Save Wix's JavaScript Calculator Data in Google Docs Sheets or Wix Databases
등록 시간:
3년 전
$8-15 USD (1시간 기준)
This calculator is built by JavaScript.
Calculator: [login to view URL]
Once user click calculate, we want to save all below data (Row by Row) in Google Docs Sheets or Wix Databases (Either one is fine, the easier & more convenient one is better).
EST Completion Date
Days of Delay
LAD Amount
LAD for Common Area
Property Name
Kindly tell us what's your offer for this project and project completion time.
프로젝트 ID: #29837396
프로젝트 소개
3 건(제안서)
재택 근무형 프로젝트
서비스 이용 중: 3년 전