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사용자 아바타

Corey C.



Data analyst

$10 USD / 시간
국기 ()
United States (4:01 AM)
9월 9, 2024에 가입
$10 USD / 시간
I am a versatile professional with a strong foundation in web and mobile development, software architecture, and content creation. My expertise includes PHP, HTML, HTML5, and JavaScript, allowing me to build and manage dynamic websites and applications. I am proficient with WordPress, enabling me to create and customize CMS-based solutions effectively. My skills in MySQL and Excel reflect my capability in handling and analyzing data. In addition to web development, I have experience in mobile app development for both Android and iPhone platforms, as well as proficiency in Python, which complements my software development skills. I also have a background in game development, which demonstrates my ability to create interactive and engaging applications. My expertise extends to design and engineering with knowledge in AutoCAD and CAD/CAM, allowing me to manage complex design and engineering projects. I am also skilled in business analysis, which helps me bridge the gap between technical solutions and business needs. I excel in content writing and data entry, ensuring that information is both accurate and compelling. My experience in technical site surveys enables me to assess and plan for technical requirements effectively. Additionally, I am familiar with social media platforms like Twitter, which enhances my ability to manage online presence and engagement. Overall, my diverse skill set equips me to tackle a wide range of challenges in technology, design, and content management, making me a valuable asset in various professional environments.
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