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사용자 아바타

Daniel T.



marketing specialist

$10 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Ethiopia (11:11 AM)
4월 4, 2024에 가입
$10 USD / 시간
Accomplished marketing &business development specialist with exceptional track record in leadership skills and results- based strategies for maximum revenue and profit growth. Skilled in identifying and resolving critical issues impacting productivity and business operations. History developing change management strategies & implementing improved systems.
변경 내역 저장 완료
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여기에는 더 확인하실 만한 리뷰 건이 없습니다!
General Manager
9월, 2019 - 선물
5 , 5
Swiftel Technologies
9월, 2019 - 선물
5 , 5
overseeing daily business operations • Developing and implementing growth strategies • Creating and managing budgets • improving revenue • Hiring employees and managers • Evaluating performance land productivity • Analysing accounting and financial data • Researching and identifying growth opportunities • Generating reports and giving presentations
9월, 2019 - 선물
5 , 5
D/General manager-marketing and business developement
7월, 2013 - 9월, 2019
6 , 1
Hidassie Telecom
7월, 2013 - 9월, 2019
6 , 1
• Establish, drive and implement a long term business development strategy for sustainable growth • Engage with Senior Management in the development of new opportunities • Identify, prepare, drive and bring to fruition new business opportunities • Foster, build and maintain key strategic relationships with internal and external stakeholders • Develop strategic partnerships and networks to drive business growth
7월, 2013 - 9월, 2019
6 , 1
Addis Ababa University
1991 - 1995
국기 ()
1991 - 1995
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