Translate arabic english vice versa일자리
Fixed price: OCR: 15web for 15 dollar Ai task : 300 wrtings for 35 dollar ....OCR task detail. 1. Ill give u site link 2. Extract text withOCR chrome extension program . text right korean 3.1. Translate kir to eng with . 4. Put image left. ........... links . to extract text .. .and put text in the google sheet here . For new tab . . . 1.나는 세계적 최고의 카피라이터야.홈페이지 상세페이지 문구를 만들려고해 1:01 AM 2.- 요구사항 - 완전 다른 단어, 동의어 사용 - 아래와 비슷한 글자 수 - 아래 와 비슷한 구문 줄바뀜 -제품 내용: 수많은 세계적인 투자 대가의 핵심 기법을 녹여 자동매매 프로그램을 만듦 - 영어와 한국어 각각 생성 -웹 페이지의 주요 목적은 무엇인가요? 자동매매 서비스 판매, 타겟 독자나 고객층은 누구인가요? 40대 60대 남성 기존에 참고하고 싶은 웹 페이지나 문구가 있나요?
I need to translate below Korean to English 무중생유(無中生有) 제갈공명이 적벽대전에서 빈 배를 보내 적의 화살 10만개를 쏘게하여 전장에서 화살을 만들어 쓴 전략은 탁월했습니다. 이렇게 "無에서 有를 창조"하는 전략을 '무중생유' 전략이라고 합니다. 경기가 안 좋고, 자본이 부족하다고 한탄만 한다고 해결방법이 찾아지는 것은 아닙니다. 도저히 방법이 없을 것 같은 상황 속에서 답을 찾아내는 것이 바로 ‘무중생유’의 전략을 이해하는 사람들의 행동방식이죠. 살다보면 얼마든지 위기에 빠질 수 있는데, 중요한 것은 어떻게 그 위기를 극복하느냐가 관건이 아닌지요. 우리가 모든 것을 다 잃었다고 생각될 때가 어쩌면 가장 많이 얻을 수 있는 기회일 수도 있습니다. 그리고 진화는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 아니라 절박하고 아무 대안이 없을 때 급박하게 이루어진다고 합니다. 그래서 모든 것이 편안할 때보다 어렵고 힘들 때 더 많은 대안을 찾아낼 수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
Hello, We are looking for freelancers to watch or YouTube and translate what the host is saying from Korean to English and Vice Versa. The work itself is very casual, flexible and most importantly, 'FUN' because it'll usually cover gameing, music and general talking. If you're interested, please message me because there are some pre-screening we need to do. Thank you. 안녕하세요, 현재 유튜브나 트위치에서 스트리머의 말을 영어에서 한국어로, 또는 그 반대로 번역해주실 프리랜서분들을 모시고 있습니다. 일의 강도 자체는 굉장히 가볍고 캐주얼하며, 무엇보다 재밌습니다! (대체로 게임, 음악 혹은 토크쇼 위주를 작업하고 있습니다.) 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 사전인터뷰를 위해 꼭 메세지 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
I need someone to translate Korean to English. I am native speaker in both Korean and English, but I am posting this as a project because it needs to be looked professional. For example. 규석 정의 1) 규산(Sio2)을 화학성분으로 하는 암석의 총칭, 광물학적으로 석영과 같음 2) 주로 석영으로부터 생산되는 광물 및 암석류 3) 공업적으로는 괴상의 규산질 원료를 총칭하여 규석이라는 용어를 사용할 뿐이며, 요업, 중화학공업 등의 수요 업계에서 사용되는 용어 ▶ 규석 용도 1) 백규석 : 유리 도자기, 실리콘 금속 및 페로실리콘 원료 2) 연규석 : 몰타르, 시멘트 혼합재 3) 노재 규석 : 내화벽돌 these are example of the words you need to translate.
1. 수질개선 관련 제안서 번역 (한글 > 영어) 2. 시연회자료 번역.(한글 > 영어) - ppt문서, 그림과 사진이 많아서 번역할 대상은 많지 않음. - 전문용어에 유의.
Need a surveilance program translated in a few days.
Dear Translators, We have 48 pages Korean file to be translated into English by 11am GMT on 7th April. The subject matter is legal. Please quote your best per word rate and please translate below very short sample if you're immediately available and interested: 변상과 기타 조항 : 만약에 법원에서 인가받지 않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.
