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Avr S.
Php , Android , Java & Designing Expert.
$15 USD / 시간
India (7:01 PM)
10월 29, 2010에 가입
$15 USD / 시간
We have over 17+ years of experience in system analysis, design and development in Java/J2EE & Web 2.0 technologies.
Key Skills:
# Java , J2ee , Servlet , Struts 2, JSP , Velocity, SQL, Hibernate, Spring, Web Services, XML, Ajax, J SON,Web Designing ,HTML, CSS , PHP based CMS ,JAVASCRIPT/j Query etc.
# Experience in developing Enterprise Applications on J2EE servers.
#Hands on Experience in databases such as MYSQL, Microsoft SQL Server , ORACLE.
#C#, SQL Server, W CF, , VB 6, Android, action script, java-script, j query, html, html 5, Spring, struts, hibernate, oracle, DB 2, MySQL, XML, xslt , JMS , TCP IP.
#Web hosting, web site design, develop, Photoshop, coral draw, jasper report with any data source like XML or db and many more.
#Experience on Java based CMS.
#Excellent Technical Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
Worked as team leader for developing java based web application for financial institution like RBS and also worked on a product of same financial/ investment banking domain.
2월, 2006 - 7월, 2008
2 , 5
Worked as team leader
3월, 2004 - 2월, 2006
1 , 11
3월, 2004 - 2월, 2006
1 , 11
Worked as team leader in java technologies, worked on web based trade life cycle management application for cocoa domain, shipping, manufacturer, warehouse, quality control invoice , billing, future/options and many more modules.
3월, 2004 - 2월, 2006
1 , 11
Software engineer
2월, 2001 - 3월, 2004
3 , 1
Aithent technologies
2월, 2001 - 3월, 2004
3 , 1
Worked as software engineer and worked on different products like Fraud prevention and investigation, Content management software in java, corporate intranet web application and many other tools and application.
2월, 2001 - 3월, 2004
3 , 1
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
1994 - 1998
1994 - 1998
Best Employee of year
Awarded as the best employee of the year in 2006-2007.