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사용자 아바타

Carina G.



Chemical and Biological Engineer

$25 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Portugal (12:49 PM)
9월 13, 2016에 가입
$25 USD / 시간
My name is Carina Gomes and I have a master degree in Engineering, with the specialization in the field of Chemical and Food Technology. I consider myself to be a creative and flexible person, with a big learning ability and responsibility. I am confident that the experience that I acquired so far makes me a positive contribute.
변경 내역 저장 완료
5.0 · 2 Reviews
Design a textbook ¥10,000 JPY
Good communication. Takes directions well. Solid quality.
Dave S.
국기 ()
Shinjuku-Ku, Japan
8년 전
I couldn't be happier with the results from this project. I provided very loose requirements because the project i'm working on is still in very early stages and isn't very well defined. Yet the outcome aligned with my vision and I think helped move the project along.
Darron O.
국기 ()
Brentwood, United States
8년 전
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