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사용자 아바타

Kepa B.



Creador de contenido con gran experiencia

$25 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Spain (2:21 AM)
12월 1, 2024에 가입
$25 USD / 시간
Digital Content Creator with Extensive Experience and Recognition I am a digital content creator with over 8 years of experience, specializing in digital marketing strategies and search engine optimization (SEO). Holding a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid, I bring a unique approach that combines in-depth analysis, creativity, and advanced tools to produce high-quality, audience-specific, and search-engine-optimized content. Throughout my career, I have led projects resulting in numerous success stories, helping businesses and brands significantly improve their online visibility, attract potential clients, and convert traffic into tangible results. My expertise in SEO is well-documented, leveraging data-driven strategies, keyword research, and optimization techniques that meet the highest industry standards. Additionally, I am a Level 9 Google Reviewer, a distinction that underscores my commitment to excellence in content creation and my ability to connect with global audiences. This recognition highlights my expertise in building trust and delivering value in the digital landscape. I am ready to craft innovative solutions that enhance the digital presence of any project, always with a strategic, professional, and results-oriented approach.
변경 내역 저장 완료
0.0 · 0 Reviews
여기에는 더 확인하실 만한 리뷰 건이 없습니다!
editor de proyectos fin de carrera
6월, 2009 - 선물
15 , 8
universidad autónoma de madrid
6월, 2009 - 선물
15 , 8
Director de publicaciones de la revista digital de la universidad. Responsable de contenidos y de SEO.
국기 ()
madrid, Spain
6월, 2009 - 선물
15 , 8
redaptor de contenido
2월, 2023 - 10월, 2023
8 , 3
gobierno de españa
2월, 2023 - 10월, 2023
8 , 3
Redactor de Contenidos para el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España Como redactor para la web internacional del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, me enfocaría en crear y optimizar contenido claro y profesional sobre relaciones internacionales, cooperación y servicios consulares. Con un enfoque multilingüe y adaptado culturalmente, aseguraría textos alineados con principios SEO, promoviendo la diplomacia española y fortaleciendo la comunicación institucional global.
국기 ()
madrid, Spain
2월, 2023 - 10월, 2023
8 , 3
Universidad de Deusto
1998 - 2003
economia y derecho
국기 ()
1998 - 2003
instituto empresa
especialización de dirección y gestión de recursos humanos
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