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사용자 아바타

Mart H.



Full Stack | AI | Web, Mobile App | VoIP developer

$20 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Netherlands (6:29 PM)
1월 9, 2025에 가입
$20 USD / 시간
With 7+ years of experience in this platform. I love new challenges and learn new technologies very quickly if needed. Knowledge and Experience : - Node.js, Nest.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, REST API Development, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JSON, Database Schema Design - MVC, Event-Driven Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Clean Architecture, GraphQL Architecture - Backend technologies, including Express.js, AWS and MongoDB - RESTful API design principles, Database Management, and Database queries - Javascript, MySQL, Restful API development, Php - iOS SDK, Swift, Xcode, Objective C - Android Studio, Java, Eclipse - Alamofire, SDWebImage, Cocoapods - SQLite, Core Data - Web services/Restful API integration - Push Notification, Firebase Cloud messaging - (IAP)In-App Purchase, Payment Service Integration - Code Optimization, Performance tuning - Design patterns, Material Design, Custom UI Elements, Animation - Firebase Analytics, Database, Storage, App or Static Web Page Hosting, Crash Reporting - Social signup integration, Facebook, Twitter, Google SDK - Web Scraping, Image Processing - Deep linking, Content Provider, BroadcastReceiver, Background Services - Sketch, Photoshop - Git, Github, Bitbucket Skills : - Application and requirement analysis - Translating requirements to technical languages - New features integration to existing projects - Full build processes starting from development till releasing to stores/customers - Strong skills in executing pixel & animation perfect UI's relative to good app performance - Have great communication skills and ability to work with your team - Have experience developing, releasing, and maintaining applications - A willingness to learn new languages or technologies which is required by your product - Experience in mentoring other developers in industry best practices - The ability to take initiative and work independently with very little supervision ## API Integration: ChatGPT3, Open AI/ML for various tasks such as text generation, translation, summarization, Fine tuning, sentiment analysis and DALL-E 2 for text-to-image. ✅ Codex API: for code generation and autocompletion. ✅ DALL-E 2 API: for generating images from textual descriptions. ✅ GPT-3 API: for natural language processing and generating text content. ✅ GPT-3 DAVINCI API: for more advanced natural language processing and generating long-form text content. ✅ DALL-E 2 Video API: for generating videos from textual descriptions. ✅ TTS API: for generating spoken words from text. ✅ Search API: for semantic search, web search, and other search-related tasks. I am also Familiar With Version Control tools Git, Github, GitLab, Bitbucket Agile Tools Asana, Jira, Trello, ClickUp Thanks for visiting my profile.
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