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사용자 아바타

Tony A.



I am full stack developer

$40 USD / 시간
국기 ()
United States (5:07 PM)
11월 18, 2024에 가입
$40 USD / 시간
I am seeking a new work as a talented FullStack web and blockchain developer with a strong can-do attitude and high sense of responsibility. With 7 years of experience, I am an experienced fullstack web developer specializing in MERN stack, React Native, Next.js, Vue.js, Laravel and PHP. I have successfully developed and deployed numerous web and mobile applications, turning design concepts into visually appealing and functional interfaces. For the last 3 years, I have focused on blockchain technology. Along with a broad skill set, I have comprehensive knowledge of ICOs, tokenization and regulatory framework compliance. I am skilled in developing smart contracts, working on NFT standards such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155, and creating Dex and DeFi protocols on Ethereum, Solana, Tron and Ton blockchain. My experience and skill set include: ✔️ ​​Frontend: React/Redux, Next.js, Vue/Nuxt.js, WordPress, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/TypeScript, jQuery, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, CI ✔️ Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Laravel, GoLang,Python ✔️ Mobile: React Native, Native, Android, iOS ✔️ Version Control & Project Management: JIRA, Trello, GitHub, GitLab ✔️ Blockchain & Web3 Development: Web3.js, solidity, Rust, Golang, Vype, Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask, Hardhat, Blueprint, FunC, Tact ✔️ Smart Contract Integration Development: DeFi Platform, Crypto Wallet, NFT Marketplace, Casino Bet ✔️ Strong logical, algorithmic thinking, bug fixing. If you need my help , Please hit me up anytime, we can make your dream. Thank you.



변경 내역 저장 완료
0.0 · 0 Reviews
여기에는 더 확인하실 만한 리뷰 건이 없습니다!
Web and Blockchain developer
4월, 2014 - 10월, 2023
9 , 6
4월, 2014 - 10월, 2023
9 , 6
Developed cross-platform desktop applications using React and Electron, increasing user engagement by 40% and reducing churn by 25%. Also built secure smart contracts in Rust with 500+ test scenarios to ensure integrity before deployment. Implemented solana-web3.js to improve communication with the Solana blockchain, increasing transaction throughput by 30% and ensuring scalability under high load conditions. Also developed 25+ websites and desktop applications.
국기 ()
San Francisco, United States
4월, 2014 - 10월, 2023
9 , 6
Arizona State University
2011 - 2017
a baccalaureate degree
국기 ()
United States
2011 - 2017
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