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사용자 아바타

Praveen V.



AI-ML|React|Python|SQL|Data & Analytics|ETL/DW

$12 USD / 시간
국기 ()
India (2:01 AM)
6월 1, 2016에 가입
$12 USD / 시간
At ImagineX Digital, we empower enterprises to maximise their technology investments through the development of critical software that drives superior business outcomes. Our comprehensive suite of services includes Data Solutions, Web Application Development, UI/UX design, Legacy Modernization, Digital Transformation, Product Engineering, and Quality Assurance. With deep industry expertise spanning Healthcare, Logistics, Transit, Financial Services, Technology, Retail, Manufacturing, and Education, we deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Our team is dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence, ensuring that every project we undertake enhances operational efficiency and accelerates growth. Partner with ImagineX Digital to transform your technology landscape and achieve exceptional business performance.
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여기에는 더 확인하실 만한 리뷰 건이 없습니다!
Team Lead
6월, 2014 - 선물
10 , 5
6월, 2014 - 선물
10 , 5
Experienced professional with around 9+ years of IT experience in Planning, Analysis, Design and Implementation of Software Development, Business Intelligence Reporting Experience: 9+ Years Skills: 1. Data Engineering 2. Data Architecture 3. Data Modelling 4. Data Analysis & Visualisation 5. Database Design & Development 6. ETL & ELT 7. Data Warehousing 8. On-premises & Cloud Migration Expert 9. New Technology Adaptability
6월, 2014 - 선물
10 , 5
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2010 - 2014
국기 ()
2010 - 2014
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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