Need to translate Korean to English 1. joint venture 런싱치, 인건비, 사무실 임차료 등 추가 cost 증가로 수익성 악화 예상에 따라 Joint venture의 수익 구조 확보를 위하여 구매조건 등 본사와 재협상 필요 2. Joint venture 사업 구조 분석 3. Joint venture 전/후 손익 구조 3. 영업이익, 관리비 (인건비, 광고비 등) 4. JV 이후 순차적 증가 가정 5. jV 운영에 따라 추가 발생괴는 비용을 커버 가능하도록 할인율 협상 6. 구매배수별 수익율 변동 7. 구매배수 개선시, ~%수준 이익 개선 8. 장기 재고 처리 방안 재협상 9. 장기 재고로 인한 수익성 감소 예상에 따라 재고 처리 방랑 협상 필요
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
Indonesian-Korean and Korean-Indonesian Translation 인도네시아어-한국어 및 한국어-인도네시아어 통역 번역
שלום, אני צריך לתרגם מסמך מעברית לאנגלית. שבעה עשר עמודים. את המשפטים באנגלית או התמונות, במקור, יש להכניס למסמך החדש תודה
Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are you experiencing any stoppages or hesitation during urination? 40. Are you experiencing any flashing lights in your v...
I'm seeking a skilled Japanese translator for an upcoming martial arts seminar. The primary task will be to translate Japanese content into English for the seminar attendees. Ideal Skills: - Fluent in Japanese and English, with excellent translation abilities - Experience in translating for live events - Understanding or interest in martial arts would be advantageous
I'm seeking a talented tattoo artist to create a realistic style tattoo for my back. The specific subject of the tattoo will be discussed in detail with the artist, so strong communication skills and a collaborative spirit are essential. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven portfolio of realism tattoo designs - Excellent for my back. The specific subject of the tattoo will be discussed in detail with the artist, so strong communication skills and a collaborative spirit are essential. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven portfolio of realism tattoo designs - Excellent communication and interpretative skills - Experienced in creating large-scale tattoos suitable for the back - Able to translate ideas into stunning...
Norwegian to English Football Article Translator & Publisher Job Description: I am looking for a freelancer to translate football news articles from Norwegian to English using ChatGPT and publish them on my English football news website. The job also includes publishing the translated articles on the associated English Facebook page. Requirements: Proficiency in both Norwegian and English Experience with translation, preferably in football/sports journalism Basic knowledge of WordPress (for publishing articles) Familiarity with Facebook page management Ability to ensure translations maintain accuracy and readability Additional Information: Articles will be translated with the help of ChatGPT, but quality control and minor adjustments are n...
...Packaging Designer (English to Arabic Localization) Description: We are looking for a skilled graphic designer who is fluent in both Arabic and English to help localize our Amazon product images and packaging design for the Middle Eastern market. We already have the English version, and we need a designer who can: ✅ Translate and integrate Arabic text while maintaining design aesthetics ✅ Adapt typography and layout for right-to-left (RTL) orientation ✅ Ensure compliance with Amazon’s image and packaging guidelines ✅ Provide high-quality, print-ready packaging files ✅ Optimize images for Amazon PDP (Product Detail Page), including infographics and enhanced A+ content Requirements: ? Experience with Amazon product image design and...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a user-friendly application focused on analyzing numerical data. Key Features of the App: - Primarily designed for data analysis, the app should be capable of interpreting various numerical data sets. - The interface needs to be intuitive and accessible, catering to users sets. - The interface needs to be intuitive and accessible, catering to users with different levels of data literacy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development is essential, with a portfolio showcasing similar projects highly preferred. - Experience in creating data analysis tools will be a significant advantage. - Understanding of numerical data and ability to translate complex analysis into simple, user-friendly insig...
...advertisement from English to Kannada. Requirements: - The translation must adopt a professional tone, as the ad is aimed at the general public. - A deep understanding of both English and Kannada, with the ability to convey the exact message, tone, and intent of the original text, is crucial. - Ideally, the candidate should have prior experience with translations in the insurance sector or similar fields. Skills and Experience: - Native-level proficiency in Kannada with excellent command of English. - Prior experience in professional translation, particularly in the context of advertising. - Familiarity with the insurance industry terminology. - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines. Please note, there are no specific terms or phrases that ...
I'm looking for a skilled Gujarati translator with experience in the insurance domain. The project involves translating 1500 words of ad content intended for the general public. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Gujarati translation, specifically within the insurance sector - Ability to maintain a neutral tone throughout the translation - Proficient in delivering the final product in a Word document Given the urgency of this project, timely delivery is crucial. Please provide examples of previous work in the insurance field if available.
