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사용자 아바타




PhD, Statistician|Financial Math|Python|SAS|R

$50 USD / 시간
국기 ()
United States (10:28 PM)
11월 2, 2024에 가입
$50 USD / 시간
10+ years in coding, data mining and mathematical modeling and research; data analytics, machine learning/statistical model development and implementation experience in banking industry, especially expertise in credit risk of real estate portfolios (Mortgage & Home Equity) ⋄ Hands-on experience across full model development cycle, from data collection, data mining, variable analysis, methodology research, model testing, model implementation/production, translating model results to business recommendation and model performance on-going monitoring • Programming ⋄ Proficient in Python, Anaconda, Google Clould Platform (GCP), AWS, SQL, SAS, R, Matlab, Latex, HTML, Microsoft Office • Business/Leadership ⋄ Flex interpersonal skills to translate the complexity of quantitative work into tangible business goals ⋄ Strong project planning/management, communication, mentorship for junior modelers
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