Vba write custom property without open file일자리
1. preferably React.js 2. excellent understanding and implementation of security techniques for variables and API interaction with variables. 3. have a good understanding of variable state management and React structures. 4. know how to manage cache and optimize SEO. Must be able to implement: 1. User Auth related such as login, signup, unsubscribe, logout, etc. 2. search bar and json-based data rendering Grid, List, Scroll, infinite Scroll, Pagenation, which are the core of e-commerce 3. It should be easy to manage the overall status of payment related, and Navigation processing should not cause bugs/abuse due to lack of data and status management. ** We do not recommend new developers who do not understand these fundamentals, or who do not have experience and want to gain experience. ...
한국어 단어를 태국어, 네덜란드어, 유대어, 영어, 포르투갈어 등 다양한 언어로 변환할 수 있는 창의적인 마인드를 찾고 있습니다.
VBA 코드 구현 능력 (Excel Macro를 이용한 프로그램 개발 및 요건정의) 1) 데이터 수집/정리 유형 : 분석 데이터 수집/정리와 관련된 자동화 2) 데이터 분석 유형 : 데이터에 수식/로직 적용 관련된 자동화 3) 데이터 시각화 유형 : 분석 결과를 그래프 표현 관련된 자동화 4) 보고서 작성 유형 : 분석 결과로 요약/결과 보고서 작성 관련된 자동화
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터
번역 뮤지컬 연출가로써 쓴 가상 "Pitch"입니다. 단어수는 1030자 내외의 6페이지 입니다. 전문 용어를 적절하게 사용해 번역해주실 분이었으면 좋겠습니다.기한은 한국시간 11월 27일까지로 다소 촉박합니다.
update n helper i wanna update nhelper!!! 엔헬퍼 업데이트좀 하려하는데 언제쯤 퇴원하시는건지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 빨리 연락되었으면 하네요. 한달이라는 시간이 너무 길어서 ㅠㅠ
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
C# WinForm 기반의 Windows 응용 프로그램중 특정 기능 ListView/ListBox/DataGrideView 등의 Cell안에 Custom UserControl (Button 및 그림 및 체크박스등이 탑재된 UserControl)을 집어 넣고 리스트화 시킴. 단, TalbeLayoutPanel 등 Panel 컨트롤을 사용하면 안됨. Panel컨트롤은 32767 사이즈의 한계가 있어 컨트롤이 탑재되지 않음.
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '
Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.
갠 갡 갢 갣 갤 갥 갦 갧 갨 갩 갪 갫 갬 갭 갮 갯 갰 갱 갲 갳 갴 갵 갶 갷 갸 갹 갺 갻 갼 갽 갾 갿
회사홈페이지 영문작업할것들 번역입니다. 확인해서 견적 부탁드립니다. 일반 페이지들도 있구요 이미지가 거의 주니까 번역량은 생각보다 적으실거라고 생각됩니다. pdf파일 확인후 번역 가능 여부 및 견적 메세지 주세요.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 시작시에 미팅 1회 및 재택근무[사내근무가능] <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 미팅 1회 가능하시면 좋구요. 저희 사무실에서 근무하시면 더좋지만 여건 안되실 경우 재택근무로 합니다 14일 정도 작업일입니다 <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다. .
you make payment system very simply. every payment system possible my website.(card, cash, coupon etc) customer join us and my website sell and buy for c to c. customer pay money for my website fee( seller ) - 개인이 상품을 사고 팔수 있는 오픈마켓형 홈페이지 - 상품을 판매한 사람에게 수수료를 받는 시스템 - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드, 현금입금, 쿠폰 등, 모든 결재방식이 가능함. - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드같은 경우 카드수수료가 빠진 금액만큼 결재됨. (나머지 쿠폰도 마찬가지 임) - 홈페이지에서 결재된 금액은 홈페이지 단위의 가상money를 받고, 판매자에게 전달. - 고객이 상품받은 것을 확인하면, 판매자에게 3일에서 7일까지 회사에서 결재된 금액을 가지고 있다가 3일이나 7일후에 수수료가 빠진 금액으로 결재계좌에 입금. - 상품을 받지 못한 고객에게는 결재된 금액을 다시 돌려 줌. (이 때, 결재되었을 때, 카드수수료등도 같이 취소되어 환급됨.)
