I need a developer who is skilled in the Area's of PHP,MYSQL and AJAX to work with the script and bring it to completion for me. Note the current script is about 90% complete. The script is a hotel reservation service. Again please see attached for info and demo. This includes: 1. Changing the front end and the order of screens. 2. Working with gateways and transactions to assure accuracy. 3. Adding code as needed or completing code to support the spec. 4. Adding 2 additional front end templates for hotel owners to choose. 5. Modifying and or creating hotel customer back end. 6. Hardening the Calendar code and function. 7. Working with discounting and change if required. 8. Anything listed in the spec file outstanding. Again I estimate 90% has been completed. 9. The addition of Manual Pay method where the hotel owner can login and get the payment info for offline processing.( This was in Spec but not completed ) 10. The addition of any other payment gateway you can add would be of interest. I can tell you the code created is clean and easy to read and understand with the exception of the Calendar AJAX code for selecting dates. See file for a login and demo of current.
## Deliverables
1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables):
a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer's environment.
b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement).
## Platform
Linux Apache Mysql Php