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Alejandro T.
High Quality and Clean Software
$15 USD / 시간
Costa Rica (11:17 PM)
10월 1, 2010에 가입
$15 USD / 시간
I have 7+ years of experience in programming, I started in the web programming world 3 years ago. Nowadays I am an especialist in PHP which is a powerfull language for creating modern web applications. The user experience is very important for me, that's the reason I use SPRY framework (AJAX based) in my applications to improve the user interface and give the user the best experience in usability.
MySQL is my preferred platform for data. I combine all of this technologies to get the best results and solve everyday development requeriments.
My English level is Intermediate - Advance, but COMMUNICATION is a priority for me, I always consult my clients for each step in the development, use to listen his/her comments and try to provide ideas, this way we ensure a happy ending.
Xcript is a professional. A great developer and a good communicator. He does what he says he is going to do. Looking forward to working with him again soon.