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사용자 아바타

John J.



Architecture | Web | Mobile | Database | Autotools

$25 USD / 시간
국기 ()
China (6:00 AM)
5월 21, 2023에 가입
$25 USD / 시간
1. Work as software engineer and architect for over 20 years. 2. 10+ years experience in Android native/hybrid app development using Java, and JNI libraries development. 3. 6+ years experience in web developent using SpringBoot/SpringCloud, Vue.js. 4. Several years experience in web scraping tools,Android automation tools, Python/Shell script, and other applications. 5. Be good at software architecture design. 6. Be good at databases designing, configuring, programming, and administering. Include PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite. 7. Be good at programming languages like Java, and C/C++, Python, Go, Groovy, JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML/CSS, Shell script(Bash/Dash/Ksh). 8, Be good at Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Mybatis, Grails, MongoDB, Redis, Kafka, ZooKeeper, Activiti, Drools, JMeter, JUnit, Swagger, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Element Plus, Android framework/SDK, uniapp, Selenium, Nginx, Tomcat etc. 9. Be good at Maven, Gradle, Makefile, gcc/g++/gdb toolchains, and Linux system admin tools. 10. Be good at writing high-quality and maintainable source code. Be good at problem-solving as well.
변경 내역 저장 완료
5.0 · 6 Reviews
사용자 아바타
Working very well.. very hard working person ?
Sohel R.
국기 ()
Dhaka, Bangladesh
3개월 전
사용자 아바타
As usual, John did fantastic work. He worked very hard. I will rehire him in the future.
Au Yang Y.
국기 ()
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4개월 전
사용자 아바타
Did a great job- AQlways will rehire, Great Ptogrammer
Au Yang Y.
국기 ()
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4개월 전
사용자 아바타
John did a very good job. I will rehire him for the next job. He did very good in solving the problem.
Au Yang Y.
국기 ()
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1년 전
John is amazing professional, quick and talented! Will hire him again :)
Closed User
국기 ()
2년 전
5월, 2017 - 선물
7 , 8
5월, 2017 - 선물
7 , 8
1. Developed a human resource management for outsourcing, a shared bus system, a factory digital system, an online education system, and automation tools etc. 2. The used techniques include Java, C/C++, Objective-C, Python, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, ZXing, Spring, SpringBoot, SpringCloud, SpringSecurity, Mybatis, OAuth2.0, Swagger, Nginx, and Tomcat. 3. The target operating systems include Linux, Windows Server, Android, and iOS. 4. Manage the whole corporation.
5월, 2017 - 선물
7 , 8
Sr. Software Architect
8월, 2011 - 5월, 2017
5 , 9
8월, 2011 - 5월, 2017
5 , 9
1. Developed webkit customization framework, tiny app solutions, big data analysis system for Nuomi. 2. The used techniques include Java, C/C++, Objective-C, Makefile, gdb, gcc/g++ toolchains, MySQL, Hadoop, DataX, HBase, Storm, Kafka, and Elastic Search. 3. The target operating system include Linux, Android, and iOS. 4. Managed technical teams for mobile application development and big data analysis.
8월, 2011 - 5월, 2017
5 , 9
Sr. Software Engineer
1월, 2005 - 8월, 2011
6 , 7
1월, 2005 - 8월, 2011
6 , 7
1. Developed firewall and anti-virus mobile softwares. 2. The used techniques include C/C++, Java, Objective-C, SQLite, Makefile, gdb, gcc/g++ tools chain, Bash, and Embedded QT. 3. The target operating system include Linux, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, and iOS.
1월, 2005 - 8월, 2011
6 , 7
Southwest Petroleum Institute
1999 - 2003
Bachelor of Science (BS)
국기 ()
1999 - 2003
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