each day vs the number of posts made by Page each day.
- Engagement is summarised as the sum of interactions with content .e.g. likes, comments & shares
- a Reach page sub-headed with 'How many people do my posts reach?'
- compares the current Reach value to the previous period's Reach value as a block graph with simple text & numerical value labels
- plots a line graph across the week that shows Reach on each day vs the number of posts made by Page each day.
- Reach is summarised as the sum of fans, user posts, questions and other interactions with content
- a Community page sub headed with 'How may fans do I have?'
- compares the current Page Likes (fans) value to the previous period's Page Likes value as a block graph with simple text & numerical value labels
- plots a line graph across the week that shows Like/Fan growth on each day vs the number of posts made by Page each day.
- Fan or Like growth is the total number of followers or people who have clicked Like
- A Posts page sub-headed 'Which are my best posts?'
- highlights the best 10 posts for that period on that Page much like the layout of the regular Facebook Page Insights area itself i.e..
- Column headers are:
Rank, date, Post, Likes, Comments, Shares, Engagement, Compare to Average, Post Reach
- Table rows are:
Access to System
The FB Monitoring tool will be ultimately hosted by us.
There is only one level of access required to the system and that is Super User.
The FB Monitoring tool will need to be fluid in how it behaves from desktop down to tablet.
PDF's do not need to be stored on our server. If temporary storage is required then a routine will be needed to remove these to manage storage.