I have a 1500+ word advertisement file in the insurance domain that needs urgent translation from English to Marathi. Key requirements: - Native and experienced Marathi translator - Specialization or substantial experience in the insurance domain is a plus - Ability to meet a very urgent turnaround time (TAT) - Attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality work Please note, while there are no specific regional dialects or terminology requirements, a deep understanding of standard Marathi and its nuances will be beneficial.
I'm in need of a skilled interpreter for an upcoming business meeting in the manufacturing industry. The interpretation will be consecutive, so the interpreter must be able to listen, understand and translate fluently and accurately in real time. Location : Saigon When : ideally 6th or 7th March . Exact time can be flexible to accommodate your schedule . Duration , including travel time, about 3 hours . Paid on an hourly basis . English : need good level .
...talented web developer to create a comprehensive business directory website in both English and Arabic. Key Features: - User Reviews and Ratings: I want users to have the ability to leave feedback on businesses, which will help other users make informed decisions. - Business Profile Pages: Each business should have its own dedicated page with relevant information, photos, and contact details. - Search and Filtering Options: To enhance user experience, the site should have robust search and filtering options. User Submissions: I want users to be able to submit new businesses to the directory through a straightforward submission form on the website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both English and Arabic is a plus but not mandatory. - Experience in developi...
Urgently need a skilled InDesign expert for English to Arabic translation of a book. The content is a mix of text and images, and the layout must remain identical post-translation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English and Arabic - Expertise in Adobe InDesign - Strong attention to detail - Experience in translating mixed content books - Ability to maintain original layout post-translation. This project is urgent, so swift turnaround is essential. Please provide examples of similar work if available. Thank you.
We’re seeking a Chinese Language Content Expert to elevate health conversations by creating and adapting engaging, accurate, and culturally relevant health and wellness content for Chinese-speaking audiences. You’ll translate, localize, and write articles, ensuring they resonate with readers while maintaining scientific accuracy and cultural sensitivity. The ideal candidate has native-level proficiency in Chinese (Mandarin), advanced English skills, and a strong background in health, wellness, or medical content. Experience with SEO, content management systems, and health-related terminology is a plus. This is a freelance, remote role with flexible hours. If you’re passionate about health and skilled in crafting impactful content, we’d love to hear fro...
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can help me create engaging marketing materials for an Android app. Key Responsibilities: - Understand my requirements clearly and translate them into effective designs - Regularly communicate updates and seek feedback to ensure alignment Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in graphic design, specifically for marketing materials - Proficiency in designing for Android platforms - Excellent communication skills to keep me updated and involved in the process
I'm seeking a professional translator fluent in Brazilian Portuguese to translate a series of legal documents. Ideal freelancer: - Proficient in English and Brazilian Portuguese - Experienced in legal translation - Detail-oriented and able to maintain the original document's intent, style, tone, and context.
I need a skilled translator proficient in both English and French to translate a 50-page document. The document is an article about Affiliate Marketing Strategies. You will be responsible for: - Ensuring accurate and contextually appropriate translations that maintain the original meaning - Adapting the style and tone where necessary for a general public audience Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Deep understanding of both languages and cultural nuances - Attention to detail - Timely delivery - Previous document translation experience - Ability to provide samples of previous work You can view my Sample Document from this link -
Hiring Freelance Communication & English Trainer – Work from Home We are looking for an experienced Freelance Communication Skills & English Trainer to conduct online training sessions for our students/professionals. If you have a passion for teaching and expertise in spoken English, corporate communication, and soft skills, we’d love to connect with you! Trainer Requirements: ✅ Strong experience in Communication Skills & English Language Training ✅ Expertise in Business Communication, Public Speaking, and Soft Skills ✅ Ability to conduct interactive online sessions (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) ✅ Prior experience in corporate training, IELTS, or personality development preferred ✅ Excellent verbal and written communication skills What We O...
...seeking a skilled translator for a series of discussions with a supplier, conducted in Vietnamese. The content of these meetings is critical to a business negotiation, so accuracy and the ability to convey the nuances of the conversation are paramount. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Vietnamese and English - Experienced in translating business discussions - Excellent listening and comprehension skills - Able to maintain confidentiality Your task will be to translate the meetings from Vietnamese to English, ensuring that all key points and nuances of the discussion are accurately conveyed. Experience in business negotiations and understanding of technical language is preferred. Please note that confidentiality and discretion are essential for this project. In Sai...
