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Danrlei D.
Data Scientist, AI Engineer | Python | SQL | Excel
$20 USD / 시간
Brazil (3:38 PM)
11월 26, 2024에 가입
$20 USD / 시간
I'm an Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil, with 10 years of experience in the technology sector across technical and business roles. I am proficient in the most popular analytical tools and have extensive knowledge in data science and machine learning applications.
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Composite Reliability Assessment of Power Systems
This paper proposes an analysis of composite reliability in power systems supported by the Artificial Intelligence technique of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The reliability assessment model is based on the Non-Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation (NS-MCS) method, with generation redispatch via Optimal Power Flow (OPF). The ANN is applied to determine load curtailment conditions and avoid executing OPF redispatch in the absence of curtailment.