Musicians for hire in Colombia

  • Music
  • Colombia
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Showing 2 results
  • Hire     agustinavilac
Hire     agustinavilac

    agustinavilac agustinavilac

    Colombia $10 USD / hour
    Tecnólogo en Sistemas de Información
    4 reviews 4 reviews $10 USD per hour
    Systems Technologist with emphasis in Software Engineering My mission as a professional is to advise organizations in the use of IT to achieve their objectives as a company, developing production tools with the latest technology and relying on the best human resources available. Tecnólogo en sistemas con énfasis en...
    Systems Technologist with emphasis in Software Engineering My mission as a professional is to advise organizations in the use of IT to achieve their objectives as a company, developing production tools with the latest technology and relying on the best human resources available. Tecnólogo en sistemas con énfasis en Ingeniería de Software Mi misión como profesional es asesorar a las organizaciones en el aprovechamiento de las TI para alcanzar sus objetivos como empresa, desarrollando herramientas de producción con la tecnología más actual y apoyándome en los mejores recursos humanos disponibles less
  • Hire agustinavilac
  • Hire     Cinema1993
Hire     Cinema1993

    Cinema1993 Cinema1993

    Colombia $5 USD / hour
    Live Action Video / Photography
    0 reviews 0 reviews $5 USD per hour
    4.8 positive reviews from musicians and bands at Fiverr: Writing, producing and editing narrative music videos since 2017 at, 60+ music videos produced, using post-production softwares like Premier, After Effects, Photoshop, Cinema4d since 2011, several...
    4.8 positive reviews from musicians and bands at Fiverr: Writing, producing and editing narrative music videos since 2017 at, 60+ music videos produced, using post-production softwares like Premier, After Effects, Photoshop, Cinema4d since 2011, several awards from indie film festivals and my short film went lived at Amazon prime back at 2019 by an indie studio called Filmhub. Check out more work at: less
  • Hire Cinema1993

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