안녕하세요. 이번에 처음으로 앱개발한번 해보려고하는 25살 학생입니다. 일단 앱개발하는 업체에도 견적문의 해놓은상태라서요 가격이랑 여러가지 따져보고 결정하려고 합니다. 처음이라 이쪽분야에 많이 모르는 상태라 질문이좀 미흡하더라도 이해해주시면 감사하겠습니다. '길건너친구들'같은 모바일게임앱이나 'Sleep Cycle alarm clock'같은 수면,알람앱 그리고 '카톡'과 '보이스톡'처럼 데이터로 문자와 통화가 가능한 메신저앱은 일반적으로 견적이 얼마정도 나오나요? 일정은 얼마나 걸릴가요? 수면,알람앱경우 제가 사운드파일을 만들거나 가지고 있어야하나요? 아이폰과 안드로이드 각각 따로 만들어야하나요? 개발후 관리는 어떤식으로 되는건가요? 추가로 관리비가 있는지 궁금합니다. 개발후 추가적으로 업데이트가 필요할경우 어떻게 되나요? 앱의 권한은 전부 제가 갖게 되나요? 로열티라든지 그런게 있는지 궁금합니다. 그래픽적인부분은 제가 어느정도 구상해야하나요? 견적은 처음 나온 견적금이외에 따로 추가금이 있나요? 지불일정은 어떻게 되나요? 선불인가요 아님 후불인가요 아니면 중간중간 나눠서 내나요? 앱스토어에 앱을 어떻게 제출하게 되나요? 마지막으로 앱개발하면서 궁금한사항들을 좀 물어보면 간단하게라도 알려주실 수 있나요? 질문이 좀 많죠? 첫 앱개발이라 좀 심사숙고해서 정하려고하다보니 궁금한게 많네요.^^;;
안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
כתיבה של כ 5 מאמרים של 400 מילה על אתר יין - חנות של יין
안녕하세요. 이렇게 신청하는게 맞는지 모르겠네요. 이사이트의 진행에 대한 지식이 없어서 너무 어렵네요. 이렇게 프로젝트 진행하는것이 아니면 이메일로 연락부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
We are looking for a Korean proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Korean. They are the descriptions of mobile applications. Here you can see the example of a description in Korean and English languages:
I...ability for users to create and manage their individual profiles is crucial. This will require implementing secure email and password authentication. - Content Management System: I am looking for a robust, custom-built CMS that will facilitate easy content updates and management. - Search Functionality: An efficient filtered search feature is essential for user navigation and content discovery. The ideal professional for this task should have a strong portfolio showcasing their expertise in developing modern, minimalistic websites. They should be well-versed in creating user profiles and custom-built content management systems. Proven experience in implementing effective search functionalities is a must. Please share examples of similar projects you've successfully ...
Job Title: Blockchain Developer Needed for Creating Custom Cryptocurrency for E-commerce Platform Description: We are looking for a skilled blockchain developer to create a custom cryptocurrency for our e-commerce platform. This cryptocurrency will be used for payments and rewards within our store, allowing customers to use it for purchases and convert it to popular cryptocurrencies like BTC or USDT. Key Responsibilities: Develop a custom cryptocurrency (coin/token) for our e-commerce platform that is secure, scalable, and integrates with our existing system. Design and deploy smart contracts for the coin, following best practices for security. Enable easy payment options with the cryptocurrency for customers and integrate a conversion process to BTC or USDT. Pro...
I'm looking to develop an auto login system for two Ford software applications: FDRS and IDS. This system will enable others to use my credentials for logging in without having my actual password. Key Requirements: - Manage user authentication without sharing credentials - Set expiration dates for logins - Notify users of OTP through in-app notifications The software uses an OTP Token from the Authy App as a password. The system should allow me to manage how long other users can access the software, after which they would need to pay to re-enable their access. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with Windows application development - Familiarity with user authentication systems - Understanding of in-app notification systems - Experience with implementi...
Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 180 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $4 dollar for 180 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I'm looking for a graphic designer who can create a skeleton vector file for me. Key Requirements: - The skeleton design can be in any style, so creativity is welcomed. - The final deliverables must be in SVG, AI, and EPS formats. Ideal Skills: - Expert knowledge in vector graphic design - Proficiency in software like Adobe Illustrator - Creative and original thinking Please note that the primary use of this vector file has not yet been determined, and the style of the skeleton has not been specified. I am open to suggestions and would appreciate your input on these aspects.
I'm in need of a skilled video editor for my YouTube show. The job entails: - Editing raw footage: removing off-topic chatter, long pauses, and unnecessary breaths - Seamless camera angle transitions: cutting between different camera angles without noticeable jump cuts This project involves working with raw footage that is typically 1.5 hrs and cutting it down to less than 60 min and over 10 camera angles. The editing style I prefer is balanced, with a mix of smooth transitions and fast-paced cuts. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in video editing - Proficiency in Final Cut Pro - A keen eye for detail and quality Please note, extra graphics and b-roll are not required as we will add those ourselves. I look forward to hearing from you!