? We're Hiring for the Suzuka F1 Event! ? Are you fluent in Japanese & English? Do you want to be part of one of the biggest motorsport events in the world? ?️? We're recruiting 50 staff members to support the F1 Fan Experience in Suzuka from April 2nd to April 6th, 2025! ? Job Details: ✔ Location: Suzuka, Japan ✔ Dates: April 2-6, 2025 (with one remote training session on March 24) ✔ Payment: 2,500 yen per hour ✔ Perks: Accommodation & meals included (if required) ✔ Uniform: Cap & logo T-shirt provided ⏳ Schedule: ? March 24 (Remote Training): 1-hour virtual session ? April 2 (Onsite Training): 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (5 hours) ? April 3 (Live Event - Limited Roles): 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM (11 hours) ? April 4-6 (Live Event - All Staff): Full-day shif...
I'm looking for a designer that can bring my vision to life for my naturopathic practice logo. Key Elements: - The style should be classic and traditional. - The logo should depict two hands holding a glo...depict two hands holding a glowing mitochondrion in the center, with a circle and a heart around it. - The color palette should be soft pastels. See my draft. The mitochondrion and the hands have a license that I don't have. Colors may be changed Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of classic and traditional design elements, a knack for detail, and the ability to translate a complex idea into a simple yet effective logo. Experience in designing for healthcare or wellness-oriented brands would be an advantage. Please include your portfo...
We need English Brochure to be translated into Russian with Typesetting in Corel draw
I need a translation from English to Hindi for a document that is less than 10 pages. The document is not specified but it is important that the translator is able to: - Understand and accurately translate nuances in the English language to Hindi. - Maintain the intended meaning of the original document in the translation. - Deliver a high-quality, grammatically correct Hindi translation. Please be proficient in both English and Hindi, with strong translation skills.
I'm looking for a talented 3D motion graphic designer to create a playful and colorful yet neutral, لحم عحين, 'LAHAM AJEEN'. This animation is intended for Snapchat and TikTok, featuring our company logo and the phrases 'Coming soon' and 'قريبا الافتتاح'. Key Requirements: - The animation should be realistic in style, without any people included. - It should convey a sense of warmth, perfect for our inviting restaurant ambiance. - Bilingual elements, with text presented in both Arabic and English. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in 3D motion graphic design, particularly for social media platforms. A strong understanding of creating animations that convey specific emotions or vibes is cr...
I have 3 lists of English words (totaling 313 words) that need to be converted into MP3 audio files. The words should also be translated into Italian. In addition, I have 2 files of phrases (totaling 188 phrases) that need to be translated, though audio is not required for these. Key Requirements: - Utilize an online voice synthesizer as per the attached instructions or any alternative that produces equivalent output. - Deliver the .mp3 files as 3 individual ZIP files, corresponding to each word list. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Strong attention to detail (ensuring all output files are consistent in volume) - Familiarity with the Italian language (not compulsory, but preferred) - Native or advanced proficiency in simplified Chinese or Arabic (a plus, as we can di...
I'm seeking a skilled writer to translate a Telugu non-fiction biography into polished, professional English. The book is approximately 170 pages long and requires a translation that is not reliant on Google Translate or similar software. Key Requirements: - Translate the text into formal, professional English - Maintain the integrity and meaning of the original text - Ensure the translated text is fluent and coherent in English (Not use any Google translate tools pls) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native-level proficiency in English and Telugu - Previous experience in translation, particularly of non-fiction and biography - Exceptional writing skills with a strong understanding of formal English - Attention to detail ...
...demonstrate your experience in similar work. We are seeking a skilled freelancer to transform our Figma-designed landing page, which includes two interactive popups, into a fully responsive HTML webpage. The conversion should accurately reflect the design aesthetics and functionality, incorporating animations to enhance user experience and performance. Key Responsibilities: Figma to HTML Conversion: Translate the provided Figma design into clean, semantic HTML5 code, ensuring fidelity to the original design. Responsive Design: Utilize CSS3 media queries to ensure the landing page is fully responsive across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Animations: Implement animations as specified in the Figma design, using CSS animations or JavaScript libr...
I need a translation from English to Hindi for a document that is less than 10 pages. The document is not specified but it is important that the translator is able to: - Understand and accurately translate nuances in the English language to Hindi. - Maintain the intended meaning of the original document in the translation. - Deliver a high-quality, grammatically correct Hindi translation. Please be proficient in both English and Hindi, with strong translation skills.
