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이메일에 대한 인증 절차가 완료되었습니다.
Ikechukwu O.
Translators/Writers/Data Entry/Engineers/Editor
$15 USD / 시간
Nigeria (3:06 AM)
6월 1, 2016에 가입
$15 USD / 시간
We are a team of Professional Translators/transcribers/Engineers/Data Entry workers/Developers/Designers from all over the world delivering quality service in our chosen market. Precision, accuracy and timely delivery make up our core values .Beautiful people working for beautiful people.
Sadly, the quite a lot of editing was required. I would notably say that there were phrases and words that one would not find in modern English, such as using "Peradventure" instead of "Perhaps". There was stray from the brief, despite earlier communication to correct this; A requirement was to remain objective and factual, something which was not adhered to. The American English test mark of 80% is not an accurate indicator of a suppliers ability to write in modern or accurate English. There were also odd sentences placed within the work that were either incomplete or out of place. Some parts of the work were written as if meant to be spoken rather than read.
I recruited, managed, and coordinated a group of amazing freelancers from different parts of the globe including Nigerians. My job role included writing, delegating, and virtual assistance.
I am very got in a wide range of virtual assistance services. We managed various forms of writing tasks for various companies and individuals.
9월, 2016 - 9월, 2019
Federal University of Technology Owerri
2006 - 2011
Second Class upper Division
2006 - 2011
Registered Engineer
This is a certificate that shows that I am a fully registered and licensed Engineer who can practice in Nigeria.