...and manage their profiles. - Subscription Management: This includes options for users to subscribe, upgrade, downgrade, or cancel their subscriptions. - Content Delivery: Depending on the subscription tier, different content should be accessible to users. Design Particulars: - Custom Branding: The site needs to reflect our brand identity, so custom branding is a must. - Responsive Layout: The website should be mobile-friendly and accessible on all devices. - Pre-made Templates: While we want custom branding, we are open to using pre-made templates to save time and resources. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development with a focus on subscription-based platforms. - Experience with Stripe integration. - Strong skills in UI/UX desi...
I'm looking for a music composer to create a film score for the title sequence of an adventure travel film. The music needs to convey an intense and thrilling tone, perfectly capturing the spirit of the journey ahead. Film score is required for Title Sequence of 45 seconds. See attached two clips, one without music requires the film score. Chasing Zephyr is an adventure travel film series, with a thread of chasing the wind, with the wind as a metaphor for freedom. (series see @chasingzephyr933 … examples of Borneo see @andrewlamshed5748 ). The Borneo series is about the Presenter setting off to Borneo to find “Jungles and Orangutans”, but learns that it is much more, including much deforestation. Component Parts and Emotion/Mood Part 1. Opening Shot (...
I'm looking for a talented social media marketer with extensive experience in organic promotion on Meta and LinkedIn. My company specialises in travel and insurance, and our primary goal is to engage and reach all types of travelers in Austra...encouraging likes, comments, and shares Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in organic social media marketing, particularly on Meta - Experience in promoting content - Ability to create engaging, shareable content - Strong understanding of targeting and reaching international audiences - DETAILED understanding of TOF, MOF, BOF targeting structures in Meta Please note: Applications without attachments will NOT be considered. Auto text will be blocked. ##STEP 1### Outline what you will do for the first $100 and first mon...
...proficient in medical journal writing and natural sciences writing, to assist in crafting a high-quality research article for a scholarly journal. (Archives of Sexual Behavior) The Archives of Sexual Behavior has the details regarding how authors format the citations on their web site. Key Responsibilities: Edit and revise my comprehensive research article. It is almost finished at 8,000 words without citations. I just need editing. I don't think I'll need any research. I have all the citations, just not all in the correct format. If I require research, it will be minimal. My most important task is to ensure that all citations are in the correct format and that the content adheres to the APA and other citation formats. - Collaborate with me to incorporate n...
I'm in need of a freelancer with a strong background in web development and AI integration. My website requires some cleanup, particularly the homepage, and I want to enhance it with several AI components for lead capture. Key Requirements: - Website Cleanup: The homepage of my website needs a thorough cleanup to improve its usability...autocomplete features, and a system for lead scoring. The chatbot's primary function will be to answer FAQs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio of website cleanups. - Experienced with AI integrations, particularly Chatbots and lead scoring systems. - Excellent understanding of user experience and usability principles. - Able to enhance website functionality without compromising its aesthetics.
Hi G, We need to connect an XML file to a website () and have the data displayed on a webpage of the site. We have "Easy Property Listings" installed and want to use to automatically feed the realestate data to "Easy Property Listings" and have the data displayed on a webpage using the current site design. The company supplying the data is and the FTP file they have uploaded the XML files are to /public_html/XML/ WordPress Un: support Pw: g6vK38)3Tj58bCX44a3YGHX% cPanel Un somewhereeast PW: jwnfdde2&&^jUHN05 Are you able to do this ASAP? Can you please let me know
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a small aluminum print (up to 6 inches) from an STL file I already have. The print will need to be created using a CNC machine or router. The level of detail required for this project is basic and there will be no need for any post-processing on the aluminum print.
...app developer, proficient in both iOS and Android platforms, to create a news app similar to 'Way to News'. The app should embody a classic design style and contain the following key features: - Push Notifications: Users should receive real-time alerts about breaking news or updates based on their preferences. - Offline Reading: Users should be able to download news articles for later reading without an internet connection. - User Comments: A comment section for each news article, promoting user interaction and discussion. - User-friendly Feed: The news feed should be intuitive and easy to navigate, providing a pleasant user experience. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio of similar cross-platform apps, excellent understanding of user inte...