I need a professional translator to translate my technical machinery manuals from English to Russian. The manuals are quite complex, so a strong understanding of technical language and terminology is crucial. Key Requirements: - Exceptional English to Russian translation skills. - Strong understanding of technical language and terminology. - Experience in translating machinery manuals is a plus. Please note that I did not specify the industry, word count, or format of the original manual. Please feel free to ask for more details. I look forward to your proposals. (We need a regular vendor to work on such requirement on monthly basis)
I need a proficient Excel developer to transform an open-source ...The interface should be detailed and similar to the R-Script output layout. - Front-end with input and output, backend with calc and datasheets - No VBA/macros, only formulas, VBAs are blocked Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MS Excel is a must. - Experience in developing interactive Excel tools. - Prior work with emissions calculation tools is a plus. - Ability to understand and translate R-Script functionalities into Excel. Please review the provided manual ("Methodenbericht") and make a specific offer in USD, including a brief problem analysis. The price range is approximate and will be capped at an overall cost, not per hour. Payment will be made upon successful completion. The project du...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create an exclusive, text-only logo for RWALA a high-end women's leather shoe brand. The design should reflect a blend of femininity, classic elegance, and modern sophistication. Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate geometric designs, which form part of our secondary brand elements. - A pastel color palette...evoke a sense of timelessness and quality, appealing to our target customer who values high-end, quality items over fast fashion. - A minimalist approach is key; the design should be clean, uncluttered, and convey a sense of luxury. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in logo design, particularly for high-end brands. - Strong understanding of color theory and geometric design. - Ability to translate brand ethos i...
I'm looking for a modern and sleek logo for my brand: FieldTalk Mobile (or Field Talk Mobile). The brand caters to "in the field" workforce teams and technicians, hence the logo should encapsulate the notion of teams, workforce, while resonating with field techs but be modern in design and feel, like Mint Mo...the notion of teams, workforce, while resonating with field techs but be modern in design and feel, like Mint Mobile's logo. Modern and fresh, and not too industrial. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong graphic design skills with a modern aesthetic - Experience in creating logos for tech or field-based brands - Understanding of incorporating teamwork elements into design - Ability to translate the 'field techs vibe' into a logo. Please p...
Need a native and experienced German translator for our long term project to translate English to German. If interested kindly contact the project manager via WhatsApp +44 7448 612931
I'm looking for a skilled web designer/developer with a keen eye for minimalist aesthetics and expertise in Tailwind CSS. I have an existing design that needs to be translated into a f...existing design that needs to be translated into a fully functional website. Key Requirements: - Transform existing HTML/CSS design into a Tailwind CSS website - Maintain a minimalist design ethos throughout - Implement responsive design principles The ideal freelancer for this job will have: - Proven experience with Tailwind CSS - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to translate HTML/CSS designs into functional websites - Excellent attention to detail Please note that the design is already created, so this project will focus on the implementation rather than the ...
...Login (via email, phone, or social media). Service Booking System (instant booking & scheduled requests). Dynamic Pricing & Payment Processing (credit card, in-app wallet, third-party gateways). Location-Based Matching (GPS-enabled tracking for service provider dispatch). Push Notifications & Alerts (job updates, promotions, reminders). Rating & Review System (customers rate providers & vice versa). Subscription & One-Time Payment Options. Admin Dashboard (user management, job tracking, financial reporting). Customer Support Integration (FAQ, live chat, ticket system). 3. Development Requirements Backend: Scalable cloud-based architecture. Frontend: Cross-platform compatibility for iOS & Android. Security: Data encryption, secure aut...
...its surroundings. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalist yet impactful wordmark logo - Incorporate nature and water elements in a subtle and stylish way - Demonstrate a strong understanding of modern design principles Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong portfolio of modern and minimalist logo designs - Ability to interpret and translate client needs into compelling visual designs...
I need someone to translate some flowchart images I have from English to Spanish. The images are in JPEG format. Requirements: - Translate flowchart diagrams from English to Spanish - Retain some text in English as specified - Deliver results in image format - Proficiency in Spanish and English is a must - Experience with image editing software - Attention to detail Please note, I will provide the images and you can use any program you like. What I care about are the results, not the methods.
I'm looking for a skilled calligrapher to create a beautiful Arabic font in black for the name "Khairun" خیروں The design are required to be thick and will be used for embroidery printing on a bag, so it needs to be suitable for that medium. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in Arabic calligraphy - Ability to create visually appealing designs