...length and 14 feet in breadth, which we want to transform into a state-of-the-art robotics lab. The room currently has four wall-mounted racks, each 4 feet by 4 feet, with two racks on either side of the 24-foot walls. The lab must accommodate 40 students and include 20 computers, with two students sharing each computer. The layout should include a designated corner for the teacher, featuring a custom-designed table and a computer for the teacher's use. Additionally, there must be a smart board installed for instructional demonstrations. All hardware components should be neatly organized within the existing racks, but additional racks can be added if necessary. The entrance door is located in the middle of one of the 24-foot walls. While the door can be relocated, we would...
Freelance Soci...Media Posting – Real Estate Stories We are a real estate company looking for a freelancer to schedule and post Instagram & Facebook Stories every Saturday morning. Job Details: 12-month contract with a fixed weekly price 20-25 stories per week (MP4 videos provided) Posting time: Saturdays at 7 AM Melbourne time Your Tasks: Receive a list of open homes on Thursday Find the property photos/videos on our website Post each story with: Property address Open home time Link to our website Requirements: Experience with Instagram & Facebook Stories Reliable & organised (must post on time every week) Comfortable working with MP4 video files If you're interested, please provide: ✅ Your weekly rate ✅ Examples of similar work (if ...
...regulations (HIPAA, GDPR). - Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team environment. **Preferred Open-Source Technologies:** - **TensorFlow**: An open-source machine learning framework for developing AI models. - **PyTorch**: An open-source deep learning library for building and training neural networks. - **scikit-learn**: A machine learning library for data mining and data analysis. - **spaCy**: An open-source NLP library for advanced text processing. - **Apache Kafka**: A distributed streaming platform for real-time data processing. - **Elasticsearch**: An open-source search and analytics engine for handling large datasets. - **OpenMRS**: An open-source EHR platform that can be customized and extended with AI...
...By default, Instagram opens links in its in-app browser, which is not ideal for my use case. Requirements: Objective: The link in the Instagram bio should open seamlessly in the native mobile browser (Chrome/Safari), without triggering any Instagram prompts or warnings like "You are leaving the app. Do you want to continue?" Solutions That Don’t Work: Fake file downloads to redirect users. (Example: ) URL schemes such as googlechrome://domain. (Example: ) Basic JavaScript solutions (e.g., ()) that fail in iOS or show prompts. Existing
Developing a mobile application programmed using YOLO, TensorFlow, and Android Studio, which will be accessible via a link so it can be opened on a mobile phone. The application is designed to detect 5 custom datasets and provide output in the form of audio (Text to speech), such as "There's a car ahead," "There's a motorcycle ahead," and so on. Key Responsibilities: - Utilizing YOLO for detecting several categories of objects in a pre-provided dataset. The dataset includes: - People - Cars - Motorcycles - A building - Traffic signs Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Machine Learning and YOLO - Experienced in object detection - Capable of delivering high-quality work under time constraints - Good communication skills to provide regular u...
...and other materials as needed. Follow provided examples to match the desired style and quality. Deliver high-quality designs in a timely manner. Requirements: Must have a Canva Pro account. Proven expertise in using Canva (portfolio or examples of past work required). Strong attention to detail and creativity. Application: Please share links or samples of your previous Canva work. Applications without proof of work will not be considered. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you! Examples: I want someone this skilled when it comes
I need a skilled Excel VBA programmer to assist in automating tasks in my Excel workbook. The primary task involves sending data from a user form to the relevant worksheet. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Excel VBA - Experience in Excel workbook automation - Ability to organize data by category in the relevant worksheet. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in automating tasks using Excel VBA and can efficiently categorize data in Excel worksheets.
I'm looking for an expert to help me implement a tiered pricing structure, multi-currency support, and multi-market capabilities on my Shopify store. Key requirements: - Set up tiered pricing for different product variants, and products and multiple markets (USA & Canada). - Implement multi-currency support without real-time currency conversion. Payments are being deposited into related currency bank accounts that have been set up within Shopify. - Ensure that processed payments are deposited into separate, pre-configured bank accounts. Payment Processing: - All transactions will be processed via Shopify Payments. Ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience with Shopify. - Proven track record in setting up tiered pricing and multi-currency systems. - Knowled...
Quieres que tus canciones suenen perfectas? Estoy buscando artistas para grabar sus canciones en mi estudio o producir todo lo que me envíen, estoy abierto a toda clase de propuestas. “Do you want your songs to sound perfect? I’m looking for artists to record their songs in my studio or to produce everything they send me. I’m open to all kinds of proposals.”